Bid Log: Thread 197698

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sun 15:31#197djackallstar3502kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 15:30#196hc br3400kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 15:16#195djackallstar3283kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 15:15#194hc br3187kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 15:11#193djackallstar3094kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 15:09#192hc br3003kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 15:04#191djackallstar2915kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 15:03#190hc br2830kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:52#187m118w115000kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:50#186Shimaidon4600kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:49#185djackallstar2740kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:48#184m118w114400kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:46#183Shimaidon4200kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:44#182m118w114000kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:39#181hc br2660kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:29#179Shimaidon3600kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:29#178m118w113400kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:25#177djackallstar2580kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:24#176hc br2500kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:22#175djackallstar2270kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:21#174Shimaidon3280kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:20#173Bee_Bee_Bee2200kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:19#172m118w113150kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#169.5[Proxy] Shimaidon3050kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:17#169m118w113010kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:17#168djackallstar2060kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:14#166hc br2000kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:13#163Unindex1050kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 14:12#162Bee_Bee_Bee1600kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
#161.5[Proxy] Shimaidon2884kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:12#161m118w112800kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:11#160djackallstar1550kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:10#157hc br1500kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:08#156Bee_Bee_Bee1100kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 14:07#155djackallstar1050kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
#154.5[Proxy] Sefiel1000kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 14:07#154Unindex950kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 14:06#153Shimaidon1200kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 14:06#151hc br1000kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
#150.5[Proxy] Sefiel900kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 14:06#150Unindex850kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 14:05#148kenzed1100kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
#146.5[Proxy] Shimaidon2575kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:03#146Phreeman2500kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#144.5[Proxy] Sefiel800kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 14:03#144Unindex750kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 14:02#143OnHaSw900kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sun 14:02#142Bee_Bee_Bee550kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
#140.5[Proxy] Shimaidon2369kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 14:00#140Phreeman2300kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 13:59#137djackallstar500kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
#136.5[Proxy] Graduzob350kSta01Magnificent Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sun 13:59#136Spermokloun300kSta01Magnificent Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
#135.5[Proxy] Sefiel700kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:59#135Unindex650kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:57#134Shimaidon1000kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:57#133tayulog750kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sun 13:56#129adz170kHea03Legendary Amber Power Armor of Protection
#128.5[Proxy] Sefiel600kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:56#128Spermokloun550kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:55#126kenzed200kOne09Legendary Arctic Axe of Slaughter
Sun 13:54#125redphil100kOne11Legendary Tempestuous Wakizashi of Swiftness
Sun 13:54#124Basara Nekki224kMat0850 Binding of Balance
#123.5[Proxy] Hakrei3090kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:54#123totangka3000kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:53#122.5[Proxy] tatarime1288kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
#122.5[Proxy] tsunadebusty1250kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
Sun 13:52#122kenzed50kTwo03Legendary Demonic Katana of Balance
Sun 13:52#122kenzed50kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Katana of Balance
Sun 13:52#122kenzed50kTwo01Legendary Arctic Katana of Slaughter
Sun 13:52#122kenzed120kOne09Legendary Arctic Axe of Slaughter
Sun 13:52#122kenzed110kOne05Legendary Arctic Rapier of Balance
Sun 13:52#122kenzed800kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
#121.5[Proxy] Hakrei2884kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:52#121totangka2800kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:51#118kenzed200kTwo05Legendary Arctic Longsword of Slaughter
Sun 13:51#117Bee_Bee_Bee450kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 13:51#116.5[Proxy] Sefiel500kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:50#116redphil350kOne10Legendary Hallowed Wakizashi of Balance
#115.5[Proxy] tsunadebusty310kHea15Magnificent Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sun 13:49#115zero1018101300kHea15Magnificent Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sun 13:49#114Shimaidon2200kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 13:48#112sharkswea110kHea17Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
#111.5[Proxy] tsunadebusty1236kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
Sun 13:48#111.5[Proxy] tatarime1200kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
Sun 13:47#110Phreeman2000kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#109.5[Proxy] Hakrei2575kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:47#109.5[Proxy] Sefiel2500kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:45#109.5[Proxy] tsunadebusty1082kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
Sun 13:44#109Spermokloun450kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 13:43#108.5[Proxy] tsunadebusty250kHea15Magnificent Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sun 13:41#108Ssfuse50kHea18Magnificent Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sun 13:41#107.5[Proxy] Sefiel80kHea17Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
Sun 13:37#107Ssfuse600kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Sun 13:36#106megalh1600kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 13:36#105.5[Proxy] ppp82p170kHea21Legendary Shielding Plate Sabatons of Protection
Sun 13:34#105eliudnir400kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 13:32#104djackallstar350kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
#103.5[Proxy] Hakrei910kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sun 13:31#103.5[Proxy] sandmaning860kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sun 13:28#103youhashock140kClo23Legendary Amber Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sun 13:23#102Shimaidon1500kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 13:16#101smt nocturne50kHea19Magnificent Savage Power Armor of Protection
Sun 13:16#100eliudnir300kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 13:16#100eliudnir300kClo04Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sun 13:09#99Resha150kHea08Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Balance
#98.5[Proxy] Hakrei1250kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 13:07#98Shimaidon1200kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 12:52#97.5[Proxy] hekiga180kMat0850 Binding of Balance
Sun 12:41#97kangli2250kClo04Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sun 12:40#96chjj30300kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 12:26#95OnHaSw700kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sun 12:23#94.5[Proxy] Hakrei1250kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
#94.5[Proxy] sandmaning1200kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sun 12:24#94.5[Proxy] Hakrei650kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#94.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat600kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sun 12:25#94.5[Proxy] Hakrei1050kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 12:22#94.5[Proxy] Hakrei1650kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 11:51#94djackallstar250kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 11:48#93.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat550kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sun 11:48#93.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat250kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 11:46#93obafemi55550kHea11Legendary Zircon Power Gauntlets of Warding
Sun 11:46#93obafemi555100kHea08Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Balance
Sun 11:40#92a723370967550kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Sun 11:09#90Logii200kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 11:01#89Unindex50kShd05Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Deflection
Sun 10:14#88smt nocturne110kClo23Legendary Amber Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sun 10:06#87djackallstar170kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 09:59#85dkdk554140kHea03Legendary Amber Power Armor of Protection
Sun 09:59#85dkdk554600kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sun 09:17#84zero1018101140kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sun 09:16#83tayulog550kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sun 08:32#82b-gaiden100kShd02Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Dampening
Sun 07:26#81chjj30200kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 06:52#80Drksrpnt2400kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Sun 05:40#79unikwind500kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sun 05:40#79unikwind1000kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sun 05:07#78zero1018101100kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
#77.5[Proxy] aided2060kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Sun 04:51#77Drksrpnt2000kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Sun 03:52#76.5[Proxy] --------------------50kOne05Legendary Arctic Rapier of Balance
Sun 03:51#76OnHaSw200kClo11Legendary Zircon Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Sun 03:51#76OnHaSw200kClo07Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Sun 03:39#75.5[Proxy] Hakrei50kLig03Legendary Zircon Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet
Sun 03:51#75.5[Proxy] --------------------130kOne06Magnificent Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#75.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat100kOne06Magnificent Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sun 03:37#75zero1018101130kClo11Legendary Zircon Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Sun 03:37#75zero1018101130kClo07Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Sun 03:37#74chrisreeve350kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sun 02:48#73kangli250kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Sun 02:38#72OnHaSw100kClo11Legendary Zircon Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Sun 02:35#71OnHaSw100kClo07Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Sun 02:32#70OnHaSw500kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sun 02:30#69.5[Proxy] sandmaning850kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
#69.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat800kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sun 01:13#69Unindex80kOne10Legendary Hallowed Wakizashi of Balance
Sun 01:13#69Unindex80kOne09Legendary Arctic Axe of Slaughter
Sun 01:03#68Shimaidon1000kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sun 00:35#67Unindex400kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 23:14#66redphil1600kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 23:08#65Kadokura50kClo27Legendary Frugal Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Sat 22:54#63itodon300kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
#62.5[Proxy] Kadokura6441kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 22:52#62chronokorea6253kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 20:31#61Epion50kOne09Legendary Arctic Axe of Slaughter
Sat 19:50#60.5[Proxy] Kadokura5722kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
#60.5[Proxy] Void Domain5555kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 19:37#60Insania350kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 18:16#58hc br110kHea09Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Warding
Sat 17:52#57Spermokloun300kOne07Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
#56.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat510kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 17:51#56sandmaning460kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
#55.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat850kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 16:46#55Shimaidon800kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 15:37#54fatemoe600kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 01:19#53.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat410kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
#53.5[Proxy] sandmaning360kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 01:18#53.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat550kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 06:03#53.5[Proxy] Void Domain5150kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
#53.5[Proxy] Kadokura5000kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 00:23#53Shimaidon500kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 16:12#52.5[Proxy] sandmaning350kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 22:12#52.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat300kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 22:07#52.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat250kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 22:08#52.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat350kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 22:09#52.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat140kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Fri 14:38#52zero1018101200kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 14:36#51tayulog350kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 14:27#50.5[Proxy] --------------------80kHea09Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Warding
Fri 13:25#50hc br50kHea09Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Warding
Fri 12:21#49纯棉不觉晓140kHea21Legendary Shielding Plate Sabatons of Protection
Fri 12:02#48w45451212300kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 10:17#47Shimaidon300kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 09:25#46.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat130kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 09:24#46.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat80kOne06Magnificent Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 09:23#46.5[Proxy] Sylvanas Cat80kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 06:28#46KKB1551110kHea03Legendary Amber Power Armor of Protection
Fri 04:00#45smt nocturne100kLig02Legendary Amber Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 04:00#45smt nocturne50kOne06Magnificent Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 03:46#44zerbo0227580kHea03Legendary Amber Power Armor of Protection
Fri 03:45#43smt nocturne50kOne10Legendary Hallowed Wakizashi of Balance
Fri 03:09#42kangli2110kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Fri 02:23#41Kadokura200kClo04Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall
#40.5[Proxy] Graduzob250kSta01Magnificent Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Fri 02:20#40.5[Proxy] DamienCash200kSta01Magnificent Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
#40.5[Proxy] OnHaSw501kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 01:22#40Uwn500kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 01:15#39.5[Proxy] aided1150kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
#39.5[Proxy] OnHaSw501kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 00:38#39tomkazansky500kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 23:59#38zero1018101110kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
Thu 23:58#37zero1018101200kHea15Magnificent Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 22:08#36.5[Proxy] tsunadebusty130kHea15Magnificent Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 20:39#36.5[Proxy] Kadokura2185kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
#36.5[Proxy] chronokorea2121kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Thu 14:19#36chrisreeve80kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 12:15#35sandmaning80kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
Thu 11:13#34.5[Proxy] chronokorea130kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Thu 10:45#34.5[Proxy] OnHaSw450kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 10:32#34hunter80906150kMat0850 Binding of Balance
Thu 10:32#34hunter80906150kMat05500 High-Grade Leather
Thu 10:27#33labiskvi600kClo05Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 03:29#32.5[Proxy] ppp82p110kHea21Legendary Shielding Plate Sabatons of Protection
#32.5[Proxy] ArbiterErii86kHea21Legendary Shielding Plate Sabatons of Protection
Thu 02:50#32.5[Proxy] ppp82p50kTwo05Legendary Arctic Longsword of Slaughter
Thu 02:22#32tomkazansky400kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 00:23#31tatarime1100kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
#30.5[Proxy] aided550kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Thu 00:22#30tatarime500kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Wed 19:29#29Kadokura100kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Wed 19:29#29Kadokura400kClo05Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Wed 18:00#28reigenxd380kLig05Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Wed 17:23#27labiskvi350kClo05Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Wed 17:04#26Phreeman250kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 15:19#25Shimaidon200kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 15:12#24Shimaidon50000kHea01Peerless Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 14:58#23zerbo0227550kHea05Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Protection
Wed 14:34#22Unindex50kLig05Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Wed 14:01#21sharkswea50kHea17Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 14:01#21sharkswea50kHea14Magnificent Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#20.5[Proxy] OnHaSw301kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 11:57#20.5[Proxy] Sefiel300kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 11:52#20Void Domain50kClo08Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Wed 11:49#19Ssfuse500kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 11:33#18kangli2130kClo04Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Wed 11:01#17.5[Proxy] --------------------388kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
#17.5[Proxy] hekiga376kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 11:00#17.5[Proxy] --------------------50kMat01500 Low-Grade Metals
Wed 10:52#17blackjac0035000kHea01Peerless Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 10:45#16Kuoo1050kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 10:12#15Resha50kHea08Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Balance
Wed 10:08#14bos554630900kHea01Peerless Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 09:44#13xyzjarod4350kMat04500 High-Grade Wood
Wed 09:01#12Scremaz50kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 09:01#12Scremaz50kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 09:01#12Scremaz50kMat05500 High-Grade Leather
Wed 09:01#12Scremaz50kMat0850 Binding of Balance
Wed 08:42#11.5[Proxy] Astor1250kClo26Legendary Cobalt Phase Robe of Surtr
Wed 08:40#11.5[Proxy] Astor1250kClo05Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Wed 09:01#11.5[Proxy] OnHaSw50kSta02Magnificent Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Wed 09:00#11.5[Proxy] OnHaSw350kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
#11.5[Proxy] tomkazansky300kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 09:00#11.5[Proxy] OnHaSw140kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
#11.5[Proxy] tomkazansky110kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 08:39#11djackallstar110kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Wed 08:27#10.5[Proxy] aided250kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
#10.5[Proxy] zen_zen200kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Wed 08:25#10zero1018101100kHea15Magnificent Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Wed 08:25#10zero101810180kClo23Legendary Amber Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Wed 08:25#10zero101810180kClo21Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Freyr
Wed 08:25#10zero101810150kClo17Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 08:25#10zero1018101100kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Wed 08:25#10zero101810150kClo11Legendary Zircon Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Wed 08:25#10zero101810150kClo07Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Wed 08:25#10zero1018101100kClo04Legendary Zircon Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Wed 08:25#10zero1018101100kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 08:14#9.5[Proxy] hekiga50kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 08:11#9Kadokura300kMat0750 Binding of Isaac
Wed 08:11#9Kadokura600kMat0650 Binding of the Raccoon
Wed 08:05#8.5[Proxy] tomkazansky50kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 08:05#8.5[Proxy] tomkazansky50kOne02Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 08:09#8.5[Proxy] arialinnoc50kMat0750 Binding of Isaac
Wed 08:09#8.5[Proxy] arialinnoc50kMat0650 Binding of the Raccoon
Wed 08:04#8w4545121250kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Wed 08:04#8w4545121250kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 08:04#8w4545121250kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Wed 08:04#8w4545121250kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 08:02#7.5[Proxy] ArbiterErii50kHea21Legendary Shielding Plate Sabatons of Protection
Wed 08:01#7w454512124000kMat04500 High-Grade Wood
Wed 07:58#6KKB155150kHea03Legendary Amber Power Armor of Protection
Wed 07:58#6KKB155150kClo21Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Freyr
Wed 07:58#6KKB155150kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Shoes of Freyr
Wed 07:58#6KKB155180kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Wed 07:55#5.5[Proxy] zen_zen50kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Wed 07:29#5blackjac0030000kHea01Peerless Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 07:29#4.5[Proxy] Graduzob50kSta01Magnificent Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 07:24#4sssss220000kHea01Peerless Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 07:23#3tomkazansky50kClo23Legendary Amber Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Wed 07:23#3tomkazansky50kClo19Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
