Bid Log: Thread 205844

Auction ended

Click to filter by bidder or code
Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 15:23#191issary30000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 15:19#190Mizuki Nana29000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 15:17#188issary28000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 15:09#186Mizuki Nana27000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 15:04#185issary25000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 14:59#184Mizuki Nana24000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 14:56#183issary23000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 14:47#182Mizuki Nana22200kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 14:45#181issary21500kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 14:38#180Sato Rina33000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 14:38#179Mizuki Nana20600kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 14:33#177issary20000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 14:32#176chronokorea32000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 14:26#175Sato Rina30000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 14:24#174chronokorea25000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 14:21#173PanHun8100kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:19#172fihero7800kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:19#171Mizuki Nana19100kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 14:18#170PanHun7500kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:16#169issary18540kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 14:13#168fihero7000kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:11#167Sato Rina20000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#166.5[Proxy] chronokorea18540kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 14:10#166Sato Rina18000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 14:09#165PanHun6700kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
#164.5[Proxy] chronokorea16480kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 14:08#164Sato Rina16000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#162.5[Proxy] fihero6501kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:08#162PanHun6500kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
#161.5[Proxy] chronokorea15450kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 14:06#161Sato Rina15000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#160.5[Proxy] fihero6180kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:04#160PanHun6000kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:04#159pooaa800kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
#158.5[Proxy] fihero5768kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:04#158PanHun5600kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 14:04#157Selvaria Bles650kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
Sat 14:02#156Mizuki Nana18000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
#155.5[Proxy] chronokorea12360kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 14:02#155Sato Rina12000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 14:01#154pooaa600kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
Sat 14:00#153hunter8090616000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 13:58#152Mizuki Nana13000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 13:58#151.5[Proxy] fihero5356kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
#151.5[Proxy] PanHun5200kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:57#151Selvaria Bles550kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
Sat 13:57#150hunter8090612000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
#149.5[Proxy] skedw2354637kClo10Peerless Jade Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:56#149.5[Proxy] fihero4501kClo10Peerless Jade Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:55#149issary10500kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 13:55#148Chirarhythm032500kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#147.5[Proxy] chronokorea11330kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 13:53#147Sato Rina11000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 13:53#146Madprank4000kHea13Legendary Savage Power Armor of Balance
#145.5[Proxy] PanHun4223kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:53#145youhashock4100kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
#144.5[Proxy] skedw2352060kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 13:49#144Chirarhythm032000kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 13:49#143ST-Ru850kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Sat 13:49#142.5[Proxy] skedw23580kClo14Legendary Onyx Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 13:48#142friggo6250kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 13:48#141Mizuki Nana10000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 13:47#140.5[Proxy] ArbiterErii3090kHea13Legendary Savage Power Armor of Balance
Sat 13:46#140dodori1020700kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
#139.5[Proxy] sharkswea1250kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:46#139svvarg1200kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:46#138스믈리에6060kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 13:45#137Waifu Maniac618kMat35100000 Monster Edibles
Sat 13:45#136issary8250kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
#135.5[Proxy] sharkswea1050kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:45#135svvarg1000kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#134.5[Proxy] fihero5883kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#134.5[Proxy] skedw2352577kClo10Peerless Jade Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:45#134.5[Proxy] fihero2501kClo10Peerless Jade Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:44#134스믈리에5711kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#133.5[Proxy] sharkswea950kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:44#133svvarg900kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#132.5[Proxy] fihero5544kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 13:43#132스믈리에5382kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#130.5[Proxy] sharkswea850kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:42#130svvarg480kMat33100000 Monster Chow
Sat 13:42#130svvarg480kMat32100000 Monster Chow
Sat 13:42#130svvarg800kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#129.5[Proxy] Kadokura585kMat11100 Binding of Isaac
Sat 13:42#129obafemi555567kMat11100 Binding of Isaac
Sat 13:42#128Hitori8050450kMat021000 Mid-Grade Wood
Sat 13:42#127.5[Proxy] BloodG350kHea21Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter
#127.5[Proxy] bgyujn300kHea21Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 13:41#127.5[Proxy] BloodG110kHea07Legendary Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
#127.5[Proxy] fihero5225kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 13:41#127.5[Proxy] 스믈리에5072kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 13:41#127.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh170kSta06Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:39#127lhv520045750kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Sat 13:38#126.5[Proxy] fihero4924kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 13:39#126.5[Proxy] 스믈리에4780kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#126.5[Proxy] Fluct Light800kMat041000 High-Grade Metals
Sat 13:37#126friggo4640kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 13:37#126friggo797kMat041000 High-Grade Metals
#125.5[Proxy] PanHun3813kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:29#125.5[Proxy] fihero3701kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:28#125ST-Ru700kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
#124.5[Proxy] PanHun3092kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:28#124.5[Proxy] fihero3001kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 13:26#124manga52250kMat23100 Binding of Niflheim
Sat 13:26#123manga52250kMat29100 Binding of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:25#122Clock_sound160kShd03Magnificent Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
#121.5[Proxy] bgyujn200kHea21Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 13:18#121feeling2love170kHea21Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 13:10#120.5[Proxy] fihero4501kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#120.5[Proxy] Kadokura4375kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 13:10#120.5[Proxy] fihero550kHea01Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 13:07#120hunter809068000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 13:04#119Nhóc Xà Beng50kClo34Legendary Amber Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Sat 13:04#119Nhóc Xà Beng50kClo27Legendary Onyx Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 13:04#119Nhóc Xà Beng50kClo26Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Freyr
Sat 13:04#119Nhóc Xà Beng50kSta05Legendary Shocking Redwood Staff of Destruction
#118.5[Proxy] ginjok6180kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 13:01#118hunter809066000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 12:49#117.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki140kMat1750 Binding of the Raccoon
Sat 12:47#117pooaa500kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
Sat 12:42#116lhv520045600kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Sat 12:17#115nebula rains200kClo33Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Sat 12:17#115nebula rains140kSta06Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 12:09#114Madprank3000kHea13Legendary Savage Power Armor of Balance
Sat 11:45#113.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh1050kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Sat 11:59#113.5[Proxy] free4all110kClo07Legendary Cobalt Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Sat 12:01#113.5[Proxy] free4all160kClo05Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
#113.5[Proxy] tonyi150kClo05Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
#113.5[Proxy] Otokonokomiyaki170kClo04Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 12:01#113.5[Proxy] free4all140kClo04Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 12:02#113.5[Proxy] free4all80kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#113.5[Proxy] Kadokura319kMat18100 Binding of the Turtle
Sat 11:56#113.5[Proxy] free4all309kMat18100 Binding of the Turtle
Sat 11:55#113.5[Proxy] free4all110kMat1750 Binding of the Raccoon
Sat 11:38#113daboli50kOne02Legendary Arctic Rapier of Slaughter
#112.5[Proxy] sharkswea750kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 11:30#112现视研补番中700kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 10:45#111.5[Proxy] bgyujn140kHea21Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 10:44#111Chirarhythm03300kClo15Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 10:44#111Chirarhythm03400kClo13Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Fenrir
#110.5[Proxy] Selvaria Bles350kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
Sat 10:42#110.5[Proxy] bgyujn300kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
#110.5[Proxy] ginjok248kClo15Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Fenrir
#110.5[Proxy] ginjok350kClo13Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 10:44#110.5[Proxy] chronokorea10300kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 10:41#110Chirarhythm03200kClo15Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 10:41#110Chirarhythm03300kClo13Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 10:28#109svvarg1800kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 10:17#107.5[Proxy] Otokonokomiyaki110kClo04Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Heimdall
#107.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac582kMat34100000 Monster Edibles
Sat 09:44#107yuripe565kMat34100000 Monster Edibles
#106.5[Proxy] Dammon1650kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 09:19#106svvarg1600kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 09:13#105ST-Ru500kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Sat 09:09#104.5[Proxy] Dammon1350kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
#103.5[Proxy] sharkswea550kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 08:59#103svvarg500kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 08:42#102아이리스450kMat33100000 Monster Chow
Sat 08:36#101pooaa2100kHea13Legendary Savage Power Armor of Balance
Sat 08:34#100HDD264150kHea03Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 08:34#100HDD264500kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
#99.5[Proxy] sharkswea400kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 08:22#99svvarg350kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#98.5[Proxy] Kadokura1100kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 08:18#98.5[Proxy] ginjok110kClo15Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 08:18#98.5[Proxy] ginjok250kClo13Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 08:20#98.5[Proxy] ginjok140kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
Sat 07:33#98sabregimp1050kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Sat 07:09#97lhv520045400kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Sat 07:08#96.5[Proxy] y979642450kHea15Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Balance
#96.5[Proxy] sharkswea250kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 07:01#96svvarg200kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 07:01#96svvarg1300kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 06:29#94.5[Proxy] daixu170kClo33Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#94.5[Proxy] Dammon950kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 06:24#94svvarg900kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:50#93.5[Proxy] ginjok80kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
#93.5[Proxy] PanHun1498kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 05:47#93.5[Proxy] ginjok1448kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 06:00#93.5[Proxy] sharkswea110kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#93.5[Proxy] piyin200kClo13Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 05:47#93.5[Proxy] ginjok190kClo13Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 05:45#93.5[Proxy] ginjok5150kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 06:07#93.5[Proxy] Fluct Light773kMat041000 High-Grade Metals
Sat 04:56#93manga52250kSta07Magnificent Shocking Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 04:55#92manga52250kSta08Magnificent Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 04:03#91feeling2love80kHea25Magnificent Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 04:03#91feeling2love50kHea23Magnificent Mithril Power Boots of Warding
Sat 04:03#91feeling2love110kHea21Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 04:03#91feeling2love50kShd01Legendary Amber Force Shield of Dampening
Sat 04:02#90LogJammin150kHea17Legendary Cobalt Power Boots of Warding
Sat 03:55#89.5[Proxy] piyin189kLig09Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of The Arcanist
#89.5[Proxy] zen_zen159kLig09Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of The Arcanist
Sat 03:56#89.5[Proxy] piyin140kClo33Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#89.5[Proxy] ace_amuro400kClo24Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Sat 03:56#89.5[Proxy] piyin350kClo24Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
#89.5[Proxy] PanHun700kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 03:54#89.5[Proxy] piyin650kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
#89.5[Proxy] skedw2351150kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 03:57#89.5[Proxy] piyin1100kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#89.5[Proxy] skedw235700kClo09Peerless Amber Phase Cap of Fenrir
Sat 03:57#89.5[Proxy] piyin650kClo09Peerless Amber Phase Cap of Fenrir
#89.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki309kMat10100 Binding of Balance
Sat 03:58#89.5[Proxy] piyin300kMat10100 Binding of Balance
Sat 03:17#89feeling2love100kOne03Magnificent Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 03:12#88telice50kClo18Legendary Frugal Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#87.5[Proxy] Selvaria Bles190kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
Sat 03:02#87hgsmxhh110kSta06Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 03:02#87hgsmxhh160kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
Sat 02:47#86fatemoe450kMat32100000 Monster Chow
Sat 02:34#85.5[Proxy] y979642450kHea17Legendary Cobalt Power Boots of Warding
Sat 02:46#85.5[Proxy] ace_amuro300kClo24Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
#85.5[Proxy] Kadokura1046kMat15100 Binding of the Ox
Sat 02:36#85.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki1015kMat15100 Binding of the Ox
Sat 01:39#85mklopp3000kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent
Sat 01:32#84mklopp10000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 00:49#83lhv52004550kMat25100 Binding of Surtr
#81.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny300kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Sat 00:45#81lhv520045250kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Sat 00:33#80.5[Proxy] zen_zen110kLig09Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of The Arcanist
Fri 23:04#80Crime72080kHea07Legendary Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
#79.5[Proxy] zen_zen757kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 22:38#79Toddlerkon707kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 20:36#78Draw99Gray80kHea21Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 20:15#77Draw99Gray110kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
Fri 19:24#76.5[Proxy] PanHun550kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
#76.5[Proxy] piyin500kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 18:45#76.5[Proxy] jenga2018323kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#76.5[Proxy] Sapo848080kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#76.5[Proxy] Dammon716kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 18:05#76svvarg666kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 17:34#75.5[Proxy] tonyi130kClo05Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
#75.5[Proxy] Fluct Light100kClo05Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 17:15#75Aaezahl80kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
#74.5[Proxy] Maharid150kLig07Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of Negation
Fri 16:09#74.5[Proxy] guppieman120kLig07Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of Negation
#74.5[Proxy] Dammon600kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 15:30#74svvarg550kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 15:10#73.5[Proxy] piyin80kLig09Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of The Arcanist
#73.5[Proxy] daixu110kClo33Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 15:08#73.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo33Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 15:07#73.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo29Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Fri 15:06#73.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo28Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 15:06#73.5[Proxy] piyin250kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 15:06#73.5[Proxy] piyin250kClo24Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
#73.5[Proxy] hotdogls321200kClo24Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 15:05#73.5[Proxy] piyin250kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 15:05#73.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 15:04#73.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo15Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Fenrir
Fri 15:04#73.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo14Legendary Onyx Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 15:04#73.5[Proxy] piyin110kClo13Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Fenrir
#73.5[Proxy] skedw2351050kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 15:03#73.5[Proxy] piyin1000kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#73.5[Proxy] skedw235550kClo09Peerless Amber Phase Cap of Fenrir
Fri 15:02#73.5[Proxy] piyin500kClo09Peerless Amber Phase Cap of Fenrir
Fri 15:02#73.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo07Legendary Cobalt Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Fri 15:00#73.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo04Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Heimdall
#73.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki110kMat10100 Binding of Balance
Fri 14:58#73.5[Proxy] piyin80kMat10100 Binding of Balance
Fri 14:49#73-Shun-80kSta06Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Fri 14:45#72dairyman2011188950kMat21100 Binding of Mjolnir
Fri 14:24#71QwertySS3000kClo31Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
#70.5[Proxy] Dammon400kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 13:40#70svvarg350kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
#69.5[Proxy] zen_zen605kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 13:33#69Toddlerkon555kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
#68.5[Proxy] zen_zen494kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 13:32#68Toddlerkon444kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
#67.5[Proxy] zen_zen383kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 13:12#67.5[Proxy] Dammon250kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 13:08#67Toddlerkon333kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
#66.5[Proxy] zen_zen272kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 13:06#66Toddlerkon222kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 13:06#66Toddlerkon80kMat1750 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 12:42#65.5[Proxy] Maharid50kHea19Magnificent Mithril Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 12:34#65.5[Proxy] Maharid80kHea18Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Warding
Fri 12:31#65.5[Proxy] Maharid50kLig07Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of Negation
Fri 08:32#65dmyers5950kHea09Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Fri 05:19#64아이리스50kMat2650 Binding of Negation
Fri 02:56#63.5[Proxy] zen_zen50kLig06Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of Negation
Fri 02:46#63hgsmxhh80kClo13Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 02:16#62telice50kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 02:16#62telice50kClo17Legendary Frugal Cotton Robe of the Demon-fiend
Fri 02:16#62telice50kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 02:16#62telice50kClo08Legendary Ruby Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
#61.5[Proxy] zen_zen140kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 02:04#61NateDSjudge110kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
#60.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny190kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Fri 01:52#60Nhóc Xà Beng160kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Fri 01:37#59Madprank2000kHea13Legendary Savage Power Armor of Balance
Fri 01:16#58soaries1000kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 01:16#58soaries50kMat22100 Binding of Niflheim
Fri 01:16#58soaries150kMat13100 Binding of the Barrier
Fri 00:12#57a797923200kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 22:34#56Nhóc Xà Beng100kClo38Legendary Cobalt Phase Robe of Surtr
Thu 22:23#55pooaa1200kHea13Legendary Savage Power Armor of Balance
Thu 21:53#54Draw99Gray50kOne04Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Thu 21:53#54Draw99Gray50kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
Thu 21:02#53Scremaz50kSta02Legendary Fiery Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 21:02#53Scremaz50kMat1750 Binding of the Raccoon
Thu 20:42#52.5[Proxy] zen_zen80kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
#52.5[Proxy] skedw235550kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 17:41#52.5[Proxy] Kadokura517kMat11100 Binding of Isaac
#52.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki501kMat11100 Binding of Isaac
Thu 17:11#52Slobber50kClo04Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Heimdall
Thu 17:11#52Slobber50kClo07Legendary Cobalt Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Thu 17:11#52Slobber50kClo15Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 17:11#52Slobber50kClo36Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Niflheim
Thu 17:11#52Slobber50kClo35Legendary Onyx Phase Robe of Niflheim
Thu 17:11#52Slobber50kClo30Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Thu 17:11#52Slobber50kClo28Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Freyr
Thu 17:11#52Slobber50kClo22Legendary Ruby Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Thu 17:11#52Slobber500kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 16:33#51轉雲殤200kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 16:29#50Madprank50kClo39Legendary Ruby Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Thu 15:32#49hunter809065000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 15:15#48ijkjlj50kHea25Magnificent Power Leggings of Warding
Thu 15:15#48ijkjlj50kHea22Magnificent Ruby Power Armor of Balance
Thu 15:00#47.5[Proxy] guppieman224kMat061000 High-Grade Leather
#46.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny130kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 14:52#46.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki217kMat061000 High-Grade Leather
Thu 14:56#46.5[Proxy] guppieman211kMat061000 High-Grade Leather
Thu 14:51#46ST-Ru100kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 14:51#46ST-Ru130kShd03Magnificent Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Thu 14:51#46ST-Ru200kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 14:51#46ST-Ru500kMat3150 Shade Fragment
Thu 14:51#46ST-Ru800kMat032000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 14:51#45Madprank1000kHea13Legendary Savage Power Armor of Balance
Thu 14:45#44.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki412kMat11100 Binding of Isaac
Thu 14:49#44.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki50kMat10100 Binding of Balance
Thu 14:51#44.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki50kMat061000 High-Grade Leather
Thu 14:27#44hc br300kLig08Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Thu 14:19#42youmin80kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 12:43#41.5[Proxy] manga52250kMat24100 Binding of Surtr
Thu 12:44#41.5[Proxy] manga52250kMat12100 Binding of Friendship
Thu 12:03#41Loveblue50kShd03Magnificent Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Thu 11:49#40.5[Proxy] Fluct Light50kClo05Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Heimdall
Thu 11:45#40zero101810150kHea14Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Balance
Thu 11:36#39zeroacg500kHea01Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Slaughter
#38.5[Proxy] skedw235140kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 11:36#38chooter110kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 11:33#37.5[Proxy] hotdogls32150kClo24Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 11:13#37.5[Proxy] skedw23580kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 10:56#37.5[Proxy] skedw2352060kClo10Peerless Jade Phase Robe of Fenrir
Thu 10:56#37.5[Proxy] skedw235130kClo09Peerless Amber Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 10:56#37.5[Proxy] Sapo845150kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#37.5[Proxy] Lin Setsu A5000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#37.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny2060kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 10:46#37Lin Setsu A2000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 10:43#36.5[Proxy] Lin Setsu A3090kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#36.5[Proxy] Goldage3000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 10:36#36.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny1050kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 10:44#36.5[Proxy] Lin Setsu A1000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 10:34#36Set0100kClo09Peerless Amber Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 10:29#35.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny50kClo37Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 10:13#35scott0313500kMat07100 Binding of Protection
Thu 09:58#34.5[Proxy] Selvaria Bles130kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
Thu 10:03#34.5[Proxy] Selvaria Bles50kMat3150 Shade Fragment
Thu 09:57#34ymy600kMat35100000 Monster Edibles
Thu 09:33#33hgsmxhh50kSta06Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Thu 09:33#33hgsmxhh50kClo32Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Thu 09:33#32.5[Proxy] daixu100kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
Thu 09:31#32.5[Proxy] daixu50kClo33Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Thu 09:31#32.5[Proxy] daixu50kClo31Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Thu 09:30#32kkndv0011050kMat032000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 09:30#32kkndv00110100kHea26Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Thu 09:28#31.5[Proxy] daixu50kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 09:27#31.5[Proxy] daixu50kOne07Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of Swiftness
Thu 09:11#31kug66650kOne03Magnificent Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 09:03#30cylinnia80kHea03Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Protection
Thu 09:03#30cylinnia50kHea11Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Thu 09:00#29cylinnia50kClo13Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Fenrir
Thu 08:35#27anna varney4000kSta04Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
#26.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac515kMat34100000 Monster Edibles
Thu 08:09#26anna varney500kMat34100000 Monster Edibles
Thu 08:09#26anna varney3090kMat07100 Binding of Protection
Thu 08:09#26anna varney8000kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
Thu 08:09#26anna varney400kMat021000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 07:53#25sdqwtwe400kMat33100000 Monster Chow
Thu 07:50#24sdqwtwe50kMat30100 Binding of the Heaven-sent
Thu 07:50#24sdqwtwe80kMat19100 Binding of Heimdall
Thu 07:45#23铃仙百合子50kHea26Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Thu 07:38#22.5[Proxy] BloodG50kHea21Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 07:38#22.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kMat35100000 Monster Edibles
Thu 07:38#22.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kMat34100000 Monster Edibles
Thu 07:37#22fatemoe100kHea13Legendary Savage Power Armor of Balance
Thu 07:35#21.5[Proxy] Goldage1000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 07:33#21铃仙百合子50kHea18Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Warding
Thu 07:33#21铃仙百合子50kHea03Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Protection
Thu 07:32#20hgsmxhh50kHea13Legendary Savage Power Armor of Balance
Thu 07:30#19hgsmxhh80kMat28100 Binding of the Elementalist
Thu 07:28#18Kadokura2000kClo11Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Thu 07:28#18Kadokura2000kClo10Peerless Jade Phase Robe of Fenrir
Thu 07:26#17铃仙百合子50kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 07:26#16.5[Proxy] BloodG50kHea07Legendary Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Thu 07:23#16铃仙百合子80kMat27100 Binding of the Elementalist
Thu 07:23#16铃仙百合子80kMat20100 Binding of Freyr
Thu 07:22#15Aaezahl50kLig10Legendary Jade Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Thu 07:22#15Aaezahl110kLig08Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Thu 07:20#14Ssfuse130kMat0950 Binding of Warding
Thu 07:19#13아이리스400kMat32100000 Monster Chow
Thu 07:18#12Ssfuse3000kMat07100 Binding of Protection
Thu 07:18#11.5[Proxy] Marcille50kLig04Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Fleet
Thu 07:17#11铃仙百合子50kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 07:15#10Kadokura300kMat18100 Binding of the Turtle
Thu 07:15#10Kadokura500kMat16100 Binding of the Raccoon
Thu 07:15#10Kadokura500kMat15100 Binding of the Ox
Thu 07:15#10Kadokura200kMat14100 Binding of the Nimble
Thu 07:15#10Kadokura400kMat11100 Binding of Isaac
Thu 07:15#10Kadokura250kMat08100 Binding of Warding
Thu 07:15#10Kadokura750kMat041000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 07:15#10Kadokura650kMat012000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 07:15#9gotenks22111850kLig09Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of The Arcanist
Thu 07:15#9gotenks22111880kLig08Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Thu 07:12#7fihero50kLig03Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Fleet
Thu 07:12#7fihero50kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Thu 07:12#7fihero50kHea01Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 07:12#7fihero50kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 07:12#7fihero50kClo12Peerless Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 07:12#7fihero50kClo11Peerless Onyx Phase Pants of Fenrir
Thu 07:12#7fihero50kClo10Peerless Jade Phase Robe of Fenrir
Thu 07:12#7fihero50kClo09Peerless Amber Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 07:11#6Aaezahl50kLig08Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Thu 07:10#5Kadokura1000kHea02Legendary Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 07:10#4manga5221000kSta03Peerless Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Focus
