Bid Log: Thread 239601

Auction ended

Click to filter by bidder or code
Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 14:00#208opsadi1800kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:59#207ZNSR59631600kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:59#206.5[Proxy] illusioninusall6366kClo03Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
#206.5[Proxy] hey_yo_in1050kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:57#206ashlikt1000kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
#205.5[Proxy] hey_yo_in900kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:56#205ashlikt850kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
#204.5[Proxy] Fire326695kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:54#204.5[Proxy] chzx0006500kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Sat 13:51#204opsadi1500kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:49#203.5[Proxy] Alone_Dragon308kMat151000 High-Grade Metals
#203.5[Proxy] Pokom299kMat151000 High-Grade Metals
Sat 13:44#203final78450kClo28Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Surtr
#202.5[Proxy] hey_yo_in800kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:41#202ashlikt750kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:36#201ZNSR59631300kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:23#200cs9879876180kClo03Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 13:23#200cs9879876180kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Heimdall
#199.5[Proxy] itodon750kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 13:05#199.5[Proxy] hey_yo_in700kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 12:54#199.5[Proxy] Frotag927kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
Sat 12:54#199.5[Proxy] Frotag1133kMat675000 Scroll of Shadows
Sat 12:54#199.5[Proxy] Frotag1545kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Sat 12:53#199.5[Proxy] Frotag2163kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
Sat 12:32#199gelmous700kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 12:15#198Kpop of Orz230kMat772000 Infusion of Frost
Sat 12:09#197.5[Proxy] shamansun279kMat782000 Infusion of Lightning
#197.5[Proxy] faiya270kMat782000 Infusion of Lightning
Sat 11:55#197ashlikt650kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 11:48#196.5[Proxy] sansvertu190kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Sat 11:15#196.5[Proxy] sansvertu1381kMat475 Crystallized Phazon
#196.5[Proxy] Pokom1340kMat475 Crystallized Phazon
Sat 10:50#196safmy1100kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
Sat 10:50#196safmy1500kMat663000 Scroll of Life
#195.5[Proxy] Frotag1001kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
#195.5[Proxy] Frotag1339kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Sat 10:48#195safmy1000kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
Sat 10:48#195safmy1300kMat663000 Scroll of Life
#194.5[Proxy] itodon650kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 10:48#194gelmous600kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#193.5[Proxy] Frotag876kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
#193.5[Proxy] Frotag1133kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Sat 10:46#193safmy850kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
Sat 10:46#193safmy1100kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Sat 10:43#192GrandYo1231353kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Sat 10:41#191manganese251726kMat3225 Binding of Destruction
#189.5[Proxy] Frotag773kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
#189.5[Proxy] Frotag979kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Sat 10:39#189safmy900kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
Sat 10:39#189safmy750kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
Sat 10:39#189safmy950kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Sat 10:39#189safmy2100kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
#188.5[Proxy] Pokom1313kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Sat 10:39#188manganese251274kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Sat 10:39#188manganese25454kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Sat 10:39#188manganese251041kMat4125 Binding of the Cheetah
Sat 10:39#188manganese25329kMat408 Binding of the Cheetah
#187.5[Proxy] Frotag801kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
#187.5[Proxy] Frotag670kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
#187.5[Proxy] Frotag876kMat663000 Scroll of Life
#187.5[Proxy] Frotag2001kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
Sat 10:36#187safmy800kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
Sat 10:36#187safmy650kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
Sat 10:36#187safmy1100kMat675000 Scroll of Shadows
Sat 10:36#187safmy850kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Sat 10:36#187safmy2000kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
Sat 10:36#187safmy5000kMat5550 Energy Drink
Sat 10:35#186GrandYo1231286kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Sat 10:34#185manganese251248kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
#183.5[Proxy] sansvertu440kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Sat 10:33#183manganese25515kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
Sat 10:33#183manganese25434kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Sat 10:33#182GrandYo1231211kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Sat 10:31#181manganese251175kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
#180.5[Proxy] sansvertu1140kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Sat 10:31#180manganese251126kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Sat 10:29#178.5[Proxy] sansvertu1093kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Sat 10:30#178.5[Proxy] nohope234712kMat3310 Binding of Destruction
Sat 10:25#178manganese25691kMat3310 Binding of Destruction
Sat 10:22#177firefish55600kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 10:22#176GrandYo1231061kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
#175.5[Proxy] Frotag721kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
Sat 10:10#175mundomuñeca700kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
#174.5[Proxy] faiya258kMat782000 Infusion of Lightning
Sat 08:41#174.5[Proxy] Alone_Dragon250kMat782000 Infusion of Lightning
Sat 08:41#174.5[Proxy] Alone_Dragon206kMat762000 Infusion of Flames
#174.5[Proxy] decondelite200kMat762000 Infusion of Flames
Sat 09:51#174.5[Proxy] Frotag618kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
#174.5[Proxy] tomkazansky600kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
Sat 09:54#174.5[Proxy] sansvertu1030kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
#174.5[Proxy] Pokom500kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
Sat 09:53#174.5[Proxy] sansvertu494kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
Sat 09:52#174.5[Proxy] sansvertu421kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
#174.5[Proxy] Pokom408kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Sat 08:39#174mundomuñeca192kMat762000 Infusion of Flames
#173.5[Proxy] faiya222kMat782000 Infusion of Lightning
Sat 08:38#173Alone_Dragon215kMat782000 Infusion of Lightning
Sat 08:38#173Alone_Dragon219kMat772000 Infusion of Frost
#172.5[Proxy] decondelite186kMat762000 Infusion of Flames
Sat 08:38#172mundomuñeca180kMat762000 Infusion of Flames
Sat 06:55#171itodon550kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 06:26#170foot300kClo29Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Surtr
Sat 06:26#170foot400kClo28Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Surtr
Sat 05:35#169.5[Proxy] Firew80kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 04:59#169ashlikt550kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
#168.5[Proxy] Phantom_D343kMat3950 Binding of the Raccoon
Sat 03:53#168Toddlerkon333kMat3950 Binding of the Raccoon
Sat 03:53#168Toddlerkon404kMat3625 Binding of the Fleet
#167.5[Proxy] Skepto85kLig04Legendary Jade Shade Boots of the Fleet
#167.5[Proxy] Pokom505kMat062000 Mid-Grade Wood
Sat 03:49#167.5[Proxy] hey_yo_in500kMat062000 Mid-Grade Wood
Sat 03:47#167kullm80kLig04Legendary Jade Shade Boots of the Fleet
Sat 01:11#166.5[Proxy] Skepto50kLig04Legendary Jade Shade Boots of the Fleet
Sat 02:53#166.5[Proxy] wriggle100280kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#166.5[Proxy] tedd c230kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 02:58#166.5[Proxy] ravenfrost12380kOne03Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Fri 23:31#165.5[Proxy] tomkazansky110kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
#165.5[Proxy] tedd c220kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 23:23#165.5[Proxy] tomkazansky464kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
Fri 23:11#165subzeroX190kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 22:46#164Srac6000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 22:14#163illusioninusall6000kClo03Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 21:47#162gansta50kClo33Legendary Frugal Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 21:47#162gansta50kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Longsword of Slaughter
#161.5[Proxy] tedd c160kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 21:33#161subzeroX130kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 20:46#160Crime7201922kMat82100 Precursor Artifact
Fri 20:46#160Crime7201000kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 19:43#159.5[Proxy] huedoge360kHea02Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 19:44#159.5[Proxy] tedd c80kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 19:49#159.5[Proxy] -vincento-1010kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 19:40#159.5[Proxy] tedd c960kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#159.5[Proxy] Firew1160kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Fri 19:46#159.5[Proxy] tedd c1110kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Fri 19:48#159.5[Proxy] tedd c80kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 19:30#159firefish55300kClo32Legendary Frugal Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 19:30#159firefish55500kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 18:30#158opsadi1200kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#157.5[Proxy] neogdoma750kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 18:29#157opsadi700kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 17:59#156.5[Proxy] Pokom2369kMat3030 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 17:59#156.5[Proxy] Pokom309kMat062000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 17:24#156paramount11150kClo06Legendary Jade Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Fri 16:46#155qdjseh001450kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
Fri 16:27#154.5[Proxy] Phantom_D323kMat3950 Binding of the Raccoon
#154.5[Proxy] Pokom313kMat3950 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 16:15#154neogdoma400kMat60100000 Monster Edibles
Fri 16:13#153Phantom_D1600kMat2920 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 16:05#152.5[Proxy] neogdoma550kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#152.5[Proxy] Pokom1600kMat2820 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 16:12#152.5[Proxy] Phantom_D1599kMat2820 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 16:02#152user0810w307kMat59100000 Monster Chow
#151.5[Proxy] Pokom1236kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 15:29#151GrandYo1231200kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
#150.5[Proxy] Pokom1113kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 15:28#150GrandYo1231080kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 15:27#149GrandYo1231000kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
#148.5[Proxy] decondelite155kMat762000 Infusion of Flames
Fri 15:18#148.5[Proxy] Alone_Dragon150kMat762000 Infusion of Flames
#148.5[Proxy] Pokom469kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
#148.5[Proxy] Pokom397kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Fri 15:15#148.5[Proxy] nohope2341313kMat3119 Binding of Destruction
Fri 15:14#148manganese25455kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
Fri 15:14#148manganese25385kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
#147.5[Proxy] Pokom441kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
#147.5[Proxy] Pokom373kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Fri 15:13#147manganese25428kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
Fri 15:13#147manganese25362kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
#146.5[Proxy] Pokom415kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
#146.5[Proxy] Pokom351kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Fri 15:07#146manganese25924kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Fri 15:07#146manganese25402kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
Fri 15:07#146manganese25340kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Fri 15:07#146manganese251274kMat3119 Binding of Destruction
#145.5[Proxy] chzx0002060kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 14:11#145.5[Proxy] Matsuoka Rina2000kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 15:05#145.5[Proxy] cb000800kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Battlecaster
#145.5[Proxy] -vincento-750kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Battlecaster
Fri 13:53#145Alone_Dragon300kMat062000 Mid-Grade Wood
Fri 13:51#144Alone_Dragon130kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 13:50#143Alone_Dragon103kMat01800 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 13:38#142cs9879875500kClo03Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 13:38#142cs9879875000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Heimdall
#141.5[Proxy] 5reo550kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 13:38#141.5[Proxy] itodon500kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 13:23#141gelmous100kClo15Legendary Zircon Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#140.5[Proxy] Pokom160kMat60100000 Monster Edibles
#140.5[Proxy] Bolide176kMat38200 Binding of the Nimble
#140.5[Proxy] Bolide182kMat37200 Binding of the Barrier
Fri 13:12#140APP_321691kMat611000 Happy Pills
Fri 13:12#140APP_321155kMat60100000 Monster Edibles
Fri 13:12#140APP_321170kMat38200 Binding of the Nimble
Fri 13:12#140APP_321176kMat37200 Binding of the Barrier
Fri 12:56#139.5[Proxy] chzx0001300kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
#139.5[Proxy] Pokom258kMat151000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 12:31#139.5[Proxy] neogdoma250kMat151000 High-Grade Metals
#139.5[Proxy] sansvertu258kMat081000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 12:31#139.5[Proxy] neogdoma250kMat081000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 12:30#139Matsuoka Rina15450kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 12:30#139Matsuoka Rina1250kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
#138.5[Proxy] chzx00015000kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 12:28#138.5[Proxy] Matsuoka Rina14999kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 12:30#138.5[Proxy] 5reo140kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#138.5[Proxy] jameshotate110kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#138.5[Proxy] Pokom670kMat611000 Happy Pills
#138.5[Proxy] Pokom124kMat60100000 Monster Edibles
#138.5[Proxy] Bolide165kMat38200 Binding of the Nimble
#138.5[Proxy] Bolide165kMat37200 Binding of the Barrier
Fri 12:04#138APP_321650kMat611000 Happy Pills
Fri 12:04#138APP_321120kMat60100000 Monster Edibles
Fri 12:04#138APP_321160kMat38200 Binding of the Nimble
Fri 12:04#138APP_321160kMat37200 Binding of the Barrier
Fri 11:35#137Jersey-chan500kClo24Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 11:32#136Pudding_Rapist5000kClo03Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 11:32#136Pudding_Rapist4000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 10:59#135.5[Proxy] Frotag773kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Fri 11:30#135.5[Proxy] believego690kMat621000 Happy Pills
#135.5[Proxy] Pokom669kMat621000 Happy Pills
Fri 10:33#1352BGantz1200kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 10:19#134gelmous500kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#133.5[Proxy] itodon450kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 10:17#133gelmous400kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#132.5[Proxy] itodon350kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 10:16#132gelmous300kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#130.5[Proxy] itodon250kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 10:14#130gelmous200kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 09:57#129.5[Proxy] -vincento-90kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 09:54#129eomivan210kClo34Peerless Amber Cotton Pants of Protection
Fri 09:48#128.5[Proxy] cylinnia180kClo34Peerless Amber Cotton Pants of Protection
Fri 09:18#128.5[Proxy] itodon170kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 09:16#128unemi1000kClo31Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 09:15#127.5[Proxy] jfieoiod80kClo17Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 09:14#127lone25500kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#126.5[Proxy] Pokom1048kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 09:13#126GrandYo1231017kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
#125.5[Proxy] Pokom987kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 09:11#125GrandYo123958kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
#124.5[Proxy] Pokom930kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 09:09#124GrandYo123897kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Fri 09:09#124GrandYo123902kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 08:49#123.5[Proxy] huedoge260kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 09:09#123.5[Proxy] itodon50kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Protection
Fri 08:48#123Firew870kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
#122.5[Proxy] Pokom390kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
Fri 08:46#122.5[Proxy] Firew378kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
#122.5[Proxy] Pokom330kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Fri 08:46#122.5[Proxy] Firew320kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Fri 08:15#122gelmous140kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#121.5[Proxy] jameshotate110kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 08:14#121gelmous80kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 08:09#120.5[Proxy] chzx00012360kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#120.5[Proxy] NTone12000kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 07:57#120ashlikt100kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 07:49#119.5[Proxy] Firew80kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Fri 07:00#119noobx160kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Fri 06:58#118subzeroX450kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 05:56#117.5[Proxy] Pokom412kMat5210 Repurposed Actuator
#117.5[Proxy] zero1018101400kMat5210 Repurposed Actuator
#117.5[Proxy] EndlessMotion1373kMat515 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 05:54#117.5[Proxy] Pokom1333kMat515 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 05:55#117.5[Proxy] Pokom1339kMat475 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 05:58#117.5[Proxy] Pokom227kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Fri 05:53#117Try_50kSta01Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 05:52#116.5[Proxy] Pokom1866kMat82100 Precursor Artifact
#116.5[Proxy] Frotag1851kMat82100 Precursor Artifact
#116.5[Proxy] lhv520045298kMat59100000 Monster Chow
Fri 05:52#116.5[Proxy] Pokom289kMat59100000 Monster Chow
#116.5[Proxy] neogdoma176kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 05:53#116.5[Proxy] Pokom170kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 05:51#116.5[Proxy] Pokom268kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
#116.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓260kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
Fri 05:49#116.5[Proxy] Pokom2016kMat26500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 05:49#116.5[Proxy] Pokom421kMat1830 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 05:48#116.5[Proxy] Pokom701kMat1650 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 05:47#116Bolide1500kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 05:47#115.5[Proxy] Pokom206kMat151000 High-Grade Metals
#115.5[Proxy] neogdoma200kMat151000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 04:39#115lone25400kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 04:32#114OeilsYVSrtyrid2U1300kMat475 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 04:25#113.5[Proxy] LTF80kClo31Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 04:22#113.5[Proxy] subzeroX350kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 04:17#113.5[Proxy] juliuszju1110kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
#113.5[Proxy] Bolide1060kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
#113.5[Proxy] juliuszju100kMat01800 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 03:52#113.5[Proxy] Alone_Dragon99kMat01800 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 03:37#113simple675200kClo29Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Surtr
Fri 03:37#113simple675200kClo28Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Surtr
#112.5[Proxy] Pokom117kMat03250 Mid-Grade Cloth
Fri 03:35#1123534113kMat03250 Mid-Grade Cloth
Fri 03:25#111unemi150kClo32Legendary Frugal Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 03:23#1103534225kMat04500 Mid-Grade Cloth
#109.5[Proxy] Pokom206kMat04500 Mid-Grade Cloth
Fri 03:20#1093534200kMat04500 Mid-Grade Cloth
Fri 03:15#108foot100kClo29Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Surtr
Fri 03:15#108foot150kClo28Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 03:06#107.5[Proxy] zero1018101309kMat5210 Repurposed Actuator
Fri 02:27#107moerstw125kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 02:17#106lone253000kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 02:00#105eomivan150kClo34Peerless Amber Cotton Pants of Protection
#104.5[Proxy] name83u52050kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 01:57#104lone252000kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#103.5[Proxy] name83u51950kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 01:32#103lone251900kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 01:32#103lone25300kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#102.5[Proxy] name83u51850kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 01:29#102lone251800kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#101.5[Proxy] subzeroX250kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 01:27#101lone25220kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 01:21#100.5[Proxy] subzeroX190kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 01:20#100.5[Proxy] nohope2342030kMat24500 High-Grade Wood
#100.5[Proxy] Pokom1970kMat24500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 01:19#1002BGantz480kMat792000 Infusion of Storms
#99.5[Proxy] name83u51750kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 01:19#99lone251700kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 01:19#98.5[Proxy] nohope2341957kMat25500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 01:14#98clfry50kClo17Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 00:53#97GrandYo1231957kMat26500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 00:53#96.5[Proxy] -vincento-559kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Battlecaster
#96.5[Proxy] cb000509kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Battlecaster
Fri 00:51#96GrandYo1232016kMat22500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 00:39#95lone25160kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 00:39#94GrandYo123220kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
#93.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓170kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Fri 00:38#93GrandYo123165kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
#92.5[Proxy] Pokom875kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 00:36#92GrandYo123849kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
#91.5[Proxy] Pokom824kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 00:34#91GrandYo123800kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
#90.5[Proxy] Pokom773kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 00:34#90.5[Proxy] nohope2341957kMat22500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 00:33#90GrandYo123750kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
#89.5[Proxy] Pokom721kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 00:31#89GrandYo123700kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 00:30#88Kpop of Orz210kMat772000 Infusion of Frost
Fri 00:29#87GrandYo123700kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
#86.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓412kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
#86.5[Proxy] Pokom657kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Fri 00:28#86GrandYo123400kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Fri 00:28#86GrandYo123637kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
#85.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓356kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Fri 00:19#85GrandYo123345kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Fri 00:16#84GrandYo1231900kMat22500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 00:16#83.5[Proxy] EndlessMotion824kMat515 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 00:03#83subzeroX130kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 00:02#82.5[Proxy] cylinnia110kClo34Peerless Amber Cotton Pants of Protection
#82.5[Proxy] decondelite196kMat772000 Infusion of Frost
Thu 23:59#82Kpop of Orz190kMat772000 Infusion of Frost
Thu 23:54#81我叫木头750kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Thu 23:54#81我叫木头1760kMat5820 Energy Drink
Thu 23:54#81我叫木头8800kMat57100 Energy Drink
Thu 23:54#81我叫木头3600kMat5640 Energy Drink
Thu 23:54#81我叫木头4500kMat5550 Energy Drink
Thu 23:54#81我叫木头800kMat515 Crystallized Phazon
#80.5[Proxy] Pokom340kMat348 Binding of Protection
Thu 23:54#80OeilsYVSrtyrid2U330kMat348 Binding of Protection
#79.5[Proxy] decondelite371kMat792000 Infusion of Storms
Thu 23:52#79Anemone360kMat792000 Infusion of Storms
Thu 23:52#78.5[Proxy] Matsuoka Rina250kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#78.5[Proxy] faiya200kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#78.5[Proxy] nohope2341545kMat22500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 23:45#78neogdoma1500kMat22500 High-Grade Wood
#77.5[Proxy] nohope234721kMat22500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 23:44#77neogdoma700kMat22500 High-Grade Wood
#75.5[Proxy] name83u51650kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 23:28#75tolimakid31600kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#74.5[Proxy] faiya130kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#74.5[Proxy] Pokom1030kMat64100 Amnesia Shard
Thu 23:25#74Matsuoka Rina1050kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 23:25#74Matsuoka Rina100kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Thu 23:25#74Matsuoka Rina1000kMat64100 Amnesia Shard
Thu 23:25#73eomivan310kHea02Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#72.5[Proxy] Fire32260kHea02Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 23:14#72eomivan210kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 23:14#72eomivan210kHea02Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 23:13#71.5[Proxy] illusioninusall3090kClo03Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
#71.5[Proxy] reviata1391kMat63500 Aether Shard
Thu 23:12#71EndlessMotion1350kMat63500 Aether Shard
#70.5[Proxy] huedoge140kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 22:48#70eomivan110kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 22:44#69.5[Proxy] name83u51050kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#69.5[Proxy] NTone10300kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 22:25#69.5[Proxy] Matsuoka Rina10000kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#69.5[Proxy] reviata1000kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 22:25#69.5[Proxy] Matsuoka Rina999kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 22:42#69.5[Proxy] name83u5376kMat742000 Infusion of Darkness
#69.5[Proxy] decondelite370kMat742000 Infusion of Darkness
#69.5[Proxy] Pokom2884kMat4810 Crystallized Phazon
Thu 22:41#69.5[Proxy] name83u52800kMat4810 Crystallized Phazon
Thu 22:44#69.5[Proxy] name83u57215kMat19500 High-Grade Cloth
#69.5[Proxy] Pokom7080kMat19500 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 22:45#69.5[Proxy] name83u57004kMat17500 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 22:03#69-vincento-8000kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#68.5[Proxy] NTone6180kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 22:02#68-vincento-6000kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 21:47#67opsadi500kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 20:27#66.5[Proxy] huedoge80kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
Thu 20:34#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate80kClo32Legendary Frugal Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 20:33#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo27Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Thu 20:33#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo26Legendary Frugal Phase Cap of Niflheim
Thu 20:32#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Thu 20:33#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 20:31#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo14Legendary Frugal Phase Robe of Fenrir
Thu 20:32#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo13Legendary Mystic Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 20:30#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Thu 20:30#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo09Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Thu 20:30#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate80kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 20:28#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo05Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Thu 20:28#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo04Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Heimdall
Thu 20:31#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#66.5[Proxy] dibdib110kSta08Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of Destruction
Thu 20:27#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate80kSta08Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of Destruction
Thu 20:26#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kSta07Legendary Demonic Katalox Staff of Destruction
Thu 20:26#66.5[Proxy] jameshotate50kSta02Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#66.5[Proxy] Frotag617kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
#66.5[Proxy] Frotag372kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Thu 20:25#66.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓309kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Thu 20:26#66.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓155kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
#66.5[Proxy] Pokom618kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Thu 20:26#66.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓600kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Thu 20:25#66.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓129kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
#66.5[Proxy] Pokom1010kMat4125 Binding of the Cheetah
Thu 20:27#66.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓999kMat4125 Binding of the Cheetah
#66.5[Proxy] nohope2341236kMat3119 Binding of Destruction
Thu 20:28#66.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓1200kMat3119 Binding of Destruction
Thu 20:09#66高垣 楓599kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
Thu 20:09#66高垣 楓361kMat663000 Scroll of Life
#65.5[Proxy] Frotag581kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
#65.5[Proxy] Frotag350kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Thu 20:06#65高垣 楓564kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
Thu 20:06#65高垣 楓339kMat663000 Scroll of Life
#64.5[Proxy] Frotag547kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
#64.5[Proxy] Frotag329kMat663000 Scroll of Life
#64.5[Proxy] Frotag1625kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
Thu 20:03#64高垣 楓400kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
Thu 20:03#64高垣 楓531kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
Thu 20:03#64高垣 楓319kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Thu 20:03#64高垣 楓1577kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
#63.5[Proxy] DLAE540kMat752000 Infusion of Divinity
Thu 19:55#63.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓537kMat752000 Infusion of Divinity
#63.5[Proxy] Frotag1531kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
Thu 20:00#63.5[Proxy] 高垣 楓1486kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
Thu 19:21#63lone25100kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#62.5[Proxy] reviata800kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 19:15#62.5[Proxy] reviata618kMat63500 Aether Shard
Thu 19:08#62mundomuñeca750kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 19:07#61eomivan80kClo34Peerless Amber Cotton Pants of Protection
#60.5[Proxy] reviata550kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 18:57#60mundomuñeca500kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 18:56#59mundomuñeca60kClo11Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Thu 18:54#58.5[Proxy] Bolide550kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
#58.5[Proxy] juliuszju500kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Thu 18:42#58.5[Proxy] dibdib50kSta08Legendary Hallowed Katalox Staff of Destruction
Thu 18:49#58.5[Proxy] Bolide155kMat38200 Binding of the Nimble
Thu 18:49#58.5[Proxy] Bolide155kMat37200 Binding of the Barrier
Thu 18:41#58marutora50kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir
Thu 18:38#57mundomuñeca130kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
#56.5[Proxy] NTone2575kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 18:32#56.5[Proxy] reviata2500kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 18:32#56.5[Proxy] reviata350kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 18:35#56.5[Proxy] neogdoma155kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
#56.5[Proxy] Pokom150kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 18:32#56.5[Proxy] neogdoma155kMat151000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 18:29#56mundomuñeca300kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 18:29#55mundomuñeca60kSta06Legendary Fiery Willow Staff of Destruction
Thu 18:29#55mundomuñeca50kOne03Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Thu 18:22#54.5[Proxy] faiya50kClo12Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#54.5[Proxy] cb000350kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Battlecaster
Thu 18:27#54.5[Proxy] neogdoma300kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Battlecaster
#54.5[Proxy] Fire325665kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 18:27#54.5[Proxy] neogdoma5500kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
#54.5[Proxy] Pokom103kMat60100000 Monster Edibles
#54.5[Proxy] lhv520045103kMat59100000 Monster Chow
Thu 18:25#54.5[Proxy] neogdoma206kMat062000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 18:21#54mundomuñeca600kMat63500 Aether Shard
Thu 18:21#54mundomuñeca100kMat60100000 Monster Edibles
Thu 18:21#54mundomuñeca100kMat59100000 Monster Chow
Thu 18:21#53.5[Proxy] faiya206kMat782000 Infusion of Lightning
#53.5[Proxy] decondelite200kMat782000 Infusion of Lightning
#53.5[Proxy] Pokom103kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 18:19#53mundomuñeca100kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 18:19#53mundomuñeca300kMat5210 Repurposed Actuator
Thu 18:19#53mundomuñeca500kMat515 Crystallized Phazon
#52.5[Proxy] Pokom309kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
#52.5[Proxy] Pokom258kMat4125 Binding of the Cheetah
#52.5[Proxy] nohope234618kMat3119 Binding of Destruction
#52.5[Proxy] nohope234515kMat22500 High-Grade Wood
#52.5[Proxy] sansvertu155kMat081000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca300kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca150kMat4413 Binding of the Owl
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca300kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca125kMat4211 Binding of the Fox
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca250kMat4125 Binding of the Cheetah
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca600kMat3119 Binding of Destruction
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca500kMat22500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca150kMat151000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca150kMat081000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca200kMat062000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 18:17#52mundomuñeca90kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 18:10#51.5[Proxy] Frotag1751kMat82100 Precursor Artifact
Thu 18:09#51.5[Proxy] Frotag515kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
#51.5[Proxy] decondelite500kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
Thu 18:09#51.5[Proxy] Frotag1001kMat675000 Scroll of Shadows
#51.5[Proxy] shamansun1000kMat675000 Scroll of Shadows
Thu 18:07#51pc12345678100kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
#50.5[Proxy] Pokom897kMat64100 Amnesia Shard
#50.5[Proxy] Pokom618kMat621000 Happy Pills
#50.5[Proxy] Pokom618kMat611000 Happy Pills
#50.5[Proxy] Pokom165kMat5450 Shade Fragment
#50.5[Proxy] Pokom288kMat3950 Binding of the Raccoon
#50.5[Proxy] Pokom1545kMat2920 Binding of Slaughter
#50.5[Proxy] Pokom1545kMat2820 Binding of Slaughter
Thu 17:58#50APP_321870kMat64100 Amnesia Shard
Thu 17:58#50APP_321600kMat621000 Happy Pills
Thu 17:58#50APP_321600kMat611000 Happy Pills
Thu 17:58#50APP_321160kMat5450 Shade Fragment
Thu 17:58#50APP_321279kMat3950 Binding of the Raccoon
Thu 17:58#50APP_3212300kMat3030 Binding of Slaughter
Thu 17:58#50APP_3211500kMat2920 Binding of Slaughter
Thu 17:58#50APP_3211500kMat2820 Binding of Slaughter
#49.5[Proxy] Pokom567kMat611000 Happy Pills
Thu 17:56#49Null2Null550kMat611000 Happy Pills
#48.5[Proxy] Fire32180kHea02Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 17:53#48.5[Proxy] mega-wifeacc150kHea02Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 17:45#48RBSoul2802kMat20200 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 17:44#47.5[Proxy] decondelite176kMat772000 Infusion of Frost
#47.5[Proxy] DLAE521kMat752000 Infusion of Divinity
Thu 17:45#47.5[Proxy] decondelite505kMat752000 Infusion of Divinity
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom824kMat64100 Amnesia Shard
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom412kMat621000 Happy Pills
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom412kMat611000 Happy Pills
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom155kMat5450 Shade Fragment
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom258kMat3950 Binding of the Raccoon
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom2163kMat3030 Binding of Slaughter
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom1442kMat2920 Binding of Slaughter
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom1442kMat2820 Binding of Slaughter
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom309kMat141000 High-Grade Metals
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom309kMat131000 High-Grade Metals
#47.5[Proxy] Pokom155kMat04500 Mid-Grade Cloth
#47.5[Proxy] juliuszju83kMat01800 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 17:42#47APP_321800kMat64100 Amnesia Shard
Thu 17:42#47APP_321400kMat621000 Happy Pills
Thu 17:42#47APP_321400kMat611000 Happy Pills
Thu 17:42#47APP_321150kMat5450 Shade Fragment
Thu 17:42#47APP_321250kMat3950 Binding of the Raccoon
Thu 17:42#47APP_321150kMat38200 Binding of the Nimble
Thu 17:42#47APP_321150kMat37200 Binding of the Barrier
Thu 17:42#47APP_3212100kMat3030 Binding of Slaughter
Thu 17:42#47APP_3211400kMat2920 Binding of Slaughter
Thu 17:42#47APP_3211400kMat2820 Binding of Slaughter
Thu 17:42#47APP_321300kMat141000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 17:42#47APP_321300kMat131000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 17:42#47APP_321150kMat12500 High-Grade Metals
Thu 17:42#47APP_321270kMat071000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 17:42#47APP_321150kMat04500 Mid-Grade Cloth
Thu 17:42#47APP_32180kMat01800 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 17:41#46unemi1000kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 17:41#46unemi50kClo32Legendary Frugal Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 17:41#45neogdoma50kMat062000 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 17:40#44neogdoma50kMat515 Crystallized Phazon
Thu 17:37#43neogdoma50kHea03Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Slaughter
#42.5[Proxy] Fire324378kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 17:36#42neogdoma4250kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 17:32#41Arkoniusx50kLig03Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Fleet
Thu 17:32#41Arkoniusx50kMat271000 High-Grade Leather
Thu 17:32#41Arkoniusx50kMat12500 High-Grade Metals
#40.5[Proxy] NTone1050kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 17:31#40tolimakid31000kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#39.5[Proxy] NTone850kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 17:29#39tolimakid3800kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 17:25#38noobx50kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Thu 17:25#37.5[Proxy] Fire3250kHea02Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Thu 17:24#37tolimakid350kClo31Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
#36.5[Proxy] NTone550kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 17:24#36.5[Proxy] Fire323605kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 17:19#36tolimakid3500kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#35.5[Proxy] tomkazansky150kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 17:17#35IcePlume140kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 17:10#34.5[Proxy] sansvertu124kMat358 Binding of the Fleet
Thu 17:07#34.5[Proxy] sansvertu50kMat081000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 16:53#34neogdoma3500kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
#33.5[Proxy] juliuszju1050kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 16:48#33neogdoma1000kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 16:47#32neogdoma200kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 16:45#31neogdoma50kMat151000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 16:39#29.5[Proxy] cb000118kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Battlecaster
#29.5[Proxy] zero101810188kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Battlecaster
Thu 16:36#29subzeroX50kClo22Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Thu 16:34#28Stainless Steel500kMat63500 Aether Shard
#27.5[Proxy] juliuszju550kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 16:34#27.5[Proxy] subzeroX500kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 16:25#27cylinnia50kClo34Peerless Amber Cotton Pants of Protection
#26.5[Proxy] tomkazansky110kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#26.5[Proxy] juliuszju250kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 16:22#26.5[Proxy] DLAE52kMat752000 Infusion of Divinity
#26.5[Proxy] Frotag1442kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
Thu 16:21#26.5[Proxy] DLAE1400kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
Thu 16:18#26subzeroX200kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 16:18#26subzeroX80kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 16:18#25.5[Proxy] moerstw50kMat021000 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 16:17#25moerstw80kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 16:13#24.5[Proxy] juliuszju80kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
#24.5[Proxy] Pokom1899kMat81100 Precursor Artifact
Thu 16:14#24.5[Proxy] Frotag1851kMat81100 Precursor Artifact
Thu 16:13#24.5[Proxy] Frotag309kMat663000 Scroll of Life
#24.5[Proxy] decondelite300kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Thu 16:12#24.5[Proxy] Frotag515kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
#24.5[Proxy] decondelite500kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
Thu 16:14#24.5[Proxy] Pokom52kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 16:14#24.5[Proxy] Pokom2060kMat4810 Crystallized Phazon
Thu 16:13#24.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat4530 Binding of the Owl
Thu 16:06#24.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat4330 Binding of the Fox
Thu 16:12#24.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat3950 Binding of the Raccoon
Thu 16:13#24.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat3030 Binding of Slaughter
Thu 16:11#24.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat2920 Binding of Slaughter
Thu 16:11#24.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat2820 Binding of Slaughter
Thu 16:10#24.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat141000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 16:10#24.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat131000 High-Grade Metals
Thu 16:08#24.5[Proxy] Pokom128kMat05399 Mid-Grade Wood
Thu 16:08#24.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat04500 Mid-Grade Cloth
Thu 16:08#24.5[Proxy] Pokom100kMat03250 Mid-Grade Cloth
Thu 16:16#24.5[Proxy] juliuszju50kMat01800 Mid-Grade Metals
Thu 16:05#24Pokom319kMat408 Binding of the Cheetah
Thu 16:03#23.5[Proxy] tomkazansky50kClo24Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Thu 16:03#23.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat5450 Shade Fragment
Thu 16:01#23paramount111220kMat2355 High-Grade Wood
Thu 16:00#22.5[Proxy] nohope2341900kMat26500 High-Grade Wood
#22.5[Proxy] Pokom1850kMat26500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 15:59#22accelkatana4300kMat5550 Energy Drink
Thu 15:59#21.5[Proxy] juliuszju50kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Thu 15:57#21.5[Proxy] Pokom1751kMat81100 Precursor Artifact
Thu 15:59#21.5[Proxy] decondelite50kMat792000 Infusion of Storms
Thu 15:58#21.5[Proxy] decondelite50kMat782000 Infusion of Lightning
Thu 15:58#21.5[Proxy] decondelite50kMat762000 Infusion of Flames
Thu 15:57#21.5[Proxy] decondelite355kMat742000 Infusion of Darkness
#21.5[Proxy] zero1018101344kMat742000 Infusion of Darkness
Thu 15:58#21.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat621000 Happy Pills
Thu 15:59#21.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat611000 Happy Pills
Thu 15:58#21.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat60100000 Monster Edibles
Thu 15:56#21.5[Proxy] Pokom120kMat358 Binding of the Fleet
Thu 15:55#21.5[Proxy] nohope234670kMat3310 Binding of Destruction
#21.5[Proxy] Pokom660kMat3310 Binding of Destruction
Thu 15:54#21.5[Proxy] Pokom1900kMat25500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 15:59#21.5[Proxy] nohope2341899kMat25500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 15:55#21.5[Proxy] Pokom1957kMat24500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 15:57#21.5[Proxy] nohope2341900kMat24500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 15:56#21.5[Proxy] nohope23450kMat22500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 15:54#21simple67550kClo29Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Surtr
Thu 15:53#20.5[Proxy] tomkazansky50kClo30Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Thu 15:53#20.5[Proxy] zero101810180kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Battlecaster
Thu 15:53#20.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat4125 Binding of the Cheetah
Thu 15:53#20.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat3310 Binding of Destruction
Thu 15:54#20.5[Proxy] nohope2341675kMat3225 Binding of Destruction
Thu 15:54#20.5[Proxy] Pokom1655kMat3225 Binding of Destruction
Thu 15:53#20.5[Proxy] nohope23450kMat3119 Binding of Destruction
Thu 15:54#20.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat26500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 15:54#20.5[Proxy] Pokom50kMat25500 High-Grade Wood
Thu 15:52#20simple67550kClo28Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Surtr
Thu 15:52#19.5[Proxy] Pokom320kMat348 Binding of Protection
Thu 15:51#19neogdoma50kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Battlecaster
Thu 15:51#19neogdoma50kShd03Legendary Jade Force Shield of Warding
Thu 15:51#18.5[Proxy] zero101810152kMat742000 Infusion of Darkness
Thu 15:51#18.5[Proxy] decondelite50kMat692000 Scroll of the Gods
Thu 15:51#18.5[Proxy] decondelite50kMat663000 Scroll of Life
Thu 15:50#18.5[Proxy] decondelite50kMat655000 Scroll of Protection
Thu 15:51#18.5[Proxy] Pokom52kMat64100 Amnesia Shard
Thu 15:51#18.5[Proxy] Pokom7004kMat19500 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 15:49#18neogdoma50kMat752000 Infusion of Divinity
Thu 15:49#18neogdoma50kMat742000 Infusion of Darkness
#17.5[Proxy] shamansun515kMat675000 Scroll of Shadows
Thu 15:49#17.5[Proxy] decondelite500kMat675000 Scroll of Shadows
Thu 15:48#17xuegaocream5600kMat5020 Crystallized Phazon
Thu 15:48#17xuegaocream6440kMat4923 Crystallized Phazon
Thu 15:48#16.5[Proxy] NTone50kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Thu 15:48#16.5[Proxy] decondelite50kMat685000 Scroll of Swiftness
Thu 15:47#16neogdoma50kMat64100 Amnesia Shard
Thu 15:47#15.5[Proxy] rjgc1300kMat8035 Noodly Appendage
#15.5[Proxy] ryuseii1295kMat8035 Noodly Appendage
Thu 15:47#15.5[Proxy] lhv52004550kMat59100000 Monster Chow
Thu 15:46#15accelkatana3400kMat5640 Energy Drink
Thu 15:46#15accelkatana8500kMat57100 Energy Drink
Thu 15:46#14neogdoma50kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Thu 15:45#13neogdoma50kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Thu 15:45#13neogdoma50kMat38200 Binding of the Nimble
Thu 15:45#13neogdoma50kMat37200 Binding of the Barrier
Thu 15:44#12Kpop of Orz170kMat772000 Infusion of Frost
#11.5[Proxy] ryuseii1154kMat8035 Noodly Appendage
Thu 15:44#11.5[Proxy] decondelite1120kMat8035 Noodly Appendage
Thu 15:44#11.5[Proxy] shamansun50kMat675000 Scroll of Shadows
Thu 15:43#11.@_@.@_@.1700kMat82100 Precursor Artifact
Thu 15:43#11.@_@.@_@.1700kMat81100 Precursor Artifact
Thu 15:43#11.@_@.@_@.700kMat7350 Flower Vase
Thu 15:43#11.@_@.@_@.658kMat7247 Flower Vase
Thu 15:43#11.@_@.@_@.700kMat7150 Bubble-Gum
Thu 15:43#11.@_@.@_@.714kMat7051 Bubble-Gum
Thu 15:39#9cs9879873000kClo03Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
Thu 15:39#8cs9879873000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Heimdall
Thu 15:38#7cs9879874000kMat5020 Crystallized Phazon
Thu 15:38#7cs9879874600kMat4923 Crystallized Phazon
Thu 15:38#7cs9879872000kMat4810 Crystallized Phazon
Thu 15:38#7cs9879871000kMat475 Crystallized Phazon
Thu 15:38#6cylinnia50kClo19Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Freyr
Thu 15:38#5.5[Proxy] ryuseii50kMat8035 Noodly Appendage
Thu 15:37#5OeilsYVSrtyrid2U380kMat3625 Binding of the Fleet
Thu 15:37#4cs9879872720kMat20200 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 15:37#4cs9879876800kMat19500 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 15:37#4cs987987408kMat1830 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 15:37#4cs9879876800kMat17500 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 15:37#4cs987987680kMat1650 High-Grade Cloth
Thu 15:36#3OeilsYVSrtyrid2U7100kMat21500 High-Grade Cloth
