Bid Log: Thread 191666

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 14:14#150Mantra64750kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Sat 14:11#149Rhydin700kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 14:09#148paroxysm85550kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Sat 14:07#147meat7480605kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 14:06#146Rhydin550kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 14:05#145xyzjarod4000kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 14:04#144hell's chosen3630kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 14:04#143xyzjarod3300kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 14:04#142meat7480500kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 14:03#141Mantra64500kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Sat 14:03#140hell's chosen3000kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 14:02#139xyzjarod2700kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 14:02#138Rhydin450kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 14:01#137hell's chosen2420kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 14:00#136xyzjarod2200kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 14:00#135hell's chosen2000kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:59#132HaruNagi1500kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:59#131meat7480400kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 13:58#130YugumoKai400kLig02Legendary Onyx Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:58#129hell's chosen1100kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:57#128xyzjarod990kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:57#127hell's chosen900kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:56#125a723370967500kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:56#124xyzjarod814kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:52#120dp-_-1300kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:51#119paroxysm85400kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Sat 13:51#118xyzjarod671kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:50#117Mantra64350kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Sat 13:50#116hell's chosen610kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:50#115pwet1100kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:50#114paroxysm85300kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Sat 13:48#113xyzjarod550kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:47#112paramount111300kLig02Legendary Onyx Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:47#111hell's chosen500kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:46#109dp-_-1000kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:45#107xyzjarod350kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 13:45#106CronoBoA150kClo02Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 13:45#106CronoBoA350kOne07Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Sat 13:44#105pwet680kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:44#104meat7480300kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 13:43#103HomeWay5500kHea03Peerless Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 13:43#102odrikangs250kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 13:34#101dp-_-610kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:32#100muhyo18350kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:32#99pwet550kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:30#98ranphafranboise300kOne07Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Sat 13:19#97Mud attheBaseofLotus200kOne07Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Sat 13:06#96Rhydin150kOne07Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Sat 13:05#95ranphafranboise600kHea01Legendary Savage Power Armor of Protection
Sat 12:55#94dairyman2011188950kClo06Magnificent Frugal Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 12:53#93dairyman2011188950kClo05Magnificent Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 12:03#92dp-_-500kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 12:00#91karyl123100kOne07Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Sat 10:57#85simrock87300kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 10:39#8401devil150kHea05Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Warding
Sat 09:00#82Fatesifaeve100kHea04Legendary Amber Power Armor of Balance
Sat 07:23#75xyzjarod250kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 07:06#74elbows600kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
Sat 07:02#73yoake005000kHea03Peerless Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 05:50#72YugumoKai250kLig02Legendary Onyx Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Sat 05:50#72YugumoKai100kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
Sat 05:50#72YugumoKai100kLig05Legendary Ruby Shade Breastplate of the Arcanist
Sat 05:30#71Superlatanium200kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 05:30#70Black Dynamite 4000kHea03Peerless Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 04:56#69pwet150kHea07Magnificent Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 04:56#69pwet450kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 04:28#68paramount111200kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 04:08#67okwtony100kHea07Magnificent Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 02:00#66dp-_-400kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 01:48#65foot300kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 14:59#60zsp8084100kSta05Legendary Shocking Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 13:14#58boulay200kLig02Legendary Onyx Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 12:46#56cylinnia200kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 10:43#55Quinvirt100kShd02Magnificent Force Shield of Protection
Fri 10:35#54yoake003300kHea03Peerless Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 10:20#53YugumoKai150kLig02Legendary Onyx Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 10:20#53YugumoKai150kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 06:56#52Black Dynamite 1100kHea03Peerless Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 03:01#50xyzjarod150kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Thu 21:55#46karyl12350kClo04Legendary Frugal Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Thu 19:15#44jenga20150kOne06Legendary Arctic Axe of Slaughter
Thu 19:15#44jenga20150kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Club of Slaughter
Thu 15:09#43ppp82p100kHea05Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Warding
Thu 04:38#42okwtony100kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 00:15#41Mantra64250kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Wed 23:43#39zen_zen150kLig04Legendary Jade Shade Boots of the Fleet
Wed 15:01#38Colman1000kSta04Peerless Ethereal Redwood Staff of the Elementalist
Wed 14:31#37atashiyuki100kLig02Legendary Onyx Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Wed 13:55#35jenga20150kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
Wed 13:55#35jenga20150kLig05Legendary Ruby Shade Breastplate of the Arcanist
Wed 13:55#35jenga20150kLig03Legendary Ruby Shade Helmet of the Fleet
Wed 13:55#35jenga20150kLig01Legendary Jade Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Wed 13:55#35jenga20150kClo11Legendary Amber Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Wed 13:55#35jenga20150kTwo03Legendary Demonic Longsword of Balance
Wed 13:05#34PanHun100kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Wed 11:06#3301devil50kHea05Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Warding
Wed 08:11#32FabulousCupcake50kLig02Legendary Onyx Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Wed 08:11#31chjj3050kOne07Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Wed 07:57#30paroxysm85200kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Wed 07:51#29piyin50kClo10Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Niflheim
Wed 07:26#28geohan500kHea06Magnificent Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Wed 02:29#27blackdevil50kLig04Legendary Jade Shade Boots of the Fleet
Wed 02:29#27blackdevil50kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Niflheim
Wed 02:19#26fatemoe1000kHea03Peerless Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Wed 01:39#24aoieu150kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Wed 01:28#23Kuoo150kClo12Legendary Zircon Gossamer Cap of the Elementalist
Wed 01:28#21Anemona750kHea04Legendary Amber Power Armor of Balance
Wed 01:08#20paroxysm8550kShd02Magnificent Force Shield of Protection
Wed 00:57#19Anemona750kShd05Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Stoneskin
Wed 00:32#18Lin Setsu A100kClo12Legendary Zircon Gossamer Cap of the Elementalist
Wed 00:32#18Lin Setsu A100kClo03Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Heimdall
Wed 00:32#18Lin Setsu A100kClo02Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 00:15#17Paarfi100kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Wed 00:15#17Paarfi50kSta05Legendary Shocking Oak Staff of Heimdall
Wed 00:14#16UsArmyGuy300kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Wed 00:11#15zero1018101200kShd01Legendary Onyx Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 00:11#15zero1018101500kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
Tue 23:28#14Kuoo50kSta04Peerless Ethereal Redwood Staff of the Elementalist
Tue 23:27#13Kuoo100kHea03Peerless Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Tue 23:20#12cmos850kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Tue 22:54#10chronokorea50kClo12Legendary Zircon Gossamer Cap of the Elementalist
Tue 21:59#8Rhydin150kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Tue 21:57#7Rhydin50kOne08Legendary Ethereal Shortsword of Balance
Tue 21:55#6itodon200kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Tue 21:55#6itodon100kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Tue 21:18#4Sword Emperor50kHea03Peerless Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kOne04Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kSta01Legendary Ethereal Redwood Staff of Destruction
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kClo03Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Heimdall
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kClo02Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kClo08Magnificent Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kHea07Magnificent Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Tue 21:09#3piyin50kHea06Magnificent Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
