Bid Log: Thread 279193

Auction ended

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Date Post Bidder Amount Code Name
Sat 14:06#194a547976799800kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
#193.5[Proxy] lololo165171kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 13:56#193.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花5020kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 13:53#193mundomuñeca100kSta05Legendary Shocking Redwood Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:53#192yae.sakura610kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 13:52#191mundomuñeca1100kOne27Peerless Arctic Shortsword of the Battlecaster
#190.5[Proxy] zhayin9270kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Sat 13:51#190.5[Proxy] oupoupoup9000kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Sat 13:50#190隐者浮云2200kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:50#189ETTCC600kOne09Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 13:44#188.5[Proxy] lololo164244kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 13:36#188Zarbo1100kOne26Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
#187.5[Proxy] treesloth650kLig15Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Sat 12:23#187.5[Proxy] zhayin7828kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#187.5[Proxy] oupoupoup7600kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Sat 13:22#187.5[Proxy] l137638240391250kClo45Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:29#187.5[Proxy] bingochance1200kClo45Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Sat 13:25#187.5[Proxy] l1376382403950kSta03Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 13:23#187.5[Proxy] findyyj550kOne09Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 12:21#187zlxblcg600kLig15Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
#186.5[Proxy] treesloth550kLig15Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Sat 12:20#186zlxblcg500kLig15Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Sat 12:12#185Bolide700kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 11:46#184BUGblackD650kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Freyr
#183.5[Proxy] reason7979170kSta08Magnificent Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Freyr
Sat 11:41#183BUGblackD140kSta08Magnificent Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Freyr
#182.5[Proxy] a547976799560kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 11:33#182yae.sakura600kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 11:33#182yae.sakura510kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
#181.5[Proxy] oupoupoup6557kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#181.5[Proxy] laiwei233315450kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Sat 11:27#181.5[Proxy] 莱因哈魯特15000kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Sat 11:04#181a5479767996366kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#180.5[Proxy] Anemone11445kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Sat 11:02#180.5[Proxy] uchimatan11111kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Sat 11:01#180dayanzhuzi550kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 09:41#179KaZuKiZeRo5150kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Sat 09:16#178Bolide400kShd05Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 09:16#178Bolide500kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 09:16#178Bolide1000kOne26Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Sat 09:06#177任凭三千落花4120kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 09:00#176.5[Proxy] treesloth450kLig15Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Sat 08:33#176nonoyoshi140kOne19Legendary Ethereal Club of Slaughter
Sat 07:45#175dayanzhuzi250kShd05Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 07:45#175dayanzhuzi350kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 07:28#174reason79791000kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#173.5[Proxy] 54938281050kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 07:27#173reason79791000kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 05:54#172Zarbo750kOne26Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Sat 05:27#171ETTCC500kOne09Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
#170.5[Proxy] takeru7983550kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 05:08#170ETTCC3501kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#169.5[Proxy] takeru7983298kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 04:58#169ETTCC3201kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#168.5[Proxy] takeru7983092kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 04:56#168ETTCC3001kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#167.5[Proxy] takeru7982908kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 04:56#167ETTCC2823kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#165.5[Proxy] takeru7982740kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 04:54#165ETTCC2660kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#163.5[Proxy] takeru7982577kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 04:49#163ETTCC2501kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#162.5[Proxy] takeru7982421kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 04:46#162ETTCC300kHea15Legendary Savage Power Boots of Warding
Sat 04:46#162ETTCC2350kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 04:39#161.5[Proxy] reason7979110kSta08Magnificent Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Freyr
Sat 04:36#161Bolide200kShd05Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 04:36#161Bolide300kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Sat 04:36#161Bolide500kOne26Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
#160.5[Proxy] 5493828950kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 04:36#160reason7979900kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 04:31#159Rothschild50kLig09Legendary Jade Shade Boots of the Fleet
Sat 04:31#159Rothschild50kLig03Legendary Onyx Shade Boots of the Shadowdancer
Sat 04:31#159Rothschild50kClo06Legendary Onyx Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent
Sat 04:31#159Rothschild50kTwo02Legendary Demonic Mace of Slaughter
Sat 04:31#159Rothschild50kOne20Legendary Fiery Club of Slaughter
Sat 04:31#159Rothschild50kOne13Legendary Shocking Rapier of Balance
#158.5[Proxy] 5493828850kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 04:02#158reason7979800kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 03:39#157findyyj350kOne09Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 03:25#155Link Joker100kOne19Legendary Ethereal Club of Slaughter
Sat 02:47#154BUGblackD550kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 02:38#153orio24000kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 02:37#152.5[Proxy] reason7979350kClo36Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
#152.5[Proxy] Rothschild950kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Sat 02:35#152reason7979900kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#151.5[Proxy] tjjyuki950kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Sat 02:34#151reason7979900kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#150.5[Proxy] tjjyuki850kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Sat 02:33#150reason7979800kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#149.5[Proxy] 大大带西轰1150kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Sat 02:29#149Rubyken1100kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#148.5[Proxy] takeru7982266kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 02:26#148VictorvonDoom142200kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#147.5[Proxy] Kirkena1550kClo13Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Sat 02:18#147.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1500kClo13Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
#147.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花2012kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 02:18#147.5[Proxy] tjjyuki2000kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Sat 02:19#147.5[Proxy] tjjyuki2060kClo01Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Heimdall
Sat 02:17#147.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1600kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Sat 02:16#147莉赛特·卡拉300kClo37Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Niflheim
Sat 02:16#147莉赛特·卡拉300kClo36Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
#145.5[Proxy] a547976799460kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 01:20#145yae.sakura500kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Freyr
Sat 01:20#145yae.sakura410kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
Sat 01:03#144.5[Proxy] 大大带西轰1050kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Sat 00:27#144ursrnk3541972100kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Sat 00:04#143cxerengy1300kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 22:06#142ppp4321250kHea15Legendary Savage Power Boots of Warding
Fri 21:51#141.5[Proxy] WTF联合银行700kClo41Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Surtr
#141.5[Proxy] sat1030650kClo41Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Surtr
Fri 20:46#141Ponyagde100kOne11Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Fri 19:10#140.5[Proxy] oupoupoup6180kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 19:05#140.5[Proxy] pc123456781284kSta10Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Heimdall
#140.5[Proxy] ericeric911234kSta10Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 19:14#140.5[Proxy] takeru7982112kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 19:04#140a5479767996000kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 19:00#139.5[Proxy] Rothschild850kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 19:04#139.5[Proxy] pc123456781281kSta09Peerless Arctic Katalox Staff of Heimdall
#139.5[Proxy] ericeric911231kSta09Peerless Arctic Katalox Staff of Heimdall
Fri 18:50#139reason7979800kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#138.5[Proxy] tjjyuki750kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 18:49#138reason7979700kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#137.5[Proxy] Rothschild750kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 18:49#137reason7979700kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#136.5[Proxy] Rothschild650kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 18:48#136.5[Proxy] reason7979600kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 18:44#136reason797950kSta02Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 18:43#135Aman thull50kClo14Legendary Cobalt Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend
Fri 18:43#135Aman thull50kClo43Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Surtr
#134.5[Proxy] 5493828750kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 18:43#134.5[Proxy] reason7979700kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 18:42#134reason7979500kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#133.5[Proxy] 5493828450kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 18:42#133reason7979400kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#132.5[Proxy] oupoupoup5600kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 18:41#132a5479767995500kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#131.5[Proxy] 5493828350kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 18:41#131reason7979300kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#130.5[Proxy] oupoupoup5150kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 18:02#130a5479767995000kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#129.5[Proxy] a5479767993500kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 17:31#129yffghhh3400kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 17:08#128.5[Proxy] oupoupoup4738kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#128.5[Proxy] a5479767994600kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 17:05#128groinface50kOne11Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Balance
Fri 16:49#127PropertyDualist5000kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 16:40#126dayanzhuzi50kShd05Legendary Mithril Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 16:40#126dayanzhuzi50kSta05Legendary Shocking Redwood Staff of Destruction
Fri 16:28#125.5[Proxy] psrider2575kHea03Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
#125.5[Proxy] tjjyuki2500kHea03Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 16:35#125.5[Proxy] psrider3501kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#125.5[Proxy] rc-xd3500kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 16:34#125.5[Proxy] a5479767994172kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#125.5[Proxy] Alpha Core4050kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 16:05#125.5[Proxy] Rothschild1050kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
#125.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1000kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 16:01#125.5[Proxy] Rothschild550kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#125.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花827kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 16:00#125.5[Proxy] Rothschild777kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 15:53#125Melovfemale1000kOne27Peerless Arctic Shortsword of the Battlecaster
Fri 15:48#124良い鯉160kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 15:22#123zlxblcg700kOne27Peerless Arctic Shortsword of the Battlecaster
#122.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1050kHea03Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 15:19#122Angelhall1000kHea03Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 15:16#121.5[Proxy] Alpha Core3811kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#121.5[Proxy] a5479767993700kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 15:14#121Alpha Core130kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 15:14#121Alpha Core2664kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#120.5[Proxy] auqaw5973kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 14:38#120Greshnik5799kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
#119.5[Proxy] auqaw5630kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 14:34#119Greshnik5466kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
#118.5[Proxy] tjjyuki250kClo37Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Niflheim
#118.5[Proxy] tjjyuki250kClo36Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 14:30#118莉赛特·卡拉200kClo37Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 14:30#118莉赛特·卡拉200kClo36Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 14:30#117莉赛特·卡拉50kClo35Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 14:30#116.5[Proxy] bingochance600kClo45Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 14:15#116莉赛特·卡拉50kClo38Legendary Frugal Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#115.5[Proxy] tjjyuki140kClo37Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Niflheim
#115.5[Proxy] tjjyuki140kClo36Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 14:14#115莉赛特·卡拉110kClo37Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 14:14#115莉赛特·卡拉110kClo36Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 13:56#114.5[Proxy] sparroff37373kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
#114.5[Proxy] Spyroflex36284kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 13:29#114kirua40650kOne27Peerless Arctic Shortsword of the Battlecaster
#113.5[Proxy] sparroff16480kHea08Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 13:18#113.5[Proxy] jplshejeser16000kHea08Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 13:23#113.5[Proxy] sat1030350kClo41Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Surtr
Fri 13:16#113themasterofhb100kOne26Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster
Fri 13:15#112BUGblackD450kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 13:15#112BUGblackD80kSta08Magnificent Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Freyr
Fri 13:06#111sssss22000kHea01Peerless Amber Power Gauntlets of Warding
Fri 13:06#111sssss22000kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of Negation
Fri 13:06#111sssss22000kClo01Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 13:06#111sssss2600kOne27Peerless Arctic Shortsword of the Battlecaster
Fri 13:05#110.5[Proxy] arctos331550kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#110.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1500kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 13:04#110dayanzhuzi80kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 12:59#109.5[Proxy] sparroff12360kHea08Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Slaughter
#109.5[Proxy] jplshejeser12000kHea08Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Slaughter
#109.5[Proxy] Spyroflex30900kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 13:04#109.5[Proxy] sparroff30000kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
#109.5[Proxy] tjjyuki650kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 12:53#109.5[Proxy] auqaw5306kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
#109.5[Proxy] Greshnik5151kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 12:56#109.5[Proxy] 5493828250kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 12:41#109reason7979600kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#108.5[Proxy] a547976799360kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 12:37#108yae.sakura400kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 12:37#108yae.sakura310kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
#107.5[Proxy] tjjyuki550kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 12:33#107reason7979500kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#106.5[Proxy] tjjyuki450kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 12:32#106reason7979400kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#105.5[Proxy] tjjyuki550kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 12:31#105reason7979500kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
#104.5[Proxy] tjjyuki450kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 12:29#104reason7979400kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 12:25#103reason7979500kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 12:25#103reason7979500kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#102.5[Proxy] tjjyuki450kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
#102.5[Proxy] tjjyuki450kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 12:24#102reason7979400kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 12:24#102reason7979400kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#101.5[Proxy] tjjyuki350kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#101.5[Proxy] tjjyuki350kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
#101.5[Proxy] tjjyuki350kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
#101.5[Proxy] tjjyuki350kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 12:22#101reason7979300kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 12:22#101reason7979300kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 12:22#101reason7979300kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 12:22#101reason7979300kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#100.5[Proxy] tjjyuki250kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#100.5[Proxy] tjjyuki250kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
#100.5[Proxy] tjjyuki250kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
#100.5[Proxy] tjjyuki250kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 12:21#100reason7979200kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 12:21#100reason7979200kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 12:21#100reason7979200kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 12:21#100reason7979200kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#99.5[Proxy] tjjyuki170kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
#99.5[Proxy] tjjyuki170kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
#99.5[Proxy] tjjyuki170kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
#99.5[Proxy] tjjyuki170kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 12:20#99reason7979140kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 12:20#99reason7979140kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 12:20#99reason7979140kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 12:20#99reason7979140kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#98.5[Proxy] tjjyuki10205kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 12:08#98.5[Proxy] 54938289907kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 12:05#98romanicyte50kClo11Legendary Cobalt Phase Robe of Fenrir
#97.5[Proxy] tjjyuki650kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of Negation
Fri 11:52#97.5[Proxy] ericeric911050kSta10Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Heimdall
#97.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1000kSta10Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 11:52#97.5[Proxy] ericeric911050kSta09Peerless Arctic Katalox Staff of Heimdall
#97.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1000kSta09Peerless Arctic Katalox Staff of Heimdall
Fri 11:51#97zlxblcg600kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of Negation
#96.5[Proxy] tjjyuki550kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of Negation
Fri 11:50#96zlxblcg400kLig16Peerless Ruby Leather Boots of Warding
Fri 11:50#96zlxblcg400kLig15Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Fri 11:50#96zlxblcg500kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of Negation
Fri 11:50#96zlxblcg550kOne27Peerless Arctic Shortsword of the Battlecaster
Fri 11:50#95.5[Proxy] ericeric9180kOne16Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 11:32#95Aman thull50kHea07Legendary Cobalt Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 11:28#94Aman thull80kClo44Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Surtr
#93.5[Proxy] La Notte850kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 11:28#93.5[Proxy] Anemone800kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 11:23#93Melovfemale68000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 11:21#92.5[Proxy] bmbl58710kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 11:18#92Melovfemale57000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 11:17#91azureice1000kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 11:15#90.5[Proxy] tjjyuki410kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of Negation
#90.5[Proxy] arashileung360kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of Negation
#90.5[Proxy] bmbl51235kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#90.5[Proxy] bmbl1150kClo32Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 11:11#90.5[Proxy] Stev4e1100kClo32Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 11:09#90Melovfemale50000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#89.5[Proxy] bmbl42230kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 11:08#89Melovfemale41000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#88.5[Proxy] bmbl36050kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#88.5[Proxy] Kirkena800kClo13Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 11:08#88.5[Proxy] arashileung750kClo13Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 11:07#88Melovfemale35000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#86.5[Proxy] bmbl30900kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 11:05#86Melovfemale30000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#85.5[Proxy] bmbl25750kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 11:04#85Melovfemale25000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#84.5[Proxy] bmbl20600kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 11:03#84Melovfemale20000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
#83.5[Proxy] bmbl15450kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 10:59#83Melovfemale15000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 10:56#82popai565650kClo44Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Surtr
Fri 10:47#81.5[Proxy] bmbl12360kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 10:54#81.5[Proxy] tjjyuki110kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 10:54#81.5[Proxy] tjjyuki110kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 10:44#81.5[Proxy] bmbl1050kClo32Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 10:52#81.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1000kClo32Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 10:53#81.5[Proxy] tjjyuki110kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 10:54#81.5[Proxy] tjjyuki110kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
#81.5[Proxy] bmbl1050kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 10:53#81.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1000kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 10:52#81.5[Proxy] tjjyuki550kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#81.5[Proxy] Lxw314500kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#81.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花170kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 10:12#81reason7979140kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
#80.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花110kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 10:12#80reason797980kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 10:08#79reason797950kClo39Legendary Cobalt Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#78.5[Proxy] bmbl450kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 10:07#78.5[Proxy] reason7979400kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 10:06#78reason7979300kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#77.5[Proxy] tjjyuki8647kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 10:05#77.5[Proxy] 54938288395kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 10:03#77reason7979200kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#76.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@1314170kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 10:02#76reason7979140kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#74.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@1314110kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 10:01#74reason797980kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
#73.5[Proxy] bmbl250kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 09:59#73reason7979200kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#72.5[Proxy] bmbl170kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 09:58#72reason7979140kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#71.5[Proxy] bmbl110kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 09:57#71reason797980kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 09:57#71reason797980kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 09:57#71reason797980kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 09:57#71reason797980kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 09:57#71reason797980kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
#70.5[Proxy] tjjyuki3296kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 09:55#70La Notte3200kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 09:52#69.5[Proxy] Kirkena400kClo13Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
#69.5[Proxy] arashileung350kClo13Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 09:38#69莉赛特·卡拉350kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 09:38#68ETTCC200kHea15Legendary Savage Power Boots of Warding
#67.5[Proxy] tjjyuki430kHea03Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 09:37#67.5[Proxy] arashileung380kHea03Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 09:36#67kuije80kLig04Legendary Ruby Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Fri 09:36#66ETTCC2050kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#65.5[Proxy] a547976799260kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 09:36#65莉赛特·卡拉210kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
#64.5[Proxy] takeru7981550kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 09:35#64ETTCC1500kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 09:33#63pacolocoXD300kClo41Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Surtr
#62.5[Proxy] takeru7981250kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 09:32#62ETTCC1200kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#60.5[Proxy] takeru798950kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 09:31#60ETTCC300kHea06Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 09:31#60ETTCC900kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 09:25#59orio237000kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 09:22#58final7850kLig02Legendary Savage Shade Breastplate of the Shadowdancer
Fri 09:08#57Melovfemale12000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 09:08#57Melovfemale500kOne27Peerless Arctic Shortsword of the Battlecaster
Fri 08:56#56.5[Proxy] Spyroflex15450kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
#56.5[Proxy] tjjyuki15000kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
#56.5[Proxy] tjjyuki750kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:53#56a547976799700kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:49#55Mini Aluminum550kClo45Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#54.5[Proxy] laiwei233312716kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Fri 08:48#54.5[Proxy] uchimatan12345kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#54.5[Proxy] tjjyuki450kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:34#54.5[Proxy] reason7979400kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:33#54reason7979200kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#53.5[Proxy] tjjyuki170kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:32#53reason7979140kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#52.5[Proxy] tjjyuki110kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 08:31#52reason797980kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
#51.5[Proxy] tjjyuki3090kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 08:22#51.5[Proxy] arashileung3000kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#51.5[Proxy] tjjyuki430kHea01Peerless Amber Power Gauntlets of Warding
Fri 08:18#51.5[Proxy] arashileung380kHea01Peerless Amber Power Gauntlets of Warding
Fri 08:19#51.5[Proxy] arashileung250kLig16Peerless Ruby Leather Boots of Warding
Fri 08:19#51.5[Proxy] arashileung250kLig15Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Fri 08:19#51.5[Proxy] arashileung160kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of Negation
#51.5[Proxy] zhayin48410kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 08:27#51.5[Proxy] Aquanaut47000kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 08:16#51.5[Proxy] arashileung50kClo13Legendary Charged Cotton Gloves of the Demon-fiend
Fri 08:15#51.5[Proxy] arashileung1100kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 08:23#51.5[Proxy] takeru7981050kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
#51.5[Proxy] tjjyuki660kSta10Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 08:12#51.5[Proxy] arashileung610kSta10Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Heimdall
#51.5[Proxy] tjjyuki730kSta09Peerless Arctic Katalox Staff of Heimdall
Fri 08:12#51.5[Proxy] arashileung680kSta09Peerless Arctic Katalox Staff of Heimdall
Fri 08:08#51莉赛特·卡拉50kClo22Magnificent Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
#50.5[Proxy] a5479767992586kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#50.5[Proxy] a5479767993193kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 07:52#50.5[Proxy] Greshnik3100kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 07:42#50.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花50kClo07Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Fenrir
Fri 07:41#50BlackHimari2510kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#49.5[Proxy] takeru798800kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 07:40#49Aman thull750kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 07:39#48.5[Proxy] Greshnik5150kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
#48.5[Proxy] auqaw5000kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 07:39#48.5[Proxy] 123cmy32150kOne15Legendary Tempestuous Rapier of the Battlecaster
Fri 07:36#47.5[Proxy] 任凭三千落花35605kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
#47.5[Proxy] orio234567kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 07:31#46darkevangel50kHea09Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 07:30#44fatepain2000kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 07:29#43hbabu10000kClo09Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 07:29#42.5[Proxy] auqaw3090kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
#42.5[Proxy] l137638240393000kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 07:27#41ppp4321150kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
#40.5[Proxy] laiwei23332060kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#40.5[Proxy] orio227398kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 07:22#40.5[Proxy] hbabu26600kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 07:21#40--一虹--2000kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#39.5[Proxy] tjjyuki250kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 07:21#39ppp4321200kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 07:21#38.5[Proxy] l13763824039450kClo45Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
#38.5[Proxy] La Notte400kClo45Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 07:18#38.5[Proxy] l13763824039850kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
#38.5[Proxy] a547976799800kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
#38.5[Proxy] orio217201kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 07:19#38.5[Proxy] hbabu16700kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
#38.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1050kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 07:16#38fatepain10000kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 07:16#38fatepain50kOne21Magnificent Ethereal Club of Slaughter
Fri 07:16#38fatepain50kOne17Magnificent Fiery Rapier of the Nimble
Fri 07:16#38fatepain50kOne16Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 07:16#38fatepain50kOne14Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Vampire
Fri 07:16#38fatepain1000kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 06:54#37.5[Proxy] jplshejeser50kHea14Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Balance
Fri 07:11#37.5[Proxy] rc-xd2575kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
#37.5[Proxy] tjjyuki2500kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 07:06#37.5[Proxy] a5479767992369kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
#37.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@13142300kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 07:04#37.5[Proxy] a547976799300kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 07:03#37.5[Proxy] a547976799180kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 06:55#37.5[Proxy] a547976799130kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 06:54#37.5[Proxy] a5479767991050kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
#37.5[Proxy] tjjyuki1000kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 06:46#35U374200kLig16Peerless Ruby Leather Boots of Warding
Fri 06:46#35U374200kLig15Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Fri 06:46#35U374200kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 06:44#34zlxblcg300kOne27Peerless Arctic Shortsword of the Battlecaster
Fri 06:44#34zlxblcg130kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of Negation
Fri 06:44#34zlxblcg50kLig16Peerless Ruby Leather Boots of Warding
Fri 06:44#34zlxblcg50kLig15Peerless Agile Leather Leggings of Protection
Fri 06:44#34zlxblcg50kLig10Legendary Agile Shade Breastplate of the Arcanist
#33.5[Proxy] takeru798110kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 06:42#3391827350kClo40Peerless Radiant Phase Robe of Surtr
Fri 06:42#3391827380kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 06:41#32Aman thull250kHea06Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 06:36#31Juconn50kLig07Legendary Agile Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet
Fri 06:36#31Juconn50kLig06Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of the Fleet
Fri 06:36#31Juconn50kLig04Legendary Ruby Shade Leggings of the Shadowdancer
Fri 06:34#30.5[Proxy] jplshejeser10300kHea08Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 06:29#30.5[Proxy] tjjyuki10000kHea08Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 06:27#30.5[Proxy] tjjyuki12360kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
#30.5[Proxy] jplshejeser12000kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 06:27#30.5[Proxy] tjjyuki50kHea04Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 06:27#30.5[Proxy] tjjyuki50kHea03Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 06:27#30.5[Proxy] tjjyuki650kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 06:28#30.5[Proxy] tjjyuki50kHea01Peerless Amber Power Gauntlets of Warding
Fri 06:25#30dayanzhuzi250kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 06:25#30dayanzhuzi150kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 06:24#29.5[Proxy] tjjyuki80kClo37Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 06:24#29.5[Proxy] tjjyuki80kClo36Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 06:24#29.5[Proxy] tjjyuki180kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 06:23#29.5[Proxy] tjjyuki600kClo01Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Heimdall
#29.5[Proxy] takeru798550kClo01Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 06:23#29.5[Proxy] tjjyuki80kSta10Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 06:22#29.5[Proxy] tjjyuki50kSta09Peerless Arctic Katalox Staff of Heimdall
Fri 06:22#29.5[Proxy] tjjyuki50kSta01Legendary Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 06:21#29nonoyoshi50kOne19Legendary Ethereal Club of Slaughter
#28.5[Proxy] orio2180kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
#28.5[Proxy] Aman thull250kOne12Legendary Demonic Rapier of Balance
Fri 06:21#28.5[Proxy] tjjyuki250kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 06:20#28veryonexz200kOne12Legendary Demonic Rapier of Balance
Fri 06:20#28veryonexz100kOne03Legendary Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 06:20#28veryonexz100kLig01Peerless Amber Shade Helmet of Negation
Fri 06:20#28veryonexz100kClo16Legendary Radiant Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 06:20#28veryonexz150kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 06:20#28veryonexz150kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 06:20#27.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@131450kClo34Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Niflheim
Fri 06:20#27.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@131450kClo33Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim
Fri 06:19#27.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@131450kClo32Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 06:19#27.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@131450kClo31Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 06:19#27.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@131450kClo30Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Niflheim
Fri 06:18#27莉赛特·卡拉50kClo15Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr
Fri 06:15#26.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@13141550kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 06:16#26.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@131450kClo41Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Surtr
Fri 06:12#26.5[Proxy] 疯狂的演奏家50kClo26Legendary Zircon Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
#26.5[Proxy] Anemone5150kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Fri 06:12#26.5[Proxy] laiwei23335000kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Fri 06:12#26.5[Proxy] laiwei23331250kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
#26.5[Proxy] Lxw3141200kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Fri 06:12#26.5[Proxy] Guidetheway@131450kSta04Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction
Fri 06:01#25.5[Proxy] zhayin41200kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
#25.5[Proxy] Aquanaut40000kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 05:53#25lemontart2587300kOne09Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 05:53#24veryonexz50kShd01Legendary Ruby Force Shield of Deflection
Fri 05:43#23Aman thull250kOne09Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 05:41#22.5[Proxy] Aman thull50kHea13Legendary Amber Power Leggings of Protection
Fri 05:36#22莉赛特·卡拉50kClo20Legendary Cobalt Phase Pants of Freyr
Fri 05:36#22莉赛特·卡拉50kClo19Legendary Onyx Phase Gloves of Freyr
Fri 05:32#21莉赛特·卡拉50kSta08Magnificent Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Freyr
Fri 05:30#20takeru79850kSta10Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Heimdall
Fri 05:30#20takeru79850kClo01Peerless Jade Phase Cap of Heimdall
Fri 05:27#19.5[Proxy] jplshejeser11845kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
#19.5[Proxy] lololo1611500kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 05:24#18.5[Proxy] lololo168240kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
#18.5[Proxy] jplshejeser8000kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 05:17#18takeru798700kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 05:17#17Aman thull50kClo37Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Niflheim
Fri 05:17#17Aman thull50kClo36Legendary Mystic Phase Pants of Niflheim
#16.5[Proxy] La Notte550kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 05:17#16.5[Proxy] Anemone500kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 05:17#16.5[Proxy] Anemone50kShd04Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier
Fri 05:13#16Aman thull650kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 05:10#15BlackHimari1500kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 05:08#13ETTCC400kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Stoneskin
Fri 05:08#12Sakuya_Saki1000kClo46Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist
Fri 05:05#11takeru79850kClo02Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall
Fri 05:05#11takeru798600kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 04:59#10ETTCC200kHea06Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 04:59#10ETTCC600kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 04:59#10ETTCC500kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 04:56#9.5[Proxy] Aquanaut10300kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 04:55#9隐者浮云200kOne02Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 04:50#8.5[Proxy] La Notte50kClo45Legendary Charged Cotton Shoes of the Elementalist
Fri 04:53#8.5[Proxy] bmbl50kClo29Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim
Fri 04:49#8.5[Proxy] La Notte50kClo10Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Fenrir
Fri 04:47#8ETTCC100kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Stoneskin
Fri 04:47#8ETTCC250kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
#7.5[Proxy] Aman thull130kHea06Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 04:45#7ETTCC100kHea06Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
#6.5[Proxy] Aman thull350kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 04:45#6.5[Proxy] Lxw31450kClo24Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir
Fri 04:45#6.5[Proxy] jplshejeser50kShd02Legendary Amber Force Shield of Warding
Fri 04:43#6takeru798300kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 04:43#6takeru79850kShd03Legendary Zircon Force Shield of Stoneskin
Fri 04:43#6takeru798200kOne09Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 04:43#6takeru798200kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 04:35#5.5[Proxy] Aman thull50kHea15Legendary Savage Power Boots of Warding
Fri 04:34#5.5[Proxy] Aman thull50kHea12Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Protection
Fri 04:29#5.5[Proxy] Aman thull50kHea11Legendary Mithril Power Boots of Protection
Fri 04:34#5.5[Proxy] Aman thull50kHea10Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Protection
Fri 04:36#5.5[Proxy] jplshejeser50kHea08Legendary Ruby Power Leggings of Slaughter
Fri 04:35#5.5[Proxy] Aman thull50kHea06Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter
Fri 04:40#5.5[Proxy] jplshejeser50kHea05Legendary Savage Power Armor of Slaughter
Fri 04:28#5.5[Proxy] Aman thull80kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 04:36#5.5[Proxy] Anemone1000kClo25Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Fri 04:42#5.5[Proxy] Lxw31450kClo23Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Mjolnir
Fri 04:22#5.5[Proxy] orio250kClo08Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir
Fri 04:25#5.5[Proxy] Aman thull50kOne12Legendary Demonic Rapier of Balance
Fri 04:26#5.5[Proxy] Aman thull50kOne09Legendary Fiery Rapier of Slaughter
Fri 04:19#5FruitSmoothie50kHea02Legendary Savage Power Boots of Slaughter
Fri 04:16#4xilixilixi10000kClo17Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr
Fri 04:12#3unitready100kOne01Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
