Bid Log: Thread 222139

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
#45.5[Proxy] lololo16210kClo17Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
#45.5[Proxy] Lunarika181kMat011 Spelling Error Pack
Sat 13:39#45.5[Proxy] -vincento-180kMat011 Spelling Error Pack
Sat 10:58#45woodsopp200kClo17Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
#44.5[Proxy] treesloth1161kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Sat 09:30#44.5[Proxy] sabregimp1111kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Sat 10:26#44.5[Proxy] magiclamp110kClo14Legendary Ruby Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 09:01#44Tmokenc50kOne04Legendary Ethereal Shortsword of Slaughter
Sat 05:59#43Mind Flayer350kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 04:53#42.5[Proxy] Hakrei10300kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 05:25#42.5[Proxy] david3934240kMat0550000 Monster Chow
Fri 23:17#42b92203011300kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 09:28#40.5[Proxy] monokaaa110kClo13Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 06:12#40Mind Flayer250kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 06:11#39gdldyv80kClo14Legendary Ruby Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 06:11#39gdldyv80kClo13Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 04:55#38.5[Proxy] madaosan50kClo09Legendary Cobalt Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 00:11#38.5[Proxy] BlackPantsu371kSta03Legendary Demonic Katalox Staff of Fenrir
#38.5[Proxy] zero1018101321kSta03Legendary Demonic Katalox Staff of Fenrir
Fri 04:53#38.5[Proxy] Lunarika50kSta02Legendary Shocking Redwood Staff of Mjolnir
Fri 04:51#38.5[Proxy] Lunarika150kMat011 Spelling Error Pack
Fri 00:00#38b92203011200kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 00:00#38b922030111000kClo04Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 22:11#37.5[Proxy] lololo16130kClo17Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Thu 20:24#37magiclamp50kClo14Legendary Ruby Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 18:10#36sssss211000kClo02Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 17:24#35kkjiong50kShd02Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Protection
Thu 17:24#35kkjiong50kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter
Thu 17:01#34.5[Proxy] ericeric9150kOne02Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of Swiftness
Thu 15:24#34SleepDealer1950kMat02150 High-Grade Cloth
#33.5[Proxy] faiya2833kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 14:58#33Xythy2750kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#32.5[Proxy] faiya2472kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 14:56#32Xythy2400kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#31.5[Proxy] faiya2163kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 14:52#31Xythy2100kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#30.5[Proxy] faiya1850kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 14:49#30Xythy1800kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#29.5[Proxy] faiya1550kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 14:47#29Xythy1500kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#28.5[Proxy] faiya1250kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 14:45#28Xythy1200kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 13:32#27.5[Proxy] faiya1050kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 14:40#27.5[Proxy] -vincento-2060kClo02Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 13:56#27.5[Proxy] DLAE2000kClo02Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Thu 13:10#27a8948906401700kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 12:30#26PK92100kShd01Legendary Amber Force Shield of Protection
Thu 12:20#25pooaa1000kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 10:30#23spadarta1500kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 10:13#22Undeadboner485kMat06100000 Monster Chow
#21.5[Proxy] pekka1235454kMat06100000 Monster Chow
#21.5[Proxy] Sapo84233kMat0550000 Monster Chow
#21.5[Proxy] david3934258kMat0450000 Monster Chow
Thu 10:12#21Undeadboner440kMat06100000 Monster Chow
Thu 10:12#21Undeadboner230kMat0550000 Monster Chow
Thu 10:12#21Undeadboner250kMat0450000 Monster Chow
Thu 08:32#20.5[Proxy] monokaaa550kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 08:41#20.5[Proxy] Sapo8457kMat0550000 Monster Chow
Thu 08:54#20.5[Proxy] monokaaa55kMat0550000 Monster Chow
#20.5[Proxy] david393457kMat0450000 Monster Chow
Thu 08:55#20.5[Proxy] monokaaa55kMat0450000 Monster Chow
Thu 08:05#20a894890640500kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 07:23#19Mind Flayer50kClo08Legendary Onyx Phase Robe of Fenrir
Thu 07:23#19Mind Flayer150kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#18.5[Proxy] Z34dWeXwr216480kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 07:02#18chjj3016000kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#17.5[Proxy] Z34dWeXwr215450kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 07:00#17chjj3015000kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#16.5[Proxy] Z34dWeXwr214420kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 06:59#16chjj3014000kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#15.5[Proxy] Z34dWeXwr213390kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 06:57#15chjj3013000kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#14.5[Proxy] Z34dWeXwr212360kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 06:57#14chjj3012000kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#13.5[Proxy] Z34dWeXwr211330kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 06:54#13chjj3011000kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 06:43#12.5[Proxy] Z34dWeXwr210300kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#12.5[Proxy] monokaaa500kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 06:42#12.5[Proxy] -StarWingS-499kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 06:36#12chjj3010000kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 06:03#11q1z2x350kShd01Legendary Amber Force Shield of Protection
Thu 05:18#10FatiguedRogue3000kOne03Peerless Tempestuous Shortsword of Slaughter
#9.5[Proxy] Xythuard550kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 04:32#9.5[Proxy] rjgc500kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#9.5[Proxy] treesloth320kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Thu 03:52#9.5[Proxy] Kakawari270kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Thu 05:12#9.5[Proxy] Z34dWeXwr28240kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#9.5[Proxy] Dk20178000kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#9.5[Proxy] monokaaa322kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 03:49#9.5[Proxy] Kakawari272kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 03:44#9physics15280kClo07Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 03:33#8.5[Proxy] Xythuard80kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#8.5[Proxy] Dk20173090kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 03:15#8.5[Proxy] david39343000kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 03:17#8.5[Proxy] RibbonsCan50kOne03Peerless Tempestuous Shortsword of Slaughter
Thu 03:41#8.5[Proxy] pekka123550kMat06100000 Monster Chow
Thu 02:58#81511200650kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 02:42#7.5[Proxy] treesloth50kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Thu 02:53#7.5[Proxy] monokaaa50kClo13Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 02:52#7.5[Proxy] monokaaa50kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Freyr
Thu 02:52#7.5[Proxy] monokaaa50kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Freyr
Thu 02:38#7woodsopp100kClo17Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Thu 02:38#7woodsopp450kMat03100 High-Grade Wood
Thu 02:27#6.5[Proxy] OnHaSw50kHea02Magnificent Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Thu 02:34#6.5[Proxy] Dk20171150kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#6.5[Proxy] david39341100kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 02:03#6.5[Proxy] Hakrei423kMat03100 High-Grade Wood
Thu 02:02#6sssss210000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Thu 02:01#5.5[Proxy] david393450kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Thu 02:01#5.5[Proxy] zero101810150kSta03Legendary Demonic Katalox Staff of Fenrir
Thu 02:02#5.5[Proxy] david393450kMat0450000 Monster Chow
Thu 01:54#4.5[Proxy] lololo1650kClo17Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Thu 01:51#4tsukikoazusa1880kMat02150 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 01:47#3lololo16410kMat03100 High-Grade Wood
