Bid Log: Thread 211670

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 13:59#82非洲肛裂大帝280kClo11Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#81.5[Proxy] hikokanou2575kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 13:58#81totoro992500kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 13:55#80.5[Proxy] flypet282kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
Sat 13:54#80.5[Proxy] amumusdream500kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
#80.5[Proxy] cylinnia15450kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 13:52#80sssss215000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
#79.5[Proxy] hikokanou2060kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 13:52#79totoro992000kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 13:51#78.5[Proxy] Cryosite452kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
#78.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge450kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
#78.5[Proxy] boy1994715450kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 13:52#78.5[Proxy] amumusdream449kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 13:47#78hentai_fusion15450kHea02Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 13:46#7719tpdltkdaksdla510kShd01Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
Sat 13:44#76ysnetwork460kShd01Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
#75.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge351kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Sat 13:39#75.5[Proxy] piyin301kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Sat 13:39#75.5[Proxy] piyin232kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
#75.5[Proxy] flypet200kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
#75.5[Proxy] boy1994715171kClo17Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:41#75.5[Proxy] Cryosite141kClo17Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:42#75.5[Proxy] Cryosite80kClo15Legendary Ruby Phase Robe of Niflheim
#75.5[Proxy] boy1994715203kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 13:37#75.5[Proxy] piyin173kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 13:36#75.5[Proxy] piyin170kClo04Legendary Jade Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 13:28#7519tpdltkdaksdla410kShd01Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
Sat 13:27#74sssss23500kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 13:26#73.5[Proxy] amumusdream403kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
Sat 13:18#73.5[Proxy] rjgc130kClo01Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:16#73ysnetwork360kShd01Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
Sat 13:13#72.5[Proxy] Cryosite353kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
Sat 12:30#72.5[Proxy] amumusdream320kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
Sat 12:32#72.5[Proxy] faiya221kClo11Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#72.5[Proxy] piyin191kClo11Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Sat 12:56#72.5[Proxy] boy1994715400kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 12:55#72.5[Proxy] amumusdream350kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
#72.5[Proxy] Kira.Yoshikage12051kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 12:30#72hikokanou11700kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 12:30#71.5[Proxy] amumusdream252kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
Sat 12:28#7019tpdltkdaksdla310kShd01Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
#69.5[Proxy] boy1994715250kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 12:25#69amumusdream200kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
#68.5[Proxy] hikokanou1050kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 12:23#68totoro991000kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
#67.5[Proxy] Cryosite202kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
Sat 12:23#67amumusdream201kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
#66.5[Proxy] hikokanou550kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 12:20#66totoro99500kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 12:18#65.5[Proxy] zilot93310kHea12Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter
#65.5[Proxy] flypet300kHea12Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter
#65.5[Proxy] boy1994715140kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 12:15#65amumusdream110kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 12:01#64tonyi50kLig03Magnificent Savage Shade Gauntlets of The Arcanist
Sat 12:01#64tonyi200kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Fleet
#63.5[Proxy] Kira.Yoshikage10609kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 11:51#63hikokanou6010kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sat 11:51#63hikokanou10300kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
#62.5[Proxy] lzy07155465kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sat 11:47#62.5[Proxy] hikokanou5305kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sat 11:07#62Endlesstrike400kHea09Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Warding
Sat 10:59#61.5[Proxy] flypet260kHea12Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 10:58#60Seeker320120kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Fleet
Sat 10:58#59.5[Proxy] flypet192kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
#59.5[Proxy] hikokanou300kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 10:54#59totoro99250kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 10:51#58.5[Proxy] microDrain1284kHea04Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
#58.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh1234kHea04Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 10:07#58.5[Proxy] fihero2678kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#58.5[Proxy] cylinnia2600kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 10:28#58.5[Proxy] rosiddl80kOne02Legendary Tempestuous Wakizashi of The Nimble
Sat 07:27#58cylinnia140kClo04Legendary Jade Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 06:28#57Anemona7601kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 05:59#56totoro99400kClo12Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Sat 05:43#55zeroacg800kHea03Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Slaughter
#54.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh551kHea04Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 05:33#54.5[Proxy] piyin501kHea04Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 05:32#54.5[Proxy] piyin162kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
#54.5[Proxy] flypet150kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
Sat 05:31#54.5[Proxy] piyin550kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 05:34#54.5[Proxy] piyin350kClo12Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Sat 05:33#54.5[Proxy] piyin190kClo11Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#54.5[Proxy] hikokanou171kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 05:31#54.5[Proxy] piyin141kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
#54.5[Proxy] boy1994715142kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 05:30#54.5[Proxy] piyin112kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 05:30#54.5[Proxy] piyin110kClo04Legendary Jade Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 02:25#54totoro99300kClo12Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 16:07#53.5[Proxy] zilot93210kHea12Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter
#53.5[Proxy] flypet200kHea12Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 02:07#53.5[Proxy] Cryosite171kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
Sat 00:14#53.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓250kClo12Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 15:25#52LOL50015200kClo19Peerless Frugal Cotton Robe of Warding
Fri 14:48#51ysnetwork260kShd01Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
Fri 14:40#50.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge250kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
#50.5[Proxy] piyin200kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Fri 14:38#50Me1_base_honor210kShd01Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
Fri 14:38#49.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge150kClo19Peerless Frugal Cotton Robe of Warding
Fri 13:55#49.5[Proxy] cylinnia2163kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#49.5[Proxy] clarkiest2100kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 14:00#49.5[Proxy] cylinnia12360kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
#49.5[Proxy] clarkiest12000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 13:15#49pooaa600kHea03Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 13:03#48.5[Proxy] clarkiest2060kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#48.5[Proxy] cylinnia2000kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 13:05#48.5[Proxy] clarkiest8240kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
#48.5[Proxy] cylinnia8000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 12:57#48ysnetwork180kShd01Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
Fri 10:44#47amumusdream141kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
Fri 08:00#46.5[Proxy] amumusdream205kHea08Legendary Jade Power Armor of Balance
#46.5[Proxy] ikarosf175kHea08Legendary Jade Power Armor of Balance
#46.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh450kHea04Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 04:49#46atn400kHea04Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 04:37#45.5[Proxy] lzy07155150kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#45.5[Proxy] hikokanou5000kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 04:27#45keiprox50kClo16Magnificent Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Fri 04:23#44Anemona7500kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 04:05#43SidZBear15000kHea02Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 03:46#42.5[Proxy] flypet180kHea12Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter
#42.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna140kHea06Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 02:29#42reality_marble110kHea06Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Protection
#39.5[Proxy] piyin190kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Fri 00:59#39kkndv00110160kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Fri 00:37#38.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh350kHea04Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 00:16#38Me1_base_honor150kShd01Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
Thu 21:48#37BlueWaterSplash350kHea09Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Warding
Thu 17:34#36.5[Proxy] zilot93300kHea13Magnificent Amber Power Armor of Slaughter
Thu 16:16#36.5[Proxy] Cryosite251kHea13Magnificent Amber Power Armor of Slaughter
Thu 17:38#36.5[Proxy] zilot93150kHea12Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 17:31#36.5[Proxy] zilot9350kHea10Magnificent Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#36.5[Proxy] piyin110kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Thu 17:26#36.5[Proxy] zilot9380kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Thu 15:52#36.5[Proxy] faiya332kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Thu 16:18#36.5[Proxy] Cryosite282kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Thu 15:28#36qr12345300kHea04Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 13:34#35.5[Proxy] boy199471580kClo17Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 13:16#35.5[Proxy] hikokanou4120kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Thu 13:10#35.5[Proxy] lzy07154000kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Thu 12:25#35.5[Proxy] hikokanou110kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Thu 12:46#35.5[Proxy] boy199471580kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 12:44#35.5[Proxy] boy199471581kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Freyr
#35.5[Proxy] piyin51kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Freyr
#35.5[Proxy] Kira.Yoshikage9277kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 12:40#35.5[Proxy] hikokanou9006kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 12:43#35.5[Proxy] cylinnia80kClo04Legendary Jade Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#35.5[Proxy] piyin51kClo04Legendary Jade Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 11:46#35LOL50015120kClo19Peerless Frugal Cotton Robe of Warding
Thu 11:35#34rosiddl120kHea12Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 11:09#3320Ilya300kHea09Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Warding
Thu 10:40#32.5[Proxy] lzy07151161kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#32.5[Proxy] faiya1111kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Thu 11:07#32.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓80kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
#32.5[Proxy] piyin51kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Thu 10:20#32daboli650kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#31.5[Proxy] Kira.Yoshikage2060kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 10:20#31daboli2000kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 09:41#30zeroacg500kHea03Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 09:32#29pooaa300kHea03Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Slaughter
#28.5[Proxy] Cryosite111kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
Thu 09:10#28amumusdream100kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
Thu 08:23#27.5[Proxy] Cryosite50kClo18Magnificent Charged Cotton Robe of The Elementalist
Thu 08:24#27.5[Proxy] Cryosite111kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
#27.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Thu 06:52#27illusioninusall100kClo01Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Thu 06:30#26BlueWaterSplash250kHea09Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Warding
Thu 06:15#2520Ilya180kHea09Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Warding
Thu 05:32#24totoro99200kClo12Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#23.5[Proxy] faiya550kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Thu 04:51#23lzy0715500kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#22.5[Proxy] faiya450kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Thu 02:41#22.5[Proxy] cylinnia1050kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#22.5[Proxy] clarkiest1000kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Thu 01:36#22TCPG400kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Wed 23:22#21.5[Proxy] flypet130kHea13Magnificent Amber Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 23:22#21.5[Proxy] flypet80kHea12Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter
Wed 23:22#21.5[Proxy] flypet80kHea11Magnificent Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 23:21#21.5[Proxy] flypet131kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
#21.5[Proxy] piyin101kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
#21.5[Proxy] cylinnia5150kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 22:12#21.5[Proxy] clarkiest5000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 20:55#21decondelite2000kSta02Legendary Demonic Katalox Staff of Fenrir
Wed 20:15#20BlueWaterSplash150kHea09Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Warding
Wed 18:26#17.5[Proxy] clarkiest81kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#17.5[Proxy] piyin51kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Wed 17:26#1720Ilya110kHea09Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Warding
Wed 17:04#16.5[Proxy] ikarosf50kHea08Legendary Jade Power Armor of Balance
Wed 16:57#16BlueWaterSplash50kHea11Magnificent Onyx Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 16:57#16BlueWaterSplash80kHea09Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Warding
Wed 15:56#15.5[Proxy] BY_dark_wind2632kHea05Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 15:55#15.5[Proxy] DCFulano2555kHea05Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 16:31#15.5[Proxy] faiya160kClo11Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#15.5[Proxy] piyin150kClo11Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Wed 16:31#15.5[Proxy] faiya300kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#15.5[Proxy] piyin250kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Wed 15:35#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea04Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Slaughter
Wed 15:35#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea03Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 15:35#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea01Peerless Cobalt Power Armor of Protection
Wed 15:34#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig02Legendary Cobalt Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
Wed 15:34#13.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo19Peerless Frugal Cotton Robe of Warding
Wed 15:34#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Wed 15:34#13.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo12Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Wed 15:33#13.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo11Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Wed 15:33#13.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Wed 15:33#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Wed 15:33#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Freyr
Wed 15:32#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Wed 15:32#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo04Legendary Jade Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#13.5[Proxy] cylinnia300kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 15:32#13.5[Proxy] piyin250kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 15:29#13rosiddl50kHea12Magnificent Power Leggings of Slaughter
Wed 15:15#12.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kHea06Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Protection
Wed 15:25#12.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge1050kHea05Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 14:57#12Cyrus21000kHea05Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 14:43#11ikarosf120kShd01Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
Wed 14:42#10.5[Proxy] ikarosf50kHea07Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 14:33#10daboli50kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#9.5[Proxy] Kira.Yoshikage1050kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Wed 14:33#9.5[Proxy] cylinnia50kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 14:32#9daboli1000kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Wed 14:19#8.5[Proxy] BY_dark_wind700kHea05Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 14:22#8.5[Proxy] Kira.Yoshikage50kClo06Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Wed 14:14#7totoro9950kClo17Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 14:14#7totoro9950kClo15Legendary Ruby Phase Robe of Niflheim
Wed 14:14#7totoro9950kClo12Legendary Jade Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Wed 14:14#7totoro9950kClo11Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Wed 14:13#6qr12345650kHea05Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 14:13#5.5[Proxy] BY_dark_wind50kClo08Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
Wed 14:09#5amumusdream50kOne02Legendary Tempestuous Wakizashi of The Nimble
Wed 14:07#4dlgldign100kHea13Magnificent Amber Power Armor of Slaughter
Wed 14:07#4dlgldign50kHea09Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Warding
Wed 14:07#4dlgldign80kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Fleet
Wed 14:06#3Scremaz50kClo19Peerless Frugal Cotton Robe of Warding
