Bid Log: Thread 259480

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
#221.5[Proxy] name83u52295kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:43#221.5[Proxy] lololo166182kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 13:43#221.5[Proxy] chanman20214119kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#221.5[Proxy] wscore3999kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 13:44#221.5[Proxy] chanman20212431kSta17Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#221.5[Proxy] Xeda2360kSta17Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 13:42#221(・ิω・ิ)2228kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 13:42#220.5[Proxy] chanman202126000kSta18Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#220.5[Proxy] 쿠루링빵25751kSta18Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 13:39#220.5[Proxy] GalaxyWalker2124kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 13:33#220.5[Proxy] lololo16130kMat3050 Binding of the Raccoon
#220.5[Proxy] TTCT123126kMat3050 Binding of the Raccoon
Sat 13:34#220.5[Proxy] lololo16166kMat2750 Binding of the Ox
#220.5[Proxy] TTCT123161kMat2750 Binding of the Ox
Sat 13:39#220.5[Proxy] mxy2152081kMat1840 Binding of Protection
#220.5[Proxy] orio22020kMat1840 Binding of Protection
Sat 13:31#220Miku_Co3090kClo41Peerless Cobalt Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 13:15#219.5[Proxy] TTCT123114kMat3150 Binding of the Raccoon
Sat 13:15#219.5[Proxy] TTCT123110kMat3050 Binding of the Raccoon
#219.5[Proxy] lololo16106kMat3050 Binding of the Raccoon
Sat 13:26#219.5[Proxy] dongmian50kMat2170 Binding of Dampening
Sat 13:19#219.5[Proxy] orio21957kMat1840 Binding of Protection
Sat 13:10#219kolosyouxo570kMat08300 High-Grade Wood
Sat 13:08#218.5[Proxy] wscore6180kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#218.5[Proxy] lzy07156000kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Sat 13:05#218gkllucky261kLig11Legendary Cobalt Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Sat 13:00#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca111kHea12Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 12:56#217.5[Proxy] name83u52163kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#217.5[Proxy] SteAosen2100kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 12:59#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca211kLig11Legendary Cobalt Shade Boots of the Arcanist
#217.5[Proxy] chanman20211650kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Sat 12:57#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca1600kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
#217.5[Proxy] SteAosen285kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 12:54#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca235kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
#217.5[Proxy] hyqeh123255kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sat 12:54#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca205kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sat 12:53#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca131kClo27Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#217.5[Proxy] madaosan10299kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 13:03#217.5[Proxy] wscore9999kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Freyr
#217.5[Proxy] yearharvest110kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Sat 12:52#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca80kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Sat 12:41#217.5[Proxy] 浅夏诗韵2295kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Sat 12:47#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca84kOne16Legendary Fiery Wakizashi of the Nimble
#217.5[Proxy] piyin61kOne16Legendary Fiery Wakizashi of the Nimble
#217.5[Proxy] yearharvest115kOne10Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Sat 12:46#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca85kOne10Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Sat 12:40#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca53kMat5450 Shade Fragment
#217.5[Proxy] SteAosen51kMat5450 Shade Fragment
Sat 12:38#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca466kMat5020 Repurposed Actuator
Sat 12:57#217.5[Proxy] TTCT123452kMat5020 Repurposed Actuator
Sat 12:34#217.5[Proxy] StickyGoose1545kMat3950 Binding of the Fox
Sat 12:37#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca50kMat3640 Binding of the Turtle
Sat 12:36#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca52kMat3546 Binding of the Turtle
#217.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker1640kMat3350 Binding of the Cheetah
Sat 12:34#217.5[Proxy] StickyGoose1592kMat3350 Binding of the Cheetah
#217.5[Proxy] TTCT12376kMat2938 Binding of the Raccoon
Sat 12:35#217.5[Proxy] mundomuñeca75kMat2938 Binding of the Raccoon
Sat 12:28#216.5[Proxy] daimon2222218kMat58105000 Monster Chow
#216.5[Proxy] conatime211kMat58105000 Monster Chow
Sat 12:14#214.5[Proxy] SteAosen2060kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#214.5[Proxy] Ferlucio250kOne04Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 12:04#214E-Gentleman200kOne04Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 11:59#213yskwqr2000kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#212.5[Proxy] Little Goat112kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 11:58#212.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花111kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 11:53#212SteAosen700kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#211.5[Proxy] qkrrudtkd1650kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 11:51#211SteAosen600kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 11:25#210.5[Proxy] qkrrudtkd1550kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#210.5[Proxy] SteAosen500kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 10:48#210.5[Proxy] SteAosen2060kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 11:49#210.5[Proxy] Ferlucio161kOne04Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 09:47#209.5[Proxy] macgruber CC145kClo70Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Curse-weaver
#209.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker115kClo70Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Curse-weaver
Sat 09:49#209.5[Proxy] hanymi0080kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 09:55#209.5[Proxy] Little Goat107kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 09:53#209.5[Proxy] Little Goat52kMat5124 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 09:57#209.5[Proxy] Little Goat52kMat2650 Binding of the Nimble
Sat 10:02#209.5[Proxy] Little Goat52kMat2350 Binding of Isaac
Sat 10:01#209.5[Proxy] Little Goat50kMat2250 Binding of Balance
Sat 09:26#209save4869500kClo58Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 09:04#208.5[Proxy] Lunacorn Kuchikukan39267kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
#208.5[Proxy] shamil1138123kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
#208.5[Proxy] TTCT123397kMat5020 Repurposed Actuator
Sat 08:35#208E-Gentleman385kMat5020 Repurposed Actuator
#207.5[Proxy] TTCT123373kMat5020 Repurposed Actuator
Sat 08:33#207E-Gentleman362kMat5020 Repurposed Actuator
Sat 08:27#206.5[Proxy] SteAosen1550kHea06Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter
#206.5[Proxy] hanymi00200kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 08:31#206.5[Proxy] iwanna99199kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 08:26#206ihatov3000kClo55Peerless Onyx Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 08:26#206ihatov3000kClo41Peerless Cobalt Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 08:23#205.5[Proxy] hsunmao3217622kMat4420 Crystallized Phazon
Sat 08:24#205.5[Proxy] TTCT123114kMat2750 Binding of the Ox
Sat 08:22#205ihatov15151kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 08:22#204.5[Proxy] hsunmao32119055kMat4750 Crystallized Phazon
#204.5[Proxy] wscore18500kMat4750 Crystallized Phazon
Sat 08:21#204TTCT123209kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
#203.5[Proxy] NBRa13987kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 08:20#203ihatov13579kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 08:20#202.5[Proxy] SteAosen450kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#202.5[Proxy] Necromusume700kHea02Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 08:20#202.5[Proxy] SteAosen650kHea02Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#202.5[Proxy] NBRa12716kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 08:16#202.5[Proxy] shamil1137080kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
#202.5[Proxy] Lunacorn Kuchikukan36000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 08:13#202ihatov12345kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
#201.5[Proxy] NBRa11445kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
#201.5[Proxy] Matsuoka Rina2012kMat06200 High-Grade Cloth
Sat 08:13#201.5[Proxy] SteAosen1980kMat06200 High-Grade Cloth
Sat 08:12#201ihatov11111kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 08:07#200.5[Proxy] dog6666627kClo62Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Sat 08:00#200.5[Proxy] hsunmao3212968kMat488 Crystallized Phazon
#200.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker2900kMat488 Crystallized Phazon
Sat 07:59#200.5[Proxy] hsunmao3212967kMat468 Crystallized Phazon
#200.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker2880kMat468 Crystallized Phazon
Sat 07:58#200.5[Proxy] hsunmao3212472kMat457 Crystallized Phazon
#200.5[Proxy] chzx0002400kMat457 Crystallized Phazon
Sat 07:54#200國報 生七2062kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
#199.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash2001kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 07:52#199國報 生七2000kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 07:26#198.5[Proxy] hanymi0080kClo67Legendary Jade Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#198.5[Proxy] GREGRE577kClo62Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Sat 07:27#198.5[Proxy] dog6666550kClo62Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Sat 07:45#198.5[Proxy] hanymi00110kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 07:18#197.5[Proxy] NBRa9645kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 07:19#197.5[Proxy] hanymi0080kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
#196.5[Proxy] GREGRE350kClo58Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 06:55#196save4869300kClo58Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 06:23#195.5[Proxy] GREGRE350kClo62Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
#195.5[Proxy] dog6666300kClo62Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Sat 05:54#195.5[Proxy] Xeda321kClo59Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 05:48#195.5[Proxy] chanman2021283kClo59Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 06:22#195.5[Proxy] GREGRE250kClo58Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 06:23#195.5[Proxy] GREGRE130kClo56Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#195.5[Proxy] piyin103kClo53Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 05:43#195.5[Proxy] Xeda80kClo53Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
#195.5[Proxy] piyin105kClo52Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Niflheim
Sat 05:33#195.5[Proxy] Xeda80kClo52Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Niflheim
#195.5[Proxy] piyin107kClo37Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sat 05:44#195.5[Proxy] Xeda80kClo37Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#195.5[Proxy] piyin81kClo34Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 05:44#195.5[Proxy] Xeda80kClo34Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 05:47#195.5[Proxy] chanman2021271kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 05:51#195.5[Proxy] Xeda333kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 05:47#195.5[Proxy] chanman2021283kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 05:46#195.5[Proxy] chanman2021321kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#195.5[Proxy] Xeda271kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#195.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 05:43#195.5[Proxy] Xeda80kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#195.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo03Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Sat 05:43#195.5[Proxy] Xeda80kClo03Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
#195.5[Proxy] wscore2266kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 05:37#195.5[Proxy] chanman20212200kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 05:50#195.5[Proxy] Xeda150kSta10Legendary Fiery Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:42#195.5[Proxy] chanman2021145kSta10Legendary Fiery Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:48#195.5[Proxy] Xeda175kSta07Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:42#195.5[Proxy] chanman2021145kSta07Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:49#195.5[Proxy] Xeda150kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:42#195.5[Proxy] chanman2021145kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:41#195.5[Proxy] chanman2021511kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:34#195.5[Proxy] Xeda80kOne15Legendary Tempestuous Wakizashi of the Nimble
#195.5[Proxy] piyin61kOne15Legendary Tempestuous Wakizashi of the Nimble
Sat 05:34#195.5[Proxy] Xeda80kOne05Legendary Arctic Rapier of Balance
#195.5[Proxy] piyin51kOne05Legendary Arctic Rapier of Balance
#195.5[Proxy] piyin101kOne03Legendary Arctic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 05:34#195.5[Proxy] Xeda80kOne03Legendary Arctic Rapier of Slaughter
#195.5[Proxy] piyin82kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 05:32#195.5[Proxy] Xeda80kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 06:50#195.5[Proxy] mxy215721kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 06:50#195.5[Proxy] mxy2151051kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#195.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari1020kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#195.5[Proxy] wscore18311kMat4750 Crystallized Phazon
Sat 05:42#195.5[Proxy] hsunmao32117777kMat4750 Crystallized Phazon
Sat 06:17#195.5[Proxy] lololo161751kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
#195.5[Proxy] 3749082341700kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Sat 05:35#195.5[Proxy] hsunmao321907kMat4125 Binding of the Owl
#195.5[Proxy] lololo16880kMat4125 Binding of the Owl
Sat 05:33#195.5[Proxy] hsunmao3211226kMat3735 Binding of the Fox
#195.5[Proxy] 3749082341190kMat3735 Binding of the Fox
#195.5[Proxy] lololo16257kMat2530 Binding of the Fleet
Sat 06:48#195.5[Proxy] mxy215249kMat2530 Binding of the Fleet
Sat 05:41#195.5[Proxy] hsunmao321783kMat1715 Binding of Destruction
#195.5[Proxy] SteAosen760kMat1715 Binding of Destruction
Sat 05:37#195.5[Proxy] hsunmao3215619kMat07500 High-Grade Cloth
#195.5[Proxy] lololo165455kMat07500 High-Grade Cloth
Sat 05:38#195.5[Proxy] hsunmao3213121kMat04300 High-Grade Cloth
Sat 05:30#195JetBrains350kClo57Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Surtr
Sat 05:28#194.5[Proxy] ertyk125400kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#194.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari979kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 05:17#194nimura950kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 05:17#194nimura700kMat602500 Health Elixir
#193.5[Proxy] piyin101kHea19Legendary Jade Power Boots of Warding
Sat 05:12#193.5[Proxy] Xeda80kHea19Legendary Jade Power Boots of Warding
#193.5[Proxy] piyin81kHea17Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 05:13#193.5[Proxy] Xeda80kHea17Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
#193.5[Proxy] piyin81kHea12Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 05:13#193.5[Proxy] Xeda80kHea12Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Protection
#193.5[Proxy] piyin81kHea09Legendary Savage Power Armor of Protection
Sat 05:13#193.5[Proxy] Xeda80kHea09Legendary Savage Power Armor of Protection
#193.5[Proxy] piyin81kLig14Legendary Savage Shade Boots of Negation
Sat 05:10#193.5[Proxy] Xeda80kLig14Legendary Savage Shade Boots of Negation
#193.5[Proxy] piyin81kLig09Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Sat 05:10#193.5[Proxy] Xeda80kLig09Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
#193.5[Proxy] piyin81kLig08Legendary Amber Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Sat 05:10#193.5[Proxy] Xeda80kLig08Legendary Amber Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
#193.5[Proxy] piyin81kLig07Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet
Sat 05:12#193.5[Proxy] Xeda80kLig07Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet
#193.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari666kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 05:09#193nimura650kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 05:09#192.5[Proxy] Xeda221kClo59Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
#192.5[Proxy] chanman2021220kClo59Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
#192.5[Proxy] chanman2021471kClo51Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Sat 05:09#192.5[Proxy] Xeda421kClo51Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
#192.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari618kMat602500 Health Elixir
#192.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari876kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 05:08#192nimura600kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 05:08#192nimura850kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#191.5[Proxy] chanman2021371kClo51Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Sat 05:08#191.5[Proxy] Xeda321kClo51Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
#191.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari567kMat602500 Health Elixir
#191.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari773kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 05:07#191nimura550kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 05:07#191nimura750kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#190.5[Proxy] chanman2021271kClo51Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Sat 05:07#190.5[Proxy] Xeda221kClo51Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Sat 05:06#190.5[Proxy] Xeda221kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
#190.5[Proxy] chanman2021220kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 05:06#190.5[Proxy] Xeda221kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#190.5[Proxy] chanman2021220kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
#190.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari515kMat602500 Health Elixir
#190.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari670kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 05:05#190nimura650kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 05:05#190nimura500kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 05:05#189.5[Proxy] Xeda270kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#189.5[Proxy] chanman2021220kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#189.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari618kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 05:01#189nimura600kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#187.5[Proxy] chanman2021251kSta04Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:00#187.5[Proxy] Xeda201kSta04Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:00#187.5[Proxy] Xeda461kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
#187.5[Proxy] chanman2021420kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
#187.5[Proxy] SteAosen649kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
Sat 04:59#187.5[Proxy] dog6666630kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
Sat 04:57#187nimura500kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
#186.5[Proxy] xyzjarod5150kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sat 04:49#186.5[Proxy] lzy07155000kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Sat 04:50#186.5[Proxy] lzy07155722kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#186.5[Proxy] wscore5555kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Sat 04:56#186.5[Proxy] Xeda2266kSta17Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#186.5[Proxy] chanman20212200kSta17Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Sat 04:45#186.5[Proxy] conatime160kMat58105000 Monster Chow
Sat 04:27#186E-Gentleman202kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 04:25#185.5[Proxy] Necromusume350kHea02Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#185.5[Proxy] SteAosen412kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
Sat 04:23#185nimura400kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
Sat 04:18#184任凭三千落花103kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
#182.5[Proxy] TTCT123196kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 04:06#182E-Gentleman100kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 04:06#182E-Gentleman190kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
#181.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花92kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
#181.5[Proxy] TTCT123176kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 04:05#181E-Gentleman89kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 04:05#181E-Gentleman170kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
#180.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花86kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
#180.5[Proxy] TTCT123161kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 04:04#180E-Gentleman83kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 04:04#180E-Gentleman156kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 04:01#179.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花80kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 03:59#179name83u56001kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#178.5[Proxy] lololo165152kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 03:58#178name83u55001kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#177.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari515kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 03:58#177nimura500kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#175.5[Proxy] TTCT123151kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 03:56#175E-Gentleman77kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 03:56#175E-Gentleman146kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
#174.5[Proxy] lololo164120kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 03:55#174name83u51500kHea06Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 03:55#174name83u54000kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 03:53#173任凭三千落花74kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
#172.5[Proxy] SteAosen1050kHea06Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter
#172.5[Proxy] lololo163296kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 03:52#172name83u51000kHea06Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter
Sat 03:52#172name83u52000kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 03:52#172name83u53200kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#171.5[Proxy] TTCT123141kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 03:49#171E-Gentleman71kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 03:49#171E-Gentleman136kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 03:42#170任凭三千落花68kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
#169.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari412kMat602500 Health Elixir
#169.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari412kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 03:41#169nimura400kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 03:41#169nimura400kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#168.5[Proxy] mathl33t502kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
Sat 03:37#168.5[Proxy] mushroomsc459kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
#168.5[Proxy] TTCT123132kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 03:35#168E-Gentleman66kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 03:35#168E-Gentleman128kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
#167.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari309kMat602500 Health Elixir
#167.5[Proxy] SteAosen258kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
Sat 03:34#167nimura300kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 03:34#167nimura250kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
#166.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari206kMat602500 Health Elixir
#166.5[Proxy] SteAosen103kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
Sat 03:32#166nimura200kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 03:32#166nimura100kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
Sat 03:31#165任凭三千落花64kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 03:28#164gkllucky181kLig11Legendary Cobalt Shade Boots of the Arcanist
#163.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari309kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 03:28#163nimura300kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#162.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari258kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 03:21#162nimura250kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#161.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari206kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 03:20#161nimura200kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#160.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari155kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 03:18#160nimura150kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#159.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari117kMat602500 Health Elixir
#159.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari117kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 03:14#159nimura113kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 03:14#159nimura113kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#157.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari83kMat602500 Health Elixir
#157.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari83kMat592500 Mana Elixir
Sat 03:13#157nimura80kMat602500 Health Elixir
Sat 03:13#157nimura80kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#156.5[Proxy] TTCT123292kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Sat 03:03#156E-Gentleman283kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
#155.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花100kClo56Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Sat 03:02#155nimura80kClo56Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#154.5[Proxy] chanman2021140kClo51Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
#154.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo50Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#154.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo49Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 03:01#154nimura110kClo51Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Sat 03:01#154nimura80kClo50Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Sat 03:01#154nimura80kClo49Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
#153.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo27Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 02:59#153nimura80kClo27Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#152.5[Proxy] chanman2021140kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Sat 02:58#152nimura110kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
#151.5[Proxy] chanman2021140kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 02:58#151nimura110kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Sat 02:56#150save4869200kClo58Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 02:52#149save4869300kClo57Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Surtr
#148.5[Proxy] SteAosen140kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
#148.5[Proxy] chanman2021140kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 02:44#148.5[Proxy] mrzxc1230131kClo04Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Heimdall
#148.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo04Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Sat 02:42#148nimura110kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Sat 02:42#148nimura110kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Sat 02:42#147.5[Proxy] Ming2856172100kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Sat 02:41#147.5[Proxy] mrzxc123050kClo10Legendary Jade Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
Sat 02:42#147.5[Proxy] mrzxc123050kClo09Legendary Amber Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent
#147.5[Proxy] TTCT123274kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Sat 02:28#147E-Gentleman62kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Sat 02:28#147E-Gentleman266kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
#146.5[Proxy] piyin151kLig11Legendary Cobalt Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Sat 02:27#146gkllucky140kLig11Legendary Cobalt Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Sat 02:25#145ihatov9364kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
#144.5[Proxy] NBRa8258kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 02:23#144ihatov8017kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
#143.5[Proxy] NBRa7226kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Sat 02:23#143ihatov7015kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
#141.5[Proxy] piyin110kLig11Legendary Cobalt Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Sat 01:41#141gkllucky80kLig11Legendary Cobalt Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Sat 01:41#141gkllucky80kClo08Legendary Amber Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Sat 01:39#140.5[Proxy] Alexander44111kLig05Legendary Ruby Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
#140.5[Proxy] piyin81kLig05Legendary Ruby Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Sat 01:37#140.5[Proxy] Alexander44111kLig04Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
#140.5[Proxy] piyin81kLig04Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Sat 01:40#140.5[Proxy] PapaJuk2163kClo26Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Sat 01:37#140.5[Proxy] dongmian50kTwo01Legendary Tempestuous Katana of Slaughter
Sat 01:21#139.5[Proxy] dongmian50kHea24Magnificent Zircon Power Leggings of Warding
Sat 01:20#139.5[Proxy] dongmian50kHea22Magnificent Jade Power Armor of Slaughter
Sat 01:28#139.5[Proxy] dongmian91kLig15Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of Negation
#139.5[Proxy] piyin61kLig15Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of Negation
Sat 01:33#139.5[Proxy] dongmian50kShd05Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 01:12#139azureice2228kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
#138.5[Proxy] wscore1050kClo18Peerless Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#138.5[Proxy] sacred28520kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
Sat 00:17#138SPoison1000kClo18Peerless Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Sat 00:17#138SPoison500kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
Sat 00:13#137任凭三千落花2600kClo55Peerless Onyx Phase Shoes of Surtr
Sat 00:12#136perilpoint0550kMat09300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 23:40#135.5[Proxy] drgoku91kHea16Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
#135.5[Proxy] piyin61kHea16Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Fri 23:38#135.5[Proxy] drgoku1060kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Sat 00:09#135.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花1010kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 23:44#135.5[Proxy] drgoku111kLig13Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of Negation
#135.5[Proxy] piyin81kLig13Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of Negation
Fri 23:43#135.5[Proxy] drgoku111kLig06Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Fleet
#135.5[Proxy] piyin81kLig06Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Fleet
Fri 23:39#135.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo66Legendary Jade Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 23:38#135.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo08Legendary Amber Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent
Fri 23:37#135.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo07Legendary Zircon Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent
#135.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash1550kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 23:41#135.5[Proxy] drgoku1500kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
#135.5[Proxy] mxy2152041kMat03200 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 23:05#135.5[Proxy] Nezu2000kMat03200 High-Grade Cloth
#134.5[Proxy] TTCT123258kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 21:17#134sssss2250kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
#133.5[Proxy] 3749082341133kMat3735 Binding of the Fox
Fri 20:47#133APP_3211500kMat3950 Binding of the Fox
Fri 20:47#133APP_3211100kMat3735 Binding of the Fox
#132.5[Proxy] tjjyuki927kMat3950 Binding of the Fox
#132.5[Proxy] 374908234721kMat3735 Binding of the Fox
#132.5[Proxy] SteAosen618kMat1715 Binding of Destruction
Fri 20:47#132.5[Proxy] Pretty anon3030kMat04300 High-Grade Cloth
#132.5[Proxy] chanman20213005kMat04300 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 20:33#132APP_321900kMat3950 Binding of the Fox
Fri 20:33#132APP_321700kMat3735 Binding of the Fox
Fri 20:33#132APP_321110kMat3150 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 20:33#132APP_321110kMat2750 Binding of the Ox
Fri 20:33#132APP_321600kMat1715 Binding of Destruction
Fri 20:23#131.5[Proxy] chanman202180kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 20:23#131.5[Proxy] chanman202180kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 20:22#131.5[Proxy] chanman202180kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#131.5[Proxy] tjjyuki103kMat3950 Binding of the Fox
#131.5[Proxy] 374908234103kMat3735 Binding of the Fox
#131.5[Proxy] lololo1693kMat3150 Binding of the Raccoon
#131.5[Proxy] TTCT12393kMat2750 Binding of the Ox
#131.5[Proxy] SteAosen103kMat1715 Binding of Destruction
Fri 20:11#131APP_321150kHea15Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 20:11#131APP_321100kMat3950 Binding of the Fox
Fri 20:11#131APP_321100kMat3735 Binding of the Fox
Fri 20:11#131APP_32190kMat3150 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 20:11#131APP_32190kMat2750 Binding of the Ox
Fri 20:11#131APP_321100kMat1715 Binding of Destruction
Fri 18:35#130.5[Proxy] chanman20212100kClo26Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
#130.5[Proxy] feriata2069kClo26Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 19:53#130.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash1250kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 18:39#130.5[Proxy] TTCT123124kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
#130.5[Proxy] TTCT123351kMat5020 Repurposed Actuator
Fri 19:51#130.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash340kMat5020 Repurposed Actuator
#130.5[Proxy] TTCT12359kMat2938 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 19:50#130.5[Proxy] BlueWaterSplash57kMat2938 Binding of the Raccoon
#130.5[Proxy] ixalare01124kMat2840 Binding of the Ox
Fri 18:42#130.5[Proxy] TTCT123120kMat2840 Binding of the Ox
#129.5[Proxy] piyin101kHea20Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Warding
Fri 17:54#129midu8100kHea20Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Warding
#127.5[Proxy] Eternal Light3088kSta08Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 17:48#127.5[Proxy] davidtsu2998kSta08Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#126.5[Proxy] sacred28321kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
Fri 17:18#126nimura271kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
Fri 16:03#125.5[Proxy] qkrrudtkd180kHea18Legendary Savage Power Armor of Warding
#125.5[Proxy] piyin61kHea18Legendary Savage Power Armor of Warding
Fri 16:00#125.5[Proxy] qkrrudtkd1350kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 16:50#125.5[Proxy] NBRa6180kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 16:28#125.5[Proxy] CatEatsFishEatsCat50kLig10Legendary Zircon Shade Helmet of the Arcanist
#125.5[Proxy] chanman20211355kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 16:47#125.5[Proxy] davidtsu1305kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 16:48#125.5[Proxy] davidtsu2070kClo55Peerless Onyx Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 16:25#125.5[Proxy] chanman20212009kClo55Peerless Onyx Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 16:08#125.5[Proxy] hyqeh123131kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#125.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
#125.5[Proxy] wscore3914kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 17:14#125.5[Proxy] kua20143800kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 16:11#125.5[Proxy] feriata1350kClo26Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 16:23#125.5[Proxy] chanman20211300kClo26Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 16:56#125.5[Proxy] Eternal Light2062kSta08Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 15:49#125任凭三千落花800kOne18Legendary Tempestuous Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 15:38#123.5[Proxy] chanman20211051kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
#123.5[Proxy] davidtsu1001kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 15:34#123.5[Proxy] chanman2021920kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
#123.5[Proxy] TTCT123232kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 15:32#123E-Gentleman225kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
#122.5[Proxy] TTCT123206kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 15:28#122E-Gentleman200kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
#121.5[Proxy] TTCT123181kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 15:26#121E-Gentleman175kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 15:23#119kamio1170000kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#118.5[Proxy] Ming2856156650kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 15:23#118.5[Proxy] qkrrudtkd181kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#118.5[Proxy] piyin51kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 15:19#118kamio1155000kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 15:19#117.5[Proxy] SteAosen80kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
#117.5[Proxy] Ming2856141200kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 15:17#117kamio1140000kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#116.5[Proxy] TTCT123155kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 15:17#116E-Gentleman120kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 15:17#116E-Gentleman150kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
#115.5[Proxy] Ming2856125750kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 15:16#115kamio1125000kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#113.5[Proxy] TTCT123103kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
#113.5[Proxy] TTCT123129kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 15:15#113E-Gentleman100kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 15:15#113E-Gentleman125kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
#112.5[Proxy] orio2550kShd03Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 15:15#112SteAosen500kShd03Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 15:14#111perilpoint0417kClo39Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Fri 15:09#110.5[Proxy] orio2410kShd03Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 14:59#110.5[Proxy] SteAosen360kShd03Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 15:10#110.5[Proxy] qq12251313474kMat2450 Binding of the Fleet
#110.5[Proxy] lololo16460kMat2450 Binding of the Fleet
Fri 15:06#110.5[Proxy] TTCT123103kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 14:54#110E-Gentleman100kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 14:53#109Srac250kClo45Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 14:53#109Srac250kClo44Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#108.5[Proxy] TTCT12383kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 14:52#108E-Gentleman80kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
#107.5[Proxy] TTCT12362kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 14:45#107E-Gentleman60kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
#106.5[Proxy] TTCT12356kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 14:43#106E-Gentleman54kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
#105.5[Proxy] I dunno what ooer308kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 14:42#105TTCT123299kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
#104.5[Proxy] lololo16103kMat3050 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 14:41#104.5[Proxy] TTCT123100kMat3050 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 14:40#104.5[Proxy] Matsuoka Rina1854kMat06200 High-Grade Cloth
#104.5[Proxy] 3749082341800kMat06200 High-Grade Cloth
#104.5[Proxy] I dunno what ooer284kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 14:39#104.5[Proxy] TTCT123275kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 14:25#104orio2300kShd03Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
#103.5[Proxy] wscore3090kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 14:17#103.5[Proxy] 3749082343000kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 14:22#103.5[Proxy] Lunacorn Kuchikukan35000kClo01Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 14:21#103.5[Proxy] kosmoninjin50kMat3546 Binding of the Turtle
Fri 14:22#103.5[Proxy] kosmoninjin50kMat2650 Binding of the Nimble
Fri 14:23#103.5[Proxy] kosmoninjin50kMat2350 Binding of Isaac
#102.5[Proxy] BA-ZA-HEI5100kHea04Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 14:13#102.5[Proxy] 3749082341648kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
#102.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1600kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
#102.5[Proxy] lololo161236kMat3840 Binding of the Fox
Fri 14:12#102.5[Proxy] 3749082341200kMat3840 Binding of the Fox
Fri 14:12#102.5[Proxy] 37490823452kMat3735 Binding of the Fox
Fri 14:12#102.5[Proxy] lololo16361kMat2450 Binding of the Fleet
#102.5[Proxy] 374908234350kMat2450 Binding of the Fleet
Fri 14:11#102yskwqr5000kHea04Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 14:11#101.5[Proxy] lololo16217kMat2530 Binding of the Fleet
Fri 14:10#101.5[Proxy] 374908234210kMat2530 Binding of the Fleet
Fri 14:09#101.5[Proxy] 37490823452kMat2450 Binding of the Fleet
#101.5[Proxy] SteAosen525kMat09300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 14:07#101perilpoint0520kMat09300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 14:05#100.5[Proxy] TTCT12352kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 14:06#100.5[Proxy] TTCT12352kMat5020 Repurposed Actuator
Fri 14:07#100.5[Proxy] 37490823452kMat06200 High-Grade Cloth
#100.5[Proxy] chanman2021309kMat04300 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 14:07#100.5[Proxy] 374908234300kMat04300 High-Grade Cloth
#100.5[Proxy] mxy215206kMat03200 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 14:06#100.5[Proxy] 374908234200kMat03200 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 14:03#100yskwqr2000kClo46Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 13:48#99.5[Proxy] kua20142163kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
#99.5[Proxy] SteAosen2100kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 13:57#99.5[Proxy] lololo16855kMat4125 Binding of the Owl
#99.5[Proxy] SteAosen830kMat4125 Binding of the Owl
Fri 13:55#99.5[Proxy] lololo1652kMat3840 Binding of the Fox
Fri 13:39#99.5[Proxy] lololo1650kMat3150 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 13:38#99.5[Proxy] lololo1650kMat3050 Binding of the Raccoon
Fri 14:02#99.5[Proxy] TTCT12350kMat2938 Binding of the Raccoon
#99.5[Proxy] ixalare0183kMat2840 Binding of the Ox
Fri 14:03#99.5[Proxy] TTCT12380kMat2840 Binding of the Ox
Fri 14:03#99.5[Proxy] TTCT12352kMat2750 Binding of the Ox
#99.5[Proxy] chanman20211009kMat1520 Binding of Destruction
Fri 13:45#99.5[Proxy] lololo16982kMat1520 Binding of Destruction
Fri 13:50#99.5[Proxy] lololo165277kMat07500 High-Grade Cloth
#99.5[Proxy] Matsuoka Rina5123kMat07500 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 13:51#99.5[Proxy] lololo162064kMat05200 High-Grade Cloth
#99.5[Proxy] chanman20212003kMat05200 High-Grade Cloth
#99.5[Proxy] I dunno what ooer170kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 14:02#99.5[Proxy] lololo16165kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 14:03#99.5[Proxy] TTCT12352kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 13:07#98.5[Proxy] mewsf1700kSta16Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#98.5[Proxy] chanman20211650kSta16Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#98.5[Proxy] wscore350kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 13:17#98.5[Proxy] aagaiz300kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#98.5[Proxy] SteAosen1705kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 13:21#98.5[Proxy] kua20141655kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 13:05#98ZEROPX2400kMat4950 Repurposed Actuator
#97.5[Proxy] BA-ZA-HEI2320kHea04Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 13:02#97.5[Proxy] ZEROPX2252kHea04Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 13:04#97.5[Proxy] madaosan5150kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 13:01#97.5[Proxy] sacred28221kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
Fri 12:44#96Aniki21500kClo43Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#95.5[Proxy] BA-ZA-HEI1050kClo43Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 12:43#95Aniki21000kClo43Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#94.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker1586kMat2030 Binding of Protection
Fri 12:31#94.5[Proxy] chanman20211539kMat2030 Binding of Protection
#94.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker2575kMat1950 Binding of Protection
Fri 12:36#94.5[Proxy] dog66662500kMat1950 Binding of Protection
#94.5[Proxy] 114514beastman2586kMat1650 Binding of Destruction
Fri 12:30#94.5[Proxy] chanman20212510kMat1650 Binding of Destruction
Fri 12:29#94.5[Proxy] chanman202150kMat1520 Binding of Destruction
Fri 12:31#94.5[Proxy] I dunno what ooer2833kMat1250 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 12:28#94.5[Proxy] chanman202152kMat05200 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 12:27#94.5[Proxy] chanman202152kMat04300 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 12:32#94.5[Proxy] I dunno what ooer127kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 12:26#94.5[Proxy] chanman2021123kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 12:25#94nimura191kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
Fri 12:11#93.5[Proxy] chanman2021139kClo59Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
#93.5[Proxy] piyin109kClo59Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Fri 12:10#93.5[Proxy] chanman202180kClo51Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
#93.5[Proxy] BA-ZA-HEI470kClo43Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 12:12#93.5[Proxy] chanman2021420kClo43Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 12:15#93.5[Proxy] chanman2021131kClo26Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
#93.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo26Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 12:21#93.5[Proxy] Melovfemale870kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 12:14#93.5[Proxy] chanman2021820kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 12:01#93nimura50kClo22Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 12:01#93nimura50kClo20Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Fri 12:01#92.5[Proxy] davidtsu1284kClo55Peerless Onyx Phase Shoes of Surtr
#92.5[Proxy] wscore2063kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 12:00#92.5[Proxy] davidtsu2002kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 11:59#92nimura50kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Fri 11:59#92nimura50kClo33Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Mjolnir
#91.5[Proxy] Ming2856110302kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 11:59#91.5[Proxy] davidtsu10001kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#91.5[Proxy] 쿠루링빵3092kSta18Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 11:58#91.5[Proxy] davidtsu3001kSta18Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 11:53#91.5[Proxy] chanman20211000kSta17Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 11:58#91.5[Proxy] davidtsu2001kSta08Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#91.5[Proxy] BA-ZA-HEI2000kSta08Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#91.5[Proxy] Ming285612049kSta01Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:57#91.5[Proxy] davidtsu1999kSta01Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:57#91.5[Proxy] davidtsu161kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
Fri 11:52#91errzee1200kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
#90.5[Proxy] Ming285611650kSta01Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:52#90ihatov1234kClo55Peerless Onyx Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 11:52#90ihatov1600kSta01Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:52#89.5[Proxy] chanman20211005kSta16Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#89.5[Proxy] mewsf955kSta16Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 11:51#89errzee1000kOne07Peerless Shocking Club of Balance
Fri 11:50#88.5[Proxy] chanman2021650kSta09Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#88.5[Proxy] yearharvest600kSta09Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 11:48#88nimura50kClo16Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Fenrir
Fri 11:48#88nimura50kClo14Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
#87.5[Proxy] piyin110kHea08Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 11:42#87.5[Proxy] BA-ZA-HEI1251kSta08Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#87.5[Proxy] davidtsu1201kSta08Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 11:48#87.5[Proxy] chanman2021110kSta04Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 11:47#87.5[Proxy] chanman202191kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
#87.5[Proxy] piyin61kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 11:45#87.5[Proxy] chanman20211050kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
#87.5[Proxy] macelino1000kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 11:41#87pii880kHea08Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 11:37#86neifeng180kSta04Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 11:37#86neifeng180kSta02Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 11:36#85kamio1117000kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
#84.5[Proxy] xyzjarod15150kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:35#84kamio1115000kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
#83.5[Proxy] xyzjarod12360kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:34#83kamio1112000kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
#82.5[Proxy] xyzjarod10300kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:32#82kamio1110000kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
#81.5[Proxy] xyzjarod7210kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:31#81kamio117000kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
#80.5[Proxy] xyzjarod6180kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:30#80kamio116000kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
#79.5[Proxy] xyzjarod5150kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:26#79kamio115000kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
#78.5[Proxy] xyzjarod4120kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
#78.5[Proxy] chzx0002373kMat457 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 11:25#78.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari2303kMat457 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 11:24#78kamio114000kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
#77.5[Proxy] xyzjarod3090kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:23#77.5[Proxy] macelino351kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
#77.5[Proxy] piyin301kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 11:23#77.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari50kMat602500 Health Elixir
Fri 11:22#77.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari50kMat592500 Mana Elixir
#77.5[Proxy] wscore17052kMat4750 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 11:24#77.5[Proxy] bensalenkkari16555kMat4750 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 11:19#77kamio113000kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
#74.5[Proxy] xyzjarod2575kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:13#74.5[Proxy] BA-ZA-HEI91kSta14Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
#74.5[Proxy] piyin61kSta14Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Fri 11:08#74kamio112500kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:04#73.5[Proxy] xyzjarod2060kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 11:06#73.5[Proxy] BA-ZA-HEI50kClo43Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 11:07#73.5[Proxy] xyzjarod4000kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 11:08#73.5[Proxy] tjjyuki131kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
#73.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 11:03#73.5[Proxy] tjjyuki52kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
#73.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker1545kMat3350 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 11:05#73.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1500kMat3350 Binding of the Cheetah
#73.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker1236kMat3240 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 11:05#73.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1200kMat3240 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 11:02#73Maharid155kMat58105000 Monster Chow
Fri 11:02#72.5[Proxy] tjjyuki52kMat3950 Binding of the Fox
Fri 11:00#72任凭三千落花60kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
#70.5[Proxy] dog6666110kClo62Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
#70.5[Proxy] piyin250kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
#70.5[Proxy] wscore15450kMat4750 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 10:58#70.5[Proxy] GalaxyWalker15000kMat4750 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 10:56#70pii880kClo62Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Fri 10:56#70pii880kClo64Legendary Zircon Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Fri 10:56#70pii880kClo57Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Surtr
Fri 10:56#70pii8200kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
#69.5[Proxy] piyin81kHea10Legendary Zircon Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 10:55#69.5[Proxy] ixalare0152kMat2840 Binding of the Ox
Fri 10:52#69nimura131kHea14Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 10:52#69nimura80kHea10Legendary Zircon Power Helmet of Protection
#68.5[Proxy] piyin81kHea13Legendary Cobalt Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 10:51#68.5[Proxy] BA-ZA-HEI2060kHea04Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#68.5[Proxy] SteAosen2000kHea04Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 10:51#68.5[Proxy] 114514beastman50kMat1650 Binding of Destruction
Fri 10:49#68nimura80kHea13Legendary Cobalt Power Helmet of Protection
#67.5[Proxy] piyin101kHea15Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 10:48#67nimura80kHea15Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Protection
#66.5[Proxy] piyin101kHea14Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 10:47#66nimura80kHea14Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 10:42#65.5[Proxy] 114514beastman111kClo17Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Fenrir
#65.5[Proxy] piyin81kClo17Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 10:42#65.5[Proxy] SteAosen50kMat5450 Shade Fragment
Fri 10:40#65E-Gentleman50kMat012500 Mid-Grade Metals
Fri 10:35#64.5[Proxy] dog666650kClo65Legendary Amber Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist
Fri 10:39#64.5[Proxy] SteAosen52kMat4125 Binding of the Owl
Fri 10:38#64.5[Proxy] SteAosen52kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
Fri 10:34#64E-Gentleman131kOne04Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 10:34#63.5[Proxy] dog666650kClo62Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Fri 10:24#63.5[Proxy] taxeol131kClo47Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#63.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo47Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#63.5[Proxy] piyin101kShd06Legendary Agile Buckler of the Battlecaster
#63.5[Proxy] SteAosen110kShd03Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 10:31#63.5[Proxy] Matsuoka Rina52kMat07500 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 10:22#63nimura80kShd06Legendary Agile Buckler of the Battlecaster
Fri 10:22#63nimura80kShd03Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
#61.5[Proxy] wscore250kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#61.5[Proxy] mewsf140kSta16Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 10:08#61nimura200kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 10:08#61nimura110kSta16Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#60.5[Proxy] wscore170kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 10:07#60nimura140kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#59.5[Proxy] Ming285618243kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 10:06#59.5[Proxy] davidtsu8002kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 10:07#59.5[Proxy] mewsf80kSta16Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#59.5[Proxy] SteAosen1005kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 10:07#59.5[Proxy] mewsf955kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 10:04#59kamio112000kClo72Peerless Charged Cotton Robe of Protection
Fri 09:49#57nimura50kClo15Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 09:48#56iwanna9980kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 09:45#55.5[Proxy] mathl33t409kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
#55.5[Proxy] wscore359kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
#55.5[Proxy] mxy2154340kMat61200 Precursor Artifact
Fri 09:47#55.5[Proxy] mxy21552kMat03200 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 09:42#55SteAosen2150kMat62100 Precursor Artifact
Fri 09:42#55SteAosen4300kMat61200 Precursor Artifact
#54.5[Proxy] wscore261kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 09:41#54mathl33t211kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 09:41#53.5[Proxy] mxy2154172kMat61200 Precursor Artifact
#53.5[Proxy] sogeth4050kMat61200 Precursor Artifact
Fri 09:40#53mxy215600kMat3420 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 09:40#53mxy2151900kMat1840 Binding of Protection
#52.5[Proxy] wscore181kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 09:40#52mathl33t151kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
#51.5[Proxy] wscore111kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 09:39#51mathl33t81kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 09:34#49ihatov900kClo69Peerless Amber Cotton Robe of the Curse-weaver
Fri 09:34#48.5[Proxy] Ming285612062kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#48.5[Proxy] davidtsu2001kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
#48.5[Proxy] piyin170kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 09:32#48nimura170kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 09:32#48nimura131kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
Fri 09:32#48nimura140kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 09:29#47.5[Proxy] Little Goat131kHea21Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Warding
#47.5[Proxy] piyin101kHea21Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Warding
#47.5[Proxy] davidtsu140kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 09:32#47.5[Proxy] Ming285611284kSta01Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
#47.5[Proxy] piyin101kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
#47.5[Proxy] piyin110kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 09:28#47nimura110kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 09:28#47nimura80kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
Fri 09:28#47nimura80kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 09:25#46szuhra2750kMat1450 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 09:25#46szuhra2750kMat1350 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 09:25#46szuhra2750kMat1250 Binding of Slaughter
Fri 09:25#46szuhra550kMat1110 Binding of Slaughter
#45.5[Proxy] wscore110kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 09:25#45nimura80kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 09:21#44.5[Proxy] CatEatsFishEatsCat50kClo64Legendary Zircon Cotton Robe of the Elementalist
Fri 09:21#44.5[Proxy] CatEatsFishEatsCat50kClo63Legendary Amber Cotton Pants of the Elementalist
Fri 09:25#44.5[Proxy] sacred2850kClo21Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Demon-fiend
Fri 09:22#44.5[Proxy] yearharvest50kClo19Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend
Fri 09:19#44.5[Proxy] yearharvest131kSta09Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#44.5[Proxy] piyin101kSta09Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 09:20#44.5[Proxy] sogeth50kMat61200 Precursor Artifact
Fri 09:18#44nimura50kClo57Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Surtr
Fri 09:18#43.5[Proxy] sogeth50kMat62100 Precursor Artifact
Fri 09:17#41.5[Proxy] yearharvest50kOne10Legendary Ethereal Axe of Slaughter
Fri 09:15#41任凭三千落花600kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 09:15#40Scremaz50kClo67Legendary Jade Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 09:11#38.5[Proxy] Little Goat50kHea23Magnificent Savage Power Boots of Balance
#38.5[Proxy] wscore19694kClo48Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 09:12#38.5[Proxy] Pretty anon19120kClo48Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 09:07#37nimura50kSta16Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#36.5[Proxy] SteAosen525kMat08300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 09:07#36azureice510kMat08300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 09:04#35Miku_Co990kClo42Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 09:04#35Miku_Co2600kClo41Peerless Cobalt Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 09:04#33ihatov1111kClo72Peerless Charged Cotton Robe of Protection
Fri 09:04#32.5[Proxy] SteAosen360kClo39Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
#32.5[Proxy] perilpoint0310kClo39Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
#31.5[Proxy] piyin950kClo55Peerless Onyx Phase Shoes of Surtr
#31.5[Proxy] piyin950kClo41Peerless Cobalt Phase Cap of Niflheim
#31.5[Proxy] wscore950kClo18Peerless Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 09:01#31ihatov1234kSta01Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
Fri 09:01#31ihatov6000kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 09:01#31ihatov900kClo60Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Surtr
Fri 09:01#31ihatov900kClo55Peerless Onyx Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 09:01#31ihatov900kClo41Peerless Cobalt Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 09:01#31ihatov900kClo18Peerless Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
#30.5[Proxy] SteAosen600kHea06Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 08:57#30.5[Proxy] Mjfeiy550kHea06Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 08:56#30.5[Proxy] SteAosen50kShd03Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 08:59#30.5[Proxy] 쿠루링빵2063kSta18Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#30.5[Proxy] davidtsu2002kSta18Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#30.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker2730kMat488 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 09:00#30.5[Proxy] chzx0002650kMat488 Crystallized Phazon
#30.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker2730kMat468 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 08:59#30.5[Proxy] chzx0002650kMat468 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 08:59#30.5[Proxy] chzx00052kMat457 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 09:01#30.5[Proxy] chzx00083kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
#30.5[Proxy] what_is_name80kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 08:54#30任凭三千落花110kClo58Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 08:54#30任凭三千落花110kClo60Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Surtr
Fri 08:52#29.5[Proxy] perilpoint0300kClo39Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Fri 08:51#29.5[Proxy] perilpoint0131kClo38Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#29.5[Proxy] piyin101kClo38Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 08:53#29.5[Proxy] SteAosen350kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
#29.5[Proxy] SteAosen495kMat08300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 08:52#29.5[Proxy] perilpoint0480kMat08300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 08:50#29ccvv1988300kShd01Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Stoneskin
#28.5[Proxy] piyin101kOne04Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 08:49#28E-Gentleman80kOne04Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 08:49#27.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea21Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Warding
#27.5[Proxy] SteAosen1550kHea04Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 08:49#27.5[Proxy] SteAosen50kMat1715 Binding of Destruction
Fri 08:48#27errzee1500kHea04Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#25.5[Proxy] piyin201kClo69Peerless Amber Cotton Robe of the Curse-weaver
Fri 08:48#25374908234200kClo69Peerless Amber Cotton Robe of the Curse-weaver
Fri 08:48#24.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea20Legendary Onyx Power Leggings of Warding
Fri 08:48#24.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea19Legendary Jade Power Boots of Warding
Fri 08:48#24.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea18Legendary Savage Power Armor of Warding
Fri 08:48#24.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea17Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Fri 08:47#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea16Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Warding
Fri 08:47#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea15Legendary Jade Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 08:47#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea14Legendary Ruby Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 08:47#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea13Legendary Cobalt Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 08:47#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea12Legendary Jade Power Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 08:46#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea10Legendary Zircon Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 08:46#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea09Legendary Savage Power Armor of Protection
Fri 08:46#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kHea08Legendary Jade Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 08:46#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig15Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of Negation
Fri 08:45#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig14Legendary Savage Shade Boots of Negation
Fri 08:45#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig13Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of Negation
Fri 08:46#23.5[Proxy] perilpoint0181kLig12Legendary Jade Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Fri 08:45#23.5[Proxy] piyin151kLig12Legendary Jade Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Fri 08:45#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig11Legendary Cobalt Shade Boots of the Arcanist
Fri 08:45#23.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig08Legendary Amber Shade Breastplate of the Fleet
Fri 08:45#23.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker50kClo70Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Curse-weaver
#23.5[Proxy] SteAosen250kClo39Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Fri 08:45#23.5[Proxy] perilpoint050kShd04Legendary Agile Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 08:45#23.5[Proxy] davidtsu600kSta18Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#23.5[Proxy] Mjfeiy550kSta18Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
#23.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker881kMat10500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 08:47#23.5[Proxy] SteAosen855kMat10500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 08:47#23.5[Proxy] SteAosen464kMat09300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 08:44#23.5[Proxy] perilpoint0450kMat09300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 08:46#23.5[Proxy] SteAosen50kMat08300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 08:44#23Lampads150kClo40Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 08:44#23Lampads211kClo39Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Fri 08:44#23Lampads200kClo36Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 08:44#23Lampads200kClo35Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 08:44#23Lampads1500kClo32Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 08:44#22.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig09Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Arcanist
Fri 08:44#22.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig07Legendary Savage Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet
Fri 08:44#22.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig06Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Fleet
Fri 08:44#22.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig05Legendary Ruby Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Fri 08:44#22.5[Proxy] piyin50kLig04Legendary Jade Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Fri 08:44#22.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker52kMat488 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 08:44#22.5[Proxy] perilpoint050kMat09300 High-Grade Wood
Fri 08:43#22ssadff50kClo51Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 08:43#21.5[Proxy] SteAosen50kHea06Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter
Fri 08:43#21.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo69Peerless Amber Cotton Robe of the Curse-weaver
Fri 08:43#21.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo60Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Surtr
Fri 08:43#21.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo59Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Surtr
Fri 08:43#21.5[Proxy] piyin80kClo58Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 08:43#21.5[Proxy] wscore16326kClo48Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
#21.5[Proxy] Pretty anon15850kClo48Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 08:43#21.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker52kMat468 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 08:42#21cocody1000kHea11Legendary Zircon Power Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 08:42#20Heilinea300kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 08:42#19.5[Proxy] wscore1850kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 08:42#193749082341800kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 08:42#18.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo55Peerless Onyx Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 08:42#18.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo53Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 08:42#18.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo52Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 08:42#18.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo50Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 08:42#18.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo49Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 08:42#18.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo28Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 08:41#18sharmy300kHea07Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 08:41#18sharmy500kHea05Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 08:41#18sharmy300kHea02Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 08:41#18sharmy500kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Fri 08:41#17.5[Proxy] SteAosen50kHea04Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 08:40#17.5[Proxy] lololo163090kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 08:41#17.5[Proxy] davidtsu650kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
#17.5[Proxy] what_is_name600kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 08:41#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo47Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 08:41#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo45Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 08:41#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo44Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 08:41#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo41Peerless Cobalt Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 08:41#17.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo40Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#17.5[Proxy] SteAosen181kClo39Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Fri 08:41#17.5[Proxy] piyin151kClo39Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Fri 08:41#17.5[Proxy] GnHQ50kClo12Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 08:40#17errzee3000kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 08:40#16.5[Proxy] lololo16600kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#16.5[Proxy] Mjfeiy550kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 08:39#16.5[Proxy] SteAosen50kClo39Legendary Amber Phase Cap of Mjolnir
Fri 08:40#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo38Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 08:40#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo37Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 08:40#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo36Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 08:40#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo35Legendary Frugal Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 08:40#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo34Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Mjolnir
Fri 08:39#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
Fri 08:39#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo27Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 08:39#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo26Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 08:39#16.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr
Fri 08:39#16.5[Proxy] davidtsu80kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 08:39#16.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker50kMat3350 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 08:40#16.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker50kMat3240 Binding of the Cheetah
Fri 08:38#16kamio111000kClo72Peerless Charged Cotton Robe of Protection
Fri 08:38#16kamio112000kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 08:38#15ndamuleu50kLig01Legendary Savage Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Fri 08:38#14.5[Proxy] Pretty anon10300kClo48Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 08:38#14.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo17Legendary Zircon Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 08:38#14.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo13Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 08:38#14.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo04Legendary Ruby Phase Shoes of Heimdall
Fri 08:38#14.5[Proxy] what_is_name50kMat021000 High-Grade Metals
Fri 08:37#14任凭三千落花50kClo58Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Surtr
Fri 08:37#14任凭三千落花50kClo60Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Surtr
Fri 08:37#14任凭三千落花50kClo56Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#13.5[Proxy] what_is_name550kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 08:37#13.5[Proxy] GnHQ500kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 08:37#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kClo03Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 08:37#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kShd06Legendary Agile Buckler of the Battlecaster
Fri 08:37#13.5[Proxy] piyin50kShd01Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Stoneskin
Fri 08:37#13.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker50kMat2030 Binding of Protection
Fri 08:36#12.5[Proxy] Mjfeiy50kHea03Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 08:36#12.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo18Peerless Onyx Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 08:36#12.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta15Legendary Demonic Katalox Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:36#12.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta14Legendary Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:36#12.5[Proxy] piyin80kSta13Legendary Shocking Redwood Staff of the Elementalist
Fri 08:36#12.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta12Legendary Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:36#12.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta11Legendary Hallowed Redwood Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:36#12.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker50kMat1950 Binding of Protection
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kClo23Peerless Charged Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat5350 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat52100 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat5124 Defense Matrix Modulator
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat5020 Repurposed Actuator
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat4950 Repurposed Actuator
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat488 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat468 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat457 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat4350 Binding of the Elementalist
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat4250 Binding of the Owl
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat4125 Binding of the Owl
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat4020 Binding of the Fox
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat3950 Binding of the Fox
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat3840 Binding of the Fox
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat3735 Binding of the Fox
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat2840 Binding of the Ox
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat2750 Binding of the Ox
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat2530 Binding of the Fleet
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat2450 Binding of the Fleet
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat07500 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat06200 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat05200 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat04300 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 08:35#12neifeng150kMat03200 High-Grade Cloth
Fri 08:35#11.5[Proxy] CatEatsFishEatsCat50kHea11Legendary Zircon Power Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 08:35#11.5[Proxy] what_is_name50kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Fri 08:35#11.5[Proxy] wscore50kSta19Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 08:35#11.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta10Legendary Fiery Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:35#11.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta09Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:35#11.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta07Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:35#11.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta06Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:35#11.5[Proxy] wscore131kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:34#11.5[Proxy] piyin101kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:34#11Set050kSta13Legendary Shocking Redwood Staff of the Elementalist
Fri 08:34#10ndamuleu50kTwo02Legendary Ethereal Mace of Slaughter
Fri 08:34#9wscore6000kClo11Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 08:34#8errzee2000kLig03Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Fri 08:34#7.5[Proxy] wscore50kClo05Magnificent Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall
Fri 08:34#7.5[Proxy] Mjfeiy50kSta18Legendary Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 08:34#7.5[Proxy] davidtsu600kSta08Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:33#7.5[Proxy] Mjfeiy550kSta08Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:34#7.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta05Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:34#7.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta04Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:34#7.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta03Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:34#7.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta02Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:34#7.5[Proxy] what_is_name131kOne07Peerless Shocking Club of Balance
#7.5[Proxy] piyin101kOne07Peerless Shocking Club of Balance
Fri 08:34#7.5[Proxy] Mystery_Seeker50kMat10500 High-Grade Wood
Fri 08:33#7errzee5000kHea01Peerless Mithril Power Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 08:33#6bmbl4920kMat5750 Energy Drink
Fri 08:33#6bmbl4920kMat5650 Energy Drink
Fri 08:33#6bmbl2955kMat5530 Energy Drink
Fri 08:33#5.5[Proxy] Mjfeiy50kSta08Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:33#5.5[Proxy] piyin50kSta01Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
Fri 08:33#5.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne20Peerless Shocking Shortsword of the Vampire
Fri 08:33#5.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne19Legendary Shocking Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 08:33#5.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne16Legendary Fiery Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 08:33#5.5[Proxy] wscore50kMat4750 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 08:33#5.5[Proxy] wscore7400kMat4420 Crystallized Phazon
Fri 08:32#5errzee1500kClo68Peerless Charged Cotton Cap of the Curse-weaver
Fri 08:32#4.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne15Legendary Tempestuous Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 08:32#4.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne13Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of the Nimble
Fri 08:32#4.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne07Peerless Shocking Club of Balance
Fri 08:32#4.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne05Legendary Arctic Rapier of Balance
Fri 08:32#4.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne04Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 08:31#4wscore10000kClo48Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 08:31#4wscore5000kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 08:31#3.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne03Legendary Arctic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 08:31#3.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne02Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 08:31#3.5[Proxy] piyin50kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 08:28#3errzee3000kOne14Peerless Arctic Wakizashi of Balance
Fri 08:28#3errzee1000kOne12Peerless Demonic Wakizashi of Slaughter
