Bid Log: Thread 249512

Auction ended

Click to filter by bidder or code
Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 14:00#178v7DDoEJLB550kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 14:00#177GGapbo550kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#176.5[Proxy] wscore500kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:58#176v7DDoEJLB476kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#175.5[Proxy] wscore500kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:57#175GGapbo451kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:57#175GGapbo111kClo24Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Niflheim
#174.5[Proxy] wscore426kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:56#174.5[Proxy] Firew8755kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 13:53#174v7DDoEJLB376kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#173.5[Proxy] wscore326kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:49#173v7DDoEJLB276kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:45#172.5[Proxy] wscore1450kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:44#172v7DDoEJLB80kOne06Legendary Shocking Rapier of Balance
Sat 13:44#171.5[Proxy] wscore401kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:44#171.5[Proxy] wscore226kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:43#171SPoison1400kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Sat 13:40#170v7DDoEJLB196kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:40#169하늬바람1000kSta09Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 13:16#168.5[Proxy] Necromusume50kClo31Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Curse-weaver
Sat 13:14#168.5[Proxy] Necromusume251kClo28Legendary Ruby Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:22#168.5[Proxy] Necromusume305kMat383000 Infusion of Flames
#168.5[Proxy] Xeda300kMat383000 Infusion of Flames
Sat 13:24#168.5[Proxy] Necromusume889kMat1420 Binding of Protection
Sat 13:04#168APP_3211400kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:03#167paperplane071300kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 12:55#166Hualishu a1000kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
#165.5[Proxy] zsp8084650kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 12:52#165Hualishu a600kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 12:51#164v7DDoEJLB1300kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:48#163Hualishu a351kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:48#163Hualishu a166kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#162.5[Proxy] wscore300kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#162.5[Proxy] wscore115kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:47#162Hualishu a250kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:47#162Hualishu a100kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 12:23#161APP_3211250kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 11:57#160v7DDoEJLB1150kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 11:53#159APP_321650kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 11:53#159APP_3211100kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 11:38#158sssss21100kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
#157.5[Proxy] 13wt550kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Sat 11:37#157sssss2500kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Sat 11:33#156daimon22222000kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#155.5[Proxy] piyin201kClo28Legendary Ruby Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 11:29#155.5[Proxy] rndhtkafbr850kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Sat 11:25#155ssadff200kClo28Legendary Ruby Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#154.5[Proxy] piyin170kClo28Legendary Ruby Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 11:22#154ssadff140kClo28Legendary Ruby Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 11:19#153daimon2222800kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#152.5[Proxy] rc-800250kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Sat 10:42#152RiRiRiKo200kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Sat 10:42#152RiRiRiKo410kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 10:16#151sllme800kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 10:08#150.5[Proxy] Xeda863kMat1420 Binding of Protection
Sat 09:54#150davidtsu200kLig05Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Sat 09:23#149.5[Proxy] zero10181013863kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
#149.5[Proxy] lololo163750kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 08:47#149oneman99360kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 07:16#148자유민1250kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 06:32#147Watsa2600kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
#146.5[Proxy] Greshnik2472kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 06:29#146Watsa2400kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
#145.5[Proxy] piyin140kLig05Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Sat 06:28#145davidtsu110kLig05Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Sat 06:28#145davidtsu600kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
#144.5[Proxy] rc-800170kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Sat 06:06#144.5[Proxy] Xeda296kMat383000 Infusion of Flames
Sat 05:57#144RiRiRiKo140kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Sat 05:57#144RiRiRiKo300kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 05:09#143davidtsu650kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 04:46#142ttfdg520cs300kClo22Legendary Onyx Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 03:45#141sllme150kOne05Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 03:45#141sllme600kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 03:45#140wwgenesis1200kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 03:27#139.5[Proxy] 13wt300kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Sat 03:42#139.5[Proxy] zsp8084550kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 03:15#139paperplane075000kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 03:13#138paperplane071000kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 03:13#137.5[Proxy] happyiscream3090kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 03:12#137paperplane073000kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#136.5[Proxy] unpro2060kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 03:11#136paperplane072000kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 03:09#135MinamiYume500kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Sat 03:09#135MinamiYume250kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 03:00#134PrincessYukino40500kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#133.5[Proxy] happyiscream36050kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 02:56#133PrincessYukino35000kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#132.5[Proxy] happyiscream31003kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#132.5[Proxy] lololo161252kMat1530 Binding of Protection
Sat 02:29#132.5[Proxy] Treesion1215kMat1530 Binding of Protection
Sat 02:31#132.5[Proxy] Treesion837kMat1420 Binding of Protection
Sat 02:22#132Hualishu a30100kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#131.5[Proxy] happyiscream25750kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 02:21#131Hualishu a25000kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#130.5[Proxy] happyiscream22660kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 02:20#130Hualishu a22000kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 02:15#129paperplane07550kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 02:10#128v7DDoEJLB1000kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#127.5[Proxy] wscore950kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 02:05#127.5[Proxy] rc-800110kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Sat 02:03#127v7DDoEJLB900kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#126.5[Proxy] wscore850kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 01:55#126v7DDoEJLB800kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#124.5[Proxy] outpatient6211kHea04Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 01:48#124a247112556030kHea04Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 01:41#123NBRa50kOne06Legendary Shocking Rapier of Balance
#122.5[Proxy] outpatient5851kHea04Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 01:34#122.5[Proxy] Greshnik2188kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 01:27#122a247112551350kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Sat 01:27#122a247112555680kHea04Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
#121.5[Proxy] ryuseii4686kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 01:13#121.5[Proxy] rjgc4549kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#121.5[Proxy] happyiscream20703kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 00:48#121.5[Proxy] Jake643287kMat383000 Infusion of Flames
#121.5[Proxy] Xeda281kMat383000 Infusion of Flames
Sat 00:47#121.5[Proxy] Jake643812kMat1420 Binding of Protection
Fri 23:47#121Hualishu a20100kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 22:12#120bottan500kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 22:07#119mugoo800kSta09Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#118.5[Proxy] Astor121050kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 21:49#118.5[Proxy] lololo162062kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
#118.5[Proxy] drgoku2001kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 21:48#118.5[Proxy] Xeda788kMat1420 Binding of Protection
#118.5[Proxy] Treesion768kMat1420 Binding of Protection
Fri 21:28#118iron_chromie1000kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
#117.5[Proxy] Astor12850kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 21:26#117iron_chromie800kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
#116.5[Proxy] Astor12550kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 21:24#116iron_chromie500kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 21:19#115RiRiRiKo180kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 21:05#114mathl33t50kOne11Legendary Demonic Shortsword of Slaughter
Fri 19:52#113lemako8500kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
#112.5[Proxy] wscore730kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 19:03#112APP_321450kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 19:03#112APP_321680kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 18:19#111Draw99Gray400kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
#110.5[Proxy] wscore630kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 18:16#110APP_321580kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#109.5[Proxy] wscore480kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 17:49#109APP_321430kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 17:44#108.5[Proxy] ryuseii2474kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#108.5[Proxy] rjgc2401kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 17:28#108SPoison1300kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 17:10#107isoyu150kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 16:46#106davidtsu270kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
#105.5[Proxy] Pokom2515kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
#105.5[Proxy] Pokom1258kMat06500 High-Grade Wood
#105.5[Proxy] Pokom2515kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 16:44#105BrassLizard2441kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 16:44#105BrassLizard1221kMat06500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 16:44#105BrassLizard2441kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
#104.5[Proxy] Pokom1545kMat2250 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 16:36#104BrassLizard1539kMat2250 Binding of the Cheetah
#103.5[Proxy] Yangtze Delta25750kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 16:30#103D1D1z25000kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 16:29#102D1D1z8000kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
#101.5[Proxy] Yangtze Delta22660kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 16:28#101D1D1z22000kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 16:25#100sllme220kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
#99.5[Proxy] wscore380kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 16:09#99APP_321350kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 16:09#99APP_321330kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 16:09#99APP_32150kOne13Legendary Hallowed Shortsword of Balance
Fri 16:00#98.5[Proxy] Yangtze Delta20600kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 15:50#98.5[Proxy] Pokom1494kMat2250 Binding of the Cheetah
#98.5[Proxy] hekiga306kMat2110 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 15:50#98.5[Proxy] Pokom299kMat2110 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 15:48#98.5[Proxy] Pokom2369kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 15:49#98.5[Proxy] Pokom1185kMat06500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 15:48#98.5[Proxy] Pokom2369kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 15:47#98.5[Proxy] Pokom328kMat012000 High-Grade Metals
#98.5[Proxy] Jake643320kMat012000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 15:31#98Mud attheBaseofLotus750kSta09Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#97.5[Proxy] Astor121150kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 15:23#97SPoison1100kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
#96.5[Proxy] Astor121050kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 15:21#96SPoison1000kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
#95.5[Proxy] Astor12950kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 15:20#95SPoison900kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 15:13#94ndamuleu50kLig03Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Fleet
Fri 15:13#94ndamuleu50kOne07Magnificent Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#93.5[Proxy] happyiscream18540kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 15:11#93Hualishu a18000kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 15:03#92Watsa2124kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
#91.5[Proxy] outpatient5511kHea04Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
#91.5[Proxy] Astor12850kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
#91.5[Proxy] drgoku1300kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 14:56#91a247112551250kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 14:56#91a24711255800kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 14:56#91a247112555350kHea04Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 14:24#89.5[Proxy] drgoku1755kClo26Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
#89.5[Proxy] LogJammin1705kClo26Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
#89.5[Proxy] happyiscream1450kClo23Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 14:14#89Hualishu a1400kClo23Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 13:36#87.5[Proxy] wscore131kClo19Legendary Frugal Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 14:04#87.5[Proxy] h1land50kTwo02Legendary Arctic Katana of Slaughter
Fri 13:23#87.5[Proxy] 자유민827kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
#87.5[Proxy] Fudo Masamune777kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 13:13#87diaoyf1600kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 13:10#86BrassLizard2300kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 13:10#86BrassLizard1150kMat06500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 13:10#86BrassLizard2300kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 12:36#85bottan300kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
#84.5[Proxy] sacred28110kClo17Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend
Fri 12:35#84.5[Proxy] Jake64380kClo17Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend
Fri 12:28#84.5[Proxy] rjgc401kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#84.5[Proxy] Xeda271kMat383000 Infusion of Flames
Fri 12:30#84.5[Proxy] Jake643264kMat383000 Infusion of Flames
Fri 12:26#84.5[Proxy] Jake6432073kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
#84.5[Proxy] Xeda2012kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 12:27#84.5[Proxy] Jake6431034kMat06500 High-Grade Wood
#84.5[Proxy] Xeda1011kMat06500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 12:24#84.5[Proxy] Jake6432072kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
#84.5[Proxy] Xeda2011kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 12:22#84mugoo550kSta09Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 12:22#83.5[Proxy] Jake643311kMat012000 High-Grade Metals
#83.5[Proxy] Xeda301kMat012000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 12:04#83하늬바람500kSta09Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#81.5[Proxy] unpro250kClo22Legendary Onyx Phase Pants of Freyr
#81.5[Proxy] Xeda268kMat012000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 11:31#81.5[Proxy] raraha260kMat012000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 11:28#81ttfdg520cs200kClo22Legendary Onyx Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 11:17#80keinless2000kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
#79.5[Proxy] wscore2637kSta02Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 11:06#79unpro2560kSta02Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 11:06#78.5[Proxy] unpro130kSta03Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 10:57#78.5[Proxy] wscore2122kSta02Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 09:57#78.5[Proxy] name83u51115kMat2630 Binding of the Fox
#78.5[Proxy] unpro1092kMat2630 Binding of the Fox
Fri 09:54#78zeroacg250kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Fri 09:30#77lemako7000kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
#76.5[Proxy] Firew6180kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 09:29#76lemako6000kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 09:19#75ilegs1500kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 09:08#74unpro101kClo19Legendary Frugal Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 09:08#74unpro2060kSta02Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
#72.5[Proxy] piyin101kHea07Legendary Amber Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 09:04#72.5[Proxy] unpro131kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 09:03#72.5[Proxy] unpro160kClo22Legendary Onyx Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 09:01#72.5[Proxy] unpro351kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#72.5[Proxy] piyin301kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 09:00#72.5[Proxy] unpro1050kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 09:05#72.5[Proxy] unpro1803kMat2950 Binding of the Owl
Fri 09:05#72.5[Proxy] unpro1082kMat2830 Binding of the Owl
Fri 09:07#72.5[Proxy] unpro1082kMat2630 Binding of the Fox
Fri 09:07#72.5[Proxy] unpro723kMat2520 Binding of the Fox
#72.5[Proxy] Xeda701kMat2520 Binding of the Fox
Fri 08:33#72RiRiRiKo80kHea07Legendary Amber Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 08:04#71.5[Proxy] happyiscream1055kClo23Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 08:26#71.5[Proxy] rndhtkafbr320kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#71.5[Proxy] piyin301kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#70.5[Proxy] Firew5150kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 08:01#70D1D1z5000kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
#69.5[Proxy] Firew4120kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 07:57#69Nioda4000kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 07:54#68.5[Proxy] zen_zen1051kHea02Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Slaughter
#68.5[Proxy] drgoku1001kHea02Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 07:53#68.5[Proxy] Astor12550kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 07:52#68.5[Proxy] Astor12250kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 07:13#68.5[Proxy] Firew3090kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
#68.5[Proxy] piyin171kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 07:10#68chooter141kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 07:05#67BrassLizard54kMat1820 Binding of the Ox
Fri 07:05#67BrassLizard54kMat1720 Binding of the Ox
Fri 06:58#66BrassLizard1450kMat2250 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 06:45#65oper5650kClo15Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 06:41#64D1D1z20000kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#63.5[Proxy] Xeda1401kMat2250 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 06:40#63BrassLizard1400kMat2250 Binding of the Cheetah
#62.5[Proxy] wscore1550kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 06:40#62oper561500kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 06:35#61BrassLizard70kMat2025 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 06:35#61BrassLizard84kMat1930 Binding of the Raccoon
#60.5[Proxy] wscore1250kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 06:32#60oper561200kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 06:09#58.5[Proxy] LogJammin1050kClo26Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
#58.5[Proxy] shamil111000kClo26Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 06:04#58davidtsu500kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 06:04#58davidtsu50kShd07Legendary Reinforced Kite Shield of Protection
Fri 06:04#58davidtsu170kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Fri 06:01#57ssadff300kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
#56.5[Proxy] wscore1050kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 05:59#56oper561000kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
#55.5[Proxy] wscore750kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 05:53#55oper56700kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 05:52#54.5[Proxy] wscore181kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#54.5[Proxy] piyin151kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 05:46#54RiRiRiKo80kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#53.5[Proxy] piyin101kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 05:46#53.5[Proxy] lololo161178kMat1530 Binding of Protection
Fri 05:44#53RiRiRiKo80kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 05:43#52RiRiRiKo50kClo08Legendary Frugal Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Fri 05:43#52RiRiRiKo80kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Fri 05:21#51D1D1z3000kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 04:59#50Watsa1200kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#49.5[Proxy] Xeda515kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
#49.5[Proxy] Xeda258kMat06500 High-Grade Wood
#49.5[Proxy] Xeda515kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 04:54#49physics152500kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 04:54#49physics152250kMat06500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 04:54#49physics152500kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
#48.5[Proxy] drgoku1050kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 04:54#48wwgenesis1000kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 04:53#47diaoyf1050kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#46.5[Proxy] ilegs1000kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#46.5[Proxy] Xeda81kClo24Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 04:52#46.5[Proxy] Sharav80kClo24Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 04:43#46diaoyf960kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 04:43#45.5[Proxy] dwxvsgm17510kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 04:35#45D1D1z17000kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
#44.5[Proxy] ilegs650kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 04:33#44diaoyf600kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 04:14#43.5[Proxy] wscore550kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 04:11#43mugoo180kSta09Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 04:06#42oper56500kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 04:00#41.5[Proxy] shamil11351kClo26Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
#41.5[Proxy] piyin301kClo26Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 03:33#41Watsa140kMat3650 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 03:31#40iron_chromie200kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 03:28#39怪盗20091000kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 03:28#38稗田阿一100kSta03Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 03:23#37ttfdg520cs130kClo22Legendary Onyx Phase Pants of Freyr
#36.5[Proxy] eomivan190kHea13Peerless Mithril Plate Gauntlets of Deflection
Fri 03:21#36ttfdg520cs160kHea13Peerless Mithril Plate Gauntlets of Deflection
Fri 03:21#36ttfdg520cs50kHea11Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Warding
Fri 03:21#36ttfdg520cs50kHea10Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Warding
Fri 03:21#36ttfdg520cs50kHea09Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Warding
Fri 03:19#35NormalDay200kSta07Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 03:19#34.5[Proxy] outpatient5150kHea04Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
#34.5[Proxy] Greshnik2062kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 03:18#34.5[Proxy] drgoku2001kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 03:14#34oper565000kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 03:13#33.5[Proxy] Greshnik1051kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
#33.5[Proxy] drgoku1001kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 03:08#33.5[Proxy] Fudo Masamune181kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
#33.5[Proxy] piyin151kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 03:01#33SPoison400kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
#32.5[Proxy] piyin250kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 02:56#32SPoison200kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 02:54#31.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea07Legendary Amber Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 02:54#31.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea06Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
#31.5[Proxy] ilegs550kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 02:39#31.5[Proxy] Nyachin500kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 02:55#31.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea01Peerless Jade Power Boots of Balance
Fri 02:53#31.5[Proxy] piyin80kLig05Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Fri 02:54#31.5[Proxy] piyin172kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
#31.5[Proxy] Xeda142kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
#31.5[Proxy] wscore262kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 02:53#31.5[Proxy] piyin212kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 02:52#31.5[Proxy] piyin141kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#31.5[Proxy] wscore111kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 02:51#31.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo28Legendary Ruby Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 02:51#31.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo26Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 02:45#31.5[Proxy] Nyachin309kClo14Legendary Onyx Phase Cap of Fenrir
#31.5[Proxy] wscore259kClo14Legendary Onyx Phase Cap of Fenrir
Fri 02:50#31.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 02:50#31.5[Proxy] piyin111kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#31.5[Proxy] Xeda81kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 02:50#31.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo07Legendary Frugal Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Fri 02:49#31.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo06Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Fri 02:49#31.5[Proxy] piyin111kClo05Legendary Cobalt Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#31.5[Proxy] Xeda81kClo05Legendary Cobalt Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 02:48#31.5[Proxy] piyin111kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#31.5[Proxy] Xeda81kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 02:48#31.5[Proxy] piyin50kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Warding
Fri 02:46#31.5[Proxy] piyin80kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
#31.5[Proxy] drgoku251kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 02:46#31.5[Proxy] piyin201kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 02:36#31.5[Proxy] Nimroth178kMat103 Binding of Slaughter
#31.5[Proxy] Xeda172kMat103 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 02:35#31.5[Proxy] Nimroth706kMat0912 Binding of Slaughter
#31.5[Proxy] Xeda685kMat0912 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 02:34#31.5[Proxy] Nimroth589kMat0810 Binding of Slaughter
#31.5[Proxy] Xeda571kMat0810 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 02:32#31ilegs100kOne05Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 02:32#31ilegs200kOne04Legendary Arctic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 02:26#30.5[Proxy] ilegs50kHea05Legendary Ruby Power Boots of Slaughter
#30.5[Proxy] happyiscream16480kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 02:32#30.5[Proxy] Treesion618kMat342 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 02:10#30.5[Proxy] Treesion1233kMat314 Crystallized Phazon
#30.5[Proxy] happyiscream1200kMat314 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 02:06#30Hualishu a16000kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 02:02#29sharmy500kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
Fri 02:02#28.5[Proxy] taxeol1005kClo23Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#28.5[Proxy] happyiscream15450kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#28.5[Proxy] Xeda62kMat0912 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 02:00#28.5[Proxy] raraha60kMat0912 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 01:59#28Hualishu a1000kClo23Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 01:59#28Hualishu a15000kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:58#27firefish552000kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 01:58#27firefish5550kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 01:57#26.5[Proxy] eomivan130kHea13Peerless Mithril Plate Gauntlets of Deflection
Fri 01:57#26.5[Proxy] dwxvsgm156kMat1620 Binding of the Fleet
Fri 01:49#26Mud attheBaseofLotus250kTwo01Legendary Ethereal Katana of Slaughter
#25.5[Proxy] drgoku111kHea02Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 01:49#25.5[Proxy] Xeda81kHea02Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 01:47#25.5[Proxy] Xeda111kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
#25.5[Proxy] sacred2881kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Fri 01:47#25.5[Proxy] Xeda50kClo24Legendary Frugal Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 01:47#25.5[Proxy] Xeda50kClo23Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 01:46#25dwxvsgm16000kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 01:38#24.5[Proxy] sacred2880kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 01:45#24.5[Proxy] Xeda50kClo12Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 01:44#24.5[Proxy] Xeda50kClo05Legendary Cobalt Phase Gloves of Heimdall
#24.5[Proxy] wscore111kClo04Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 01:44#24.5[Proxy] Xeda81kClo04Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 01:44#24.5[Proxy] Xeda50kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall
Fri 01:43#24.5[Proxy] Xeda50kClo01Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 01:42#24.5[Proxy] Xeda50kSta08Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of the Elementalist
Fri 01:41#24.5[Proxy] Xeda50kSta07Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:41#24.5[Proxy] Xeda50kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:38#24.5[Proxy] Xeda50kSta03Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
#24.5[Proxy] conatime111kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:37#24.5[Proxy] Xeda81kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
#24.5[Proxy] happyiscream600kMat342 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:36#24.5[Proxy] Xeda583kMat342 Crystallized Phazon
#24.5[Proxy] happyiscream3895kMat3313 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:36#24.5[Proxy] Xeda3781kMat3313 Crystallized Phazon
#24.5[Proxy] happyiscream2999kMat3210 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:36#24.5[Proxy] Xeda2911kMat3210 Crystallized Phazon
#24.5[Proxy] Xeda151kMat1620 Binding of the Fleet
Fri 01:39#24.5[Proxy] dwxvsgm150kMat1620 Binding of the Fleet
Fri 01:35#24Mud attheBaseofLotus500kClo10Legendary Onyx Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Fri 01:35#24Mud attheBaseofLotus600kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 01:34#23D1D1z15000kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 01:34#23D1D1z500kClo21Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 01:31#22.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat383000 Infusion of Flames
#22.5[Proxy] happyiscream1196kMat314 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:32#22.5[Proxy] Xeda1161kMat314 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:30#21.5[Proxy] Xeda618kMat2520 Binding of the Fox
#21.5[Proxy] Xeda103kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 01:29#21Try_100kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 01:26#19.5[Proxy] drgoku250kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 01:26#19.5[Proxy] drgoku50kHea02Legendary Zircon Power Leggings of Slaughter
#19.5[Proxy] wscore350kClo10Legendary Onyx Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
#19.5[Proxy] wscore450kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 01:27#19.5[Proxy] happyiscream13390kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#19.5[Proxy] Treesion13000kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:28#19.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat2250 Binding of the Cheetah
#19.5[Proxy] hekiga290kMat2110 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 01:28#19.5[Proxy] Xeda281kMat2110 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 01:27#19.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat2025 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 01:25#19.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat1930 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 01:26#19.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat1820 Binding of the Ox
Fri 01:26#19.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat1720 Binding of the Ox
Fri 01:24#19Mud attheBaseofLotus300kClo10Legendary Onyx Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Fri 01:24#19Mud attheBaseofLotus400kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 01:23#18.5[Proxy] sacred2850kLig02Legendary Agile Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Fri 01:23#18.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo11Legendary Jade Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
#18.5[Proxy] wscore250kClo10Legendary Onyx Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
#18.5[Proxy] wscore350kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 01:23#18.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat1620 Binding of the Fleet
#18.5[Proxy] Treesion1143kMat1530 Binding of Protection
Fri 01:23#18.5[Proxy] Xeda1111kMat1530 Binding of Protection
#18.5[Proxy] Treesion765kMat1420 Binding of Protection
Fri 01:22#18.5[Proxy] Xeda742kMat1420 Binding of Protection
Fri 01:21#18Mud attheBaseofLotus200kClo10Legendary Onyx Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Fri 01:21#18Mud attheBaseofLotus300kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 01:19#17.5[Proxy] sacred2850kClo17Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend
#17.5[Proxy] wscore141kClo14Legendary Onyx Phase Cap of Fenrir
Fri 01:21#17.5[Proxy] sacred28111kClo14Legendary Onyx Phase Cap of Fenrir
Fri 01:19#17.5[Proxy] Treesion50kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:21#17.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat103 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 01:21#17.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat0912 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 01:21#17.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat0810 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 01:20#17.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat071000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 01:20#17.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat06500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 01:20#17.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat051000 High-Grade Wood
Fri 01:18#17Grandmasters100kLig01Peerless Onyx Shade Boots of the Fleet
Fri 01:18#17Grandmasters100kHea13Peerless Mithril Plate Gauntlets of Deflection
Fri 01:18#16.5[Proxy] happyiscream50kMat342 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:18#16.5[Proxy] happyiscream2575kMat3313 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:17#16.5[Proxy] happyiscream2369kMat3210 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:17#16.5[Proxy] happyiscream927kMat314 Crystallized Phazon
#16.5[Proxy] Treesion393kMat137 Binding of Destruction
Fri 01:18#16.5[Proxy] Xeda389kMat137 Binding of Destruction
Fri 01:17#16Grandmasters2500kMat3313 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:17#16Grandmasters2300kMat3210 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:17#16Grandmasters900kMat314 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:17#15.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo19Legendary Frugal Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 01:17#15.5[Proxy] happyiscream50kMat3210 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 01:17#15.5[Proxy] happyiscream50kMat314 Crystallized Phazon
#15.5[Proxy] Treesion789kMat1214 Binding of Destruction
Fri 01:17#15.5[Proxy] Xeda778kMat1214 Binding of Destruction
#15.5[Proxy] Treesion1129kMat1120 Binding of Destruction
Fri 01:17#15.5[Proxy] Xeda1111kMat1120 Binding of Destruction
Fri 01:16#15Grandmasters1750kMat2950 Binding of the Owl
Fri 01:16#15Grandmasters1050kMat2830 Binding of the Owl
Fri 01:16#15Grandmasters720kMat2720 Binding of the Owl
Fri 01:16#15Grandmasters1050kMat2630 Binding of the Fox
Fri 01:16#15Grandmasters600kMat2520 Binding of the Fox
Fri 01:15#14.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo30Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 01:16#14.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo27Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 01:16#14.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo14Legendary Onyx Phase Cap of Fenrir
Fri 01:15#14.5[Proxy] drgoku50kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 01:15#14.5[Proxy] happyiscream13309kMat041000 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 01:14#14Grandmasters1000kClo20Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 01:14#13MinamiYume100kClo22Legendary Onyx Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 01:14#12.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo29Legendary Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 01:14#12.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo09Legendary Amber Cotton Shoes of the Heaven-sent
Fri 01:14#12.5[Proxy] hekiga50kMat2110 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 01:13#12dwxvsgm12000kClo25Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 01:13#11MinamiYume50kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 01:13#11MinamiYume500kShd05Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 01:13#11MinamiYume200kHea03Legendary Onyx Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 01:13#10Mud attheBaseofLotus150kSta09Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 01:13#9.5[Proxy] wscore80kClo10Legendary Onyx Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Fri 01:13#9.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo04Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 01:12#9.5[Proxy] wscore80kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 01:10#9.5[Proxy] conatime50kSta01Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:12#9.5[Proxy] wscore50kOne08Magnificent Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 01:10#9.5[Proxy] Treesion50kMat1530 Binding of Protection
Fri 01:10#9.5[Proxy] Treesion50kMat1420 Binding of Protection
Fri 01:09#9Mud attheBaseofLotus50kLig05Legendary Zircon Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Fri 01:09#9Mud attheBaseofLotus50kClo10Legendary Onyx Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Fri 01:09#9Mud attheBaseofLotus50kClo03Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 01:09#9Mud attheBaseofLotus50kOne09Legendary Hallowed Wakizashi of Slaughter
Fri 01:09#8wscore2000kSta02Legendary Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 01:09#8wscore50kOne04Legendary Arctic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 01:09#7.5[Proxy] Treesion50kMat137 Binding of Destruction
Fri 01:09#7.5[Proxy] Xeda50kMat012000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 01:08#7mugoo50kSta09Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 01:08#6a247112555000kHea04Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 01:08#5.5[Proxy] Treesion50kMat1214 Binding of Destruction
Fri 01:08#5.5[Proxy] Treesion50kMat1120 Binding of Destruction
Fri 01:08#5.5[Proxy] Xeda12921kMat041000 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 01:07#5.5[Proxy] Treesion12903kMat041000 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 01:08#5.5[Proxy] Xeda6461kMat03500 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 01:07#5.5[Proxy] Treesion6451kMat03500 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 01:06#5.5[Proxy] Treesion1293kMat02100 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 01:07#5.5[Proxy] Xeda1292kMat02100 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 01:06#5sigo81726kMat3720 Energy Drink
Fri 01:06#4.5[Proxy] Treesion50kMat02100 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 01:05#4sigo82955kMat40150 Precursor Artifact
Fri 01:05#4sigo81576kMat3980 Precursor Artifact
Fri 01:05#3conatime50kClo16Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
