Bid Log: Thread 210836

Auction ended

Click to filter by bidder or code
Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 14:00#156avaton350kOne03Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:58#155ckalsgk1234300kOne03Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:57#154dlgldign110kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Sat 13:51#153紅の瞳3000kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 13:46#152avaton250kOne03Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:40#150wmnb800kMat2250 Binding of the Fleet
Sat 13:36#149naotoren300kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:29#148vivikinomoto12336500kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 13:26#147maxsnowman2500kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
#146.5[Proxy] Lin Setsu A35001kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 13:24#146.5[Proxy] vivikinomoto12335000kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 13:18#146紅の瞳2060kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 13:18#14513wt2200kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Sat 13:12#144maxsnowman2000kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 13:07#143.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳1550kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 13:04#143maxsnowman1500kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 12:55#142.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳1050kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 12:54#142Fatesifaeve300kMat47100 Aether Shard
Sat 12:51#141maxsnowman1000kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
#140.5[Proxy] lololo162004kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Sat 12:49#14013wt2000kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Sat 12:41#139TakanashiRi6077kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 12:25#138bensalenkkari5900kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#137.5[Proxy] lololo161850kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Sat 12:23#137.5[Proxy] wrong36950kOne07Legendary Hallowed Axe of Slaughter
Sat 12:15#13713wt1800kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Sat 12:09#136lanliu850kHea08Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 11:59#135Dead-ed80kMat2450 Binding of the Nimble
Sat 11:59#135Dead-ed80kMat1550 Binding of Warding
#134.5[Proxy] Lin Setsu A25750kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 11:28#134.5[Proxy] issary25000kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 11:45#134.5[Proxy] lololo16300kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Sat 11:50#134.5[Proxy] faiya5111kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
#134.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor5000kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
Sat 11:20#134mopme50kClo01Magnificent Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
#133.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳400kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 11:10#133rosiddl250kClo23Legendary Amber Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Sat 11:10#133rosiddl350kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 10:30#132suixuemajia250kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#131.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳500kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 07:17#131BY_dark_wind450kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 06:49#130Gundo Misuzu25000kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 06:20#129.5[Proxy] Cryosite50kClo21Legendary Ruby Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 06:18#129.5[Proxy] chronokorea18540kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#129.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor7210kMat11100 Binding of Slaughter
Sat 06:35#129.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge7000kMat11100 Binding of Slaughter
Sat 05:57#129qr12345250kMat47100 Aether Shard
Sat 04:41#127非洲肛裂大帝750kHea08Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
#126.5[Proxy] Mantra641300kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Sat 04:25#126.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor1250kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Sat 04:16#126cylinnia80kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Sat 04:11#125abc123456789011015kClo04Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 04:05#124lanliu700kHea08Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 02:47#123.5[Proxy] wrong36950kClo19Legendary Jade Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 02:46#123.5[Proxy] wrong36950kClo16Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 02:46#123.5[Proxy] wrong36950kClo10Legendary Onyx Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend
#123.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh850kClo07Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 02:45#123.5[Proxy] wrong369800kClo07Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 02:44#123.5[Proxy] wrong369716kClo04Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#123.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh666kClo04Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 02:05#123非洲肛裂大帝550kHea08Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 00:01#122.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh400kClo07Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Fenrir
#122.5[Proxy] wrong369350kClo07Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 00:00#122.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh450kClo04Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#122.5[Proxy] wrong369400kClo04Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#122.5[Proxy] DJNoni10299kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 23:59#122.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh9999kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 23:30#122cylinnia320kClo07Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 23:15#121kkndv00110520kMat011000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Fri 20:29#119ary_kun500kTwo04Legendary Fiery Mace of Slaughter
Fri 19:53#118PapaJuk50kOne06Legendary Demonic Axe of Slaughter
#117.5[Proxy] DCFulano1550kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
#117.5[Proxy] DJNoni6979kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 17:38#117.5[Proxy] svvarg6775kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 17:12#117Kiriman11500kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
#116.5[Proxy] DJNoni4635kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 16:44#116hikokanou4500kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 15:57#115keiprox50kClo22Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#114.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳300kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 15:50#114rosiddl250kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 15:48#113keiprox200kClo23Legendary Amber Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
#112.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna400kTwo04Legendary Fiery Mace of Slaughter
Fri 15:17#112ary_kun380kTwo04Legendary Fiery Mace of Slaughter
#111.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳301kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 14:25#111.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna320kTwo04Legendary Fiery Mace of Slaughter
#111.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor176kMat47100 Aether Shard
Fri 15:01#111.5[Proxy] piyin146kMat47100 Aether Shard
Fri 14:07#111BY_dark_wind251kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 13:24#110ary_kun270kTwo04Legendary Fiery Mace of Slaughter
Fri 13:03#109sssss218000kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#108.5[Proxy] chronokorea10300kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 13:01#108sssss210000kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#107.5[Proxy] DJNoni1850kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#107.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor5150kMat11100 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 12:59#107.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge5000kMat11100 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 12:56#107hikokanou1800kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 12:48#106.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor115kMat47100 Aether Shard
#106.5[Proxy] piyin85kMat47100 Aether Shard
Fri 12:52#106.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor361kMat4350 Defense Matrix Modulator
#106.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge350kMat4350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 12:49#106.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor1082kMat4220 Repurposed Actuator
#106.5[Proxy] zero10181011050kMat4220 Repurposed Actuator
Fri 12:46#106.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor1030kMat11100 Binding of Slaughter
#106.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge1000kMat11100 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 12:51#106.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor4635kMat081000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 12:50#106.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor4635kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 12:46#106.5[Proxy] Sword Emperor515kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
#106.5[Proxy] piyin500kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 11:28#105.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳716kHea07Legendary Jade Power Boots of Balance
#105.5[Proxy] DCFulano2575kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 11:35#105.5[Proxy] chronokorea5150kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 11:15#105lanliu2500kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
#104.5[Proxy] DCFulano2060kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 11:10#104lanliu500kHea08Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Fri 11:10#104lanliu2000kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
#103.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna205kTwo04Legendary Fiery Mace of Slaughter
Fri 11:09#103ary_kun200kTwo04Legendary Fiery Mace of Slaughter
#102.5[Proxy] DJNoni3763kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 09:43#102.5[Proxy] svvarg3653kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:22#102rosiddl150kClo23Legendary Amber Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Fri 05:11#101.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi5665kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#101.5[Proxy] Lin Setsu A15449kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 07:13#101.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac14999kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 04:49#101woodsopp464kMat011000 Mid-Grade Cloth
#100.5[Proxy] Mantra641050kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Fri 03:27#100UsArmyGuy1000kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
#99.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna130kTwo04Legendary Fiery Mace of Slaughter
Fri 02:35#99ary_kun100kTwo04Legendary Fiery Mace of Slaughter
Fri 02:06#98bensalenkkari5500kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#97.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge515kMat11100 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 01:49#97Drakewyn50kMat40100 Binding of the Heaven-sent
Fri 01:49#97Drakewyn300kMat2750 Binding of the Turtle
Fri 01:49#97Drakewyn150kMat1950 Binding of Balance
Fri 01:49#97Drakewyn110kMat18100 Binding of Stoneskin
Fri 01:49#97Drakewyn110kMat17100 Binding of Deflection
Fri 01:49#97Drakewyn500kMat11100 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 01:36#96trikon00050kTwo03Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
#95.5[Proxy] Cryosite110kTwo02Legendary Hallowed Katana of Slaughter
Fri 01:32#95Anemona780kTwo02Legendary Hallowed Katana of Slaughter
#94.5[Proxy] Ea-Moon5150kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:04#94ggig325000kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:01#93kkndv00110450kMat011000 Mid-Grade Cloth
#92.5[Proxy] DJNoni2575kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:01#92.5[Proxy] ggig322500kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 00:59#92kkndv00110200kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#91.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳201kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 00:51#91.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳171kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr
#91.5[Proxy] Ea-Moon4120kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 00:56#91.5[Proxy] ggig324000kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#91.5[Proxy] DJNoni2266kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 00:49#91.5[Proxy] Jack Tekila2200kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 00:24#91hujkl171kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 00:24#91hujkl141kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 23:26#90.5[Proxy] Ea-Moon3090kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#90.5[Proxy] ggig323000kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 23:25#90.5[Proxy] Ea-Moon50kMat49500 Voidseeker Shard
#90.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge335kMat4350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 15:51#90Dk2017325kMat4350 Defense Matrix Modulator
#89.5[Proxy] lololo161666kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Thu 13:57#89.5[Proxy] Sapo841616kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Thu 13:47#89.5[Proxy] ggig322060kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 15:25#89.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge206kMat4350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 15:20#89.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge80kMat1950 Binding of Balance
Thu 15:21#89.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge80kMat11100 Binding of Slaughter
Thu 13:21#89qr12345300kMat06500 High-Grade Metals
Thu 12:50#88woodsopp4500kMat081000 High-Grade Wood
Thu 12:50#88woodsopp4500kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
Thu 12:38#87.5[Proxy] zero10181011032kMat4220 Repurposed Actuator
Thu 12:07#87friggo600kMat2250 Binding of the Fleet
Thu 11:18#86woodsopp564kMat2250 Binding of the Fleet
Thu 11:18#86woodsopp1650kMat1450 Binding of Protection
Thu 11:07#85orz@orz350kMat4450 Shade Fragment
Thu 11:07#85orz@orz50kMat38100 Binding of the Earth-walker
Thu 11:07#85orz@orz50kMat36100 Binding of the Curse-weaver
Thu 11:07#85orz@orz50kMat31100 Binding of Mjolnir
Thu 10:57#84dlgldign130kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 10:42#83.5[Proxy] wrong36950kClo09Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Demon-fiend
Thu 10:41#83.5[Proxy] wrong369250kClo07Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Fenrir
Thu 10:40#83.5[Proxy] wrong36980kClo04Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Thu 10:44#83.5[Proxy] wrong36950kOne02Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 08:44#83qr123451001kMat4220 Repurposed Actuator
Thu 08:40#82friggo547kMat2250 Binding of the Fleet
Thu 08:31#81suixuemajia100kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#80.5[Proxy] DCFulano1051kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 07:40#80.5[Proxy] Cryosite50kSta04Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Thu 07:25#80.5[Proxy] Lin Setsu A12932kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Thu 08:18#80.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac12555kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Thu 05:38#80.5[Proxy] zero101810180kMat4220 Repurposed Actuator
Thu 05:27#80as0131001kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 04:10#79inumaru122000kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 03:34#78akathibi350kLig02Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Thu 03:04#77.5[Proxy] guppieman50kLig06Legendary Amber Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Thu 03:11#77.5[Proxy] ArbiterErii5722kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#77.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac5555kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Thu 03:03#77Drksrpnt20000kLig04Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of The Shadowdancer
Thu 02:46#76paramount111250kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Thu 02:42#75yousei135750kMat41100 Binding of the Heaven-sent
Thu 02:04#74seekingdie284kMat2050 Binding of Isaac
Thu 01:55#73keiprox100kClo23Legendary Amber Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
#72.5[Proxy] piyin111kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 01:42#72Anemona7110kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 01:07#71atn650kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Surtr
Thu 01:03#70gba0012380kMat39100 Binding of the Elementalist
#69.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac4120kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Thu 00:59#69Piscolabis4000kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#68.5[Proxy] hikokanou1050kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 00:46#68Ea-Moon1000kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 00:46#67wmnb1575kMat1450 Binding of Protection
#66.5[Proxy] hikokanou450kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 00:40#66Ea-Moon400kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 00:33#65woodsopp550kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Surtr
Thu 00:30#64.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh666kHea07Legendary Jade Power Boots of Balance
#64.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳650kHea07Legendary Jade Power Boots of Balance
#64.5[Proxy] DCFulano950kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 00:27#64as013900kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 00:26#63woodsopp531kMat2250 Binding of the Fleet
#62.5[Proxy] DCFulano850kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 00:21#62as013800kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 23:59#61.5[Proxy] guppieman350kLig01Peerless Zircon Shade Boots of Negation
Wed 23:57#61.5[Proxy] Cryosite50kTwo02Legendary Hallowed Katana of Slaughter
Wed 23:38#61NateDSjudge200kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Wed 22:11#59.5[Proxy] guppieman50kLig09Legendary Ruby Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet
#59.5[Proxy] decondelite300kLig02Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Wed 22:05#59.5[Proxy] guppieman250kLig02Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Wed 22:02#59cylinnia200kClo07Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 22:01#58cylinnia2100kClo03Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
#57.5[Proxy] lololo161049kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Wed 20:12#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac999kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Wed 20:11#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac3090kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Wed 20:02#57.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac309kMat5150000 Monster Edibles
Wed 19:13#57cbn50kOne04Legendary Hallowed Club of Slaughter
#56.5[Proxy] DCFulano750kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 19:04#56.5[Proxy] decondelite700kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
#56.5[Proxy] Mantra64750kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Wed 19:04#56.5[Proxy] decondelite700kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Wed 19:10#56.5[Proxy] decondelite80kLig02Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Wed 19:07#56.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo14Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Mjolnir
#56.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳141kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Wed 19:06#56.5[Proxy] piyin111kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Wed 19:06#56.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr
Wed 19:03#56cbn3000kSta00Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Wed 19:03#54.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo08Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Fenrir
Wed 19:03#54.5[Proxy] piyin110kClo07Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Fenrir
#54.5[Proxy] hikokanou250kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Wed 19:02#54.5[Proxy] piyin200kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Wed 18:48#54ALL_MIGHT50kMat11100 Binding of Slaughter
Wed 18:45#53.5[Proxy] piyin80kMat48500 Featherweight Shard
Wed 18:45#53.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat47100 Aether Shard
Wed 18:43#53.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat4450 Shade Fragment
Wed 18:41#53.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat10200 High-Grade Leather
Wed 18:42#53.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat081000 High-Grade Wood
Wed 18:40#53.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat06500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 18:38#53.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 18:26#52SleepDealer2000kClo03Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
#51.5[Proxy] hikokanou1050kClo03Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 18:25#51SleepDealer1000kClo03Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
#50.5[Proxy] DCFulano1650kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 17:17#50qr123451600kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 17:17#49Lin Setsu A300kMat5150000 Monster Edibles
#48.5[Proxy] DCFulano1450kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 17:15#48qr123451400kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
#47.5[Proxy] DCFulano1250kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 17:14#47qr123451200kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 16:57#46ckalsgk1234200kOne03Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 16:49#45ch36450kMat32100 Binding of Niflheim
Wed 16:49#45ch36450kMat2450 Binding of the Nimble
Wed 16:49#45ch36450kMat1950 Binding of Balance
Wed 16:40#44.5[Proxy] DCFulano850kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 16:40#44.5[Proxy] DCFulano250kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
#44.5[Proxy] Mantra64250kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Wed 16:27#44dlgldign200kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Wed 15:59#43.5[Proxy] Mantra64110kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Wed 15:56#43ALL_MIGHT50kClo18Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Niflheim
Wed 15:49#42dlgldign80kHea10Magnificent Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 15:49#42dlgldign80kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Wed 15:49#42dlgldign50kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Wed 15:49#42dlgldign50kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 15:46#40Mahiro-kyun150kMat2750 Binding of the Turtle
Wed 15:46#40Mahiro-kyun475kMat2650 Binding of the Raccoon
Wed 15:46#40Mahiro-kyun475kMat2550 Binding of the Ox
Wed 15:46#40Mahiro-kyun275kMat2050 Binding of Isaac
Wed 15:46#40Mahiro-kyun70kMat18100 Binding of Stoneskin
Wed 15:46#40Mahiro-kyun70kMat17100 Binding of Deflection
Wed 15:46#40Mahiro-kyun750kMat041000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 15:46#40Mahiro-kyun750kMat031000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 15:43#38Scremaz50kLig02Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Wed 15:40#37.5[Proxy] lololo16700kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
#37.5[Proxy] exxxooo650kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Wed 15:40#37.5[Proxy] lololo164000kLig04Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of The Shadowdancer
Wed 15:42#37.5[Proxy] hikokanou50kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Wed 15:40#37.5[Proxy] DJNoni1050kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Wed 15:32#37clarkiest80kClo07Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 15:31#36ymy50kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Boots of Protection
#35.5[Proxy] DJNoni1550kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Wed 15:28#35.5[Proxy] hikokanou1500kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Wed 15:27#35friggo515kMat2250 Binding of the Fleet
Wed 15:27#34.5[Proxy] hikokanou80kClo03Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 15:26#34clarkiest50kClo04Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 15:26#34clarkiest50kClo03Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 15:26#34clarkiest50kMat4220 Repurposed Actuator
Wed 15:26#34clarkiest50kMat37100 Binding of the Demon-fiend
Wed 15:26#34clarkiest50kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
Wed 15:26#33.5[Proxy] ArbiterErii50kTwo05Legendary Ethereal Longsword of Slaughter
Wed 15:10#33sssss21020kMat4610 Energy Drink
Wed 15:10#33sssss210200kMat45100 Energy Drink
Wed 15:09#32sssss25000kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 15:09#31SleepDealer50kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Wed 15:09#30.5[Proxy] 八雲紫50kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Gauntlets of Protection
Wed 15:08#30.5[Proxy] issary50kMat48500 Featherweight Shard
Wed 15:09#30.5[Proxy] issary50kMat4610 Energy Drink
Wed 15:07#30.5[Proxy] issary50kMat45100 Energy Drink
Wed 14:54#30紅の瞳50kMat30100 Binding of Freyr
Wed 14:54#29.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kHea08Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Wed 14:52#29.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kClo15Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Wed 14:52#29.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kClo13Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Wed 14:51#29.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kShd01Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection
Wed 14:51#29.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kSta03Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Focus
Wed 14:50#29atn500kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Surtr
Wed 14:50#28.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kTwo04Legendary Fiery Mace of Slaughter
Wed 14:47#28BY_dark_wind200kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 14:43#27BY_dark_wind150kOne03Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 14:40#26轉雲殤50kLig03Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of The Shadowdancer
#25.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi3693kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 14:38#25qr123453585kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 14:37#24SleepDealer1000kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
#23.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi3480kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 14:36#23qr123453378kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#22.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi3279kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 14:35#22qr123453183kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 14:35#21.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳50kHea07Legendary Jade Power Boots of Balance
Wed 14:31#20orz@orz280kMat5150000 Monster Edibles
Wed 14:31#20orz@orz50kMat3550 Binding of Negation
Wed 14:31#20orz@orz70kMat34100 Binding of Focus
Wed 14:31#20orz@orz50kMat2150 Binding of Friendship
Wed 14:31#20orz@orz3500kMat1350 Binding of Destruction
Wed 14:31#19.5[Proxy] DJNoni50kClo05Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Wed 14:28#19as013150kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 14:27#18qr12345800kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 14:27#17as0134888kMat1250 Binding of Slaughter
Wed 14:27#16ikarosf50kHea09Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 14:27#15as013750kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 14:27#14.5[Proxy] 紅の瞳80kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Wed 14:27#14.5[Proxy] TakanashiRi3090kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 14:25#14yousei135750kClo07Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 14:25#14yousei135750kMat29100 Binding of Fenrir
Wed 14:25#14yousei135750kMat28100 Binding of Heimdall
Wed 14:23#13Dk2017200kMat4350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 14:23#13Dk2017100kMat2350 Binding of the Barrier
Wed 14:22#12ckalsgk123450kOne03Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 14:17#10qr123453000kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 14:16#9gksalfm154650kMat39100 Binding of the Elementalist
Wed 14:15#81989ktzx50kHea02Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 14:15#7.5[Proxy] exxxooo550kLig05Legendary Agile Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer
Wed 14:09#7rosiddl50kClo23Legendary Amber Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Wed 14:09#7rosiddl50kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Wed 14:09#7rosiddl50kClo11Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Freyr
Wed 14:06#6woodsopp100kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Surtr
Wed 14:06#6woodsopp50kMat33100 Binding of Surtr
Wed 14:06#6woodsopp500kMat2250 Binding of the Fleet
Wed 14:06#6woodsopp50kMat1650 Binding of Dampening
Wed 14:06#6woodsopp50kMat1550 Binding of Warding
Wed 14:06#6woodsopp1500kMat1450 Binding of Protection
Wed 14:06#6woodsopp3500kMat09500 High-Grade Wood
Wed 14:06#6woodsopp400kMat011000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Wed 14:06#5altcoin225kMat5050000 Monster Chow
Wed 14:01#3TakanashiRi50kShd02Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
