Bid Log: Thread 194679

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 14:49#331xyzjarod4000kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:48#330dorcus073605kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:39#329xyzjarod3500kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:39#328dorcus073090kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:37#327xyzjarod3000kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:35#326dorcus072843kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:34#325Nero-Arc7500kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:33#323.5[Proxy] Nero-Arc6901kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:32#323幻翔風6700kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:31#322xyzjarod2760kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:28#321dorcus072678kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:28#320Nero-Arc6500kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:26#319xyzjarod2600kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:25#318dorcus072472kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:23#316xyzjarod2400kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:22#315幻翔風6180kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:21#314dorcus072266kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:20#313Kuoo7900kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 14:18#311xyzjarod2200kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:17#309dorcus072060kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:16#308Fap.Fap7600kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 14:16#307smishe5000kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 14:15#306xyzjarod2000kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:14#305Fatesifaeve4700kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 14:11#302dorcus071906kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:11#301Nero-Arc6000kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:10#300smishe4300kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 14:09#298Kuoo7300kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 14:08#2974526251450kHea18Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 14:07#296sssky5500kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:07#296sssky2500kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 14:07#295Fap.Fap7050kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 14:07#294xyzjarod1850kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:07#293Fatesifaeve4100kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 14:07#292maxsnowman2500kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 14:06#291dorcus071751kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:05#290Kuoo6800kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 14:04#289Fap.Fap6600kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 14:04#288Kuoo6300kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 14:04#287幻翔風5000kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:04#286xyzjarod1700kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:03#285Fap.Fap6100kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 14:03#284smishe3600kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 14:03#283dorcus071650kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:02#282chronokorea2200kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 14:02#282chronokorea2200kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 14:01#280sssky4500kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:01#279Fatesifaeve3400kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 14:00#278幻翔風3700kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:00#276Kuoo5700kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:59#273zsp8084250kClo16Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:59#272xyzjarod1600kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:59#270sssky2000kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:58#269Fap.Fap5500kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:58#268smishe3000kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:58#267Nero-Arc3500kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:58#266Draw99Gray400kHea18Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 13:58#265.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise1690kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:58#265name censored1640kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:58#264Fatesifaeve2500kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:57#263.5[Proxy] mrpops8755kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 13:57#263december088500kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 13:57#262Madprank1500kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:57#260.5[Proxy] chronokorea1545kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:57#260sssky1500kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:56#259smishe2000kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:56#258Benny-boy200kClo16Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:56#257xyzjarod1200kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:55#256.5[Proxy] chronokorea1030kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:55#256sssky1000kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:55#255Fatesifaeve1700kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:55#254幻翔風3200kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:54#253zsp8084150kClo16Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:54#252.5[Proxy] chronokorea950kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:54#252sssky900kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:54#251.5[Proxy] AlistairK140kLig13Magnificent Agile Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:54#251smishe110kLig13Magnificent Agile Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:54#251smishe1500kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:54#250.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise1591kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:54#250name censored1544kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:53#249.5[Proxy] mrpops7725kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 13:53#249december087500kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 13:53#248dorcus071150kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:53#247Benny-boy110kClo52Legendary Amber Phase Gloves of Surtr
Sat 13:53#247Benny-boy110kClo16Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:53#247Benny-boy130kClo12Legendary Amber Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:53#246.5[Proxy] chronokorea850kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:53#246sssky800kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:53#2454526251350kHea18Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 13:52#244AlistairK240kMat03500 Mid-Grade Leather
Sat 13:52#243dorcus072900kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:51#241幻翔風2550kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:51#240.5[Proxy] chronokorea750kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:51#240sssky700kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:51#239maxsnowman2000kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:50#238.5[Proxy] Grahf1367kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:50#238AlistairK1327kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:50#237dorcus0750kClo20Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 13:50#236arialinnoc2266kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:50#235.5[Proxy] mrpops6798kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 13:50#235december086600kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 13:50#234.5[Proxy] ArbiterErii1236kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:49#234.5[Proxy] chronokorea650kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:49#234sssky600kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:49#233.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise1499kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:49#233name censored1455kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:48#232xyzjarod1030kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:48#231Fluct Light1600kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:46#230.5[Proxy] Grahf1288kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:48#230.5[Proxy] AlistairK1250kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:48#230.5[Proxy] needaname80kClo08Legendary Onyx Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:45#229qberg2200kHea01Peerless Jade Power Armor of Protection
Sat 13:45#228.5[Proxy] AlistairK80kLig13Magnificent Agile Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:44#228幻翔風3300kSta03Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:44#227megalh2200kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:44#226vivikinomoto1236180kClo34Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Sat 13:44#225.5[Proxy] chronokorea550kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:43#225.5[Proxy] mrpops6180kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 13:43#225december086000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 13:43#224tayulog400kClo07Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 13:43#223Sword Emperor290kMat101 Hearth Warming Lantern
Sat 13:42#222maxsnowman1500kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:42#221Kuoo5200kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:40#220sasabi800kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:40#219Frostbite750kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:40#218Fatesifaeve1200kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:38#217sasabi700kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Sat 13:38#216Overt Ninja650kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Sat 13:37#215Fluct Light1100kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:36#214dor12130kOne16Legendary Hallowed Shortsword of Slaughter
Sat 13:36#213sasabi600kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Sat 13:36#213sasabi700kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:35#212sssky2060kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:34#211Uwn210kShd02Legendary Amber Force Shield of Protection
Sat 13:33#210.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja130kHea23Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 13:33#210.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise1412kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:33#210Uwn1370kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:33#210Uwn150kHea12Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Sat 13:33#210Uwn100kHea19Legendary Zircon Power Gauntlets of Warding
Sat 13:33#210Uwn100kHea23Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 13:32#209Draw99Gray290kHea18Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 13:32#208zero1018101180kOne15Legendary Hallowed Shortsword of Slaughter
Sat 13:31#2074526251260kHea18Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 13:31#206maxsnowman1000kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:28#205Madprank1000kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:23#204Frostbite650kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:21#203福音序章550kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:21#202sharkswea550kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:15#201dor12130kOne15Legendary Hallowed Shortsword of Slaughter
Sat 13:07#200.5[Proxy] Grahf910kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:09#200.5[Proxy] AlistairK860kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:12#200.5[Proxy] ArbiterErii1030kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:07#200AlistairK700kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:07#200AlistairK500kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 13:03#198Overt Ninja550kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Sat 13:03#197jacquelope230kMat0750 Binding of the Turtle
Sat 13:01#196風雷詠歎詩500kClo58Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:59#195Frostbite300kOne04Legendary Ethereal Rapier of the Nimble
Sat 12:59#194Draw99Gray210kHea18Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 12:54#193VriskaSerket2000kHea01Peerless Jade Power Armor of Protection
Sat 12:54#193VriskaSerket6000kClo34Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Sat 12:46#192blueeyedcolossus50kHea04Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
Sat 12:28#191Guitarist6669800kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 11:57#190rockginger500kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 11:57#190rockginger600kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Sat 11:35#1894526251180kHea18Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 11:34#188LazyShd50kClo08Legendary Onyx Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 11:32#187LazyShd50kClo04Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 11:28#186.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja180kHea08Legendary Jade Power Boots of Protection
Sat 11:13#186Sofiya150kHea08Legendary Jade Power Boots of Protection
Sat 10:51#185.5[Proxy] mrpops5150kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 10:51#185Void Domain5000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 10:46#184rosarosa350kClo07Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 10:16#183sasabi350kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 10:10#182cirrux160kShd02Legendary Amber Force Shield of Protection
Sat 09:09#181Draw99Gray150kClo06Legendary Jade Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 08:59#180.5[Proxy] DJNoni140kClo39Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 08:59#180blueeyedcolossus50kHea33Magnificent Ruby Power Boots of Protection
Sat 08:59#180blueeyedcolossus50kHea31Magnificent Mithril Power Helmet of Protection
Sat 08:59#180blueeyedcolossus110kClo39Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 08:23#179sharkswea300kClo38Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 08:23#179sharkswea300kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 07:42#178Quinvirt800kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 07:36#177Draw99Gray450kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 07:31#176zen_zen50kOne04Legendary Ethereal Rapier of the Nimble
Sat 07:15#175cidgaid600kMat0825 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 07:05#174hc br50kLig12Legendary Amber Shade Leggings of Negation
Sat 07:05#174hc br50kLig07Legendary Cobalt Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Sat 06:37#173Pride Sangreal300kClo53Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 06:37#173Pride Sangreal250kClo47Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 06:28#172Madprank700kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 06:19#171Sofiya700kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 06:12#170Sofiya80kHea22Legendary Cobalt Power Gauntlets of Warding
Sat 06:07#169.5[Proxy] jenga201800kClo27Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 06:11#169.5[Proxy] piyin750kClo27Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 06:07#169piyin200kClo53Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 06:07#169piyin150kClo47Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 06:06#168.5[Proxy] jenga201190kClo27Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 06:07#168.5[Proxy] piyin160kClo27Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 06:06#168piyin250kClo38Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 06:06#168piyin100kClo27Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 06:06#168piyin100kClo06Legendary Jade Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 06:06#168piyin100kShd02Legendary Amber Force Shield of Protection
Sat 06:01#167Pride Sangreal150kClo53Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 06:01#167Pride Sangreal100kClo47Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 04:52#166.5[Proxy] Rhydin800kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 04:54#166.5[Proxy] needaname750kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 05:39#166.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja550kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 04:52#166.5[Proxy] Grahf400kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 04:52#166Draw99Gray370kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 04:45#164Quinvirt500kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 04:44#163.5[Proxy] Grahf320kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 04:44#163Draw99Gray290kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 04:43#162.5[Proxy] Grahf260kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 04:43#162Draw99Gray230kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 04:37#161b-gaiden180kClo22Magnificent Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 04:32#160.5[Proxy] Grahf200kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 04:32#160Draw99Gray170kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 04:32#160Draw99Gray130kHea18Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 04:32#159yuripe450kLig11Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Sat 04:23#158.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja400kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 04:23#158Quinvirt350kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 04:04#157Guitarist6669150kClo22Magnificent Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 04:04#157Guitarist6669500kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 04:04#157Guitarist6669100kClo05Legendary Zircon Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 03:11#154nicknameee500kHea05Legendary Zircon Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 03:06#1534526251100kHea18Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 03:02#152Drakewyn400kLig11Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Sat 02:53#151.5[Proxy] Grahf140kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 02:53#151kullm110kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 02:26#148Fap.Fap5000kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 02:18#147knight2000a250kOne08Magnificent Arctic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 01:54#146maxsnowman500kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 01:48#145hc br50kHea17Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 01:44#144hc br50kClo46Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 01:42#143.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja190kMat0650 Binding of the Barrier
Sat 01:42#143hc br50kShd08Legendary Reinforced Buckler of Protection
Sat 01:42#143hc br50kSta05Magnificent Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 01:42#143hc br50kSta02Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Focus
Sat 01:42#143hc br200kOne08Magnificent Arctic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 01:42#143hc br550kMat0825 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 01:42#143hc br160kMat0650 Binding of the Barrier
Sat 01:37#142.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja230kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 01:37#142Sofiya80kHea21Legendary Amber Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 01:37#142Sofiya120kHea05Legendary Zircon Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 01:37#142Sofiya200kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 01:37#142Sofiya100kOne16Legendary Hallowed Shortsword of Slaughter
Fri 23:59#141quesman150kHea15Legendary Cobalt Power Gauntlets of Balance
Fri 23:08#140.5[Proxy] Grahf650kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Fri 22:56#140.5[Proxy] elbows550kLig03Legendary Agile Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Fri 23:15#140.5[Proxy] Grahf80kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 21:31#140.5[Proxy] guppieman210kMat03500 Mid-Grade Leather
Fri 22:21#140.5[Proxy] AlistairK209kMat03500 Mid-Grade Leather
Fri 21:31#140LazyShd50kSta11Magnificent Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 21:31#140LazyShd50kClo11Legendary Frugal Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Fri 21:31#140LazyShd50kClo15Legendary Jade Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Fri 21:31#140LazyShd50kClo14Legendary Amber Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Fri 21:31#140LazyShd50kClo05Legendary Zircon Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 19:14#139.5[Proxy] Rhydin550kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Fri 19:04#139.5[Proxy] needaname500kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Fri 18:52#139knight2000a100kOne08Magnificent Arctic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 17:03#138.5[Proxy] DJNoni550kOne14Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 18:22#138.5[Proxy] CronoBoA500kOne14Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 18:10#138.5[Proxy] CronoBoA230kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 17:03#138福音序章110kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 16:20#137hikokanou150kSta04Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 16:08#136hikokanou50kClo35Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 16:08#136hikokanou50kClo37Magnificent Charged Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 16:08#136hikokanou50kClo56Legendary Cobalt Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 16:03#135.5[Proxy] cirrux80kClo16Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Fri 14:49#135djackallstar80kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 14:03#134.5[Proxy] Sapo843193kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 12:56#134right angle50kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Fri 12:56#134right angle50kLig13Magnificent Agile Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Fri 12:37#133tayulog300kClo07Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 11:06#132hikokanou250kClo07Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 09:11#131Lin Setsu A500kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Fri 08:19#129Astor12260kMat101 Hearth Warming Lantern
Fri 08:14#128.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja110kMat0650 Binding of the Barrier
Fri 07:42#126yuripe350kLig11Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Fri 07:38#125.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise1313kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 07:38#125sasabi1274kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 07:20#124Uwn50kHea22Legendary Cobalt Power Gauntlets of Warding
Fri 07:15#123Uwn50kShd02Legendary Amber Force Shield of Protection
Fri 07:11#122.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise1236kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 07:11#122Uwn1200kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 06:45#121.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise1093kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 06:45#121sasabi1061kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 06:28#120.5[Proxy] jenga2011906kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 06:28#120meat74801850kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 06:23#119.5[Proxy] jenga2011751kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 06:23#119meat74801700kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 06:22#118.5[Proxy] jenga2011648kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 06:22#118meat74801600kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 06:12#117.5[Proxy] DJNoni80kClo39Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 06:03#117.5[Proxy] mrpops1845kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Fri 06:03#117TygerTyger1791kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Fri 06:01#116.5[Proxy] mrpops1628kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Fri 06:01#116TygerTyger1580kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Fri 06:00#115.5[Proxy] mrpops1436kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Fri 06:00#115TygerTyger1394kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Fri 05:53#114.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja140kHea16Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Warding
Fri 05:53#114rockginger110kHea16Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Warding
Fri 05:53#114rockginger80kHea05Legendary Zircon Power Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 05:47#113rockginger400kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Fri 05:47#112.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise1030kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 05:47#112sasabi1000kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 03:04#111Draw99Gray1000kHea07Legendary Jade Power Boots of Protection
Fri 02:58#110Draw99Gray50kHea18Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Fri 01:13#109Drakewyn300kLig11Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Thu 20:10#108Sword Emperor230kMat101 Hearth Warming Lantern
Thu 20:10#108Sword Emperor200kMat091 Mayan Desk Calendar
Thu 18:41#107Watsa50kHea41Magnificent Power Armor of Warding
Thu 17:57#106.5[Proxy] mrpops1267kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 18:24#106.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja80kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Thu 17:39#106mopar2600kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 15:53#105tayulog100kClo12Legendary Amber Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Thu 15:11#103.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise950kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 15:11#103sasabi500kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Thu 15:11#103sasabi900kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 14:54#102.5[Proxy] jenga2011545kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 14:54#102Doracra1500kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 14:53#101Doracra50kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 14:47#100.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja450kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Thu 14:47#100.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise850kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 14:47#100sasabi400kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Thu 14:47#100sasabi800kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 14:24#99yuripe220kLig11Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Thu 13:24#98.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise750kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 13:30#98.5[Proxy] Rhydin700kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 13:24#98blackjac001100kMat04500 High-Grade Metals
Thu 13:23#97.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise958kMat04500 High-Grade Metals
Thu 13:23#97blackjac00930kMat04500 High-Grade Metals
Thu 13:23#97blackjac00550kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 12:07#96zero1018101500kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 11:47#95Sato Rina1230kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 06:31#94zen_zen50kLig04Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of Negation
Thu 06:27#93.5[Proxy] DJNoni50kClo55Legendary Jade Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Thu 06:29#93.5[Proxy] DJNoni50kClo45Legendary Ruby Phase Pants of Niflheim
Thu 03:37#93ginjok100kSta04Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 03:04#92Lin Setsu A250kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Thu 02:31#91windog100kOne05Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Thu 02:23#90Drakewyn190kLig11Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Thu 00:44#89Uwn50kShd04Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 23:57#87tatarime500kLig03Legendary Agile Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Wed 23:57#87tatarime1000kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Wed 23:57#87tatarime50kHea15Legendary Cobalt Power Gauntlets of Balance
Wed 23:49#86.5[Proxy] guppieman180kMat03500 Mid-Grade Leather
Wed 23:34#86tayulog200kClo07Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Heimdall
Wed 22:21#85knight2000a50kHea35Magnificent Power Helmet of Protection
Wed 20:14#84Astor12200kMat101 Hearth Warming Lantern
Wed 19:19#83.5[Proxy] DJNoni50kOne14Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Wed 19:01#83blueeyedcolossus50kSta09Magnificent Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 18:12#82yuripe170kMat101 Hearth Warming Lantern
Wed 18:12#82yuripe170kMat091 Mayan Desk Calendar
Wed 18:12#82yuripe160kLig11Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Wed 18:09#81mopar2400kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Wed 17:19#80.5[Proxy] jenga2011030kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 17:19#80Doracra1000kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 17:15#79tsunadebusty70kClo33Magnificent Mystic Phase Robe of Freyr
Wed 17:15#79tsunadebusty100kSta06Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 17:14#78cidgaid500kMat0825 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 16:57#77w454512123100kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Wed 16:29#76.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja350kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Wed 16:29#76.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise370kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 16:29#76sasabi300kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Wed 16:29#76sasabi320kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 15:56#75.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja110kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Wed 15:56#75sasabi80kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Wed 15:53#74Madprank400kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 15:45#72.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise290kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 15:45#72sasabi260kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 15:29#71blackdevil150kMat03500 Mid-Grade Leather
Wed 15:27#69LOL50015130kClo07Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Heimdall
Wed 15:15#68Sword Emperor140kMat101 Hearth Warming Lantern
Wed 15:15#68Sword Emperor140kMat091 Mayan Desk Calendar
Wed 15:15#68Sword Emperor180kMat0750 Binding of the Turtle
Wed 15:15#68Sword Emperor80kMat0650 Binding of the Barrier
Wed 14:58#67TygerTyger1100kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Wed 14:53#66.5[Proxy] jenga201550kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 14:53#66Doracra500kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 13:44#65nevido100kHea14Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Protection
Wed 13:44#65nevido200kHea10Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Protection
Wed 13:44#65nevido100kHea08Legendary Jade Power Boots of Protection
Wed 13:44#65nevido50kHea05Legendary Zircon Power Gauntlets of Protection
Wed 13:43#64.5[Proxy] jenga20150kClo27Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Freyr
Wed 13:42#64.5[Proxy] jenga20180kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 13:03#64Drakewyn130kLig11Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Wed 13:00#63Dragon Ninja50kMat0650 Binding of the Barrier
Wed 12:42#62Fatesifaeve700kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Wed 12:42#62Fatesifaeve50kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 12:42#62Fatesifaeve50kOne11Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of Balance
Wed 12:31#61zeroacg500kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Wed 12:19#60b-gaiden100kClo22Magnificent Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Wed 11:43#58.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise824kMat04500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 11:43#58blackjac00800kMat04500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 11:43#57.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja382kMat0825 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 11:35#57Heilinea50kClo58Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 11:15#56.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise495kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 11:15#56Epion480kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 11:13#55.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise443kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 11:13#55Epion430kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 11:06#54unknownxz.50kOne10Legendary Tempestuous Wakizashi of the Nimble
Wed 11:03#53zhuangren48100kHea12Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Wed 11:03#53zhuangren48100kHea10Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Protection
Wed 11:03#53zhuangren48100kHea06Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 10:49#52.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise721kMat04500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 10:48#52.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise412kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 10:34#52blackjac00700kMat04500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 10:31#51hikokanou100kClo07Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Heimdall
Wed 10:31#51hikokanou100kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Wed 10:11#50.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise230kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 10:01#50Epion370kMat0825 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 09:48#49arialinnoc150kMat0750 Binding of the Turtle
Wed 09:34#48yuripe110kMat101 Hearth Warming Lantern
Wed 09:34#48yuripe110kMat091 Mayan Desk Calendar
Wed 09:28#47gn0065103750kClo19Legendary Amber Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Wed 09:11#46.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja80kHea16Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Warding
Wed 09:08#46yuripe50kLig11Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Wed 09:05#45sharkswea50kHea16Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Warding
Wed 09:05#45sharkswea50kHea10Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Protection
Wed 09:05#45sharkswea200kClo38Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Wed 08:54#44maygreen50kHea32Magnificent Zircon Power Boots of Protection
Wed 08:54#44maygreen50kHea21Legendary Amber Power Leggings of Warding
Wed 08:27#43Draw99Gray80kClo52Legendary Amber Phase Gloves of Surtr
Wed 08:23#42Astor1250kClo53Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Surtr
Wed 08:23#42Astor1280kMat101 Hearth Warming Lantern
Wed 08:23#42Astor1280kMat091 Mayan Desk Calendar
Wed 08:22#41kangli23000kSta03Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Wed 08:22#40maygreen50kClo39Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy100kHea30Magnificent Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy100kLig05Legendary Onyx Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy50kClo52Legendary Amber Phase Gloves of Surtr
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy50kClo48Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Surtr
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy50kClo47Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Surtr
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy50kClo16Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy50kClo13Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy50kClo12Legendary Amber Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy50kClo09Legendary Frugal Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy200kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy100kSta07Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of the Elementalist
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy200kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy200kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 08:22#39Benny-boy100kMat0750 Binding of the Turtle
Wed 08:17#38yukikiss50kHea42Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Wed 08:16#37brewdonkey100kLig03Legendary Agile Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Wed 08:16#36Vinga1978kMat05100 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 07:52#35tomkazansky1000kHea01Peerless Jade Power Armor of Protection
Wed 07:46#34.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja50kHea01Peerless Jade Power Armor of Protection
Wed 07:47#34.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja50kShd07Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Stoneskin
Wed 07:51#34.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja280kMat0825 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 07:43#34tomkazansky50kOne08Magnificent Arctic Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 07:40#33.5[Proxy] Overt Ninja50kHea23Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Warding
Wed 07:24#33zero1018101300kLig06Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Wed 07:24#33zero1018101100kOne15Legendary Hallowed Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 07:21#31Epion250kMat0825 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 07:19#30Epion400kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 07:18#29Epion50kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 07:15#28AlcheT50kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 07:14#27Draw99Gray50kHea08Legendary Jade Power Boots of Protection
Wed 07:14#27Draw99Gray50kHea06Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 07:14#27Draw99Gray50kClo06Legendary Jade Phase Pants of Heimdall
Wed 07:14#27Draw99Gray50kClo02Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 07:03#26oblivion19895000kClo34Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Wed 06:58#25ArbiterErii333kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Wed 06:57#24Nero-Arc2000kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 06:57#24Nero-Arc1000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Wed 06:56#23ArbiterErii50kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of the Nimble
Wed 06:51#22.5[Proxy] testsubject29050kHea19Legendary Zircon Power Gauntlets of Warding
Wed 06:52#22.5[Proxy] testsubject29050kHea12Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Wed 06:49#22.5[Proxy] testsubject290500kOne03Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 06:40#22epistula50kClo31Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
Wed 06:34#20comichan10000kClo26Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Wed 06:34#198800120kMat012000 Low-Grade Metals
Wed 06:32#18djackallstar50kClo26Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Wed 06:31#17LOL50015600kMat04500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 06:30#16Kuoo50kMat101 Hearth Warming Lantern
Wed 06:30#15Kuoo50kMat091 Mayan Desk Calendar
Wed 06:29#14Kuoo3000kHea02Legendary Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Wed 06:24#11sssky500kClo23Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Wed 06:24#11sssky1000kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 06:22#10Epion50kClo25Legendary Ruby Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend
Wed 06:20#9Epion50kTwo02Legendary Demonic Longsword of Slaughter
Wed 06:19#8vivikinomoto123500kClo34Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Wed 06:19#7Epion50kOne15Legendary Hallowed Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 06:18#6Epion240kMat04500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 06:18#5hell's chosen1920kMat05100 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 06:18#4macgruber CC50kClo54Magnificent Charged Phase Robe of Surtr
Wed 06:16#3djackallstar1844kMat05100 High-Grade Cloth
