Bid Log: Thread 220630

Auction ended

Click to filter by bidder or code
Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 13:45#107NKRT130kHea07Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Balance
Sat 13:41#106NABID1000kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:36#105-StarWingS-200kHea04Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Slaughter
#104.5[Proxy] vEwr0d09291kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Sat 12:59#104Null2Null9020kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Sat 12:38#102.5[Proxy] Antifront16480kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:37#102.5[Proxy] lkwucong16000kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:36#102lkwucong12000kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:25#101.5[Proxy] vEwr0d08755kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Sat 12:06#101.5[Proxy] Null2Null8500kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Sat 11:57#101sixkas450kClo17Legendary Cobalt Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Sat 11:54#100.5[Proxy] Antifront10300kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#100.5[Proxy] lkwucong10000kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#98.5[Proxy] Snowfoxrb4411kHea02Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 10:54#98.5[Proxy] BlackPantsu4282kHea02Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Slaughter
#98.5[Proxy] TygerTyger70040kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 10:32#98Petal_Kiss68000kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#97.5[Proxy] TygerTyger65096kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 10:29#97Petal_Kiss63200kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#96.5[Proxy] TygerTyger60152kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 10:26#96Petal_Kiss58400kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#95.5[Proxy] TygerTyger56444kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 10:24#95Petal_Kiss54800kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#94.5[Proxy] TygerTyger53148kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 10:23#94Petal_Kiss51600kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#93.5[Proxy] TygerTyger50058kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 10:20#93Petal_Kiss48600kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#92.5[Proxy] TygerTyger45011kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 10:18#92Petal_Kiss43700kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#91.5[Proxy] TygerTyger40994kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 10:17#91Petal_Kiss39800kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 07:22#90TailNa250kClo14Legendary Zircon Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 05:09#89ffffffffffff12550kClo29Legendary Amber Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Sat 03:46#88cardposter500kClo29Legendary Amber Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Sat 03:42#87cardposter200kClo14Legendary Zircon Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 02:45#86ChiciCat2500kClo15Peerless Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Sat 02:45#85kullm50kLig03Legendary Amber Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
#84.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh200kClo21Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Sat 02:43#84.5[Proxy] cy642280kOne04Magnificent Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 02:05#84fkmst170kClo21Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#82.5[Proxy] treesloth750kLig07Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Fri 23:49#82NateDSjudge700kLig07Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Fri 23:39#81.5[Proxy] TygerTyger36050kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 17:39#81fihero110kHea04Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 16:56#80yagamisin100kClo14Legendary Zircon Phase Robe of Freyr
#79.5[Proxy] Snowfoxrb3866kHea02Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 16:12#79.5[Proxy] BlackPantsu3753kHea02Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 15:56#79mhss80kHea04Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 15:52#78Ming28561250kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 14:05#77Petal_Kiss35000kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#76.5[Proxy] TygerTyger30900kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 14:05#76Petal_Kiss30000kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 13:58#75Ciel Sacred3098kClo02Peerless Ruby Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent
Fri 13:09#74cardposter700kOne01Peerless Arctic Rapier of Balance
Fri 13:05#73cardposter100kHea07Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Balance
#72.5[Proxy] Kadokura6180kSta03Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 11:08#72lkwucong6000kSta03Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#71.5[Proxy] Kadokura4120kSta03Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 11:06#71lkwucong4000kSta03Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 10:49#70nonotan150kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
#69.5[Proxy] treesloth6180kClo19Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 10:39#69nonotan6000kClo19Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 10:36#68.5[Proxy] TygerTyger25750kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#68.5[Proxy] Nimroth208kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Fri 08:30#68gba00123201kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Fri 08:16#67pooaa50kHea13Legendary Shielding Plate Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 08:16#66.5[Proxy] Snowfoxrb3255kHea02Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Slaughter
#66.5[Proxy] BlackPantsu3160kHea02Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 08:14#66Snowfoxrb2500kHea02Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 08:04#65fihero50kHea04Legendary Amber Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 07:01#64Sushilicious10000kClo06Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#62.5[Proxy] Nimroth195kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Fri 05:29#62gba00123189kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Fri 04:58#61.5[Proxy] BlackPantsu2060kHea02Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 04:57#61.5[Proxy] BlackPantsu50kClo04Legendary Onyx Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
#61.5[Proxy] Nimroth180kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Fri 04:43#61gba00123174kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Fri 04:20#60.5[Proxy] thing1650kLig06Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of Negation
Fri 03:55#60qdjseh001500kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#59.5[Proxy] fihero450kSta02Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of Heimdall
Fri 03:45#59Lostwizard400kSta02Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of Heimdall
#58.5[Proxy] fihero250kSta02Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of Heimdall
Fri 03:24#58Lostwizard200kSta02Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of Heimdall
Fri 03:23#57Lostwizard1555kClo25Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr
Fri 03:16#56PapaJuk400kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:21#55Petal_Kiss25000kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#54.5[Proxy] sickentide850kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 00:28#54woodsopp1200kClo25Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr
Fri 00:28#54woodsopp800kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#53.5[Proxy] TygerTyger20602kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 22:49#53.5[Proxy] fihero20001kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 20:31#53.5[Proxy] treesloth307kLig07Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
#53.5[Proxy] e-Stark257kLig07Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Thu 18:34#53.5[Proxy] Nimroth83kMat06100 Binding of Balance
#53.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash80kMat06100 Binding of Balance
#53.5[Proxy] Nimroth165kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Thu 14:16#53.5[Proxy] DLAE362kMat021000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Thu 14:22#53.5[Proxy] esprit17351kMat021000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Thu 14:11#53gba00123160kMat05100 Binding of Warding
#52.5[Proxy] vEwr0d06180kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Thu 14:11#52chrisreeve6000kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
#51.5[Proxy] Kadokura5665kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 13:21#51.5[Proxy] wollofnine5500kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 13:10#51tox0150kOne04Magnificent Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 13:09#50.5[Proxy] TygerTyger16480kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#50.5[Proxy] qr123452000kMat03150 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 12:39#50Lin Setsu A1974kMat03150 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 10:22#49.5[Proxy] vEwr0d05356kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
#49.5[Proxy] Null2Null5200kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Thu 11:00#49.5[Proxy] VawX206kMat07100 Binding of the Turtle
Thu 11:11#49.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash200kMat07100 Binding of the Turtle
Thu 10:20#49spadarta400kClo17Legendary Cobalt Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#48.5[Proxy] balengooo1000kClo25Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 10:06#48Lostwizard995kClo25Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr
#47.5[Proxy] balengooo860kClo25Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 10:06#47Lostwizard810kClo25Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 09:58#46monkey_lmf50kLig08Peerless Amber Leather Boots of Warding
Thu 09:48#45SleepDealer6000kClo06Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#44.5[Proxy] cylinnia3090kClo06Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 09:43#44pekka12353000kClo06Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 08:30#43.5[Proxy] Fudo Masamune50kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Fenrir
Thu 08:48#43.5[Proxy] Null2Null5150kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
#43.5[Proxy] vEwr0d05000kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Thu 08:12#43ffffffffffff12300kClo29Legendary Amber Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
#42.5[Proxy] treesloth8240kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 07:24#42.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash8000kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 07:40#42.5[Proxy] balengooo80kClo29Legendary Amber Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Thu 07:40#42.5[Proxy] balengooo650kClo25Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 07:23#42Petal_Kiss16000kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#41.5[Proxy] fihero15001kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 07:21#41Petal_Kiss15000kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#40.5[Proxy] fihero10300kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 07:20#40Petal_Kiss10000kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 07:08#39TailNa50kClo14Legendary Zircon Phase Robe of Freyr
#38.5[Proxy] Kadokura3090kSta03Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Thu 07:07#38.5[Proxy] -vincento-3000kSta03Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Thu 06:54#38trikon00050kClo10Legendary Onyx Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Thu 06:54#38trikon00050kClo09Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 06:54#38trikon00050kClo08Legendary Onyx Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 06:54#38trikon00050kClo16Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#37.5[Proxy] fihero8020kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 06:52#37.5[Proxy] BlackPantsu7786kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 06:41#37.5[Proxy] cylinnia2060kClo06Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#37.5[Proxy] Kadokura350kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 06:49#37.5[Proxy] BlackPantsu300kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall
#37.5[Proxy] Nimroth155kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Thu 06:25#37.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash150kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Thu 06:15#37ffffffffffff1250kClo29Legendary Amber Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
#36.5[Proxy] Nimroth135kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Thu 06:14#36gba00123131kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Thu 06:00#35.5[Proxy] Kadokura250kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 05:59#35.5[Proxy] Kadokura1050kSta03Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Thu 05:48#35staranise1000kSta03Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#34.5[Proxy] lkwucong9270kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 05:44#34amazingwei9000kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#33.5[Proxy] Nimroth127kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Thu 05:40#33gba00123123kMat05100 Binding of Warding
#32.5[Proxy] lkwucong7725kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 05:29#32.5[Proxy] -StarWingS-7500kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#32.5[Proxy] Nimroth119kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Thu 05:11#32gba00123115kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Thu 05:07#31cardposter50kHea08Legendary Mithril Power Helmet of Balance
#30.5[Proxy] lkwucong4120kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 05:03#30amazingwei4000kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#29.5[Proxy] lingboli1450kOne01Peerless Arctic Rapier of Balance
Thu 05:03#29cardposter400kOne01Peerless Arctic Rapier of Balance
Thu 04:55#28tox0150kHea07Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Balance
Thu 04:50#27sixkas50kClo18Magnificent Radiant Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Thu 04:50#27sixkas50kClo17Legendary Cobalt Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Thu 04:38#26morineko5189kMat0850 Energy Drink
#25.5[Proxy] lkwucong3605kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 04:17#25qr123453500kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#24.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh130kClo21Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#24.5[Proxy] qr123451916kMat03150 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 03:58#24.5[Proxy] rjgc1860kMat03150 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 03:29#24Ming28561100kClo21Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Thu 03:29#24Ming28561300kMat021000 Mid-Grade Cloth
Thu 03:28#23qdjseh001200kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 03:28#23qdjseh001200kSta03Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Thu 03:28#23qdjseh001200kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 03:22#22.5[Proxy] DCFulano966kHea12Peerless Shielding Plate Greaves of Deflection
#22.5[Proxy] e-Stark916kHea12Peerless Shielding Plate Greaves of Deflection
#22.5[Proxy] vEwr0d02289kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Thu 03:17#22.5[Proxy] zero10181012222kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Thu 03:15#22Ming2856150kClo20Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
#21.5[Proxy] treesloth7210kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 03:11#21.5[Proxy] vEwr0d07000kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 03:03#21.5[Proxy] hgsmxhh50kClo21Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#21.5[Proxy] treesloth4120kClo19Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Thu 03:00#21.5[Proxy] VawX4000kClo19Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#21.5[Proxy] qr123451751kMat03150 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 02:53#21ericeric911700kMat03150 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 02:17#20.5[Proxy] lingboli17089kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 02:06#20.5[Proxy] makotocchi7000kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 02:47#20.5[Proxy] fihero7559kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#20.5[Proxy] lingboli17338kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 02:18#20.5[Proxy] treesloth5152kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 01:54#20.5[Proxy] lkwucong3090kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 02:00#20.5[Proxy] treesloth50kClo19Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Thu 02:01#20.5[Proxy] treesloth30000kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 02:45#20.5[Proxy] fihero50kSta02Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of Heimdall
Thu 02:29#20.5[Proxy] Nimroth105kMat05100 Binding of Warding
#20.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash101kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Thu 02:45#20.5[Proxy] ranphafranboise515kMat04100 High-Grade Wood
Thu 02:34#20.5[Proxy] zhazha2500kMat04100 High-Grade Wood
Thu 01:52#20Snowfoxrb2000kHea02Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Slaughter
#19.5[Proxy] lingboli16866kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 01:52#19.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash6666kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 01:43#19BlueWaterSplash5001kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
#18.5[Proxy] vEwr0d04578kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
#18.5[Proxy] vEwr0d01720kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Thu 01:43#18.5[Proxy] lololo161670kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Thu 01:39#18BlueWaterSplash155kMat07100 Binding of the Turtle
Thu 01:39#18BlueWaterSplash4444kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
#17.5[Proxy] lingboli11450kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 01:37#17trikon0001400kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
#16.5[Proxy] e-Stark5037kMat0850 Energy Drink
Thu 01:36#16as0134890kMat0850 Energy Drink
#15.5[Proxy] vEwr0d04122kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 01:36#15BlueWaterSplash4001kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
#14.5[Proxy] e-Stark505kMat0850 Energy Drink
Thu 01:35#14as013490kMat0850 Energy Drink
#13.5[Proxy] vEwr0d03662kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 01:33#13BlueWaterSplash3555kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
#12.5[Proxy] vEwr0d03435kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 01:27#12BlueWaterSplash3334kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 01:17#11.5[Proxy] sickentide550kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 01:16#11.5[Proxy] qr1234550kMat03150 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 01:12#11qr123453000kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Thu 01:09#10.5[Proxy] e-Stark50kHea12Peerless Shielding Plate Greaves of Deflection
Thu 01:09#10.5[Proxy] e-Stark50kHea11Peerless Mithril Plate Cuirass of Warding
#10.5[Proxy] lingboli11050kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 01:08#10.5[Proxy] e-Stark50kLig07Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Thu 01:05#10.5[Proxy] vEwr0d03236kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
#10.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash3141kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 01:06#10.5[Proxy] vEwr0d01284kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
#10.5[Proxy] zero10181011234kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Thu 01:06#10.5[Proxy] e-Stark50kMat0850 Energy Drink
Thu 01:01#10trikon0001000kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 01:01#9Lostwizard600kClo25Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr
#7.5[Proxy] Lastwizard05452kMat04100 High-Grade Wood
Thu 01:00#7woodsopp500kClo25Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 01:00#7woodsopp500kClo05Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 01:00#7woodsopp450kMat04100 High-Grade Wood
#6.5[Proxy] lingboli1130kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 00:53#6.5[Proxy] lingboli1150kMat07100 Binding of the Turtle
Thu 00:54#6.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash149kMat07100 Binding of the Turtle
Thu 00:59#6.5[Proxy] Lastwizard0550kMat04100 High-Grade Wood
Thu 00:53#6himi100kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 00:51#5.5[Proxy] lingboli150kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 00:50#5.5[Proxy] lingboli150kHea02Legendary Ruby Power Armor of Slaughter
Thu 00:49#5.5[Proxy] lingboli150kHea01Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Thu 00:48#5.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash50kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer
Thu 00:42#5.5[Proxy] zero101810150kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Thu 00:51#5.5[Proxy] lingboli150kOne01Peerless Arctic Rapier of Balance
Thu 00:53#5.5[Proxy] lingboli150kMat07100 Binding of the Turtle
Thu 00:52#5.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash50kMat06100 Binding of Balance
Thu 00:50#5.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash50kMat05100 Binding of Warding
Thu 00:45#5.5[Proxy] lingboli1232kMat011000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 00:38#5.5[Proxy] zero1018101225kMat011000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 00:35#5qdjseh0011000kClo15Peerless Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Thu 00:35#5qdjseh0011000kClo02Peerless Ruby Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent
Thu 00:30#4Sushilicious2000kClo06Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 00:26#3-StarWingS-1000kClo27Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
