Bid Log: Thread 199784

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 15:18#365tomkazansky1000kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 15:04#360Zack_CN950kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:53#353tomkazansky900kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:50#352Zack_CN850kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:36#347tomkazansky800kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:34#346Zack_CN750kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:27#342tomkazansky700kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:23#340Zack_CN650kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:18#337cmos9837kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 14:14#331tomkazansky600kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:13#330Zack_CN550kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:13#329gleen189550kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 14:11#328yukssirul8000kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 14:08#326CZer7520kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 14:08#325tomkazansky500kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:08#324cmos9270kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
#323.5[Proxy] s97611312360kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 14:06#323vivikinomoto12312000kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 14:04#322youhashock900kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 14:04#320yukssirul7300kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 14:03#319yami_zetsu400kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Sat 14:02#318adz250kLig02Legendary Amber Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 14:02#317youhashock200kLig02Legendary Amber Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
#316.5[Proxy] kanaya00371kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Sat 14:01#316yami_zetsu360kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
#315.5[Proxy] Hakrei250kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:01#315zero1018101200kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 14:01#314qinkin1979700kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 14:00#313Zack_CN450kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 14:00#312CZer7000kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 14:00#310youhashock500kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 14:00#309wmnb800kClo15Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 14:00#308qinkin197980kMat54100 Binding of the Elementalist
Sat 14:00#307tomkazansky400kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 14:00#306.5[Proxy] Hakrei80kHea24Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Warding
Sat 14:00#306.5[Proxy] lanian500kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
#306.5[Proxy] kanaya00339kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Sat 13:59#306yami_zetsu329kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Sat 13:59#305adz100kLig02Legendary Amber Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:59#304jackalo2500kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:59#303.5[Proxy] 스믈리에350kHea32Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 13:59#303.5[Proxy] Hakrei250kHea06Legendary Savage Power Boots of Protection
#303.5[Proxy] ctaglack450kClo11Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:58#303zero1018101400kClo11Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:58#302Fatesifaeve6700kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:58#302Fatesifaeve500kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 13:58#300.5[Proxy] 스믈리에450kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Sat 13:58#300.5[Proxy] lanian449kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Sat 13:57#298.5[Proxy] 스믈리에450kHea33Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#298.5[Proxy] son12312300kHea32Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 13:57#298.5[Proxy] 스믈리에299kHea32Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 13:56#298qinkin1979650kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
Sat 13:56#297hskcharm2000kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:56#296simplesimon32100kHea07Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Sat 13:56#295gleen1815000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:56#294.5[Proxy] Hakrei160kLig01Legendary Zircon Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
#294.5[Proxy] son12312400kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Sat 13:56#294.5[Proxy] lanian350kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Sat 13:55#294gleen182000kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#293.5[Proxy] s97611314420kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:55#293hell's chosen14000kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#292.5[Proxy] ctaglack350kClo11Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:55#292zero1018101300kClo11Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:55#290yukssirul6500kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:55#289hiramd650kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:55#288.5[Proxy] Hakrei130kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:55#288.5[Proxy] jackalo1550kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:54#287tomkazansky400kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
#286.5[Proxy] m118w1113390kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:54#286gleen1813000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:54#285qinkin1979300kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
#284.5[Proxy] cirrux450kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 13:54#284Fatesifaeve400kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 13:53#283Sato Rina600kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
Sat 13:53#283Sato Rina9500kMat14500 High-Grade Cloth
Sat 13:53#283Sato Rina7600kMat13400 High-Grade Cloth
Sat 13:53#282gleen189000kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 13:53#281cylinnia1500kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:53#279Draylof80kClo36Legendary Amber Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Sat 13:53#279Draylof50kClo35Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 13:53#278.5[Proxy] jackalo1350kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:53#278hskcharm1300kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:53#277.5[Proxy] s97611312360kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#277.5[Proxy] chronokorea12000kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:52#277tomkazansky200kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:52#276wmnb7000kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
#275.5[Proxy] cirrux350kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 13:52#275.5[Proxy] s97611311330kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 13:52#275.5[Proxy] skedw23580kClo17Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 13:51#275Fatesifaeve6200kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:51#275Fatesifaeve300kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 13:51#274.5[Proxy] m118w1112360kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:50#274gleen186000kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 13:50#271wmnb5000kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 13:50#270CZer6000kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:50#269.5[Proxy] m118w1180kMat44100 Binding of Fenrir
#268.5[Proxy] jackalo1050kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:49#268cylinnia1000kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:49#267adz130kLig01Legendary Zircon Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
#266.5[Proxy] jackalo850kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:48#266cylinnia800kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:47#265simplesimon321000kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:47#264.5[Proxy] ok199580kClo42Legendary Ruby Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Sat 13:47#264.5[Proxy] ctaglack250kClo11Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#264.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac618kMat3450 Binding of the Fleet
Sat 13:46#264hunter80906600kMat3450 Binding of the Fleet
#263.5[Proxy] KevinJan800kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:45#263simplesimon32750kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:45#262youhashock150kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:45#261DrasticMeasures550kClo21Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
#260.5[Proxy] hansvar925150kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:45#260CZer5000kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:44#259xmbk19933091kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:44#258cmos4500kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
#257.5[Proxy] hansvar924378kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
#257.5[Proxy] cirrux220kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 13:44#257Fatesifaeve4250kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:44#257Fatesifaeve190kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
#254.5[Proxy] KevinJan450kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:43#254simplesimon32400kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:43#253jackalo600kMat5850 Defense Matrix Modulator
#252.5[Proxy] jackalo650kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:43#252obafemi555600kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:43#251qinkin1979517kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
Sat 13:42#250gleen184000kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
#249.5[Proxy] jackalo550kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:42#249cylinnia500kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:42#249cylinnia130kClo16Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Fenrir
#248.5[Proxy] chronokorea11330kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:42#248DrasticMeasures11000kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:42#247BrassLizard80kClo25Magnificent Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
#246.5[Proxy] KevinJan300kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:42#246simplesimon32250kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:40#245qinkin1979120kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:39#243wmnb2500kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
#242.5[Proxy] KevinJan130kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 13:38#242simplesimon32100kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall
#240.5[Proxy] zsp80841550kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 13:38#240gleen18500kClo15Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 13:38#240gleen181500kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 13:37#239kenzed130kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:37#239kenzed80kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:36#238.5[Proxy] kanaya006366kMat2250 Binding of Slaughter
Sat 13:35#238gsw331400kHea33Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#237.5[Proxy] arialinnoc501kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
Sat 13:34#237qinkin1979500kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
Sat 13:34#237qinkin19797300kMat171000 High-Grade Wood
#236.5[Proxy] KevinJan170kOne12Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Sat 13:33#236kenzed140kOne12Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Sat 13:33#236kenzed50kOne09Legendary Arctic Club of Slaughter
#235.5[Proxy] skedw235180kClo15Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Fenrir
#235.5[Proxy] zsp80841050kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 13:33#235gleen18150kClo15Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 13:33#235gleen181000kClo10Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 13:33#235gleen181000kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 13:30#234gleen182000kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 13:30#233gleen1812000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
#232.5[Proxy] KevinJan110kOne12Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Sat 13:29#232kenzed140kTwo01Legendary Demonic Katana of Slaughter
Sat 13:29#232kenzed80kOne12Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Sat 13:29#232kenzed80kOne11Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Sat 13:29#231.5[Proxy] skedw23580kClo15Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 13:29#231.5[Proxy] ppp82p110kTwo04Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
Sat 13:27#231youhashock50kLig02Legendary Amber Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:27#231youhashock350kClo03Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 13:27#231youhashock80kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:26#230kenzed80kTwo05Legendary Shocking Estoc of Slaughter
#229.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac110kTwo01Legendary Demonic Katana of Slaughter
Sat 13:25#229kenzed50kTwo02Legendary Tempestuous Katana of Slaughter
Sat 13:25#229kenzed80kTwo01Legendary Demonic Katana of Slaughter
Sat 13:22#228.5[Proxy] hansvar924120kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:21#228hunter809069000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:20#227vivikinomoto12311000kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 13:20#226yukssirul4000kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:18#225rosarosa300kClo03Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 13:16#224CZer620kMat091000 High-Grade Metals
#223.5[Proxy] hansvar923193kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:16#223.5[Proxy] Benny-boy3100kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:15#223rinshantsumo535kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#222.5[Proxy] son12312250kHea33Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#222.5[Proxy] son12312250kHea32Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
#222.5[Proxy] jackalo350kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:15#222.5[Proxy] Benny-boy300kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:09#222vibrou200kHea33Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 13:09#222vibrou200kHea32Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
#221.5[Proxy] KevinJan450kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:01#221hiramd3000kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:01#221hiramd400kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 12:55#220SStwins4800kMat15500 High-Grade Wood
Sat 12:54#219son12312600kMat5750 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 12:45#218SStwins600kMat5650 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 12:38#217son12312730kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
Sat 12:29#216obibenkenobi500kHea20Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Balance
Sat 12:27#215SStwins700kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
Sat 12:26#214jqx50kHea31Magnificent Mithril Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 12:17#213cmos6180kMat2250 Binding of Slaughter
Sat 12:05#212.5[Proxy] KevinJan1050kClo04Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 12:02#212wmnb1050kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 12:01#211Zack_CN100kClo29Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Sat 12:01#211Zack_CN100kClo27Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#210.5[Proxy] zsp8084450kClo10Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 11:54#210gleen18400kClo10Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
#209.5[Proxy] zsp8084450kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 11:53#209gleen18400kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#208.5[Proxy] Rhydin350kClo34Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Sat 11:50#208.5[Proxy] Epion300kClo34Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Sat 11:48#208gleen188000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 11:44#207.5[Proxy] cirrux130kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 11:28#207hunter809067700kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
#206.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac515kMat3450 Binding of the Fleet
#206.5[Proxy] chronokorea1803kMat2450 Binding of Protection
Sat 11:25#206hunter80906500kMat3450 Binding of the Fleet
Sat 11:25#206hunter80906400kMat2550 Binding of Warding
Sat 11:25#206hunter809061750kMat2450 Binding of Protection
#205.5[Proxy] zsp8084250kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 11:17#205gleen18200kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#204.5[Proxy] chronokorea496kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Sat 11:17#204.5[Proxy] Epion481kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Sat 11:05#204gleen1850kClo15Legendary Cobalt Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 10:59#203son12312650kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
#202.5[Proxy] chronokorea4378kMat15500 High-Grade Wood
Sat 10:51#202hansvar924250kMat15500 High-Grade Wood
Sat 10:47#201Resha110kShd03Legendary Amber Force Shield of Warding
#200.5[Proxy] hansvar922575kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 10:41#200fatemoe2500kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 10:13#199xmbk19932576kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
#198.5[Proxy] arialinnoc412kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
Sat 10:03#198brewdonkey400kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
#197.5[Proxy] chronokorea1751kMat3950 Binding of the Cheetah
#197.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac557kMat3350 Binding of the Fleet
Sat 09:56#197HDD2641000kClo04Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 09:56#197HDD2642500kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 09:56#197HDD2641700kMat3950 Binding of the Cheetah
Sat 09:56#197HDD264540kMat3350 Binding of the Fleet
Sat 09:56#197HDD2647000kMat171000 High-Grade Wood
Sat 09:35#196.5[Proxy] chronokorea1545kMat3950 Binding of the Cheetah
Sat 09:31#196Selvaria Bles80kShd03Legendary Amber Force Shield of Warding
Sat 09:12#195.5[Proxy] hansvar922122kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
#195.5[Proxy] chronokorea1077kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Sat 09:08#195hansvar921045kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
#194.5[Proxy] chronokorea1045kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Sat 09:07#194hansvar921014kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
#193.5[Proxy] chronokorea1014kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Sat 09:05#193hansvar92984kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
#192.5[Proxy] chronokorea984kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Sat 09:04#192hansvar92955kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
#191.5[Proxy] chronokorea953kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
#191.5[Proxy] chronokorea9291kMat12500 High-Grade Cloth
Sat 09:00#191hansvar92925kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Sat 09:00#191hansvar921500kMat3950 Binding of the Cheetah
Sat 09:00#191hansvar929020kMat12500 High-Grade Cloth
Sat 09:00#190.5[Proxy] ArbiterErii512kHea01Legendary Zircon Power Boots of Slaughter
#190.5[Proxy] piyin500kHea01Legendary Zircon Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 08:57#190.5[Proxy] KevinJan280kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#190.5[Proxy] chronokorea4100kMat2350 Binding of Destruction
Sat 08:50#190hansvar923980kMat2350 Binding of Destruction
Sat 08:49#189rinshantsumo230kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#188.5[Proxy] chronokorea3863kMat2350 Binding of Destruction
Sat 08:48#188hansvar923750kMat2350 Binding of Destruction
Sat 08:41#187.5[Proxy] piyin383kHea01Legendary Zircon Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 08:40#187Born In Winter50kHea07Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Sat 08:40#187Born In Winter50kHea19Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Protection
Sat 08:40#187Born In Winter50kHea14Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Protection
Sat 08:40#187Born In Winter50kHea10Legendary Jade Power Armor of Protection
Sat 08:40#187Born In Winter50kHea09Legendary Zircon Power Helmet of Protection
Sat 08:37#186.5[Proxy] piyin2060kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 08:36#186.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo36Legendary Amber Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Sat 08:39#186.5[Proxy] piyin50kShd08Legendary Agile Buckler of Protection
Sat 07:23#186zero101810150kOne11Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Sat 07:21#185zero1018101100kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Sat 07:21#185zero1018101100kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#184.5[Proxy] son12312140kHea33Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 07:13#184gsw331110kHea33Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 06:15#183Brad3350kHea24Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Warding
Sat 05:38#182zero1018101200kClo11Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#181.5[Proxy] chronokorea10300kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 05:31#181hell's chosen10000kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#180.5[Proxy] KevinJan145kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 05:16#180rinshantsumo50kHea23Legendary Jade Power Boots of Balance
Sat 05:16#180rinshantsumo115kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 04:29#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea8240kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 04:30#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea927kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Sat 04:35#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea824kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Sat 04:32#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea1133kMat3950 Binding of the Cheetah
Sat 04:41#179.5[Proxy] arialinnoc361kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
Sat 04:32#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea50kMat32100 Binding of Friendship
Sat 04:31#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea1545kMat2450 Binding of Protection
Sat 04:31#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea3605kMat2350 Binding of Destruction
Sat 04:34#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea4017kMat15500 High-Grade Wood
Sat 04:31#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea8755kMat12500 High-Grade Cloth
Sat 04:34#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea482kMat061000 Mid-Grade Wood
#179.5[Proxy] --------------------467kMat061000 Mid-Grade Wood
Sat 04:33#179.5[Proxy] chronokorea464kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
#179.5[Proxy] Epion450kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Sat 03:48#179hell's chosen8000kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 03:33#178asdfaef50kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 03:26#177gleen187000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 03:23#176diminish6180kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 03:14#175tsunadebusty120kMat43100 Binding of Heimdall
Sat 03:12#174tsunadebusty130kClo11Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 03:07#173hansvar92800kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 02:49#172Drakewyn50kMat50100 Binding of Focus
Sat 02:45#171Drakewyn250kMat28100 Binding of Stoneskin
Sat 02:45#171Drakewyn250kMat27100 Binding of Deflection
Sat 02:45#171Drakewyn350kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
#170.5[Proxy] chronokorea20085kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 01:57#170issary19500kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#169.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake524kMat181000 High-Grade Leather
Sat 01:50#169RoadShoe508kMat181000 High-Grade Leather
#167.5[Proxy] chronokorea1550kShd07Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 00:08#167.5[Proxy] Sapo841500kShd07Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 00:09#167.5[Proxy] Sapo847004kMat13400 High-Grade Cloth
Sat 00:03#167spicepie100kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 23:19#166Zack_CN300kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Fri 22:54#165.5[Proxy] chronokorea16480kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 23:14#165.5[Proxy] chronokorea250kShd07Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 22:36#165gianfrix9450kLig05Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Fri 21:24#164sssss2800kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Fri 21:24#164sssss21500kMat2450 Binding of Protection
Fri 21:24#164sssss28755kMat14500 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 21:20#163brewdonkey300kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
Fri 18:05#162xmbk19932061kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 16:40#161HDD264900kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Fri 16:40#161HDD2641100kMat3950 Binding of the Cheetah
#160.5[Proxy] KevinJan850kClo04Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#160.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac485kMat3350 Binding of the Fleet
#160.5[Proxy] Graduzob6111kMat171000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 16:29#160HDD264800kClo04Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 16:29#160HDD2642000kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 16:29#160HDD26480kMat51100 Binding of Negation
Fri 16:29#160HDD264470kMat3350 Binding of the Fleet
Fri 16:29#160HDD2646000kMat171000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 16:22#159Epion50kHea21Legendary Zircon Power Armor of Balance
Fri 16:20#158gleen186000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 16:03#157.5[Proxy] --------------------850kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Fri 16:06#157.5[Proxy] Epion412kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Fri 16:00#157Fatesifaeve50kMat47100 Binding of Niflheim
Fri 15:54#156.5[Proxy] Nguoivohinh250kHea16Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Protection
#156.5[Proxy] son12312200kHea16Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 15:27#156diminish5150kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 15:19#155SStwins478kMat051000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 14:17#154marutora50kClo03Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 14:11#153Drakewyn150kMat2450 Binding of Protection
Fri 14:03#152SStwins800kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
#151.5[Proxy] --------------------464kMat061000 Mid-Grade Wood
#151.5[Proxy] --------------------458kMat051000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 13:58#151SStwins600kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
Fri 13:58#151SStwins450kMat061000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 13:58#151SStwins450kMat051000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 12:45#150Anemona7400kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
#149.5[Proxy] Epion387kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Fri 12:44#149Anemona7375kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Fri 12:37#148diodo750kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Fri 12:37#148diodo750kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Fri 09:24#147gleen185000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 07:49#146.5[Proxy] son12312130kHea34Magnificent Zircon Power Armor of Protection
#146.5[Proxy] DCFulano100kHea34Magnificent Zircon Power Armor of Protection
Fri 07:35#146.5[Proxy] son1231280kHea33Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 07:35#146.5[Proxy] son12312150kHea32Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 07:36#146.5[Proxy] son12312250kHea30Magnificent Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 07:31#146.5[Proxy] son1231280kHea16Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Protection
#146.5[Proxy] --------------------742kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Fri 07:30#146.5[Proxy] son12312700kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Fri 06:35#145Kiriman1550kMat5750 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 06:34#144jacquelope350kMat2550 Binding of Warding
Fri 05:54#143(・ิω・ิ)2000kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 05:00#142cylinnia550kMat5850 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 04:06#139xmbk19931550kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 03:30#136diminish4000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
#135.5[Proxy] Graduzob279kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
#135.5[Proxy] Graduzob279kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Fri 03:21#135Drakewyn270kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Fri 03:21#135Drakewyn270kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
#134.5[Proxy] --------------------423kMat061000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 03:10#134cylinnia410kMat061000 Mid-Grade Wood
#133.5[Proxy] --------------------361kMat051000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 03:09#133cylinnia350kMat051000 Mid-Grade Wood
#132.5[Proxy] --------------------309kMat061000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 03:08#132cylinnia300kMat061000 Mid-Grade Wood
#131.5[Proxy] --------------------206kMat051000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 03:07#131cylinnia200kMat051000 Mid-Grade Wood
#130.5[Proxy] Epion361kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Fri 02:55#130Anemona7350kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Fri 02:38#127gleen1850kMat48100 Binding of Surtr
Fri 02:23#125.5[Proxy] Nero-Arc29870kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#125.5[Proxy] needaname29000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#125.5[Proxy] kanaya00279kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 02:10#125yami_zetsu270kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
#123.5[Proxy] DCFulano120kHea32Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 00:44#123Chraunzen50kHea33Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 00:44#123Chraunzen100kHea32Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 00:43#122acglover50kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Thu 23:36#121gleen183000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Thu 20:02#120anatory50kHea25Legendary Savage Power Armor of Warding
#119.5[Proxy] tatarime10300kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 18:15#119.5[Proxy] KevinJan50kOne12Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Thu 18:15#119.5[Proxy] KevinJan80kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 16:15#119vivikinomoto12310000kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
#118.5[Proxy] tatarime9270kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 16:10#118vivikinomoto1239000kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 16:05#117obibenkenobi100kLig01Legendary Zircon Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
#116.5[Proxy] tatarime8240kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 15:59#116vivikinomoto1238000kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 15:52#115diminish2000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Thu 15:50#114gleen1816000kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#113.5[Proxy] KevinJan550kClo04Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 15:48#113HDD264500kClo21Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 15:48#113HDD264500kClo04Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 15:48#113HDD2641500kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
#112.5[Proxy] tatarime7210kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 15:28#112vivikinomoto1237000kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 15:23#111issary15000kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#110.5[Proxy] chronokorea13905kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 15:03#110issary13500kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#109.5[Proxy] chronokorea12824kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 14:58#109issary12450kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 14:54#108Hizashi no Naka no Riaru110kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Thu 14:54#108Hizashi no Naka no Riaru7300kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 14:34#107.5[Proxy] son12312515kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
#107.5[Proxy] faperu500kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
Thu 14:29#107son12312430kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
#106.5[Proxy] Graduzob206kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
#106.5[Proxy] Graduzob206kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Thu 14:20#106Drakewyn200kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Thu 14:20#106Drakewyn200kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Thu 14:20#106Drakewyn200kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
#105.5[Proxy] faperu412kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
Thu 14:08#105son12312550kMat5650 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 14:08#105son12312400kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
Thu 13:39#104son12312300kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Thu 13:32#103macgruber CC100kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
#102.5[Proxy] faperu250kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Thu 13:27#102son12312200kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Thu 13:23#101ankwchi90kMat43100 Binding of Heimdall
Thu 12:40#100Sword Emperor600kMat091000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 11:46#99hansvar923500kMat2350 Binding of Destruction
#95.5[Proxy] chronokorea11433kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 11:26#95.5[Proxy] Graduzob80kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Thu 11:26#95.5[Proxy] Graduzob80kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Thu 11:01#95issary11100kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#94.5[Proxy] zsp8084260kClo10Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
Thu 10:58#94OnHaSw210kClo10Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
#93.5[Proxy] zsp8084110kClo10Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
Thu 10:57#93OnHaSw80kClo10Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
#92.5[Proxy] tatarime6180kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 10:33#92vivikinomoto1236000kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
#90.5[Proxy] faperu140kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Thu 09:01#90Dammon110kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Thu 08:51#89.5[Proxy] kanaya00353kMat031000 Mid-Grade Metals
#89.5[Proxy] --------------------342kMat031000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 08:50#89.5[Proxy] kanaya00224kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
#89.5[Proxy] --------------------217kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 08:19#89陨石月50kClo09Legendary Amber Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 08:19#88.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kTwo01Legendary Demonic Katana of Slaughter
#88.5[Proxy] faperu361kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
#88.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake458kMat181000 High-Grade Leather
Thu 08:19#88.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac444kMat181000 High-Grade Leather
Thu 07:41#88jackalo200kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Thu 07:41#88jackalo350kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
Thu 07:41#88jackalo500kMat5850 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 06:56#87轉雲殤50kLig01Legendary Zircon Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Thu 06:50#86djackallstar80kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Thu 06:28#85cylinnia500kMat5650 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 05:47#84.5[Proxy] DCFulano50kHea34Magnificent Zircon Power Armor of Protection
Thu 05:43#84.5[Proxy] DCFulano50kHea32Magnificent Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 03:27#84Fluct Light50kClo06Legendary Amber Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 03:17#83Kadokura3250kMat2350 Binding of Destruction
Thu 01:56#82.5[Proxy] --------------------550kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Thu 02:54#82.5[Proxy] tatarime5665kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 02:24#82.5[Proxy] zsp808450kClo10Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
#82.5[Proxy] needaname1050kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 02:26#82.5[Proxy] zsp80841000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 01:52#82.5[Proxy] --------------------50kMat30100 Binding of Balance
Thu 01:51#82blackdevil50kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Thu 01:51#81.5[Proxy] --------------------50kMat2550 Binding of Warding
Thu 01:50#81.5[Proxy] --------------------80kMat091000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 01:50#81.5[Proxy] --------------------80kMat061000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 01:49#81.5[Proxy] --------------------80kMat051000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 01:49#81.5[Proxy] --------------------80kMat031000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 01:48#81Julius_Caesar100kOne03Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 01:48#80.5[Proxy] --------------------80kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 01:48#80.5[Proxy] --------------------309kMat011000 Mid-Grade Metals
#80.5[Proxy] kanaya00300kMat011000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 01:46#80vivikinomoto1235500kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 01:20#79Kiriman1800kMat101000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 00:14#78ArbiterErii111kHea20Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Balance
Wed 23:50#77rinshantsumo50kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 23:06#76.5[Proxy] ppp82p50kTwo05Legendary Shocking Estoc of Slaughter
Wed 22:57#76hansvar923000kMat2350 Binding of Destruction
Wed 22:14#75.5[Proxy] faperu80kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Wed 22:18#75.5[Proxy] faperu80kMat5650 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 22:28#75.5[Proxy] faperu80kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
Wed 21:50#75brewdonkey100kMat3750 Binding of the Ox
Wed 21:50#74brewdonkey50kMat2950 Binding of Balance
Wed 21:49#73brewdonkey50kMat031000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 20:38#72tatarime5000kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Wed 19:53#71KKB155180kTwo04Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
Wed 19:41#70Fatesifaeve50kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Wed 18:54#68.5[Proxy] Rhydin180kClo34Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#68.5[Proxy] Epion150kClo34Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#68.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake443kMat211000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 19:01#68.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac430kMat211000 High-Grade Leather
#68.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake208kMat19400 High-Grade Leather
Wed 19:03#68.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac178kMat19400 High-Grade Leather
Wed 18:39#68gianfrix9450kOne07Magnificent Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 18:33#67gianfrix9450kHea16Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Protection
Wed 18:15#66Kiriman1500kMat5750 Defense Matrix Modulator
#65.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake417kMat201000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 17:12#65.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac404kMat201000 High-Grade Leather
#65.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake366kMat181000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 17:10#65.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac355kMat181000 High-Grade Leather
#65.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake417kMat081000 Mid-Grade Leather
Wed 17:06#65.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac404kMat081000 Mid-Grade Leather
#65.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake443kMat071000 Mid-Grade Leather
Wed 17:08#65.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac430kMat071000 Mid-Grade Leather
Wed 17:02#65Scremaz50kClo38Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
#64.5[Proxy] chronokorea3296kMat61200 Amnesia Shard
Wed 16:46#64zero1018101100kOne19Legendary Ethereal Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 16:46#64zero10181013200kMat61200 Amnesia Shard
#63.5[Proxy] zsp8084130kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 16:44#63cs987987100kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 16:40#62chooter850kMat111000 High-Grade Metals
#61.5[Proxy] chronokorea10712kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 16:37#61issary10400kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#60.5[Proxy] chronokorea8240kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 16:37#60issary8000kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#59.5[Proxy] chronokorea6180kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 16:35#59issary6000kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#58.5[Proxy] chronokorea5150kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 16:27#58.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake773kMat63100000 Monster Edibles
Wed 16:22#58issary5000kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 16:22#58issary8500kMat14500 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 16:22#58issary6800kMat13400 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 16:22#58issary8500kMat12500 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 16:21#57.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake250kLig03Legendary Agile Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet
Wed 16:19#57.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake777kMat6050 Shade Fragment
#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac755kMat6050 Shade Fragment
Wed 16:19#57.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake777kMat5950 Shade Fragment
#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac755kMat5950 Shade Fragment
Wed 16:18#57.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake232kMat211000 High-Grade Leather
#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac225kMat211000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 16:18#57.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake232kMat201000 High-Grade Leather
#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac225kMat201000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 16:18#57.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake120kMat19400 High-Grade Leather
#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac90kMat19400 High-Grade Leather
Wed 16:18#57.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake232kMat181000 High-Grade Leather
#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac225kMat181000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 16:17#57.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake313kMat081000 Mid-Grade Leather
#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac303kMat081000 Mid-Grade Leather
Wed 16:17#57.5[Proxy] FabulousCupcake313kMat071000 Mid-Grade Leather
#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac303kMat071000 Mid-Grade Leather
Wed 15:30#55.5[Proxy] ppp82p50kHea42Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Stoneskin
Wed 14:17#55w45451212200kShd07Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Barrier
Wed 14:14#54w454512121500kMat14500 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 14:14#54w4545121250kHea02Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 13:34#52eliudnir50kClo26Legendary Jade Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Wed 13:06#51Iota Aquilae750kMat63100000 Monster Edibles
Wed 13:06#51Iota Aquilae750kMat62100000 Monster Chow
Wed 13:01#50penpem500kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 12:49#49.5[Proxy] ppp82p50kTwo04Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
Wed 12:46#49ankwchi90kMat55100 Binding of the Heaven-sent
Wed 12:39#48SStwins50kMat5750 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 12:39#48SStwins50kMat5650 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 12:39#48SStwins50kMat35100 Binding of the Barrier
Wed 12:39#48SStwins50kMat061000 Mid-Grade Wood
Wed 12:26#47cylinnia50kClo17Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Fenrir
#46.5[Proxy] chronokorea3090kMat61200 Amnesia Shard
Wed 12:05#46zero10181013000kMat61200 Amnesia Shard
#45.5[Proxy] chronokorea2472kMat61200 Amnesia Shard
Wed 11:48#45zero10181012400kMat61200 Amnesia Shard
#44.5[Proxy] Graduzob4120kMat171000 High-Grade Wood
Wed 11:43#44gehelife4000kMat171000 High-Grade Wood
Wed 11:41#43.5[Proxy] Graduzob50kMat171000 High-Grade Wood
Wed 11:39#43.5[Proxy] Epion50kMat101000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 11:34#43Killer Bee1200kHea06Legendary Savage Power Boots of Protection
Wed 11:23#42tomkazansky50kClo42Legendary Ruby Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Wed 11:18#41gleen1850kMat43100 Binding of Heimdall
Wed 11:14#40.5[Proxy] kanaya0050kMat011000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 11:09#40kanaya00300kMat36100 Binding of the Nimble
Wed 11:09#40kanaya006000kMat2250 Binding of Slaughter
Wed 11:04#39daboli3900kMat15500 High-Grade Wood
Wed 10:45#38.5[Proxy] zsp808450kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 10:41#38yami_zetsu50kHea15Legendary Jade Power Armor of Protection
Wed 10:40#37gleen1850kMat55100 Binding of the Heaven-sent
Wed 10:40#37gleen1850kMat53100 Binding of the Demon-fiend
Wed 10:29#36.5[Proxy] chronokorea2060kMat61200 Amnesia Shard
Wed 10:18#36Resha50kShd03Legendary Amber Force Shield of Warding
Wed 10:16#35Ssfuse400kMat4050 Binding of the Turtle
Wed 10:16#35Ssfuse900kMat3850 Binding of the Raccoon
Wed 10:16#35Ssfuse900kMat31100 Binding of Isaac
Wed 10:16#35Ssfuse200kMat28100 Binding of Stoneskin
Wed 10:16#35Ssfuse200kMat27100 Binding of Deflection
Wed 10:16#35Ssfuse300kMat26100 Binding of Dampening
Wed 10:16#35Ssfuse4000kMat16400 High-Grade Wood
Wed 10:09#34son1231250kSta04Magnificent Hallowed Katalox Staff of Heimdall
Wed 10:07#33.5[Proxy] chronokorea1050kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 09:44#32scott031400kMat62100000 Monster Chow
#31.5[Proxy] Epion250kClo21Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Wed 09:35#31hgsmxhh200kClo21Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Wed 09:16#30vivikinomoto12350kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Wed 09:16#30vivikinomoto12350kMat4150 Binding of the Fox
Wed 09:16#30vivikinomoto12350kMat2450 Binding of Protection
Wed 09:15#29.5[Proxy] Graduzob50kMat12500 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 09:10#29GYUGYA130kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Wed 08:57#28vivikinomoto1233500kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Wed 08:55#27.5[Proxy] KevinJan50kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall
Wed 08:51#27.5[Proxy] KevinJan140kClo04Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#27.5[Proxy] Epion110kClo04Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#27.5[Proxy] needaname550kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Wed 08:49#27.5[Proxy] KevinJan500kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Wed 08:39#27zero1018101200kHea30Magnificent Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Wed 08:39#27zero1018101200kLig03Legendary Agile Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet
Wed 08:39#27zero101810150kClo37Magnificent Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Wed 08:39#27zero101810150kClo25Magnificent Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Wed 08:39#27zero1018101100kClo16Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Fenrir
Wed 08:39#27zero1018101100kClo11Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Wed 08:39#27zero1018101500kMat63100000 Monster Edibles
Wed 08:39#27zero10181012000kMat61200 Amnesia Shard
#26.5[Proxy] Epion130kClo34Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Wed 08:18#26LOL50015100kClo34Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Wed 08:11#25Anemona73300kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Wed 08:09#24hell's chosen7000kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Wed 08:08#23hunter809061000kMat3950 Binding of the Cheetah
#22.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac515kMat6050 Shade Fragment
#22.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac515kMat5950 Shade Fragment
Wed 08:01#22hunter80906500kMat6050 Shade Fragment
Wed 08:01#22hunter80906500kMat5950 Shade Fragment
Wed 07:58#21gleen181000kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Wed 07:58#21gleen181000kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 07:58#21gleen181000kClo01Peerless Onyx Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 07:54#20jackalo350kMat5850 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 07:45#18jackalo100kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Wed 07:33#16.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kMat081000 Mid-Grade Leather
Wed 07:33#16.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kMat071000 Mid-Grade Leather
Wed 07:30#16cbn50kClo11Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Wed 07:24#15.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kMat6050 Shade Fragment
Wed 07:23#15.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kMat5950 Shade Fragment
Wed 07:25#15.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac414kMat3450 Binding of the Fleet
#15.5[Proxy] needaname401kMat3450 Binding of the Fleet
Wed 07:25#15.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac414kMat3350 Binding of the Fleet
#15.5[Proxy] needaname401kMat3350 Binding of the Fleet
Wed 07:26#15.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kMat211000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 07:27#15.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kMat201000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 07:28#15.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kMat19400 High-Grade Leather
Wed 07:27#15.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kMat181000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 07:20#15FF_Crystal100kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 07:15#14.5[Proxy] zen_zen50kLig08Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of Negation
Wed 07:13#14xmbk19934000kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Wed 07:10#13xmbk19931000kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Wed 07:10#13xmbk199350kClo12Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 07:09#12cylinnia50kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 07:09#12cylinnia50kMat44100 Binding of Fenrir
Wed 07:09#11tatarime3000kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Wed 07:09#11tatarime3000kClo19Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat54100 Binding of the Elementalist
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat52100 Binding of the Curse-weaver
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat51100 Binding of Negation
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat46100 Binding of Mjolnir
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat45100 Binding of Freyr
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat26100 Binding of Dampening
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat15500 High-Grade Wood
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat13400 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat091000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat051000 Mid-Grade Wood
Wed 07:09#11tatarime50kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 07:04#10.5[Proxy] Epion50kHea17Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Protection
Wed 07:05#10.5[Proxy] Epion50kLig03Legendary Agile Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet
Wed 07:09#10.5[Proxy] Epion50kMat041000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Wed 07:03#10wmnb50kClo13Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Wed 07:03#9.5[Proxy] Epion50kClo34Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Wed 07:02#9Dammon50kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Wed 06:58#8.5[Proxy] Epion50kHea40Legendary Shielding Plate Greaves of Protection
Wed 07:01#8.5[Proxy] Epion50kClo21Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Wed 07:00#8.5[Proxy] Epion50kClo04Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Wed 06:58#8.5[Proxy] needaname50kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Wed 06:59#8.5[Proxy] Epion50kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Wed 06:58#8.5[Proxy] Epion50kOne19Legendary Ethereal Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 06:57#8cylinnia50kClo16Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Fenrir
Wed 06:57#7djackallstar50kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Wed 06:57#6.5[Proxy] Epion50kHea39Legendary Shielding Plate Sabatons of Protection
Wed 06:57#6.5[Proxy] needaname50kMat3450 Binding of the Fleet
Wed 06:57#6.5[Proxy] needaname50kMat3350 Binding of the Fleet
Wed 06:55#5Hitori8050100kHea30Magnificent Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Wed 06:54#4cylinnia50kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 06:54#4cylinnia50kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Wed 06:47#3ArbiterErii333kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 06:47#3ArbiterErii333kHea01Legendary Zircon Power Boots of Slaughter
