Sat 14:05 | #91 | nguzhr | 650k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Sat 14:00 | #90 | dodidone | 600k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Sat 13:59 | #89 | nguzhr | 550k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Sat 13:58 | #88.5 | [Proxy] Xeda | 112k | Clo12 | Legendary Amber Phase Shoes of Fenrir |
| #88.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 111k | Clo12 | Legendary Amber Phase Shoes of Fenrir |
Sat 13:56 | #88 | dodidone | 500k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Sat 13:53 | #87.5 | [Proxy] Xeda | 171k | Lig03 | Legendary Jade Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer |
Sat 13:49 | #87.5 | [Proxy] Xeda | 111k | Clo32 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim |
| #87.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 81k | Clo32 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim |
| #87.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 450k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
| #87.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 110k | One10 | Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of Swiftness |
Sat 13:51 | #87.5 | [Proxy] Xeda | 80k | One10 | Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of Swiftness |
| #87.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 111k | One09 | Legendary Fiery Wakizashi of the Nimble |
Sat 13:50 | #87.5 | [Proxy] Xeda | 82k | One09 | Legendary Fiery Wakizashi of the Nimble |
Sat 13:44 | #87 | dodidone | 400k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
| #86.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 111k | Clo34 | Legendary Cobalt Phase Robe of Niflheim |
Sat 13:44 | #86.5 | [Proxy] Xeda | 82k | Clo34 | Legendary Cobalt Phase Robe of Niflheim |
| #86.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 111k | Clo06 | Legendary Zircon Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent |
Sat 13:41 | #86.5 | [Proxy] Xeda | 82k | Clo06 | Legendary Zircon Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent |
Sat 13:35 | #86 | shote1369 | 5000k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Sat 13:34 | #85 | Draw99Gray | 2060k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Sat 13:33 | #84 | shote1369 | 2000k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Sat 13:28 | #83 | Draw99Gray | 1550k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Sat 13:24 | #82 | shote1369 | 1500k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Sat 13:20 | #81 | Draw99Gray | 1350k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
| #80.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 350k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Sat 13:17 | #80 | dodidone | 300k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Sat 13:13 | #79.5 | [Proxy] Henlor | 210k | Hea04 | Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter |
| #79.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 250k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Sat 13:11 | #79 | dodidone | 200k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Sat 13:11 | #79 | dodidone | 200k | Clo28 | Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
Sat 12:48 | #78.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 350k | Lig13 | Peerless Reinforced Leather Boots of Protection |
Sat 12:47 | #78.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 50k | Clo39 | Legendary Charged Cotton Cap of the Elementalist |
Sat 12:46 | #78.5 | [Proxy] avalon-mizuki | 2060k | Clo26 | Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir |
Sat 12:31 | #78.5 | [Proxy] Sakuya_Saki | 10300k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |
Sat 12:23 | #78 | Alpha Core | 10000k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |
Sat 11:35 | #77.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 400k | Clo38 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr |
Sat 11:22 | #77 | shote1369 | 1300k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Sat 11:00 | #76 | dodidone | 50k | Clo05 | Legendary Frugal Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent |
| #75.5 | [Proxy] II哎I呀I呀II | 110k | Shd04 | Legendary Agile Buckler of the Nimble |
Sat 10:50 | #75 | dodidone | 80k | Shd04 | Legendary Agile Buckler of the Nimble |
| #74.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 141k | Lig03 | Legendary Jade Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer |
Sat 10:07 | #74 | hentaifeeder01 | 140k | Lig03 | Legendary Jade Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer |
Sat 09:09 | #73.5 | [Proxy] jerrymane98 | 350k | Clo38 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr |
| #73.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 300k | Clo38 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr |
| #73.5 | [Proxy] ppp4321 | 1161k | Clo19 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
| #73.5 | [Proxy] xyzjarod | 6180k | Clo04 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall |
Sat 09:05 | #73.5 | [Proxy] chanken1221 | 6000k | Clo04 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall |
Sat 09:03 | #73.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 13493k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Sat 09:12 | #73.5 | [Proxy] gksalfm1546 | 13100k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Sat 07:47 | #73 | qiaolie | 1111k | Clo19 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
Sat 06:00 | #72.5 | [Proxy] yanyaaaa | 141k | Clo41 | Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist |
| #72.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 111k | Clo41 | Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist |
Sat 05:27 | #72 | iztecteocuitlatl | 141k | Clo28 | Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
Sat 05:27 | #72 | iztecteocuitlatl | 141k | Clo24 | Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr |
Sat 03:51 | #71 | Sakuya_Saki | 9270k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |
Sat 02:24 | #70.5 | [Proxy] CronoBoA | 50k | Hea06 | Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Protection |
Sat 03:15 | #70.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 180k | Clo38 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr |
Sat 02:53 | #70.5 | [Proxy] tjjyuki | 150k | Clo38 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr |
| #70.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 111k | Clo28 | Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
| #70.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 111k | Clo24 | Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr |
Sat 02:09 | #70 | iztecteocuitlatl | 110k | Clo28 | Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
Sat 02:09 | #70 | iztecteocuitlatl | 110k | Clo24 | Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr |
Sat 01:31 | #69 | longhairdontcare | 300k | Clo17 | Legendary Zircon Cotton Shoes of the Demon-fiend |
| #68.5 | [Proxy] T-L-F | 750k | Clo08 | Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Sat 01:11 | #68 | namo0079 | 700k | Clo08 | Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 22:43 | #67 | Nephrion | 200k | One02 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
| #66.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 150k | One02 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 22:42 | #66 | Nephrion | 120k | One02 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 22:35 | #65 | Hexxuus | 100k | Lig08 | Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Arcanist |
Fri 21:40 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 50k | Clo41 | Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist |
Fri 21:39 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 50k | Clo34 | Legendary Cobalt Phase Robe of Niflheim |
| #64.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 141k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Fri 21:39 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 111k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Fri 21:38 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 80k | Clo28 | Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
Fri 21:36 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 80k | Clo24 | Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr |
| #64.5 | [Proxy] hasdsssss | 141k | Clo23 | Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr |
Fri 21:36 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 111k | Clo23 | Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr |
Fri 21:35 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 50k | Clo12 | Legendary Amber Phase Shoes of Fenrir |
| #64.5 | [Proxy] T-L-F | 272k | Clo11 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 21:37 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 222k | Clo11 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 21:34 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 50k | Clo06 | Legendary Zircon Cotton Pants of the Heaven-sent |
Fri 21:33 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 50k | One10 | Legendary Arctic Wakizashi of Swiftness |
Fri 21:33 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 50k | One09 | Legendary Fiery Wakizashi of the Nimble |
Fri 21:33 | #64.5 | [Proxy] piyin | 80k | One02 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 21:27 | #64 | Nephrion | 50k | One02 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 21:27 | #64 | Nephrion | 50k | Lig05 | Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Fleet |
Fri 21:04 | #63 | Nephrion | 50k | Lig02 | Legendary Zircon Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer |
Fri 20:04 | #62.5 | [Proxy] tankl | 80k | Clo15 | Legendary Frugal Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend |
Fri 19:20 | #61 | Wraithtouch | 50k | Clo28 | Legendary Mystic Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
| #60.5 | [Proxy] takeru798 | 180k | Clo07 | Legendary Jade Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent |
Fri 18:35 | #60 | q1e3w2 | 150k | Clo07 | Legendary Jade Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent |
| #59.5 | [Proxy] takeru798 | 110k | Clo07 | Legendary Jade Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent |
Fri 18:33 | #59 | q1e3w2 | 80k | Clo07 | Legendary Jade Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent |
Fri 17:40 | #58 | Draw99Gray | 8000k | Shd01 | Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection |
Fri 15:31 | #57.5 | [Proxy] hasdsssss | 50k | Clo23 | Legendary Mystic Phase Gloves of Freyr |
Fri 17:31 | #57.5 | [Proxy] ppp4321 | 5150k | Shd01 | Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection |
Fri 15:08 | #57 | Nephrion | 180k | Hea04 | Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter |
| #56.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 140k | Hea04 | Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 15:06 | #56 | Nephrion | 110k | Hea04 | Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter |
| #55.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 110k | Lig03 | Legendary Jade Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer |
Fri 15:00 | #55.5 | [Proxy] 7510sina | 80k | Lig03 | Legendary Jade Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer |
Fri 14:40 | #55 | Draw99Gray | 1000k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 14:32 | #54 | StickyBuns | 700k | One04 | Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 14:23 | #53 | Draw99Gray | 5000k | Shd01 | Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection |
Fri 14:23 | #52 | Draw99Gray | 1000k | One03 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 14:04 | #51 | shote1369 | 300k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 14:00 | #50.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 80k | Hea04 | Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 13:54 | #50 | Nephrion | 50k | Hea04 | Legendary Cobalt Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 13:14 | #49.5 | [Proxy] Kirkena | 50k | One11 | Legendary Demonic Wakizashi of the Battlecaster |
Fri 13:00 | #49 | decidua | 1550k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 12:54 | #48.5 | [Proxy] Ikali | 50k | Clo42 | Legendary Amber Cotton Gloves of the Elementalist |
Fri 12:39 | #48 | dongchun | 23000k | Hea02 | Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 12:39 | #47.5 | [Proxy] ericeric91 | 50k | Lig12 | Magnificent Onyx Shade Gauntlets of the Shadowdancer |
Fri 12:27 | #47.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 110k | Clo37 | Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr |
Fri 12:10 | #47.5 | [Proxy] wasdjjkl | 50k | Clo15 | Legendary Frugal Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend |
Fri 12:19 | #47.5 | [Proxy] T-L-F | 109k | Clo11 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir |
| #47.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 79k | Clo11 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 12:38 | #47.5 | [Proxy] ericeric91 | 130k | Clo09 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir |
| #47.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 10300k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 12:38 | #47.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 550k | Sta03 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
| #47.5 | [Proxy] qoem89 | 500k | Sta03 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 12:37 | #47.5 | [Proxy] ericeric91 | 50k | One06 | Magnificent Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 12:07 | #47 | Alpha Core | 9000k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |
Fri 12:07 | #47 | Alpha Core | 1000k | Clo10 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 12:07 | #47 | Alpha Core | 100k | Clo09 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir |
Fri 12:07 | #47 | Alpha Core | 10000k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 12:07 | #47 | Alpha Core | 1500k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 12:07 | #47 | Alpha Core | 200k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 11:46 | #45 | iztecteocuitlatl | 200k | One03 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
| #44.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 8240k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 11:44 | #44 | dkslfkslRk | 8000k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
| #43.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 7725k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 11:43 | #43 | dkslfkslRk | 7500k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
| #42.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 7004k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 11:41 | #42 | dkslfkslRk | 6800k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 11:40 | #41 | decidua | 1000k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 11:39 | #40 | PropertyDualist | 8000k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |
| #39.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 950k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 11:39 | #39 | decidua | 900k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 11:38 | #38 | Nephrion | 600k | Hea03 | Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter |
| #37.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 850k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 11:38 | #37 | decidua | 800k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
| #36.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 750k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 11:37 | #36 | decidua | 700k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
| #35.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 650k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 11:36 | #35 | decidua | 600k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
| #34.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 350k | Clo27 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
Fri 11:33 | #34.5 | [Proxy] rainlion | 300k | Clo27 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
Fri 11:27 | #34 | Angelhall | 500k | Hea03 | Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter |
Fri 11:21 | #33 | Srac | 80k | Clo37 | Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr |
| #32.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 6592k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 10:43 | #32 | qlxkznp12 | 6400k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 10:41 | #31.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 550k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 10:31 | #31 | U374 | 300k | Lig13 | Peerless Reinforced Leather Boots of Protection |
| #30.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 2060k | Shd01 | Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection |
Fri 10:28 | #30 | tsukinoaaaaa | 2000k | Shd01 | Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection |
| #29.5 | [Proxy] Sakuya_Saki | 5150k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |
Fri 10:15 | #29.5 | [Proxy] PropertyDualist | 5000k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |
Fri 10:07 | #29 | Jagdvmail | 500k | One04 | Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 10:07 | #29 | Jagdvmail | 50k | One01 | Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter |
| #28.5 | [Proxy] uchimatan | 5150k | Shd02 | Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier |
Fri 10:00 | #28 | fatepain | 5000k | Shd02 | Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier |
Fri 09:37 | #27.5 | [Proxy] szuhra | 21630k | Hea02 | Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 09:57 | #27.5 | [Proxy] ppp4321 | 21000k | Hea02 | Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter |
| #27.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 350k | Clo22 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr |
Fri 09:48 | #27.5 | [Proxy] 剑行血间 | 300k | Clo22 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr |
Fri 10:00 | #27.5 | [Proxy] ppp4321 | 1051k | Clo19 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
| #27.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 1001k | Clo19 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
| #27.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 1052k | Shd01 | Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection |
Fri 09:45 | #27.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 1002k | Shd01 | Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection |
Fri 09:54 | #27.5 | [Proxy] qoem89 | 80k | Sta03 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 09:36 | #27 | decidua | 500k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
| #26.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 450k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 09:35 | #26 | decidua | 400k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
| #25.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 350k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 09:34 | #25 | decidua | 300k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
| #24.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 351k | Hea03 | Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter |
Fri 09:27 | #24.5 | [Proxy] T-L-F | 301k | Hea03 | Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter |
Fri 09:26 | #24.5 | [Proxy] T-L-F | 139k | Clo10 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 09:24 | #24.5 | [Proxy] T-L-F | 350k | Clo08 | Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir |
| #24.5 | [Proxy] tjjyuki | 300k | Clo08 | Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 09:31 | #24.5 | [Proxy] yanyaaaa | 3183k | Sta02 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 09:22 | #24 | Rubyken | 2000k | Clo26 | Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Mjolnir |
Fri 09:20 | #23.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 50k | Lig09 | Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of the Arcanist |
| #23.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 109k | Clo10 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 09:17 | #23 | 任凭三千落花 | 80k | Clo10 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 09:16 | #22.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 50k | Hea03 | Legendary Savage Power Helmet of Slaughter |
Fri 09:10 | #22.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 1300k | Clo36 | Peerless Jade Phase Robe of Surtr |
Fri 09:15 | #22.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 50k | Clo29 | Legendary Mystic Phase Cap of Mjolnir |
Fri 09:15 | #22.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 130k | Clo27 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
| #22.5 | [Proxy] rainlion | 100k | Clo27 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
| #22.5 | [Proxy] tjjyuki | 111k | Clo25 | Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Freyr |
Fri 09:17 | #22.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 81k | Clo25 | Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Freyr |
Fri 09:13 | #22.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 50k | Clo22 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Freyr |
Fri 09:16 | #22.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 789k | Clo19 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
Fri 09:06 | #22.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 739k | Clo19 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
Fri 09:14 | #22.5 | [Proxy] nguzhr | 144k | Clo18 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
| #22.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 114k | Clo18 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
Fri 09:14 | #22.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 50k | Clo11 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 09:14 | #22.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 50k | Clo10 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Fenrir |
Fri 09:10 | #22.5 | [Proxy] xyzjarod | 2266k | Clo04 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall |
| #22.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 2200k | Clo04 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall |
| #22.5 | [Proxy] kujinsi | 82400k | Clo02 | Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Heimdall |
Fri 09:11 | #22.5 | [Proxy] lhv520045 | 80000k | Clo02 | Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Heimdall |
| #22.5 | [Proxy] uchimatan | 4286k | Shd02 | Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier |
Fri 09:12 | #22.5 | [Proxy] lhv520045 | 4161k | Shd02 | Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier |
| #22.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 551k | Shd01 | Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection |
Fri 09:12 | #22.5 | [Proxy] 8JQFPA | 501k | Shd01 | Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection |
Fri 09:03 | #22 | iztecteocuitlatl | 50k | Clo24 | Legendary Amber Phase Pants of Freyr |
Fri 09:03 | #21.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 500k | Clo19 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
| #21.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 450k | Clo19 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
Fri 09:01 | #21 | iztecteocuitlatl | 50k | Hea05 | Legendary Savage Power Armor of Protection |
Fri 09:00 | #20.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 3090k | Sta02 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
| #20.5 | [Proxy] yanyaaaa | 3000k | Sta02 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 08:55 | #20 | KaZuKiZeRo | 15450k | Hea02 | Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 08:54 | #19 | nguzhr | 50k | Clo40 | Legendary Charged Cotton Pants of the Elementalist |
Fri 08:54 | #18 | szuhra | 15000k | Hea02 | Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 08:47 | #17 | sssss2 | 250k | Hea07 | Peerless Cobalt Plate Cuirass of Warding |
Fri 08:47 | #17 | sssss2 | 250k | Lig14 | Peerless Amber Leather Breastplate of Warding |
Fri 08:47 | #17 | sssss2 | 250k | Lig13 | Peerless Reinforced Leather Boots of Protection |
Fri 08:39 | #16.5 | [Proxy] tjjyuki | 50k | Hea07 | Peerless Cobalt Plate Cuirass of Warding |
| #16.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 2060k | Hea02 | Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 08:38 | #16.5 | [Proxy] tjjyuki | 2000k | Hea02 | Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 08:37 | #16.5 | [Proxy] tjjyuki | 50k | Clo25 | Legendary Ruby Phase Cap of Freyr |
Fri 08:37 | #16.5 | [Proxy] Sakuya_Saki | 550k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |
| #16.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 500k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |
Fri 08:36 | #16.5 | [Proxy] tjjyuki | 50k | Clo08 | Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Fenrir |
| #16.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 190k | Clo04 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall |
| #16.5 | [Proxy] yanyaaaa | 2175k | Sta02 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 08:43 | #16.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 2111k | Sta02 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 08:34 | #16 | HSCOTR | 160k | Clo04 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall |
Fri 08:33 | #15.5 | [Proxy] yanyaaaa | 1161k | Sta02 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
| #15.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 1111k | Sta02 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
| #15.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 250k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 08:27 | #15 | limitway | 200k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
| #14.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 130k | Clo04 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall |
Fri 08:21 | #14 | HSCOTR | 100k | Clo04 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall |
Fri 08:21 | #13.5 | [Proxy] 7510sina | 50k | Lig07 | Legendary Cobalt Shade Gauntlets of the Fleet |
| #13.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 130k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 08:20 | #13 | limitway | 100k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 08:18 | #12 | cataria | 50k | Clo43 | Legendary Amber Cotton Cap of the Elementalist |
Fri 08:18 | #12 | cataria | 50k | Sta03 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 08:07 | #11.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 250k | Hea02 | Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 07:58 | #11.5 | [Proxy] rainlion | 200k | Hea02 | Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 08:12 | #11.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 50k | Clo38 | Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Surtr |
Fri 08:11 | #11.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 50k | Clo37 | Legendary Radiant Phase Cap of Surtr |
Fri 07:57 | #11.5 | [Proxy] rainlion | 50k | Clo30 | Legendary Cobalt Phase Shoes of Mjolnir |
Fri 07:56 | #11.5 | [Proxy] rainlion | 50k | Clo27 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Mjolnir |
Fri 08:14 | #11.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 80k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |
Fri 08:15 | #11.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 400k | Clo19 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
Fri 08:06 | #11.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 350k | Clo19 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
| #11.5 | [Proxy] kujinsi | 61800k | Clo02 | Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Heimdall |
Fri 08:04 | #11.5 | [Proxy] 5493828 | 6180k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 08:05 | #11.5 | [Proxy] dkslfkslRk | 6000k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 07:54 | #11.5 | [Proxy] II哎I呀I呀II | 50k | Shd04 | Legendary Agile Buckler of the Nimble |
Fri 08:07 | #11.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 50k | Shd01 | Legendary Jade Force Shield of Protection |
Fri 08:09 | #11.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 50k | Sta02 | Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 08:05 | #11.5 | [Proxy] Thick Meat Maniac | 50k | Two02 | Legendary Ethereal Estoc of Slaughter |
Fri 08:17 | #11.5 | [Proxy] Lisieuxing | 50k | One04 | Legendary Demonic Rapier of Slaughter |
Fri 07:49 | #11 | II哎I呀I呀II | 60000k | Clo02 | Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Heimdall |
Fri 07:39 | #10.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 50k | Lig03 | Legendary Jade Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer |
Fri 07:39 | #10.5 | [Proxy] yanyaaaa | 50k | Clo35 | Legendary Ruby Phase Gloves of Niflheim |
Fri 07:37 | #10.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 50k | Clo32 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Niflheim |
Fri 07:40 | #10.5 | [Proxy] yanyaaaa | 111k | Clo31 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim |
Fri 07:37 | #10.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 81k | Clo31 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Niflheim |
Fri 07:36 | #10.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 50k | Clo18 | Legendary Radiant Phase Shoes of Freyr |
Fri 07:33 | #10.5 | [Proxy] takeru798 | 50k | Clo07 | Legendary Jade Cotton Gloves of the Heaven-sent |
Fri 07:35 | #10.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 50k | Clo04 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall |
| #10.5 | [Proxy] kujinsi | 46350k | Clo02 | Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Heimdall |
Fri 07:48 | #10.5 | [Proxy] II哎I呀I呀II | 45000k | Clo02 | Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Heimdall |
Fri 07:40 | #10.5 | [Proxy] uchimatan | 2060k | Shd02 | Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier |
Fri 07:44 | #10.5 | [Proxy] Takina Inoue | 61800k | Sta01 | Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 07:44 | #10.5 | [Proxy] 123cmy321 | 60000k | Sta01 | Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 07:32 | #10 | fatepain | 2000k | Shd02 | Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier |
Fri 07:30 | #9 | mewsf | 50k | Clo09 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Fenrir |
Fri 07:28 | #8.5 | [Proxy] OWOOIO | 80k | Shd02 | Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier |
Fri 07:30 | #8.5 | [Proxy] glabr | 50k | One12 | Legendary Ethereal Shortsword of Slaughter |
Fri 07:26 | #8 | lbw0314 | 50k | Hea02 | Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter |
Fri 07:25 | #7.5 | [Proxy] Takina Inoue | 5150k | Sta01 | Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 07:25 | #7 | 鸠angel | 5000k | Sta01 | Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 07:24 | #6.5 | [Proxy] kujinsi | 50k | Clo02 | Legendary Radiant Phase Gloves of Heimdall |
Fri 07:25 | #6.5 | [Proxy] Takina Inoue | 50k | Sta01 | Legendary Tempestuous Willow Staff of Destruction |
Fri 07:21 | #6 | limitway | 50k | Shd02 | Legendary Reinforced Buckler of the Barrier |
Fri 07:18 | #5 | dkslfkslRk | 4000k | Clo01 | Legendary Radiant Phase Pants of Heimdall |
Fri 07:18 | #4 | pc12345678 | 1250k | Clo36 | Peerless Jade Phase Robe of Surtr |
Fri 07:16 | #3 | Sakuya_Saki | 50k | Clo21 | Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Freyr |