Bid Log: Thread 210657

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 14:02#151youhashock500kClo02Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of The Heaven-sent
Sat 13:59#150tonyi250kClo02Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of The Heaven-sent
#149.5[Proxy] lololo16601kOne04Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Sat 13:42#149.5[Proxy] wrong369551kOne04Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Sat 13:08#149youhashock200kClo02Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of The Heaven-sent
Sat 12:50#148Petal_Kiss80kOne07Legendary Hallowed Shortsword of Slaughter
Sat 12:37#147.5[Proxy] tonyi80kClo02Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of The Heaven-sent
Sat 11:43#147yami_zetsu100kSta03Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of The Heaven-sent
Sat 11:14#14620Ilya130kOne03Legendary Ethereal Rapier of the Nimble
Sat 11:00#145.5[Proxy] chronokorea12731kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Sat 10:40#145dragon54100kOne03Legendary Ethereal Rapier of the Nimble
Sat 10:15#144SleepDealer500kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Sat 08:46#143.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi922kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Sat 09:46#143.5[Proxy] dlfjstbqkf700kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
#143.5[Proxy] hikokanou650kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Sat 08:12#143lanliu872kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Sat 07:14#142.5[Proxy] Cryosite130kHea05Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Protection
#142.5[Proxy] Mahiro-kyun6695kHea03Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 06:43#142.5[Proxy] cbn6500kHea03Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 06:02#142issary12360kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
#141.5[Proxy] Kadokura700kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 05:54#141physics152650kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 05:32#140qqnumd50kClo08Legendary Amber Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend
#139.5[Proxy] piyin111kHea02Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 03:51#139.5[Proxy] wrong36981kHea02Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 03:15#139PapaJuk50kOne07Legendary Hallowed Shortsword of Slaughter
Sat 03:15#139PapaJuk100kHea05Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Protection
Sat 01:55#138Doracra12000kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Sat 00:09#137.5[Proxy] Mahiro-kyun5274kHea03Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
#137.5[Proxy] Kiriman15120kHea03Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 21:18#137orz@orz7200kMat041000 High-Grade Wood
#136.5[Proxy] exxxooo211kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 21:03#136paramount111181kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 19:58#135Ikki Pop50kClo14Legendary Amber Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 19:52#134.5[Proxy] Kiriman14120kHea03Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
#134.5[Proxy] Kadokura550kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 17:49#134physics152500kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 16:56#133.5[Proxy] Nonfar50kSta02Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of the Elementalist
Fri 13:14#133.5[Proxy] kyouri6695kMat041000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 09:23#133Dk20176000kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#132.5[Proxy] fihero7313kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
Fri 07:30#132非洲肛裂大帝7100kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
#131.5[Proxy] fihero6695kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
Fri 07:09#131非洲肛裂大帝6500kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
Fri 06:43#130ckalsgk1234200kOne06Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
#129.5[Proxy] fihero6180kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
Fri 06:14#129非洲肛裂大帝6000kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
#128.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna115kOne06Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Fri 05:42#128ckalsgk1234100kOne06Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Fri 05:29#127lanliu961kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
#126.5[Proxy] fihero5768kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
Fri 05:02#126非洲肛裂大帝5600kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
#125.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi911kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
#125.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi822kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Fri 04:45#125lanliu910kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 04:45#125lanliu810kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Fri 04:39#124.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi860kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 04:37#124.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi760kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Fri 04:34#124lanliu810kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 04:34#124lanliu710kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
#123.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi750kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 03:51#123lanliu700kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
#122.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi650kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
#122.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi650kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Fri 03:15#122lanliu600kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 03:15#122lanliu600kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
#121.5[Proxy] Nonfar1051kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 03:10#121as0131001kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Niflheim
#120.5[Proxy] hikokanou550kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 03:05#120dlfjstbqkf500kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
#118.5[Proxy] hikokanou360kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 02:44#118dlfjstbqkf310kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 02:41#117bensalenkkari5000kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#116.5[Proxy] hikokanou260kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 02:10#116.5[Proxy] Nonfar211kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#116.5[Proxy] piyin181kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 02:10#116.5[Proxy] Nonfar938kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 01:55#116dlfjstbqkf210kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 01:55#116dlfjstbqkf150kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#115.5[Proxy] Epion8654kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 18:29#115.5[Proxy] fihero8401kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 23:35#115.5[Proxy] fihero5305kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
#115.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki777kMat011000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 18:07#115obafemi555760kMat011000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 16:40#114.5[Proxy] wrong36950kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 15:52#11420Ilya270kHea12Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets Of Dampening
#112.5[Proxy] clarkiest210kHea12Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets Of Dampening
Thu 15:37#11220Ilya200kHea12Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets Of Dampening
#111.5[Proxy] clarkiest140kHea12Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets Of Dampening
Thu 15:37#11120Ilya110kHea12Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets Of Dampening
Thu 15:34#11020Ilya110kHea10Legendary Shielding Plate Greaves of Protection
Thu 15:34#109as013888kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Niflheim
#107.5[Proxy] Piscolabis3657kMat0950 Binding of Destruction
Thu 15:14#107orz@orz3550kMat0950 Binding of Destruction
Thu 15:03#106.5[Proxy] hikokanou180kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
#106.5[Proxy] wrong369150kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Thu 15:02#106hikokanou50kClo04Magnificent Charged Cotton Pants of The Heaven-sent
Thu 14:58#105.5[Proxy] Piscolabis3399kMat0950 Binding of Destruction
Thu 14:33#105fat_zealot80kHea10Legendary Shielding Plate Greaves of Protection
Thu 13:54#104orz@orz3300kMat0950 Binding of Destruction
Thu 13:54#104orz@orz6500kMat041000 High-Grade Wood
Thu 13:51#103.5[Proxy] exxxooo80kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Thu 13:12#103-Shun-777kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Niflheim
#102.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi550kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
#102.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi550kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Thu 13:10#102lanliu500kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Thu 13:10#102lanliu500kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Thu 13:01#101Piscolabis3000kMat0950 Binding of Destruction
Thu 12:30#100Ciel Sacred1800kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Gauntlets of the Arcanist
Thu 12:17#99Mahiro-kyun4000kHea03Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Thu 11:43#98NateDSjudge2300kHea01Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Thu 10:47#97.5[Proxy] Epion7728kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#97.5[Proxy] fihero7502kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 10:21#97issary10000kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
#96.5[Proxy] needaname8240kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Thu 10:19#96issary8000kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
#95.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor206kMat041000 High-Grade Wood
Thu 10:18#95kkndv00110200kMat041000 High-Grade Wood
Thu 10:17#94非洲肛裂大帝6000kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 10:04#93.5[Proxy] needaname6180kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Thu 08:59#92as013666kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Niflheim
Thu 08:56#91lk1klklk400kClo10Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
#90.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor190kMat0950 Binding of Destruction
Thu 08:19#90.5[Proxy] wrong369160kMat0950 Binding of Destruction
Thu 07:45#90inumaru1250kSta03Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of The Heaven-sent
Thu 07:39#89issary6000kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
#88.5[Proxy] needaname4635kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Thu 07:38#88issary4500kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
#87.5[Proxy] needaname3090kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Thu 07:36#87issary3000kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
#86.5[Proxy] needaname1550kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Thu 07:35#86.5[Proxy] issary1500kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Thu 06:55#86.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kOne06Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
#86.5[Proxy] sickentide541kMat1370 Shade Fragment
Thu 06:36#86.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor525kMat1370 Shade Fragment
Thu 05:55#861357029980@qq.com5555kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 05:36#83aided50kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Thu 05:31#82紅の瞳5356kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 05:20#81.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny251kHea01Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
#81.5[Proxy] piyin201kHea01Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Thu 05:22#81.5[Proxy] piyin180kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Thu 05:19#81非洲肛裂大帝5200kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 05:03#79紅の瞳4800kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 04:46#78非洲肛裂大帝4660kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 04:38#77紅の瞳4429kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 04:03#76非洲肛裂大帝4300kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
#75.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳4101kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:53#75非洲肛裂大帝4100kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
#74.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳3891kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:50#741357029980@qq.com3777kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
#73.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳3662kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:48#731357029980@qq.com3555kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:43#721357029980@qq.com3333kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:41#71BlueWaterSplash3050kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:41#70.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳3433kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:38#701357029980@qq.com2957kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:37#691357029980@qq.com3333kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
#68.5[Proxy] lololo163186kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:32#68紅の瞳3093kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
#67.5[Proxy] lololo163002kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:28#67紅の瞳2914kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:23#66.5[Proxy] lololo162829kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:19#66紅の瞳2746kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:16#65BlueWaterSplash2750kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:11#641357029980@qq.com2666kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:11#631357029980@qq.com2666kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:05#62紅の瞳2575kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 03:03#61BlueWaterSplash2550kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 02:58#601357029980@qq.com2468kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 02:43#59BlueWaterSplash2300kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 02:40#581357029980@qq.com2222kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 02:29#57BlueWaterSplash2100kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#56.5[Proxy] Kadokura350kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 01:46#56physics152300kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 01:41#551357029980@qq.com2000kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 01:38#54非洲肛裂大帝1800kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 01:38#53.5[Proxy] Cryosite50kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Thu 01:33#53.5[Proxy] needaname50kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Thu 01:36#53.5[Proxy] Kadokura250kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 01:31#531357029980@qq.com2500kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 01:30#521357029980@qq.com1500kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 01:09#51qr123455150kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
Thu 01:06#50yousei1357200kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 00:55#49Dk20175000kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
#48.5[Proxy] jplshejeser412kMat1240 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 00:52#48Dk2017400kMat1240 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 00:31#47.5[Proxy] guppieman600kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Gauntlets of the Arcanist
Thu 00:23#47Nonfar150kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Thu 00:23#47Nonfar600kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Niflheim
Wed 23:57#46.5[Proxy] zero101810150kClo10Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Wed 23:40#46as0132017kHea03Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 23:36#45Kiriman14000kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 23:27#44scott03150kClo02Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of The Heaven-sent
#43.5[Proxy] lololo16500kOne04Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Wed 23:27#43Cryosite200kHea07Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Wed 23:27#43Cryosite50kHea05Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 23:27#43Cryosite450kOne04Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
#42.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor130kMat041000 High-Grade Wood
Wed 23:20#42LOL50015100kMat041000 High-Grade Wood
Wed 22:58#41.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳2174kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
#41.5[Proxy] lololo162110kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 22:55#41紅の瞳1500kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 22:54#40woodsopp80kClo15Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Surtr
Wed 22:54#40woodsopp1260kMat1120 Repurposed Actuator
#39.5[Proxy] lololo161250kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 22:54#39紅の瞳1200kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
#38.5[Proxy] lololo161002kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 22:52#38.5[Proxy] sickentide361kMat1370 Shade Fragment
#38.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor350kMat1370 Shade Fragment
Wed 22:51#38紅の瞳952kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
#37.5[Proxy] lololo16902kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 22:49#37.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳852kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 22:48#37.5[Proxy] sickentide10094kMat08100 Binding of Slaughter
#37.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor9800kMat08100 Binding of Slaughter
Wed 22:09#37crkscrew1575kMat0715 Binding of Slaughter
#36.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi450kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
#36.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi360kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 22:02#36clarkiest400kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Wed 22:02#36clarkiest310kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 21:54#35sssss2500kClo07Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#34.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki723kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
#34.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki723kMat011000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 21:53#34Dead-ed701kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 21:53#34Dead-ed701kMat011000 High-Grade Metals
#33.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki723kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 21:52#33Dead-ed701kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
#32.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki671kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 21:50#32Dead-ed651kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
#31.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor130kMat0950 Binding of Destruction
Wed 21:37#31High Rolla100kMat0950 Binding of Destruction
Wed 20:12#30.5[Proxy] fihero7210kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#30.5[Proxy] Epion7000kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#30.5[Proxy] DCFulano2062kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 20:08#30as0132001kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 20:07#29.5[Proxy] piyin1051kHea03Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
#29.5[Proxy] DCFulano1902kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 20:06#29as0131852kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 20:06#28.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea02Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Wed 20:06#28.5[Proxy] piyin141kHea01Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
#28.5[Proxy] wrong369111kHea01Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 20:04#28.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo15Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Surtr
Wed 20:05#28.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Wed 20:04#28.5[Proxy] piyin160kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
#28.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki211kMat061000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 20:02#28.5[Proxy] piyin181kMat061000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 20:01#28Mantra64550kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Gauntlets of the Arcanist
Wed 20:01#27.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne05Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
#27.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki211kMat051000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 20:01#27.5[Proxy] piyin181kMat051000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 19:59#27Mantra6450kHea04Legendary Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
#26.5[Proxy] DCFulano1767kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 19:32#26as0131717kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#25.5[Proxy] DCFulano1666kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 19:31#25as0131616kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#24.5[Proxy] DCFulano1565kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 19:29#24as0131515kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#23.5[Proxy] DCFulano1407kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 19:29#23as0131357kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#22.5[Proxy] DCFulano1251kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 19:27#22as0131201kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#21.5[Proxy] DCFulano1051kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 19:26#21.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki50kMat061000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 19:26#21.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki50kMat051000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 19:19#21as0131001kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#20.5[Proxy] Epion4614kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Wed 19:01#20.5[Proxy] svvarg4479kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Wed 19:00#20Draw99Gray130kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Wed 18:48#19.5[Proxy] clarkiest80kHea12Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets Of Dampening
#19.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi350kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Wed 18:50#19.5[Proxy] clarkiest300kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
#19.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi260kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 18:48#19.5[Proxy] clarkiest210kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 18:45#19.5[Proxy] clarkiest50kClo09Legendary Onyx Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Wed 18:58#19.5[Proxy] DCFulano716kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 18:42#19as013666kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 18:37#18.5[Proxy] wrong36950kHea01Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 18:40#18.5[Proxy] Epion50kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#18.5[Proxy] lololo16250kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 18:38#18.5[Proxy] wrong369200kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 18:16#18friggo1650kMat1050 Binding of Protection
Wed 18:08#17BY_dark_wind50kHea09Magnificent Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 17:53#16as0131001kHea03Legendary Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 17:53#16as013501kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Niflheim
Wed 17:53#16as0131201kMat1120 Repurposed Actuator
#15.5[Proxy] lololo16400kOne04Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Wed 17:32#15.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash350kOne04Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Wed 17:34#15.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor50kMat1370 Shade Fragment
#15.5[Proxy] jplshejeser330kMat1240 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 17:33#15.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor320kMat1240 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 17:31#15.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor50kMat1120 Repurposed Actuator
Wed 17:30#15.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor50kMat1050 Binding of Protection
Wed 17:32#15.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor50kMat0950 Binding of Destruction
Wed 17:30#15.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor50kMat08100 Binding of Slaughter
#15.5[Proxy] lololo161506kMat0715 Binding of Slaughter
Wed 17:28#15.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor1470kMat0715 Binding of Slaughter
Wed 17:35#15.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor50kMat041000 High-Grade Wood
Wed 17:37#15.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki50kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 17:37#15.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki50kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 17:37#15.5[Proxy] Basara Nekki50kMat011000 High-Grade Metals
#14.5[Proxy] lololo16252kOne04Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Wed 17:25#14.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash202kOne04Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Wed 17:18#1320Ilya50kHea12Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets Of Dampening
Wed 17:18#1320Ilya50kHea10Legendary Shielding Plate Greaves of Protection
Wed 17:18#1320Ilya50kOne03Legendary Ethereal Rapier of the Nimble
Wed 17:15#12yousei1357100kClo01Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Wed 17:15#11.5[Proxy] jplshejeser50kMat1240 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 17:12#11chrisreeve150kHea07Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Wed 17:10#10dragon54500kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Gauntlets of the Arcanist
Wed 17:10#9.5[Proxy] lololo16130kOne04Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Wed 17:10#9.5[Proxy] lololo1650kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 17:08#9dragon54150kLig03Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of Negation
Wed 17:08#8.5[Proxy] wrong36980kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 17:03#8TakanashiRi50kHea08Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Protection
Wed 17:03#8TakanashiRi50kHea06Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 17:03#7BlueWaterSplash100kOne04Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Wed 17:03#7BlueWaterSplash1000kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 17:02#6ALL_MIGHT50kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 17:02#5.5[Proxy] wrong36950kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Wed 17:02#5.5[Proxy] lololo1650kMat0715 Binding of Slaughter
Wed 16:58#5qr123454000kShd01Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Protection
Wed 16:57#4Waifu Maniac5200kMat1450 Energy Drink
Wed 16:57#3qinkin19795000kMat1450 Energy Drink
