Bid Log: Thread 197487

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 14:26#137cardposter650kHea05Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Protection
Sat 14:19#136Guitarist66691800kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 14:17#135Dragon Ninja1741kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 14:16#134tsunadebusty600kHea05Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Protection
Sat 14:07#133Guitarist66691690kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 14:06#132Guitarist66691500kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 14:05#131Guitarist6669900kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:05#130.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja1380kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 14:04#130wodhuhh800kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:03#129Guitarist6669666kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:03#128cardposter550kHea05Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Protection
Sat 14:02#127Guitarist66691330kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 14:00#126wodhuhh400kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#125.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja950kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 13:59#125Guitarist6669900kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 13:59#125Guitarist6669300kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:58#12419dlfghldyd50kHea11Legendary Savage Power Armor of Warding
Sat 13:57#123tsunadebusty500kHea05Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Protection
Sat 13:55#122sssky6695kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:53#121Born In Winter4000kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 13:53#120PanHun6500kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:52#119Born In Winter100kMat05500 Featherweight Shard
Sat 13:52#118sssky6180kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:51#117hc br110kLig12Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of Negation
Sat 13:51#117hc br110kLig10Legendary Ruby Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Sat 13:50#116PanHun3000kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 13:49#115tomkazansky650kOne02Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
#113.5[Proxy] chronokorea2060kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 13:48#113PanHun2000kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 13:48#113PanHun6000kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:46#112oukagen6000kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:44#111.5[Proxy] believego5150kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:41#111.5[Proxy] s97611380kClo12Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 13:40#111sssky5500kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:37#109oukagen5000kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:34#10819dlfghldyd50kHea13Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Warding
Sat 13:33#107Phreeman5150kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:30#105sssky5000kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
#104.5[Proxy] chronokorea4120kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:27#104sssky4000kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
#103.5[Proxy] chronokorea3090kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:25#103sssky3000kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
#102.5[Proxy] chronokorea2186kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:23#102sssky2122kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 12:57#101saintsol80kLig12Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of Negation
Sat 12:49#100.5[Proxy] Hakrei50kHea15Magnificent Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 12:43#100hc br50kLig06Legendary Agile Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet
#99.5[Proxy] Astor121850kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 12:38#99alikaaa1800kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
#98.5[Proxy] Astor121600kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 12:34#98alikaaa1550kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
#97.5[Proxy] Astor121400kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 12:32#97alikaaa1350kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 12:31#9619dlfghldyd50kHea17Magnificent Power Leggings of Protection
#95.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja650kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 12:21#95SSnow50kHea04Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Sat 12:21#95SSnow600kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
#94.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja550kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 12:14#94SSnow500kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 12:08#93cardposter420kHea05Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Protection
Sat 11:55#92jqx50kHea08Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Protection
Sat 11:37#91svvarg150kHea09Legendary Cobalt Power Boots of Protection
Sat 11:26#90.5[Proxy] chronokorea1600kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
#90.5[Proxy] Astor121550kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 11:22#90fatemoe600kOne02Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
#89.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja300kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 11:18#89SSnow250kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
#88.5[Proxy] Bark115kHea09Legendary Cobalt Power Boots of Protection
Sat 11:07#88svvarg110kHea09Legendary Cobalt Power Boots of Protection
Sat 10:43#87.5[Proxy] Astor121250kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 10:46#87.5[Proxy] Astor12550kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Surtr
Sat 10:48#87.5[Proxy] Astor121050kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 10:23#87dkdk554350kHea05Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Protection
Sat 10:09#86.5[Proxy] sandmaning140kClo07Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 10:00#86alikaaa1200kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
#85.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja950kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 09:58#85alikaaa900kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
#84.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja560kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 09:57#84alikaaa510kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 09:51#83bos554613390kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 09:35#82cardposter260kLig04Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of the Fleet
Sat 09:04#81Resha200kHea10Legendary Jade Power Armor of Balance
Sat 08:36#80(・ิω・ิ)13000kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 08:28#79jacquelope50kShd05Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Dampening
Sat 08:07#77csv2681200kLig04Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of the Fleet
Sat 07:30#76cardposter170kLig04Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of the Fleet
Sat 07:05#75Epion110kClo07Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 06:53#74smt nocturne50kHea07Legendary Ruby Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 06:48#73.5[Proxy] OnHaSw50kClo20Legendary Zircon Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Sat 06:25#73cardposter300kHea05Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Protection
Sat 06:22#72.5[Proxy] Bark50kHea18Legendary Shielding Plate Helmet of Protection
Sat 06:24#72.5[Proxy] Bark80kHea09Legendary Cobalt Power Boots of Protection
#72.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja110kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 06:23#72.5[Proxy] Bark80kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 06:18#72cidgaid50kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 06:18#72cidgaid50kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Sat 04:01#71hiramd50kClo21Legendary Amber Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#70.5[Proxy] EvertonBNU1350kLig01Peerless Agile Shade Breastplate of Negation
Sat 03:35#70.5[Proxy] chronokorea2060kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 03:00#70.5[Proxy] ArbiterErii50kOne08Legendary Tempestuous Axe of Slaughter
Sat 02:59#70rexxrexrex1300kLig01Peerless Agile Shade Breastplate of Negation
Sat 02:03#69Julius_Caesar500kOne02Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 00:48#68.5[Proxy] EvertonBNU1150kLig01Peerless Agile Shade Breastplate of Negation
Fri 23:52#68smishe50kOne09Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of Slaughter
#67.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja250kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 23:32#67yuripe200kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 23:28#66yuripe80kLig10Legendary Ruby Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Fri 23:28#66yuripe110kLig04Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of the Fleet
Fri 23:28#66yuripe80kLig03Legendary Jade Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Fri 18:36#65jqx50kTwo02Legendary Hallowed Mace of Slaughter
Fri 18:29#64hc br50kOne12Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of Balance
Fri 17:35#63ST-Ru100kTwo03Magnificent Fiery Mace of Slaughter
Fri 16:17#62dp-_-12000kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 16:02#61东三雪碧100kHea10Legendary Jade Power Armor of Balance
Fri 15:51#60bos554611330kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 15:12#59dp-_-11000kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 14:46#58bos554610300kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 12:16#57momomoji1000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Fri 11:37#56dp-_-10000kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 10:33#55HaruNagi550kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Fri 07:51#54heshouwu1000kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 06:45#53rexxrexrex1100kLig01Peerless Agile Shade Breastplate of Negation
Fri 04:26#52hc br50kHea10Legendary Jade Power Armor of Balance
#51.5[Proxy] EvertonBNU850kLig01Peerless Agile Shade Breastplate of Negation
Fri 03:05#51rexxrexrex800kLig01Peerless Agile Shade Breastplate of Negation
Fri 02:35#50.5[Proxy] EvertonBNU600kLig01Peerless Agile Shade Breastplate of Negation
Fri 03:02#50.5[Proxy] rexxrexrex550kLig01Peerless Agile Shade Breastplate of Negation
Thu 23:25#5019dlfghldyd100kHea05Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Protection
Thu 23:25#49(・ิω・ิ)7000kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 18:24#48Scremaz50kMat03500 Low-Grade Wood
Thu 18:24#48Scremaz50kMat02500 Low-Grade Cloth
Thu 17:23#47cdzxc500kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Thu 17:05#46bos55465665kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 16:21#45macgruber CC500kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Surtr
#44.5[Proxy] Benny-boy250kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Thu 15:30#44.5[Proxy] ppp82p50kOne03Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Thu 15:04#44cdzxc200kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Thu 13:33#42OnHaSw5500kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 13:30#41Madprank500kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Thu 13:02#40.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja50kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 13:02#40.5[Proxy] Dragon Ninja50kHea01Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 12:41#40.5[Proxy] sandmaning80kClo07Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 11:40#40(・ิω・ิ)5000kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 11:03#39Colman100kLig13Peerless Jade Leather Boots of Protection
Thu 09:10#38sssky50kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Thu 09:10#38sssky50kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Thu 09:10#38sssky2000kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
#37.5[Proxy] Benny-boy130kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Thu 08:20#37cdzxc100kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Thu 01:48#36wodhuhh100kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Wed 23:21#34rexxrexrex350kLig01Peerless Agile Shade Breastplate of Negation
Wed 21:50#33tsunadebusty50kMat05500 Featherweight Shard
Wed 21:25#32.5[Proxy] tomkazansky700kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 17:34#31csv268180kLig04Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of the Fleet
Wed 15:16#30blackdevil50kLig02Legendary Zircon Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Wed 14:41#28fatemoe300kOne02Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 14:41#27bos55463090kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
#26.5[Proxy] OnHaSw3000kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 14:40#26.5[Proxy] bos55462999kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 14:37#26bos55462122kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
#25.5[Proxy] OnHaSw2060kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 14:36#25.5[Proxy] bos55462000kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 13:00#25redphil350kMat04500 High-Grade Leather
#24.5[Proxy] Epion650kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 11:58#24tomkazansky600kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#23.5[Proxy] Epion550kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 11:51#23tomkazansky500kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#22.5[Proxy] Epion450kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 11:50#22tomkazansky400kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 11:27#21Epion50kLig12Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of Negation
Wed 11:26#20.5[Proxy] Epion350kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 11:24#20Epion50kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#19.5[Proxy] OnHaSw650kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 10:46#19svvarg50kHea09Legendary Cobalt Power Boots of Protection
Wed 10:46#19svvarg600kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 10:34#18.5[Proxy] Benny-boy50kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Surtr
Wed 10:34#18.5[Proxy] Benny-boy50kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
#18.5[Proxy] OnHaSw350kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 10:32#18.5[Proxy] Benny-boy300kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 10:30#18hc br50kLig03Legendary Jade Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Wed 10:27#17hc br50kLig10Legendary Ruby Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Wed 10:23#16hc br50kTwo01Legendary Shocking Katana of Slaughter
Wed 09:55#15Kadokura1000kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 09:55#15Kadokura1000kClo04Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Wed 09:35#14tomkazansky300kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#13.5[Proxy] Epion250kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 09:32#13tomkazansky200kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#12.5[Proxy] Epion170kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 09:31#12tomkazansky140kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#11.5[Proxy] Epion110kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 09:28#11tomkazansky80kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 09:22#10Scremaz50kLig05Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of the Fleet
Wed 09:22#10Scremaz50kLig04Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of the Fleet
Wed 09:22#10Scremaz50kTwo04Legendary Ethereal Longsword of Slaughter
Wed 09:22#10Scremaz50kMat04500 High-Grade Leather
Wed 09:03#9.5[Proxy] OnHaSw50kOne01Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 08:50#9wmnb50kHea05Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Protection
Wed 08:33#8.5[Proxy] Astor1250kLig13Peerless Jade Leather Boots of Protection
Wed 08:27#8zero101810150kClo18Legendary Cobalt Phase Robe of Surtr
Wed 08:27#8zero101810150kClo15Magnificent Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Wed 08:27#8zero101810150kClo01Legendary Zircon Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Wed 08:23#6Phreeman50kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 08:16#5hell's chosen50kClo12Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Freyr
Wed 08:16#4.5[Proxy] Epion50kHea14Magnificent Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 08:13#4Epion50kClo07Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Wed 08:12#3scott031100kMat011000 Low-Grade Metals
