Bid Log: Thread 219533

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 14:04#193Petal_Kiss39800kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:55#192lkwucong36000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:54#191Petal_Kiss34800kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:45#190question3375kOne04Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:44#189cbn80kOne10Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of Balance
#188.5[Proxy] magiclamp321kOne04Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:42#188question3320kOne04Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:41#187-vincento-4550kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:41#186.5[Proxy] magiclamp270kOne04Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:35#185.5[Proxy] magiclamp50kClo18Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 13:36#185.5[Proxy] magiclamp50kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 13:33#185question3220kOne04Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:28#184Hakrei4350kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:24#183.5[Proxy] magiclamp190kOne04Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:16#183-vincento-4220kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:08#182Hakrei3950kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:06#181-vincento-3800kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:05#180Hakrei3650kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 13:04#179lkwucong31000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:59#177trikon0003500kHea05Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 12:55#176-vincento-3500kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 12:49#174Petal_Kiss29800kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:42#173sasabi3350kHea05Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 12:40#172lkwucong27000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 11:50#171a34a3434650kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 11:36#170Lostwizard390kClo04Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 11:24#169.5[Proxy] ALL_MIGHT300kClo04Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 11:13#169Petal_Kiss26000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 11:10#168daegu12345000kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Sat 10:15#167lingboli19230kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#166.5[Proxy] fihero8961kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 09:29#166lingboli18700kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 09:23#165.5[Proxy] fihero8446kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#165.5[Proxy] lingboli18200kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 09:05#165SpankedAlbedo2500kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 07:47#164.5[Proxy] lingboli17210kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 07:37#164gamepasser850kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Sat 07:31#163-vincento-3193kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 06:27#162kug666450kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
Sat 06:02#161trikon0003250kHea05Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 05:46#160raisarakun25000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 05:31#159sasabi3090kHea05Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 04:48#158Hakrei3100kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
#157.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge650kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 04:38#157jhlxhlym600kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 04:38#156question3160kOne04Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 04:19#155Vinga50kClo11Legendary Frugal Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
#154.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge550kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 04:17#154jhlxhlym500kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
#153.5[Proxy] xinshitianya3296kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 04:14#153.5[Proxy] magiclamp130kOne04Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 03:52#153PapaJuk3200kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#152.5[Proxy] -vincento-2884kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 03:06#152Hakrei2800kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 02:20#151lkwucong22000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 01:47#150Petal_Kiss20600kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 00:04#149.5[Proxy] NateDSjudge450kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 01:23#149.5[Proxy] -vincento-2575kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 01:34#149.5[Proxy] Hakrei2500kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Fri 23:49#149Black_Sarena7000kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 21:13#148gavare850kLig01Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Fri 18:59#147Snowfoxrb400kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
Fri 18:11#146.5[Proxy] jiuliuyi50kLig03Legendary Savage Shade Boots of Negation
Fri 18:12#146.5[Proxy] jiuliuyi800kLig01Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Fri 17:44#146JayQuellIn800kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Fri 16:52#145gamepasser750kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Fri 16:52#144VawX9000kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
#143.5[Proxy] EvertonBNU750kLig01Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Fri 16:33#143gavare700kLig01Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
#142.5[Proxy] EvertonBNU650kLig01Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Fri 16:29#142gavare600kLig01Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Fri 16:29#141gianfrix9450kOne10Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of Balance
Fri 16:29#141gianfrix9480kOne08Legendary Ethereal Club of Slaughter
Fri 16:28#140JayQuellIn700kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
#139.5[Proxy] lkwucong20000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 15:51#139Petal_Kiss19800kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 14:28#138question3100kOne04Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 14:14#137gamepasser500kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
#136.5[Proxy] magiclamp110kMat041000 High-Grade Leather
Fri 13:53#136question380kMat041000 High-Grade Leather
#135.5[Proxy] JayQuellIn450kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Fri 13:34#135gamepasser400kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Fri 13:07#134Aaezahl50kOne08Legendary Ethereal Club of Slaughter
#133.5[Proxy] flypet1450kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 13:03#133.5[Proxy] cylinnia1910kMat02150 High-Grade Cloth
#133.5[Proxy] yami_zetsu1900kMat02150 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 12:26#133Nimroth1400kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#132.5[Proxy] JayQuellIn350kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Fri 12:20#132gamepasser300kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
#131.5[Proxy] calamarain8032kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Fri 12:04#131Waifu Maniac7957kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
#129.5[Proxy] sangerex3090kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 10:26#129as0133000kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
#128.5[Proxy] sangerex2575kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 10:25#128as0132500kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
#127.5[Proxy] morineko10103kMat06100 Energy Drink
Fri 10:25#127as01310094kMat06100 Energy Drink
Fri 10:00#125jhlxhlym400kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 10:00#125jhlxhlym300kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#124.5[Proxy] lkwucong15450kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 09:58#124.5[Proxy] calamarain7725kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
#124.5[Proxy] VawX7500kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Fri 09:33#124raisarakun15000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#123.5[Proxy] yami_zetsu180kMat071 Small Nuke
Fri 09:18#123.5[Proxy] -vincento-150kMat071 Small Nuke
Fri 08:21#123Snowfoxrb50kOne03Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 07:29#122tox0150kOne09Legendary Hallowed Club of Slaughter
#121.5[Proxy] pekka1235250kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 07:01#121jhlxhlym200kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 06:42#120.5[Proxy] -vincento-350kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Fri 06:59#120.5[Proxy] trick_NM50kClo05Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Fri 06:57#120.5[Proxy] trick_NM80kClo03Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
#120.5[Proxy] JayQuellIn250kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Fri 06:00#120gamepasser200kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Fri 05:37#119-vincento-300kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
#118.5[Proxy] pekka1235130kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 05:12#118jhlxhlym100kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 05:05#117jhlxhlym200kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 04:44#116jhlxhlym50kHea11Legendary Zircon Power Helmet of Warding
Fri 04:44#116jhlxhlym50kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Armor of Protection
#114.5[Proxy] flypet1350kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 03:52#114Nimroth1300kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#113.5[Proxy] VawX7107kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Fri 02:48#113.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac6900kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Fri 02:33#1139388734600kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#111.5[Proxy] xinshitianya2678kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 02:29#111PapaJuk2600kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:59#109-vincento-150kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 00:27#108.5[Proxy] muyo_niyna50kHea12Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Warding
Thu 23:59#108.5[Proxy] EvertonBNU550kLig01Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Thu 23:31#108.5[Proxy] Hakrei3090kSta02Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#108.5[Proxy] -vincento-3000kSta02Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 00:04#108.5[Proxy] VawX5493kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
#108.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac5333kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
#107.5[Proxy] JayQuellIn170kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Thu 19:11#107.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac3090kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
#107.5[Proxy] VawX3000kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Thu 17:12#107gamepasser140kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Thu 17:07#106trikon0002950kHea05Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
#105.5[Proxy] sangerex2060kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 17:03#105as0132000kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
#104.5[Proxy] sangerex1550kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 17:02#104as0131500kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
#103.5[Proxy] morineko5055kMat0550 Energy Drink
Thu 17:00#103as0135047kMat0550 Energy Drink
#102.5[Proxy] JayQuellIn110kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Thu 16:40#102gamepasser80kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Thu 16:27#101jhlxhlym100kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
Thu 16:04#100question350kOne06Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 16:02#99gavare500kLig01Peerless Jade Shade Boots of Negation
Thu 15:37#9893887342800kHea05Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
Thu 14:57#97kug666350kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
Thu 14:39#96pikamouse23300kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
#95.5[Proxy] flypet3050kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
Thu 14:38#95pikamouse23000kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
#94.5[Proxy] flypet2575kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
Thu 14:37#94pikamouse22500kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
#93.5[Proxy] flypet2266kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
Thu 14:36#93pikamouse22200kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
Thu 14:34#92Lostwizard250kClo04Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Heimdall
#91.5[Proxy] zero1018101180kClo04Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 14:34#91Lostwizard150kClo04Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 14:32#90JayQuellIn200kHea07Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Protection
Thu 14:29#89vlftjtq2200kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
#88.5[Proxy] Snowfoxrb300kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
Thu 14:03#88kug666250kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
Thu 13:59#87-vincento-1200kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
#86.5[Proxy] flypet1250kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 13:45#86Nimroth1200kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 13:42#85.5[Proxy] zero101810180kClo04Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 13:42#85.5[Proxy] zero101810150kClo03Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
#85.5[Proxy] TygerTyger41200kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 13:37#85Shimaidon40000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#84.5[Proxy] TygerTyger27810kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 13:31#84qdjseh00127000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 13:25#83trikon0002500kHea05Legendary Onyx Power Armor of Slaughter
#82.5[Proxy] TygerTyger25750kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 13:14#82qdjseh00125000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#81.5[Proxy] xinshitianya2266kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 13:13#81rokyroky2200kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#80.5[Proxy] flypet1150kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 12:42#80.5[Proxy] VawX2632kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
#80.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac2555kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Thu 12:28#80Nimroth1100kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 12:24#79.5[Proxy] lkwucong10300kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 12:00#79raisarakun10000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#78.5[Proxy] TygerTyger23690kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 11:46#78qdjseh00123000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#77.5[Proxy] TygerTyger21630kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 11:39#77qdjseh00121000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 11:37#76Kinights100kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Fenrir
Thu 11:27#75.5[Proxy] ysnetwork2060kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
#75.5[Proxy] TygerTyger18540kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 11:22#75qdjseh00118000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 10:27#74Kinights6500kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
#73.5[Proxy] e-Stark5150kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 10:26#73Kinights5000kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
#72.5[Proxy] TygerTyger15450kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 10:25#72qdjseh00115000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#71.5[Proxy] e-Stark4120kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 10:24#71Kinights4000kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
#70.5[Proxy] e-Stark3090kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 10:23#70Kinights3000kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 09:51#69lainconnue2000kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
#68.5[Proxy] ysnetwork1550kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 09:49#68SpankedAlbedo1500kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 09:49#68SpankedAlbedo500kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#67.5[Proxy] ysnetwork1150kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 09:33#67vlftjtq1100kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
#66.5[Proxy] altcoin1550kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 09:16#66woodsopp1500kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#65.5[Proxy] ysnetwork800kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 09:01#65-Daiki-750kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
#64.5[Proxy] Snowfoxrb200kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
Thu 08:20#64kug666170kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
#63.5[Proxy] e-Stark2163kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 08:06#63Ciel Sacred2100kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 07:48#62serbtserbt200kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#61.5[Proxy] altcoin1250kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 07:06#61woodsopp1200kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#60.5[Proxy] lkwucong3605kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 06:50#60qr123453500kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#59.5[Proxy] lkwucong3090kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 06:50#59qr123453000kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 06:39#58.5[Proxy] e-Stark50kClo15Peerless Zircon Phase Shoes of Surtr
#58.5[Proxy] altcoin1100kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 06:41#58.5[Proxy] e-Stark1050kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 06:35#58-vincento-1050kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 06:34#57.5[Proxy] decondelite550kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
#57.5[Proxy] altcoin850kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 06:33#57-vincento-800kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#56.5[Proxy] cbn500kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Thu 06:33#56.5[Proxy] decondelite450kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
#56.5[Proxy] altcoin550kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 06:31#56-vincento-500kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#55.5[Proxy] altcoin350kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 06:29#55-vincento-300kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#54.5[Proxy] Snowfoxrb140kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
Thu 06:29#54kug666110kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
#53.5[Proxy] TygerTyger11330kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 06:10#53.5[Proxy] -vincento-11000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 05:25#53.5[Proxy] xinshitianya2060kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#53.5[Proxy] rokyroky2000kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 05:17#53magiclamp50kOne04Legendary Shocking Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 05:17#53magiclamp50kMat041000 High-Grade Leather
#52.5[Proxy] lkwucong500kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#52.5[Proxy] TygerTyger5150kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 04:57#52.5[Proxy] -vincento-5000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 04:58#52.5[Proxy] Snowfoxrb80kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
Thu 05:00#52.5[Proxy] rokyroky1050kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#52.5[Proxy] xinshitianya1000kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 04:51#52PapaJuk450kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 04:51#52PapaJuk800kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 04:46#51jhlxhlym50kHea10Legendary Savage Power Boots of Warding
Thu 04:46#51jhlxhlym50kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Dampening
Thu 04:07#509388734500kOne02Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 04:01#49staranise50kOne02Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of Slaughter
#48.5[Proxy] flypet1050kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 03:18#48Nimroth1000kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#47.5[Proxy] ysnetwork650kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 03:10#47vlftjtq600kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
#46.5[Proxy] xinshitianya350kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 03:05#46rokyroky300kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 02:43#45.5[Proxy] altcoin130kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 02:33#45gba001234000kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
#44.5[Proxy] lololo163605kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 02:20#44.5[Proxy] pekka123550kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Thu 02:18#44.5[Proxy] JayQuellIn50kShd02Legendary Jade Force Shield of Deflection
Thu 02:16#44gba001233500kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
#43.5[Proxy] flypet950kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 02:16#43trikon000900kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#42.5[Proxy] flypet700kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 02:06#42trikon000650kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#41.5[Proxy] flypet350kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 02:05#41trikon000690kMat03100 High-Grade Wood
Thu 02:05#41trikon000300kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 02:04#39Snowfoxrb50kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 01:58#38xinshitianya200kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 01:43#37.5[Proxy] flypet2063kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
#37.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash2002kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
Thu 01:35#37.5[Proxy] lingboli16180kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#37.5[Proxy] sangerex6000kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 01:44#37.5[Proxy] flypet80kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 01:34#37lingboli14642kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#36.5[Proxy] sangerex4506kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 01:33#36lingboli14374kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#35.5[Proxy] lololo163090kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 01:30#35gba001233000kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 01:20#34.5[Proxy] ysnetwork350kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
#34.5[Proxy] lololo162575kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
#34.5[Proxy] TygerTyger110kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 01:23#34.5[Proxy] BlackPantsu80kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 01:19#34gba001232500kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 01:09#33.5[Proxy] sangerex4246kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#33.5[Proxy] lingboli14122kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#33.5[Proxy] lololo162060kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 01:02#33gba001232000kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 00:56#32morineko4900kMat0550 Energy Drink
Thu 00:39#31.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash255kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
#31.5[Proxy] zero1018101205kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
#31.5[Proxy] lololo161550kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 00:23#31gba001231500kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
#30.5[Proxy] TygerTyger361kMat011000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Thu 00:22#30woodsopp100kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 00:22#30woodsopp450kMat03100 High-Grade Wood
Thu 00:22#30woodsopp350kMat011000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Thu 00:20#29morineko9800kMat06100 Energy Drink
Thu 00:12#27.5[Proxy] zero101810180kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
Thu 00:10#27Lostwizard50kClo04Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Heimdall
#26.5[Proxy] sangerex1284kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 00:07#26.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh1234kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
#26.5[Proxy] lkwucong180kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 00:04#26Petal_Kiss150kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#25.5[Proxy] lololo161050kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 00:00#25gba001231000kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Wed 23:56#24trikon000300kMat03100 High-Grade Wood
#23.5[Proxy] yami_zetsu1854kMat02150 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 23:56#23tsukikoazusa1800kMat02150 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 23:55#22trikon00050kHea02Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Wed 23:54#21.5[Proxy] lingboli12060kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#21.5[Proxy] sangerex2000kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 23:42#20.5[Proxy] sangerex80kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 23:42#20.5[Proxy] sangerex50kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Slaughter
Wed 23:53#20.5[Proxy] lkwucong80kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 23:40#20.5[Proxy] cbn50kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Wed 23:34#20Kinights1000kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
#19.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac716kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 23:32#19BlueWaterSplash666kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 23:29#181511200650kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Wed 23:29#181511200650kClo07Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Fenrir
Wed 23:23#17rokyroky50kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Wed 23:21#16rokyroky50kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#15.5[Proxy] lololo16130kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Wed 23:21#15gba00123100kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
#14.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac605kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 23:08#14BlueWaterSplash555kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
#13.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac494kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 23:06#13BlueWaterSplash444kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
#12.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac383kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 23:05#12BlueWaterSplash333kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
#11.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac272kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 23:04#11BlueWaterSplash222kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 23:02#10vlftjtq300kHea01Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
#9.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac141kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 23:02#9BlueWaterSplash111kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 22:07#8mopme1000kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall
Wed 22:06#7.5[Proxy] lololo1650kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr
Wed 22:03#7BlueWaterSplash50kHea09Legendary Savage Power Boots of Balance
Wed 22:03#6.5[Proxy] TygerTyger50kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#6.5[Proxy] -vincento-450kSta02Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Wed 22:03#6.5[Proxy] yami_zetsu50kMat071 Small Nuke
Wed 22:03#6.5[Proxy] yami_zetsu50kMat02150 High-Grade Cloth
Wed 22:02#6.5[Proxy] TygerTyger50kMat011000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Wed 21:51#6yousei1357300kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Wed 21:51#6yousei1357400kSta02Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Wed 21:50#5.5[Proxy] -vincento-50kSta02Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Wed 21:48#4.5[Proxy] Waifu Maniac50kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Wed 21:47#4lingboli150kHea04Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Wed 21:43#3Kadokura1000kClo10Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
