Bid Log: Thread 214906

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 14:09#180chemistamu5665kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Sat 13:59#178kingbyul5500kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Sat 13:58#177old timer300kShd02Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 13:58#177old timer260kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
#176.5[Proxy] qwertypls361kMat4350 Shade Fragment
Sat 13:54#176Doomdragon2350kMat4350 Shade Fragment
#175.5[Proxy] qwertypls250kShd02Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Deflection
#175.5[Proxy] BMXArena252kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 13:51#175old timer200kShd02Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 13:51#175old timer248kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
#174.5[Proxy] qwertypls170kShd02Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Deflection
#174.5[Proxy] BMXArena240kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 13:48#174old timer140kShd02Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 13:48#174old timer233kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
#173.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh1850kHea04Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 13:47#173Clock_sound1800kHea04Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 13:46#172Doomdragon2180kMat141000 High-Grade Leather
#171.5[Proxy] qwertypls110kShd02Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 13:46#171.5[Proxy] BMXArena226kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 13:43#171old timer80kShd02Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 13:43#171old timer219kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
#170.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh1550kHea04Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 13:41#170Clock_sound1500kHea04Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
#168.5[Proxy] akkr273190kMat131000 High-Grade Leather
Sat 12:20#168Doomdragon2160kMat131000 High-Grade Leather
#167.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny29999kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Sat 12:01#167Petal_Kiss29300kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#166.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny27604kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Sat 12:00#166Petal_Kiss26800kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#165.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny25235kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Sat 11:58#165Petal_Kiss24500kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#164.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny23690kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Sat 11:56#164Petal_Kiss23000kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Sat 11:53#163lingboli1232kMat4230 Defense Matrix Modulator
#162.5[Proxy] sabregimp2575kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 11:18#162Anemone2500kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 11:09#161-vincento-650kHea03Legendary Cobalt Power Helmet of Slaughter
#160.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny20085kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Sat 10:52#160ftroze19500kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#159.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny16480kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Sat 10:51#159ftroze16000kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Sat 10:38#158kangaeruthing3000kShd03Legendary Mithril Kite Shield of Protection
Sat 10:31#157.5[Proxy] Kokoko_77780kClo17Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Sat 10:26#157.5[Proxy] sabregimp2060kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 10:10#157Visadio50kClo16Magnificent Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 09:26#156yuripe253kMat5450000 Monster Edibles
#155.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny14420kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Sat 08:16#155ftroze14000kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Sat 08:12#154Anemone2000kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
#153.5[Proxy] sabregimp1550kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 08:11#153Anemone1500kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
#152.5[Proxy] sabregimp1150kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 08:10#152Anemone1100kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
#151.5[Proxy] kafkasmaze192kLig01Legendary Jade Shade Leggings of the Fleet
Sat 06:27#151.5[Proxy] piyin162kLig01Legendary Jade Shade Leggings of the Fleet
#151.5[Proxy] Kokoko_777202kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sat 06:27#151.5[Proxy] piyin172kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sat 06:32#151.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny13184kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#151.5[Proxy] sickentide411kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Sat 06:28#151.5[Proxy] piyin399kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Sat 06:26#151.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge394kMat031000 Mid-Grade Wood
Sat 06:18#150.5[Proxy] sabregimp1050kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 05:52#150kingbyul1000kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 03:46#147.5[Proxy] VawX550kHea03Legendary Cobalt Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 04:04#147.5[Proxy] qwertypls320kMat4350 Shade Fragment
Sat 03:36#147Petal_Kiss12800kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#145.5[Proxy] Maximum_Carnage392kMat51100000 Monster Chow
Sat 01:03#145Undeadboner380kMat51100000 Monster Chow
Sat 00:28#144chemistamu4000kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#143.5[Proxy] flypet3500kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 00:27#143.5[Proxy] chemistamu3499kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#143.5[Proxy] sickentide412kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
Sat 00:25#143.5[Proxy] BMXArena400kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
#143.5[Proxy] kafkasmaze220kMat2250 Binding of the Barrier
Sat 00:12#143.5[Proxy] BMXArena190kMat2250 Binding of the Barrier
Fri 23:00#143mundomuñeca310kMat4350 Shade Fragment
#142.5[Proxy] qwertypls248kMat4350 Shade Fragment
Fri 22:57#142mundomuñeca240kMat4350 Shade Fragment
Fri 22:52#141mundomuñeca50kMat32225 Binding of Niflheim
Fri 20:49#140pooaa4400kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
Fri 19:02#139qr123451000kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 16:24#138.5[Proxy] kafkasmaze160kMat2250 Binding of the Barrier
Fri 15:24#138kzh1252000kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Fri 15:24#138kzh12580kMat29100 Binding of Fenrir
Fri 14:49#136ftroze13000kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 14:30#135kangaeruthing416kMat52100000 Monster Chow
#134.5[Proxy] chrisreeve5150kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 14:29#134ftroze5000kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
#133.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny12345kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Fri 14:28#133ftroze12000kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Fri 14:22#132Kokoko_777900kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 14:07#131qr12345750kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 13:48#130Kokoko_777600kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 13:28#129mundomuñeca50kMat21100 Binding of Stoneskin
#128.5[Proxy] flypet3090kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Fri 12:48#128chemistamu3000kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#127.5[Proxy] sickentide330kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 10:28#127.5[Proxy] -vincento-320kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
#127.5[Proxy] sickentide340kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Fri 10:28#127.5[Proxy] -vincento-330kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Fri 10:11#127lingboli1576kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 09:32#126lingboli1571kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
#125.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny11330kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#125.5[Proxy] kafkasmaze371kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 08:32#125.5[Proxy] Hot Chocolate360kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 07:47#125ftroze11000kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Fri 07:15#124.5[Proxy] Kokoko_777141kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#124.5[Proxy] piyin111kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#124.5[Proxy] flypet2733kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Fri 06:27#124chemistamu2653kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#123.5[Proxy] chrisreeve4635kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 06:14#123-vincento-4500kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 06:08#122qr12345500kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 05:47#121.5[Proxy] rjgc50kClo17Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Fri 05:26#121Undeadboner366kMat52100000 Monster Chow
#120.5[Proxy] Maximum_Carnage366kMat51100000 Monster Chow
Fri 05:25#120Undeadboner355kMat51100000 Monster Chow
#119.5[Proxy] qwertypls170kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Gauntlets of Warding
#119.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo07Legendary Jade Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Fri 03:23#119maygreen140kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Gauntlets of Warding
Fri 03:23#119maygreen80kClo07Legendary Jade Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
#118.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny10074kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Fri 03:16#118ftroze9780kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Fri 03:07#117-vincento-1050kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
#116.5[Proxy] akkr273950kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Fri 03:06#116-vincento-900kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
#115.5[Proxy] akkr273850kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Fri 03:05#115-vincento-800kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
#114.5[Proxy] akkr273700kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Fri 03:04#114.5[Proxy] -vincento-650kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Fri 02:57#114Anemone500kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
#113.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny8446kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Fri 02:51#113ftroze8200kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Fri 02:43#112.5[Proxy] akkr273350kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
#112.5[Proxy] hekiga285kMat08500 High-Grade Metals
Fri 02:32#112Undeadboner375kMat4150 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 02:32#112Undeadboner276kMat08500 High-Grade Metals
Fri 02:27#111.5[Proxy] kafkasmaze131kLig01Legendary Jade Shade Leggings of the Fleet
#111.5[Proxy] piyin101kLig01Legendary Jade Shade Leggings of the Fleet
Fri 02:24#111.5[Proxy] kafkasmaze309kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 01:53#111Undeadboner300kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 01:53#111Undeadboner382kMat031000 Mid-Grade Wood
#110.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge370kMat031000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 01:47#110Undeadboner359kMat031000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 01:47#110Undeadboner457kMat011500 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 23:12#109.5[Proxy] flypet2575kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#109.5[Proxy] chemistamu2500kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Fri 00:03#109.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kMat36100 Binding of Negation
Fri 00:02#109.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kMat35100 Binding of Focus
#109.5[Proxy] sickentide234kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Thu 23:28#109.5[Proxy] BMXArena227kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Fri 00:02#109.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kMat20100 Binding of Deflection
Thu 22:44#109yami_zetsu5000kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent
Thu 22:28#108Sushilicious12000kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#107.5[Proxy] MiniAir9270kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 22:27#107Sushilicious9000kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 20:21#106.5[Proxy] chemistamu2163kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#106.5[Proxy] flypet2100kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Thu 18:05#105.5[Proxy] quitetanky50kHea08Magnificent Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 17:56#105.5[Proxy] quitetanky141kOne03Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Thu 17:54#105kangaeruthing350kMat52100000 Monster Chow
Thu 17:54#105kangaeruthing1000kMat501000 Happy Pills
#104.5[Proxy] Maximum_Carnage330kMat51100000 Monster Chow
#104.5[Proxy] hekiga258kMat08500 High-Grade Metals
Thu 17:51#104kangaeruthing320kMat51100000 Monster Chow
Thu 17:51#104kangaeruthing515kMat49500 Happy Pills
Thu 17:51#104kangaeruthing250kMat08500 High-Grade Metals
Thu 16:24#102.5[Proxy] chrisreeve4120kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
#102.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny7725kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Thu 15:57#102ftroze7500kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Thu 14:25#101dnlight200kClo01Legendary Onyx Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 14:10#100sharkswea465kMat49500 Happy Pills
Thu 13:46#98weakersss950kMat501000 Happy Pills
Thu 13:46#98weakersss50kClo14Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 13:46#98weakersss100kClo13Legendary Ruby Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 13:44#97chemistamu5000kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 13:34#96zero10181014000kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
#95.5[Proxy] testsubject290559kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 13:18#95lingboli1542kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
#94.5[Proxy] testsubject290554kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 13:17#94lingboli1540kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
#93.5[Proxy] testsubject290526kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 13:01#93lingboli1510kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
#92.5[Proxy] testsubject290524kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 12:54#92lingboli1508kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 12:53#91lingboli1361kMat4150 Defense Matrix Modulator
#90.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac3708kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
Thu 12:52#90zero10181013600kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
#89.5[Proxy] Maximum_Carnage190kMat1850 Binding of Warding
Thu 12:52#89lingboli1160kMat1850 Binding of Warding
#88.5[Proxy] testsubject290495kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 12:51#88lingboli1480kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
#87.5[Proxy] testsubject290493kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 12:50#87lingboli1478kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 12:49#86.5[Proxy] Sachia Lanlus80kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Protection
#86.5[Proxy] testsubject290466kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 12:48#86lingboli1452kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 12:48#85.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny7109kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#85.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac3433kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
Thu 12:48#85.5[Proxy] zero10181013333kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
#85.5[Proxy] testsubject290438kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 12:46#85lingboli1425kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
#84.5[Proxy] Hot Chocolate280kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 12:45#84lingboli1271kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 12:45#84lingboli1407kMat011500 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 12:41#83.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac2289kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
#83.5[Proxy] zero10181012222kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
#83.5[Proxy] akkr273599kMat071000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 11:52#83.5[Proxy] testsubject290581kMat071000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 11:52#83.5[Proxy] testsubject290412kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 11:52#83.5[Proxy] testsubject290464kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 09:26#80chemistamu4635kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 09:24#79.5[Proxy] chemistamu6901kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#77.5[Proxy] flypet2060kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Thu 08:04#77.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓2918kMat12500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 08:01#77chemistamu2000kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Thu 07:41#76.5[Proxy] BMXArena212kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
#76.5[Proxy] sickentide220kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
Thu 07:41#76.5[Proxy] BMXArena213kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
#76.5[Proxy] sickentide220kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Thu 07:40#76.5[Proxy] BMXArena213kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Thu 06:55#76cylinnia6700kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#75.5[Proxy] akkr273180kMat041000 Mid-Grade Leather
Thu 06:37#75.5[Proxy] tai2_1150kMat041000 Mid-Grade Leather
Thu 05:49#75hstrg100kClo23Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 05:49#75hstrg3100kMat11500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 05:49#75hstrg1400kMat10225 High-Grade Wood
Thu 04:46#74Undeadboner450kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 04:09#73.5[Proxy] akkr273234kMat4430 Shade Fragment
#73.5[Proxy] qwertypls227kMat4430 Shade Fragment
Thu 03:37#73.5[Proxy] chemistamu50kMat30100 Binding of Freyr
Thu 03:51#73.5[Proxy] sickentide206kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
#73.5[Proxy] piyin200kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
Thu 03:50#73.5[Proxy] sickentide206kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
#73.5[Proxy] piyin200kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Thu 04:04#73.5[Proxy] akkr273130kMat131000 High-Grade Leather
Thu 04:29#73.5[Proxy] akkr273412kMat071000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 04:06#73.5[Proxy] akkr27350kMat041000 Mid-Grade Leather
Thu 04:32#73.5[Proxy] akkr273395kMat011500 Mid-Grade Metals
#73.5[Proxy] lingboli1383kMat011500 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 03:35#73chemistamu4120kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 03:30#72.5[Proxy] chemistamu2884kMat47200 Amnesia Shard
Thu 03:07#72dogholic500kHea03Legendary Cobalt Power Helmet of Slaughter
#71.5[Proxy] piyin170kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
#71.5[Proxy] piyin170kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Thu 03:05#71BMXArena140kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
Thu 03:05#71BMXArena140kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
#70.5[Proxy] -vincento-300kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Thu 03:04#70.5[Proxy] sickentide277kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Thu 02:59#70ftroze4000kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Thu 02:59#70ftroze6500kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#69.5[Proxy] Maximum_Carnage264kMat51100000 Monster Chow
Thu 02:47#69.5[Proxy] lainconnue2833kMat12500 High-Grade Wood
#69.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge2750kMat12500 High-Grade Wood
#69.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓2781kMat11500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 02:45#69.5[Proxy] lainconnue2700kMat11500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 02:36#69Undeadboner256kMat51100000 Monster Chow
#68.5[Proxy] Maximum_Carnage206kMat51100000 Monster Chow
Thu 02:33#68Undeadboner300kMat52100000 Monster Chow
Thu 02:33#68Undeadboner200kMat51100000 Monster Chow
#67.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge309kMat031000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 02:18#67Undeadboner875kMat501000 Happy Pills
Thu 02:18#67Undeadboner450kMat49500 Happy Pills
Thu 02:18#67Undeadboner225kMat4230 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 02:18#67Undeadboner350kMat4150 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 02:18#67Undeadboner182kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 02:18#67Undeadboner100kMat15500 High-Grade Leather
Thu 02:18#67Undeadboner150kMat141000 High-Grade Leather
Thu 02:18#67Undeadboner100kMat131000 High-Grade Leather
Thu 02:18#67Undeadboner300kMat031000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 02:06#66.5[Proxy] jplshejeser80kHea07Magnificent Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#66.5[Proxy] piyin110kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
#66.5[Proxy] piyin110kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Thu 02:02#66BMXArena80kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
Thu 02:02#66BMXArena80kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Thu 02:02#66BMXArena80kMat2350 Binding of the Nimble
Thu 02:02#66BMXArena130kMat2250 Binding of the Barrier
#65.5[Proxy] lingboli1110kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Thu 02:00#65.5[Proxy] flypet1550kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Thu 01:59#65.5[Proxy] flypet1793kMat3930 Repurposed Actuator
Thu 01:59#65.5[Proxy] flypet1793kMat3830 Repurposed Actuator
Thu 01:51#65PapaJuk80kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Thu 01:36#64igs88300kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 00:45#63.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh1284kHea04Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
#63.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny1234kHea04Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 00:18#63Quinvirt150kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 00:15#62greatavatar111kOne03Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
#61.5[Proxy] qwertypls81kOne03Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Thu 00:12#61greatavatar80kOne03Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Wed 22:49#60.5[Proxy] qwertypls110kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Gauntlets of Warding
#60.5[Proxy] piyin200kHea03Legendary Cobalt Power Helmet of Slaughter
Wed 22:20#60.5[Proxy] qwertypls50kShd02Legendary Cobalt Force Shield of Deflection
Wed 22:40#60.5[Proxy] qwertypls50kOne03Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble
Wed 22:35#60.5[Proxy] qwertypls130kMat4430 Shade Fragment
#60.5[Proxy] piyin100kMat4430 Shade Fragment
Wed 22:36#60.5[Proxy] qwertypls206kMat4350 Shade Fragment
#60.5[Proxy] piyin200kMat4350 Shade Fragment
Thu 00:07#60.5[Proxy] Hot Chocolate8755kMat09500 High-Grade Cloth
#60.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge171kMat031000 Mid-Grade Wood
Wed 22:26#60.5[Proxy] qwertypls141kMat031000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 00:05#60.5[Proxy] Hot Chocolate263kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
#60.5[Proxy] lingboli1255kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 21:08#60lingboli1192kHea03Legendary Cobalt Power Helmet of Slaughter
#59.5[Proxy] Benny-boy1550kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 21:05#59chcommunity1500kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 21:04#58.5[Proxy] lingboli1110kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 20:36#58Hitori80501400kMat48100 Amnesia Shard
Wed 20:36#58Hitori80502800kMat47200 Amnesia Shard
Wed 19:49#56Rush.1500kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#55.5[Proxy] chemistamu1250kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 19:46#55Rush.1200kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#54.5[Proxy] chemistamu1100kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 19:44#54Rush.1050kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#53.5[Proxy] zero10181011250kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
Wed 19:39#53pooaa1200kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
Wed 19:28#52Mahiro-kyun910kMat2650 Binding of the Fox
Wed 19:05#51eramosat50kClo13Legendary Ruby Phase Robe of Freyr
Wed 18:49#50Hitori805050kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Protection
Wed 18:41#49.5[Proxy] hekiga180kMat08500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 18:36#49lingboli11375kMat3723 Repurposed Actuator
Wed 18:18#48cylinnia6180kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#47.5[Proxy] MiniAir6058kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Wed 17:53#47.5[Proxy] svvarg5881kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Wed 18:06#47.5[Proxy] chemistamu950kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#47.5[Proxy] Maximum_Carnage140kMat51100000 Monster Chow
#47.5[Proxy] piyin150kMat08500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 17:50#4720Ilya110kMat51100000 Monster Chow
Wed 17:50#4720Ilya140kMat08500 High-Grade Metals
#46.5[Proxy] -vincento-140kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Wed 17:49#46.5[Proxy] sickentide110kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Wed 17:48#46chemistamu3300kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#45.5[Proxy] piyin110kMat08500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 17:47#4520Ilya110kMat52100000 Monster Chow
Wed 17:47#4520Ilya80kMat501000 Happy Pills
Wed 17:47#4520Ilya80kMat49500 Happy Pills
Wed 17:47#4520Ilya80kMat08500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 17:47#4520Ilya80kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 17:43#44.5[Proxy] chemistamu903kMat2750 Binding of the Owl
Wed 17:34#44lingboli1112kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
#43.5[Proxy] Maximum_Carnage130kMat1850 Binding of Warding
Wed 17:32#43lingboli1120kMat4230 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 17:32#43lingboli1200kMat4150 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 17:32#43lingboli1100kMat2250 Binding of the Barrier
Wed 17:32#43lingboli1100kMat1850 Binding of Warding
Wed 17:32#43lingboli1400kMat071000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 17:32#43lingboli1400kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 17:32#43lingboli1400kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 17:23#42lingboli150kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Wed 17:23#42lingboli150kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 17:23#42lingboli150kMat011500 Mid-Grade Metals
Wed 17:08#41illusioninusall50kHea07Magnificent Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Wed 17:01#40Rush.900kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#39.5[Proxy] flypet800kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 16:28#39Rush.750kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 16:19#38.5[Proxy] MiniAir4738kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#38.5[Proxy] svvarg4600kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Wed 16:23#38.5[Proxy] Maximum_Carnage80kMat51100000 Monster Chow
Wed 16:25#38.5[Proxy] Maximum_Carnage50kMat1850 Binding of Warding
Wed 16:11#38ohayouu50kClo23Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#37.5[Proxy] flypet650kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 16:09#37Rush.600kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
#36.5[Proxy] -vincento-3600kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 16:06#36ftroze3500kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
#35.5[Proxy] flypet550kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 16:06#35.5[Proxy] BY_dark_wind876kMat2750 Binding of the Owl
Wed 16:06#35.5[Proxy] BY_dark_wind876kMat2650 Binding of the Fox
Wed 16:00#35Rush.500kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 15:57#34.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny250kHea04Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
#34.5[Proxy] piyin200kHea04Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
#34.5[Proxy] Benny-boy1284kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 15:58#34.5[Proxy] Holy Bunny1234kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#34.5[Proxy] estiy22145kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 15:53#34kyouri21500kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#33.5[Proxy] estiy15759kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 15:51#33kyouri15300kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#32.5[Proxy] estiy10300kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 15:50#32kyouri10000kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#31.5[Proxy] flypet450kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 15:45#31Rush.400kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 15:41#30.5[Proxy] sickentide50kMat34100 Binding of Surtr
Wed 15:41#30.5[Proxy] sickentide50kMat29100 Binding of Fenrir
Wed 15:39#30ftroze6000kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Wed 15:37#29sangerex5000kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
#28.5[Proxy] MiniAir4120kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Wed 15:37#28ftroze4000kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Wed 15:33#27.5[Proxy] estiy6798kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 15:23#27.5[Proxy] svvarg2861kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#27.5[Proxy] sickentide2777kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Wed 15:29#27.5[Proxy] flypet350kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 15:29#27.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge206kMat12500 High-Grade Wood
#27.5[Proxy] piyin200kMat12500 High-Grade Wood
Wed 15:26#27.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge80kMat031000 Mid-Grade Wood
Wed 15:08#271993AMINDA6600kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 15:01#26.5[Proxy] -vincento-50kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Wed 15:02#26.5[Proxy] -vincento-3090kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 14:56#26Mahiro-kyun850kMat2650 Binding of the Fox
Wed 14:42#25mopme80kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Gauntlets of Warding
Wed 14:41#24yousei1357245kMat5450000 Monster Edibles
Wed 14:36#23.5[Proxy] sickentide550kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#23.5[Proxy] sickentide1311kMat48100 Amnesia Shard
Wed 14:36#23.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash1300kMat48100 Amnesia Shard
Wed 14:33#23woodsopp500kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Wed 14:33#23woodsopp300kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 14:32#21kangaeruthing50kMat52100000 Monster Chow
Wed 14:32#21kangaeruthing50kMat51100000 Monster Chow
Wed 14:32#21kangaeruthing50kMat501000 Happy Pills
Wed 14:32#21kangaeruthing50kMat49500 Happy Pills
#20.5[Proxy] chemistamu2000kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Wed 14:30#20.5[Proxy] Benny-boy1999kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Wed 14:28#20.5[Proxy] zero10181011050kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
#20.5[Proxy] piyin1000kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
Wed 14:31#20.5[Proxy] sickentide130kMat48100 Amnesia Shard
Wed 14:26#20kangaeruthing100kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 14:25#19kangaeruthing100kMat48100 Amnesia Shard
Wed 14:25#19kangaeruthing50kMat31100 Binding of Mjolnir
Wed 14:20#18.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea04Legendary Amber Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 14:20#18.5[Proxy] piyin80kHea03Legendary Cobalt Power Helmet of Slaughter
Wed 14:23#18.5[Proxy] Benny-boy250kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 14:20#18.5[Proxy] piyin200kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 14:19#18chrisreeve3000kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Wed 14:19#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea01Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 14:19#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig01Legendary Jade Shade Leggings of the Fleet
#17.5[Proxy] chemistamu250kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Wed 14:19#17.5[Proxy] piyin200kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Wed 14:18#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo18Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Wed 14:18#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Freyr
Wed 14:17#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Wed 14:17#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo07Legendary Jade Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Wed 14:16#17sssss24000kClo03Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent
Wed 14:16#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo06Legendary Onyx Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Wed 14:16#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo01Legendary Onyx Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Wed 14:15#16estiy5000kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 14:15#15.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta03Legendary Fiery Redwood Staff of Destruction
Wed 14:14#15igs8850kMat2350 Binding of the Nimble
Wed 14:14#15igs8850kMat051000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 14:14#14Ssfuse80kMat28100 Binding of Heimdall
Wed 14:13#13.5[Proxy] chemistamu80kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Wed 14:13#13.5[Proxy] MiniAir3205kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Wed 14:10#13.5[Proxy] sickentide3111kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Wed 14:14#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
Wed 14:12#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat551 Tesla Coil
Wed 14:12#13.5[Proxy] piyin335kMat5350000 Monster Cuisine
Wed 14:14#13.5[Proxy] Kira.Yoshikage5408kMat4650 Energy Drink
Wed 14:10#13.5[Proxy] cylinnia4326kMat4540 Energy Drink
Wed 14:12#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat4430 Shade Fragment
Wed 14:11#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat4350 Shade Fragment
Wed 14:11#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat4230 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 14:11#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat4150 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 14:10#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat2650 Binding of the Fox
Wed 14:10#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat2550 Binding of the Raccoon
Wed 14:10#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat2450 Binding of the Ox
Wed 14:10#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat2250 Binding of the Barrier
Wed 14:09#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat15500 High-Grade Leather
Wed 14:09#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat141000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 14:09#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat131000 High-Grade Leather
Wed 14:13#13.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓206kMat11500 High-Grade Wood
Wed 14:08#13.5[Proxy] piyin200kMat11500 High-Grade Wood
Wed 14:08#13igs88100kSta04Peerless Demonic Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend
Wed 14:08#13igs88100kOne01Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Wed 14:08#12.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat12500 High-Grade Wood
Wed 14:08#12.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat11500 High-Grade Wood
Wed 14:08#12.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat08500 High-Grade Metals
Wed 14:08#12.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat071000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 14:07#12.5[Proxy] piyin50kMat061000 High-Grade Metals
Wed 14:05#12Ssfuse200kMat19100 Binding of Dampening
Wed 14:05#12Ssfuse8500kMat09500 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 14:05#11chemistamu850kMat2750 Binding of the Owl
Wed 14:05#10as0131740kMat3930 Repurposed Actuator
Wed 14:05#10as0131740kMat3830 Repurposed Actuator
Wed 14:05#10as0131334kMat3723 Repurposed Actuator
Wed 14:05#10as0133000kMat1730 Binding of Slaughter
Wed 14:04#9igs8850kMat3830 Repurposed Actuator
Wed 14:04#9igs8850kMat3723 Repurposed Actuator
Wed 14:04#8chemistamu2600kMat47200 Amnesia Shard
Wed 14:04#7as0135250kMat4650 Energy Drink
Wed 14:04#7as0134200kMat4540 Energy Drink
Wed 14:03#6igs8850kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Wed 14:03#6igs8850kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 14:03#5dlgldign50kMat48100 Amnesia Shard
Wed 14:03#5dlgldign50kHea03Legendary Cobalt Power Helmet of Slaughter
Wed 14:03#5dlgldign50kMat031000 Mid-Grade Wood
Wed 14:03#5dlgldign50kMat4028 Defense Matrix Modulator
Wed 14:02#4spicepie3000kMat1630 Binding of Slaughter
Wed 14:02#4spicepie1305kMat10225 High-Grade Wood
Wed 14:02#3Waifu Maniac325kMat5350000 Monster Cuisine
